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https://www.life-enthusiast.com/shop/gpz-zymitol-3518 https://www.life-enthusiast.com/web/image/product.template/3518/image_1920?unique=057e2dbSystemic Enzymes with MSM
- May Enhance Athletic Performance
- Helps Reduce Inflammation and Pain
- May Speed Recovery (exercise, injury, surgery)
- Helps Soften Hardened Tissues (fibroids, adhesions, scars)
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If you're having trouble finding relief for your pain, Zymitol may bridge the gap. It redefines pain management with high potency enzymes.
Zymitol helps restore function to your body: lungs, joints, back - all sports or surgical injuries, recovery from over-training, and more.
The aging human body produces considerably fewer enzymes. Enzymes sustain life: without them, we could not exist. Without proper enzyme balance, you may never be able to experience a pain-free life.
Normal enzyme levels may help your body activate internal repair, contributing to a healthier, more productive lifestyle. Enzymes are responsible for each biochemical reaction that makes life possible, including pain management.
We know that the aging human body produces considerably fewer enzymes. As we age, we switch from continual enzyme production, to a mode which may lay in wait for food to enter the body to initiate certain enzyme production responses. If we supplement with Zymitol, then some of the burden on the body to produce extra enzymes will be relieved.
Your body's natural inflammatory response works to fight disease and heal injuries. If not working properly, the resulting conditions can cause excessive swelling, fluid retention, inflammation and joint pain diseases.
Zymitol is making a difference with more than just enzymes. Its broad-spanning formula contains MSM, fulvic acid, magnesium, and rutin. When combined, these ingredients promote the normalization of all functions within your body, including pain response.
Zymitol has taken monumental steps into the future with the process of bio-energy infusion. This process supports Zymitol with the infusion of specific, activated subatomic energies.
About Pain in America
The American Pain Foundation refers to pain as an American health epidemic. Although mainstream medical knowledge claims to relieve or ease pain, most victims of chronic pain are left untreated, under-treated, or improperly treated. Reports have shown that one in four Americans suffer from chronic pain, many of which have to take prescription medications to manage it. Despite widespread use of prescription medications, two out of three sufferers cannot perform routine tasks because of chronic pain; that amounts to approximately 13.6 million Americans affected by this growing problem. This tedious battle against pain robs so many of their quality of life, holding them back from careers and the activities they yearn to enjoy.
Why You Need Zymitol Supplementation
As we approach our late twenties, our body's production of enzymes slows, and by the time we reach our forties, our body's production of key antioxidants drastically reduces. The flavonoids and organic sulfur found in Zymitol are not even produced by your body.
The best external source for enzymes, antioxidants, flavonoids and organic sulfur are raw, living, unprocessed foods. Cooked food is virtually devoid of enzymes and may reduce the presence of antioxidants, flavonoids and sulfurs. Cooking also changes the molecular structure of food, making it difficult for your body to properly digest and eliminate. We know that complete digestion and proper elimination are critical in maintaining optimum health.
If you eat primarily cooked foods, your body may not be able to process that food efficiently. This is one of the many reasons you may be a prime candidate for supplementation with Zymitol.
- Buck JE, Phillips N. Trial of Chymoral in professional footballers. Br J Clin Pract.1970 Sep;24(9):375-7.
- Craig RP. The quantitative evaluation of the use of oral proteolytic enzymes in the treatment of sprained ankles. Injury. 1975 May;6(4):313-6.
- Fisher JD, Weeks RL, Curry WM, Hrinda ME, Rosen LL. Effects of an oral enzyme preparation, Chymoral, upon serum proteins associated with injury (acute phase reactants) in man. J Med. 1974;5(5):258-73.
- France LH. Treatment of injuries with orally administered Varidase as compared to Chymoral and Tanderil. Praxis. 1968 May 14;57(19):683-5.
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- Hingorani K. Oral enzyme therapy in severe back pain. Br J Clin Pract. 1968 May 5;22(5):209-10.
- Rathgeber WF. The use of proteolytic enzymes (chymoral) in sporting injuries. S Afr Med J. 1971 Feb 13;45(7):181-3.
- Schwinger O. Results of oral enzyme therapy in wounds of muscles, tendons and bones after accidents. Wien Med Wochenschr. 1970 Sep 5;120(36):603-5.
- Duskova M, Wald M. Orally administered proteases in aesthetic surgery. Aesthetic Plast Surg. 1999 Jan-Feb;23(1):41-4.
