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Black Mica Water
https://www.life-enthusiast.com/shop/embm-black-mica-water-2198 https://www.life-enthusiast.com/web/image/product.template/2198/image_1920?unique=057e2dbWater Purification by Agglutination – Detox Your Water
- Create Energized Water for Enhanced Cellular Hydration
- Easily Penetrates and Hydrates Your Cells
- Superior Hydration Fights Inflammation, May Reduce Pain
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Shipping: 2-3 Business Days
Black Mica Water creates Pure and Energized Water ~ Any Place, Any Time
An easy, natural and effective way to eliminate and/or reduce chlorine, fluoride, a number of anaerobic bacteria (E.coli, pseudomonas, etc.), heavy metals (mercury, lead, arsenic, etc.) VOCs (volatile organic compounds) and cloudiness of water in cases where water has been contaminated.
This powerful process also ensures that the treated water, when stored properly, will stay pure for an extended period due to its natural stability.
A Revolutionary Way to Restore Drinking Water to Its Pristine State - Energized Water
Water is found as liquid - water.
It can be found in solid form - ice.
And it can be found as a gas/vapor - steam.
However, it's been discovered that there's another state of water. This fourth state is a liquid crystal matrix of ordered, highly structured molecules that form a vast multi-dimensional lattice. This structure gives water many unusual characteristics.
Black Mica Water creates energized water with its molecules returned to their original life-giving, super-moisturizing state. This allows maximum moisture absorption into the cells of your body, pets and plants - a major key to healing and the maintenance of health and vitality.
Pure, natural, unpolluted spring water is naturally structured water. Since most of us have the mediocre water quality from commercial water producers or municipal services, we need to return tap water to its original, hydrating, life-giving state. Pure, energized, (living, restructured or cluster size reduced) water allows superior hydration.
Interesting Facts about Water
It takes 39,000 gallons of water to manufacture one new car. It takes 1,850 gallons of water to refine one barrel of crude oil. It takes 1500 gallons of water to process one 31 gallon barrel of beer. It takes 9.3 gallons of water to process one can of fruit or vegetables. Of the 326 million cubic miles of water on the Earth's surface, only three-tenths of one percent can be used for drinking. The US uses about 346 billion gallons of fresh water every day and more than half of that is used for flushing the toilet. Bottled water can be up to 1000 times more expensive than tap water and it may not be as safe. Today, at least 400 million people live in regions with severe water shortages. One gallon of gasoline can potentially contaminate 750,000 gallons of ground water. Most of the world's people must walk at least 3 hours to fetch water. Over 70,000 different water contaminants have been identified and there are over 500 new chemicals developed each year. The principal sources of contamination are associated with The Chemical Age (post World War II). Because of population overgrowth, people are using more and more water each day. Approximately two-thirds of the human body is water.
Many famous mineral springs known for their healing abilities contain sulfate minerals leached from silicate compounds. Our mineral solution is extracted in sulfate form from a silicate mineral known as biotite (black mica).
Biotite is famous for its many healing properties, especially its ability to awaken one's consciousness.
Experiences that our customers have reported:
- Increase Efficiency of Body Functions
- Instant Hydration
- No More Constipation
- Enjoy Restful Sleep
- Increased Energy
- Eliminate Toxins
- Relieve Bloating or Water Retention
- Teach Your Body Homeostasis
- Boost Your Immune System
- Reduce Pain from inflammation
- Relieve Acid Reflux
- Enjoy Softer Skin
The mineral can be used in hot tubs to create adequate levels of ozone, with water maintaining itself for months. No other chemical need to be used in the hot tub. When you use this solution with a sufficient concentration, the new water maintains its health forever!
Dr. Hisatake Nojima published a book "The Mineral Deficiency Has Been the Cause of All Modern Day Diseases and Life Style Illnesses" in Japan. The title of the book is self explanatory. He also wrote "If our government forces farmers to mineralize their soils, there won’t be any cancer, diabetes, and heart related illnesses. Medical facilities will not be required other than for emergency and cosmetic surgery."
