About the Third Eye Chakra - Ajna
The Third Eye Chakra is located between the eyes in the center of the forehead and it is associated with the pineal gland, and with the Crown Chakra, the pituitary gland. Its color is indigo and its element is Light. The Third Eye Chakra is the center of psychic powers, higher intuition, and wisdom. It is through the Third Eye Chakra that we are able to embark on inner journeys and receive guidance, inspiration, and higher intuitions. We are then able to integrate that knowledge into our everyday lives because we are able to see the big picture from a place of higher consciousness.
When the Third Eye Chakra is clear and in balance, we are at the stage where we are self-realized. We have learned to live in harmony with our expanded True Self and with others. This does not mean that we never have problems, but rather that we do not see them as “problems”. Instead, we experience life’s difficulties as initiations through which we can grow and expand our consciousness. We feel in unity with All That Is and are aware of the responsibilities of that unity. To others we are charismatic, empathic, and highly intuitive. We are intelligent with good imagination and accurate perceptions.
When the Third Eye Chakra is unbalanced with excessive energy, we may be egotistical (“I am more evolved than you, so you better listen to me”), manipulative, dogmatic, and authoritarian. When the Third Eye Chakra is blocked, we may be undisciplined, nonassertive, oversensitive to the feelings of others, afraid of success, dreamy, and prone to escape into illusions and fantasy. We may suffer from headaches, fuzzy thinking, and mental health problems.
In addition to the chakra clearing and balancing meditation, there are several ways that you can focus your energy and intention on balancing and clearing the Third Eye Chakra. Gemstones that may be helpful are lapis lazuli, sodalite, apatite, sapphire, and amethyst. The energy of this chakra is associated with theta wave consciousness, so meditation, visualizations, shamanic drumming, lucid dreaming, and listening to Tibetan Buddhist chants are all activities that will clear and strengthen the Third Eye Chakra. Develop a consistent meditation practice and strive to remember and write down your dreams. As we move into this year of Transformation, this new Golden Age, more and more of us will be opening our Third Eye, and awakening to our True Selves.