- Hoernecke R, Doenicke A. Perioperative enzyme therapy. A significant supplement to postoperative pain therapy, Anaesthesist. 1993 Dec;42(12):856-61.
- Lie KK, Larsen RD, Posch JL. Therapeutic value of oral proteolytic enzymes following hand surgery. Arch Surg. 1969 Jan;98(1):103-4.
- Mazzone A, Catalani M, Costanzo M, Drusian A, Mandoli A, Russo S, Guarini E, Vesperini G. Evaluation of Serratia peptidase in acute or chronic inflammation of otorhinolaryngology pathology: a multicentre, double-blind, randomized trial versus placebo. J Int Med Res. 1990; 18(5):379-88.
- Mazzone A, et al. Evaluation of Serratia peptidase in acute or chronic inflammation of otorhinolaryngology pathology: a multicentre, double blind, randomized trial versus placebo. J Int Med Res. 1990; 18(5):379-88.
- Aso T et al. Breast engorgement and its treatment: Clinical effects of Danzen an anti-inflammatory enzyme preparation. The world of Obstetrics and Gynecology (Japanese). 1981; 33:371-9.
- Petry, Judy J. "Nutritional supplements and surgical patients." AORN Journal (June 1997).
- Kelly, G.S. "Bromelain: A Literature Review and Discussion of Its Therapeutic Applications." Alternative Medicine Review (November 1, 1996).
- Metzig, C et al Bromelain Proteases reduce human platelet aggregation in vitro, adhesion to bovine endothelial cells and thrombus formation in rat vessels in vivo. In Vivo 13 (1): 7-12 Jan-Feb 1999.
- Starley, I. F.; Mohammed, P.; Schneider, G.; Bickler, S. W. The treatment of paediatric burns using topical papaya. Burns 1999 Nov 25 (7) 636-9
- Wilhelmi, G. Effect of O-(beta-hydroxyethyl)-rutiside on wound healing in the rat. J pharmacology 1979 19(2):82-85.
Proprietary Blend Contains:
MSM (methylsulfonylmethane), G+ Protease Blend (Alkaline, Acid and Fungal Proteases), Bromelain, Amylase, Lipase, Papain, Serrapeptase, Rutin.
Other Ingredients:
Vegetable capsule (hypromellose).
NO fillers.
MSM - Organic Sulfur
MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) supplies biologically active sulfur, which is lost from our food by processing, drying, cooking and preserving. Sulfur is a necessary building block for enzymes, proteins, and connective tissues. It may assist your body with many other functions.
Your body utilizes MSM for proper enzyme activity and hormone balance support, along with the promotion of proper immune system functions.
MSM is a component of over 150 compounds, including proteins, especially those found in the hair, skin, muscles, and connective tissue of the joints. It promotes and maintains a healthy stomach & digestive tract, cell vitality, healthy joints & circulation, and nutrient absorption.
Additionally, MSM promotes and maintains your body's ability to eliminate wastes and toxins at the cellular level, where good health begins.
About Proteolytic Enzymes
The term "proteolytic" refers to all enzymes that digest protein. The primary uses of proteolytic enzymes in dietary supplements are used as digestive enzymes, anti-inflammatory agents and pain relievers.
Each proteolytic enzyme helps in the digestion of food which in turn helps with absorption of those essential nutrients in the diet. In the body, proteolytic digestive enzymes are produced in the pancreas, but supplemental forms of enzymes may come from fungal or bacterial sources, extraction from the pancreas of livestock animals (trypsin/chymotrypsin) or extraction from plants (such as papain from the papaya, and bromelain from pineapples).
There are a number of clinical trials showing the benefit of using oral proteolytic enzymes as a digestive aid. Proteolytic enzymes are also theorized to help reduce symptoms of food allergies and as a treatment for rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune diseases.
Perhaps the strongest evidence for benefits of proteolytic enzyme supplements come from numerous European studies showing various enzyme blends to be effective in accelerating recovery from exercise and injury in sportsmen, as well as tissue repair in patients following surgery. In one study of footballer players suffering from ankle injuries, proteolytic enzyme supplements accelerated healing and got players back on the field about 50% faster than athletes assigned to receive a placebo tablet (1). A handful of other small trials in athletes have shown enzymes can help reduce inflammation, speed healing of bruises and other tissue injuries (including fractures) and reduce overall recovery time when compared to athletes taking a placebo (2-8). In patients recovering from reconstructive surgeries, treatment with proteolytic enzymes significantly reduced swelling, bruising and stiffness compared to placebo groups (9-11).
