Sulfur Salts support your parasympathetic nervous system. Helps reduce stress. Promotes better digestion and energy. May balance hormones, blood pressure and sugar. Supports your thyroid gland.
The primary function is to activate your repair mechanisms. To help resolve deep-seated health challenges that may have always been with you. And have plagued humanity since the Industrial Age. Hormone imbalances, chronic fatigue and pain.
Sulfur Salts helps clear out iodine receptor sites inside your thyroid gland, that get blocked by bromine, chlorine and fluorine (bread, tap water). These seriously reduce your thyroid functions, creating energy and weight problems.
If you're the body type that thrives on a vegetarian diet, and you eat too much starch, and you have blood pressure, glucose and weight management issues, Sulfur Salts may have great benefits for you.
If you're the body type that thrives on low starch, high fat/protein diet, this product may not work for you.
Find your specific Metabolic Type to determine what foods contribute to your health. And which foods take away your well being. Learn how to construct meals to build health instead of disease. When your body gets its required nutrients, it can clean, repair and maintain itself.
The Potassium in Sulfur Salts is especially important for people who:
- Need to be eating a lot of fruit, and aren't
- Have blood pressure issues, blood glucose problems
- Are experiencing weight management challenges.
The Epsom Salts in Sulfur Salts supplies magnesium that:
- Helps circulatory issues by reducing calcification
- Helps reduce stress
- May improve digestion by promoting the rest-repair-digest side of the autonomic nervous system (ANS).