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- Bundle: Foundational Health - Basic
Exsula Bundles
Bundle: Foundational Health - Basic
https://www.life-enthusiast.com/shop/exbfb-bundle-foundational-health-basic-2392 https://www.life-enthusiast.com/web/image/product.template/2392/image_1920?unique=f645400Begin Health Recovery and Maintenance
- Support a Weakened Body
- Helps Cleanse and Rebuild Digestive Health
- May Help Rebuild Damaged Liver
Terms and Conditions
30-day money-back guarantee
Shipping: 2-3 Business Days
Bundle: Foundational Health - Basic contains essential supplements to begin your journey to health recovery and maintenance.
This bundle includes:
1. Excela-50
Support a weakened body.
2. Strata-Flora
Helps to cleanse and rebuild digestive health.
3. New Liver
May help rebuild damaged liver functions.
For Ingredients please see individual product pages.
For Directions for Use please see individual product pages.
With Brendan Gaughran. A holistic health approach to common diseases, with surprisingly helpful nutrition tips...
A progressive hospital administrator is currently touring the country, speaking out on the virtues of disease prevention...
We want to keep taking natural products to take care of yourself, but what's coming is not good for us, but great Big Pharma...
Developed a light microscope called the Somatoscope, with enlargements to 30,000 diameters with a high degree of resolution (150 angstroms)...
Most diseases today are not caused by pathogenic bacteria that enter from outside us, as was taught by Pasteur...
Drug companies have been secret about payments to doctors for promoting drugs...
Fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people are often full of doubts...
From 1955: There is no such thing, at this date of the world's history, in America, as an independent press. You know it and I know it...
If you are in Oregon or in Colorado, or know people in the two states, please get involved...
Those who suffer with an overgrowth of unhealthy microorganisms in the bowels are said to have Intestinal Dysbiosis...
Complete solution to help restore your digestive system, from one end to the other…
Questions about the origin of life are as old as humans. Evolution theory unites all areas of biology...
Many alternative healing therapies work and cost so little, they represent a loss to the pharmaceutical industry...
The small and large intestines consist of resilient, hollow tubes that are approximately 26 feet long...
The liver is able to repair and regenerate, so that hepatitis C sufferers can completely turn their life around...
Medicating children as young as two years old with powerful mind-altering drugs is a public health scandal…
In one of the most densely populated rural regions of Africa, people have been farming sustainably for 10,000 years...
Thousands or millions are spent to keep Californians from knowing what's in their food...
Monsanto spent $45 million and narrowly defeated the citizen-driven initiative to label food...
A lot of what you eat ends up stuck to the sides of your colon. This lowers your immunity and cause brain fog…
Virtually eliminate circulatory failure as a cause of death. Lengthen life-span and optimize quality of life...
Under-nutrition is an easy risk factor to correct quickly and economically, with minimum of disruption to your daily routine...
Strata Flora to Tidy-Up Your Insides. Vast diversity of flora to colonize beneficial strains from your lips, all the way to your rectum...
Her story is an amazing journey from ill health (from even before birth) to her healing discoveries as an adult...
Marshmallow is good for chronic inflammatory conditions affecting the gastrointestinal system or genitourinary tract...
Soothing nutritive demulcent for sensitive or inflamed mucous membrane linings in the digestive system...
Obama quietly signed the Monsanto Protection Act, ensuring the people have no recourse against this bio-tech giant as they fall ill...
First cleanse in THIS order: bowel, liver, lymph, kidneys, blood and then continue to better nourishment...
We need sunlight for body, mind and soul to flourish, and just like plants, we're instinctively drawn to it...
We cannot separate our bodies from our minds, everything is very tightly interconnected...
For Scientific References please see individual product pages.