Pain Free Training by Dr. William Wong
A lot of Running – Remember Dr. Ken Coopers admonition that anything over 3 miles 3 times a week is done for “reasons other than fitness.”
These bio-mechanically really don’t simulate running and actually uses the opposite muscles creating a lot of lower back pain. Think of it; in real running you are propelling yourself across a surface, in treadmill running you are keeping yourself from falling on your nose! Difference in muscular action. While the lungs and heart might not be able to tell the difference, your hips and back sure can. If they can’t run, you can’t run. Keep that in mind.
Men in Holland have a greater than 25% rate of impotence and sterility. The reason; those silly skinny bicycle seats! They press on the prostate and the spermatic tubes and swell them to all get out! There’s a reason why prostate cancer runs high among committed male cyclists.
Behind the neck pull downs. If you value your rotator cuffs stop this inefficient exercise. Replace the Behind the Neck Pull downs with Front Pull downs, (palms facing you, hands shoulder width apart, bar pulled to below the chin). This is a vastly superior exercise with double the range of motion at the shoulder and since it is bio-mechanically superior it produces nearly double the strength. Most folks who train have what we call in biomechanics an anterior / posterior (front to back) imbalance. Your upper and middle back is supposed to be stronger than your chest or at least equal to it. Can you lat pull down as much as you can bench press? Didn’t think so! Not many folks can and yet the latissimus are three times longer, two times thicker and have a better bio-mechanical attachment onto the shoulder than the pectorals do! So why are you stronger in the front than in the back?
The answer is easy. For years you’ve been doing those dumb bodybuilding pull downs because of what the inexpert experts said.
Another horrible exercise is the Behind the Neck Shoulder Press. The delts stop working at 90 degrees of abduction. That’s about the starting position for this exercise! So what are you really working here, your upper back some, your triceps a lot your delts act as fixators, muscles that support the joint and allow movement to happen but they do not act as prime movers or even agonists (in other words the delts don’t do much here at all). What this exercise will do is to wreck the rear of your rotator cuff. Most folks over 35 should not do full bench presses. Anterior shoulder tendonitis is a leading cause of lifters not being able to keep working out their upper bodies. Half bench presses with the elbows being brought only to level with the ribs and not below it is all that should be done.
Supplement wise – Here’s the scoop:
Systemic Enzymes – Every day, for the rest of your life
Probiotics: Intestinal Flora builder.
Note: William Wong was hired by Vitalzym as a spokesperson for several years. He is independent now.
For one of the best written and most scientifically sound exercise manuals of the last few decades read: “Power to the People ” by Russian strength coach and exercise physiologist Pavel Tsatsouline, published by Dragon Door
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Dr. William Wong is a Texas State Naturopathic Medical Association professional member, World Sports Medicine Hall of Fame member, a Classical Naturopath, a Ph.D. Exercise Physiologist, a Certified Athletic Trainer (AATA), a Certified Sports Medicine Trainer (ASMA), and a Health/Fitness Consultant. Dr. Wong has more than 23 years of professional experience in natural health, as applied to sports medicine and rehabilitation, with the last 12 devoted almost exclusively to chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia.
Dr. Wong has authored books on natural healing and has taught Physical Medicine at the South West College of Naturopathic Medicine in Arizona. His shorter writings have appeared in such diverse magazines as G.Q., Black Belt, Survival Guide, The Townsend Letter for Doctors, and Well Being Journal. In 1993, he was also inducted into the Martial Arts Hall of Fame as Wing Chun Kung Fu Instructor of the Year.
Dr. Wong has been a guest on over 500 national and local radio programs, as well as appearing on the nationally acclaimed PBS series Healthy Living hosted by Jane Seymour. In November 2002, Dr. Wong appeared on the Heartbeat of America show hosted by William Shatner. Currently, using a blend of movement, nutrition, exercise and spirituality, Dr. Wong is specializing in developing programs for longevity and virility to help people overcome the effects of aging and the after effects of chronic debilitating conditions.
Dr. William Wong and his wife Michele are devoted to bringing forth information on new and effective natural treatments for chronic illnesses, teaching little known information about exercise and spreading their philosophy on what they’ve found to be the cornerstones of a healthy and active life.