Protease is a form of proteolytic enzymes, which has the ability to breakdown protein. Its role is critical as incomplete protein digestion creates problems for your body, including the development of allergies and the formation of toxic substances. Undigested proteins have been linked to many health concerns and foreign invaders in the intestinal tract.
Some of these foreign invaders are parasites. Protease is largely responsible for keeping the small intestines free from parasites. A lack of protease increases the risk of intestinal infection, including an overgrowth of the yeast Candida.
Protease also delivers the specific nutrients necessary to promote healthy muscle tissue, and may promote vibrant immune system function.
The Bromelain in Zymitol can help to promote a healthy lifestyle. Unlike most enzymes, Bromelain is active both in the acid environment of your stomach and the alkaline environment of your small intestine.
Bromelain is most notable for its effectiveness in the reduction of inflammation and decreasing swelling, but the scope of its benefits continues to increase. As a natural anti-inflammatory enzyme, bromelain has any uses. Arthritis patients may reduce the swelling that causes joint pain by taking bromelain. Bromelain may also be helpful for the pain, numbness, tingling, aching, and loss of motor and sensory function in the fingers resulting from carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) (15,16). Prevention of the adhesiveness of platelets to endothelial cell walls was accomplished with 0.1 mcg/ml of Bromelain (16a). Thus the benefit of bromelain occurs over a broad range of doses, and even small amounts may be beneficial to anyone at risk to thrombotic heart attack or stroke.
Bromelain (also known as bromelin) appears to be essentially nontoxic, and it seldom causes side effects other than occasional mild gastrointestinal distress or allergic reactions.
Bromelain is a powerful protein-digesting enzyme. It is extracted from the stem of the pineapple plant, Ananas comosu.
Papain has acquired the reputation of a "biological scalpel" because it selectively digests dead tissue without affecting the surrounding live tissue. Papain comes to the rescue when your body requires a cleansing of dead cellular material.
Papain is capable of cleaving and splicing proteins and peptides into free form amino acids, which are necessary for many biochemical reactions in your body. It may also be useful in the elimination of parasites in the gastrointestinal tract by simply digesting them.
Papain has been shown to be effective in preventing burn wound infection and helping remove dead cells (17). Papain is also used for the following:
- Defibrinating wounds in hospitals
- Preventing cornea scar deformation
- Used in treatments of jellyfish and insect stings
- To treat edemas, inflammatory processes, and in the acceleration of wound healing
- In low doses as an indigestion medicine
- Treating ulcers
- Dissolve membranes in diphtheria
- Reduce swelling, fever and adhesions after surgery
Papain is a proteolytic enzyme isolated from the papaya plant, Carica papaya.
Amylase refers to a group of enzymes whose function is to hydrolyze (breakdown) sugar and starch (carbohydrates). If carbohydrates are not properly hydrolyzed, the potential for serious health concerns may develop. Amylase will act with Protease to stimulate immune system function. It also works with lipase to digest certain toxins.
Lipase is an enzyme that is required by your body to break down dietary fats into an absorbable form. Fats are the most difficult component of the diet to digest, and fatty foods are responsible for more indigestion than proteins or starches. Lipase controls the amount of fat being synthesized, reducing fat stores, and in sufficient quantities, it can help move stored fat to be burned as fuel.
Although Lipase helps to breakdown fats, it doesn't damage fat-soluble vitamins or the unsaturated fatty acids in GLA, DHA, and EPA.
Essential fatty acids are required to maintain cell energy and sustain life. Lipase converts dietary fats into essential fatty acids. As we age our body alters the production of key enzymes like lipase, leaving the door open for fatty acid imbalance. Fatty acid imbalance may lead to many common discomforts and ailments associated with aging.
Supplementation of lipase, like the enzyme found in Zymitol may bridge this enzyme gap, promoting a healthier, more fulfilling lifestyle.
Serrapeptase is a powerful inflammation normalizer in its own right, so when it's combined with the other impressive ingredients in Zymitol, you can expect results. It is one of the many potent proteolytic enzymes available today that exhibits an unusually high fibrinolytic activity. It is generally well-tolerated.
This enzyme breaks down "non living" matter in your body. This action may promote a reduction in levels of dead tissue, and may also promote normal mucous levels both in the sinus and lung.