Imagine the implication of this statement. Insurance companies, government controlled medical services, hospitals and drug manufacturers would have to find something else to do. Dr. Nojima showed that our body can be made whole with the use of ionic minerals. He owns a clinic in a fashionable part of Tokyo where he cured over 4,500 stage four cancer patients in 11 years of his practice in Tokyo. As you'd expect, he was ostracized by the medical establishment.
Dr. Robert O Young asks in his book - The pH Miracle a challenging question: "If a fish is sick, would you treat the fish or change the water?" Our cells are the fish. Our lymphatic fluid is the water in the aquarium. Dr. Emoto and other researchers says we are water based life forms.
We must constantly replenish the stagnant water in the body. We must be using living water to build healthy tissue, not the dead water supplied us by the industrial water processors.
How long do you think it takes for a glass of water you drink now to come out of your body? Yes, the water has to come out in one form or another sooner or later. Would you be shocked to find out that it takes twenty one days?
Can you see the connection between stagnant polluted water and aging? What then is this "living water"?
If water that can cure our internal problems, as Dr. Batmanghelidj documented, what are the minimal components to sustain life? Let us list it here: Oxygen (not air), Nutrients (not food), Water (not dead water) and Minerals (not rocks or colloids).
"Black Mica Water solution prepared at 1:1000 in the challenge water reduces the free chlorine in the challenge water by 100.0% - the minimum reduction amount required by the NSF Standard 42 is 50% - this product meets the requirements for chlorine reduction. Black Mica Water also reduces the alkalinity and the pH of the water. The calcium and chloride levels increased by a significant amount after adding the solution to the challenge water. The reduction of the free chlorine level indicates that the free chlorine was reduced to chlorides. There is also a decreased in the amount of fluorides in the challenge water by 50.0%. Black Mica Water is a suitable source of essential minerals." ~ Envirotek Laboratories Inc.
Black Mica Water FAQs
What is Black Mica Water?
Black Mica Waterd, water based solution of ionic minerals made from a type of crystalline deposit called biotite. The mother Black Mica Water from which this product is made comes from extracting mineral salts from a biotite, a black mica deposit. These minerals are then diluted in purified water and bottled as a liquid based water purifier. Because of this process, the extract is a Black Mica Waterd source of structured water matrices and when those structures are added to unstructured water, the treated water also becomes structured. This is why it is also called a "Structured Water Black Mica Water."
How is Black Mica Water used?
Use is very simple. Depending on the initial quality of the water being treated, just add 3-7 drops of Black Mica Water to every 8oz of water, or alternately, about a ratio of 1000 parts water to one part Black Mica Water. This comes out to between 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of Black Mica Water per gallon of treated water, a bit less or more depending on how pure the water is to begin with. Distilled water, for example, would need less, questionable water would need more. More specifics are below.
What is the cost of using Black Mica Water?
Because it's so highly Black Mica Waterd, it costs pennies per day. A 2oz bottle purifies up to 25 gallons of water at a cost of less than $0.80 per gallon. A 32oz bottle purifies up to 400 gallons of water at a cost of $0.28 per gallon. Compare these prices to what it costs to buy a liter (considerably less than a gallon) of bottled water. Not only do you save a great deal of money, but by using the Black Mica Water, you decrease the waste stream of plastic bottles by reusing just one bottle as many times as you need. Using Black Mica Water saves resources, decreases pollution, keeps landfills from getting clogged with endless numbers of empty plastic bottles and costs remarkably less too. We recommend using either glass, ceramic or stainless steel for storing/carrying water, not plastic.
What more should I know about Black Mica Water?
Biotite is a mineral with certain geological characteristics and was named in honor of a French physicist, Jean-Baptiste Biot. In Nature, biotite is in the form of very thin sheets of minerals and has a unique structure. Biotite deposits are found in many places around the globe but each deposit is different from all the others. The differences between them can be categorized by weight, mass, constituent profile, color, etc. Research on the properties of biotite began in the 1960s and it was soon determined that it was jam packed with minerals. A process was invented to produce a super-Black Mica Water, water purifying liquid from the biotite.
