by Dr. Gerard Judd about the effects of fluoridation on our health…
Every root canal infection may have a different bacteria, causing 3 different diseases...
You can now take care of your own dentistry with insignificant cost, and end with perfect teeth…
When the pulp is diseased or injured, your body will attempt to repair and heal itself and if unable to, the pulp dies...
Made my gums a healthy glowing pink that I never thought would be possible...
Just like healthy skin, a healthy mouth is the result of healthy digestion. They're interconnected...
Norway has become the first nation to legislate a sweeping ban on the use of amalgam fillings in dental work...
Studies have clear evidence of long-term damage from fluoride ingestion...
Taken internally as a mouthwash it helps repair mouth ulcers, gingivitis, and help control discharge of pus...
These drinks are acidic and contain sugar, plus many people and children sip on them all day long...
With Dr. Cass Ingram. Food-grade oil concentrates to repair causes of ill health, not simply address symptoms...
With Ms. Judy Gray. Oregano oil is a powerful antioxidant that strengthens immune function, fights aging, antifungal, antiviral & anti-inflammatory - excellent for colds & flus…