Serrapeptase, also known as Serratia peptidase, is a proteolytic enzyme isolated from the non-pathogenic enterobacteria Serratia E15. The enzyme is found naturally in the intestine of the silkworm, which is used by the silkworm to dissolve the cocoon and emerge as a moth. When consumed in unprotected tablets or capsules, the enzyme is destroyed by acid in the stomach. However, when enterically coated the enzyme passes through the stomach unchanged, and can be absorbed in the intestine.
It has many clinical uses including:
- as an anti-inflammatory agent (particularly for post traumatic swelling)
- for dissolving breast lumps
- for loosening and expelling mucus
Serrapeptase digests dead tissue, blood clots, cysts, and arterial plaque. The late German physician Dr. Hans Nieper, used serrapeptase to treat arterial blockage in his coronary patients. Clinical studies show that serrapeptase induces fibrinolytic, anti-inflammatory and anti-edemic (prevents swelling and fluid retention) activity in a number of tissues, and that its anti-inflammatory effects are superior to other proteolytic enzymes (12). Besides reducing inflammation, one of serrapeptase's most profound benefits is reduction of pain, due to its ability to block the release of pain-inducing amines from inflamed tissues (13). Physicians throughout Europe and Asia have recognized the anti-inflammatory band pain-blocking benefits of this naturally occurring substance and are using it in treatment as an alternative to salicylates, ibuprofen, and other NSAIDs(14).
About Antioxidants
Antioxidants provide your body a defense at the cellular level by stabilizing or deactivating free radicals before they attack cells.
Fulvic Acid
Fulvic Acid is a powerful antioxidant and detoxifier. It fights pathogens, assisting with the elimination of toxins and waste from the lower gastrointestinal tract, as well as the at a cellular level. Additionally, fulvic acid electrolytes greatly increase the percentage rate of the digestive absorption of minerals, nutrients, vitamins and herbs, helping the body better utilize nutrients rather than being starved of nourishment. Fulvic Acid also works to stimulate enzyme activity helping them to work more efficiently and effectively throughout the body.
About Flavonoids
Flavonoids are in a class of water soluble plant pigments, that may deliver potent antioxidant support, and may promote normal, healthy cellular tissue throughout your body.
Flavonoids support health by strengthening capillaries and other connective tissue, and some function as anti-inflammatory, antihistaminic, and antiviral agents.
Flavonoids are thought to enhance the absorption of Vitamin C, and possibly to prolong its effectiveness.
Rutin is a powerful antioxidant that fights free radicals and seems to have a protective effect against syndromes that lower the body's oxygen supply. It may protect your blood vessels, and was shown to stimulate wound healing in rats, and augment the tensile strength of scar tissue significantly (18). Rutin may help to maintain normal, healthy digestive functions and may promote healthy circulation. It has the unique ability to improve capillaries and veins and it supports the regeneration capacity of human body tissues.
Rutin is a water soluble plant pigment that may deliver potent antioxidant support and may promote normal, healthy, cellular tissue throughout your body.
Like all of the other ingredients in Zymitol, rutin promotes healthy aging.
Amla is useful for stomach problems, it is antipyretic, hair tonic and nerve brain tonic. It's also useful in anemia, hyperacidity and in gynecological problems and epistaxis. Amla is considered to have restorative and preventive properties.
Also known as Indian gooseberry (Emblica officinalis) is the richest source of Vitamin C. It also contains tannic acid, glucose, protein, cellulose and Calcium.
Magnesium is an essential mineral that is commonly deficient in the American diet. A deficiency of magnesium leads to a wide range of health concerns because of its critical role in many enzyme actions. Its presence is critical in over 300 enzyme reactions and estimates for other roles of magnesium in the human body include over 50 different bio-chemical reactions.*
Magnesium assists in the absorption of calcium and potassium and works with calcium to support many different body functions. It has been found to contribute to bone formation and mineralization.*
Magnesium citrate may be used to reduce cravings for sugar and sweet foods while combating acids, toxins, gases, and other impurities in the body. It promotes limber, elastic tissue, it is a natural laxative, and may protect against fatty deposits in arteries. Magnesium may also be used by people experiencing fatigue, migraines and stress.*
Directions for Use
Take 3 capsules/day with at least 8 ounces of water, 60 minutes away from large meals.
For best results, take 1 capsule at bedtime, 1 capsule when you wake, and 1 capsule in the middle of your day, or as recommended by your healthcare provider. It is safe to take a higher dose to start the enzyme cascade as readily available in a growing child's body.
Recommended Use
Helps reduce inflammation and pain. May enhance athletic performance. Helps speed recovery from exercise, injury and surgery. Helps soften hardened tissues (fibroids, adhesions, scars).