The liquid was then filtered and diluted to make Black Mica Water (Liquid Crystal Minerals.) This process imitates Nature because when volcanic gases come in contact with water, they produce acidic compounds that, under the right temperature and pressure, in the presence of these biotite deposits, produce the same water purifying effects. As a result of much research and investigation, this Black Mica Water is now capable of sanitizing water, no matter how polluted it might be, no matter what the contaminants might be or where they may be. This is what makes Black Mica Water such a revolutionary substance-it's ability to clean water no matter what.
What products do you offer?
This product has been available under several names: Roxtract, Adya Minerals, Black Mica Water, Biotite Minerals.
2 oz: This is a travel size that will fit into a pocket or purse. The travel size has a dropper included so no matter where you might be or the circumstances, you can put a few drops into any water that's available and ensure that it's clean and pure.
16 or 32 oz: This is the large, family size and costs less per ounce so saves money too. Some people like to have the 2 oz dropper bottle that they refill from the 32 oz size. And remember that in either case, although Black Mica Water liquid is very shelf stable, it should be kept out of direct sunlight.
The Mountain Spring Filtration System: This system has significant advantages over other purification systems. First of all, the design uses gravity to feed water through the filter network and therefore, it doesn't need electricity to run.
Usually, no matter how much a filter system costs, the far greater cost is in running it, either using electricity directly in order to operate or indirectly, because the system requires water pressure which can only be produced by a water pump that requires electricity to operate. Second, the Mountain Spring system filters down to 0.2 microns. A micron is technically defined as a millionth of a meter. As a result, the Mountain Spring system, when properly used, cleans down to an extremely small particle size. Third, the system uses several different technologies all in one unit because different contaminants sometimes require different approaches in filtering.
How long should I wait before drinking my treated water?
There are two factors at work here: first, although treating water with Black Mica Water will quickly reduce or completely eliminate any questionable substances in the water, there could be a cloudy opaqueness in the water or some other contamination that's not readily apparent. If there is contamination, it will usually settle to the bottom. Second, the creation of the opaqueness and the settling do take some time, depending on 1) how many contaminants are in the water, and 2) how much of those contaminants the water has. Although the treated water will be decontaminated within a few minutes or less, it may have a cloudy look.
Some people don't care about this and just drink the water. Others prefer to wait until the cloud settles and in many cases, because a person is using the Black Mica Water as well as our gravity-fed filter system, there's no need to wait. However, all of these things are, to a large degree, determined by the initial quality of the water. If it is clean, or more or less so before being treated, then the clouding may not occur. However, there are many other instances where water is not clean even though it looks like it is. Even chlorine, which is found in most municipal water supplies around the country but is colorless, is, from the perspective of pure water, a contaminant, and Black Mica Water will clean that up too, changing the chlorine (a gas) into chloride salts (particulates) which will precipitate out and fall to the bottom. Some people prefer to wait until the sediments completely settle and then pour off the clean water but if the water was initially of poor quality, then it's going to take as much as 24 hours or even longer before the sediment falls to the bottom, at which point, you can decide what you'd like to do-pour off the rest of the water, use a filter system to eliminate the sediments, pour the sediments on houseplants or in the garden or drink them since they're inert and harmless.
How long do I need to wait before drinking the treated water?
Depending on how polluted the water, it may be drinkable almost immediately, but if there's a cloud, it could also take a couple days for the sediments to settle. Although the water is cleaned immediately, and you can drink it, the cloudiness, if it occurs, may not settle for a longer time. In fact, Black Mica Water can be used as a test for the purity of water. If you follow label directions and see no sediments occur, then you know the water you're using is very clean. And the opposite is true too. If there's a huge cloud in the water and it takes a long time to settle, then the water was filled with contaminants.
We recently ran this test on a high quality spring water that is well known for its superior quality, even though over 25 years ago, the EPA stated that there was no longer any source of completely pure water in the continental US. We added an appropriate amount of Black Mica Water to this spring water, which came to us in a sealed glass bottle. 24 hours later there were bits of rusty sediment on the floor of the container. We haven't had the sediment analyzed but this test suggests that even spring water can be contaminated.
The label says, "treats up to..." Why isn't it more specific?
The yield depends on the purity of the water before treatment. For example: if a person uses tap water which has fluoride and chlorine and maybe even ammonia (another water treatment), along with several other things that might be in the water, the use of Black Mica Water will clean the water, but most likely a cloud will form that may take overnight (or longer) to settle. In another example, a household may have a GAC (granular activated carbon) filter system or a de-ionization module, a reverse osmosis unit or a purification system that uses one or more technologies such as UV or ozonation.
Black Mica Water can certainly be used on any type of water but if the water was initially cleaner than raw river or tap water, the Black Mica Water might not produce much of a cloud or any cloud. Should this be the case, it's entirely possible that only a very small amount of treatment is needed. Since we can't predict each user's water quality, the label gives a range of "up to" a certain amount. In some cases, a good deal less than the amount on the label recommendations is all that's required and the only way to find out how much anyone needs is to simply experiment with different amounts until each individual discovers what works for their own situation.
What other uses of Black Mica Water can you suggest?
Use the Black Mica Water to:
- soak/wash for produce that's not organically grown.
- add to hot tubs, jacuzzi, whirlpool, spas, etc., instead of other chemicals - lasts up to eight months between uses.
- add to a bath to create a mineral spa right in your own bathtub, and at a tiny fraction of the visit to a mineral spring.
- replace chemicals that are ordinarily used for cleaning, for example, contact lens solutions or washing the kitchen countertops.
- topical spray for houseplants or in the garden at a dilution level determined through experimentation.
Black Mica Water can also be diluted at the rate of 1000:1 for agricultural purposes because it improves the moisture characteristics of soil. Add it to the water, stir or agitate, then water your plants. As a foliar spray for orchards, herbs or flowers.
Does Black Mica Water do anything to the chlorine in municipal water?
Yes, it transforms the chlorine into chloride(s), meaning, the chlorine is no longer in the water. It has become various types of chloride salts which fall to the bottom.
By what process does Black Mica Water clean pollutants?
It's essentially the same process that attracts the south pole of one magnet to the north pole of another magnet. If you bring them close together, they instantly stick to each other. But in the case of Black Mica Water, the positively charged pollutants get so "stuck" to the negatively charged Black Mica Water that they can't be unstuck after that. They've been transformed into other compounds (the technical term would be "salts") that are now harmless. The bonding that occurs cannot be undone.
And along with this is the fact that these new salts seem to be attractive to plants, either in the house or garden. We're doing research in this area but we hypothesize that these salts can be recycled by plants and turned into nutrition, not only for the plants but for the soil as well. In addition, this cleansing process is seen in nature, but because of the increased amount of pollutants in our biosphere, we need a water technology that emulates nature to help restore our water back to purity at a rate which keeps up with this increased pollution.
Can Black Mica Water be used to grow things?
Yes, it's simple: just use the same dilution that you do for drinking water, which is approximately 1000 to 1. You can experiment and find what concentration works best for your garden, houseplants, orchard, etc.
What about the ecological impact/carbon footprint of Black Mica Water?
Here are a few ideas:
The top selling product in the largest chain of natural food stores in the US is bottled water. We don't have hard figures to cite but we know that practically all those bottles of water are made of plastic, plastic that winds up in landfills more often than not. In some parts of the country, the plastic goes in the recycle bin but that, in itself, is not a guarantee that the plastic will be recycled. Without going into a long analysis of what happens in the recycling industry, we know that often, if pricing for raw plastic is lower than for recycled plastic, the bottles which were supposedly headed for recycling actually get dumped into landfills and the public never hears about that.
So, in order to guarantee that there's a reduction in the amount of plastic going into landfills, the best option is to use as few of those plastic water bottles as possible. Since the public tends to be unaware of market forces that send off all those bottles to the landfill instead of the recycling stream, there are many more plastic bottles winding up in the landfill than is reported. How do we avoid this issue? One way is to purify water with Black Mica Water. Because the extract will clean any kind of water, we can just take any bottle, fill it with tap water, filtered water or any other kind of water, add in the appropriate amount of Black Mica Water, agitate and allow any sediments to settle to the bottom, or filter them out. If the water was initially clean, then the waiting process is practically instantaneous.
So, what we're really talking about is reducing the number of plastic water bottles by something like 99.9%. Translated into everyday circumstances, that means that if someone regularly buys bottled water, over a period of perhaps two or three years, switching over to Black Mica Water means that their plastic water bottle consumption has dropped to just one bottle. If the person keeps using the same bottle over that period of time, then the ratio might be 1000 to 1. In fact, if you already have a water bottle, it can essentially be used endlessly and now we may be talking 10,000 to 1 or more. Another impact from the use of the extract has to do with water remediation. As is well known in many parts of the world, pollution caused by effluents from industrial processes, petrochemical runoffs, illegal dumping of industrial wastes and hazardous materials, pharmaceutical drug residues, illegal drug residues, agribusiness fertilizers, medical wastes, acid rain, sulfoxides, nitroxides and other airborne pollutants all contribute to or directly create polluted bodies of water.
All of these issues can, to one degree or another, be ameliorated by using Black Mica Water. This product has been shown to reduce and/or eliminate a wide variety of hazardous compounds by chemical bonding that creates harmless residues and sediments that fall to the bottom of lakes, rivers and other waterways, where the microbial life, plant roots and mycological colonies can make use of these compounds and completely break them down for reuse. We are only at the very beginning of studying this phenomenon and intend to publish more and more information on the subject as we move forward.
I've heard that people can go through a detoxification cycle when they first use Black Mica Water. Could you explain that?
This is a very important point. There is a mistaken idea prevalent in modern cultures that any type of health issue that arises is automatically cause for alarm but this bears closer scrutiny. In fact, "getting sick" is often a simple reaction of the human organism to the inevitable build-up of toxic waste materials. Having a tummy ache from overeating is a well-known example. Some of the materials that the body reacts to are generated internally from the normal functioning of glands, organs, muscles and other tissues. Many other wastes, however, are built up from substances found in air, water and food. While the details lie beyond the scope of this article, the bottom line is that engaging in health-building activities such as the use of a water purifier like Black Mica Water, can lead to feelings, initially, of light headedness, for example, or headaches or rashes.
Unlike "disease", all these symptoms pass if allowed to do so. What's happening is that the body is releasing the accumulated wastes that had built up beyond the point of homeostasis (the balance point that the body maintains) and with the introduction of a new health-restoring modality, whether it be improvements in diet, starting a regular exercise regime or any number of other things, the body, sooner or later, will most likely dump accumulated toxins. Before they exit the organism though, they circulate for a time and when they do, we don't feel so good. People have reported detoxing symptoms like colds, flu, runny nose, coughing, mucus congestion, lowered vitality, no energy, skin eruptions, sore throat, constipation, diarrhea, etc.
The important thing to remember if experiencing these things is simply that the episode of discomfort will fade away on its own. We should certainly not interfere with it, though it might feel unusual to do so since we're programmed to react by taking pharmaceuticals, running off to the ER and the like. Should we do these things, in all likelihood, we'll only suppress the symptoms driving them right back into the body and not allowing it to free itself of toxic buildups. So, once again, if such symptoms come up, it's best to simply let them have their day and within short order, they will all pass and we'll feel much better than before they arose.
Does detoxing take a long time?
It's not a predictable phenomenon. One person might have a headache that lasts an hour or two, someone else could have a rash that lasts for a few days and then fades out. Because we're all unique in many ways, the detoxing process is different for each individual, not only in terms of how long a detox will last but also, how intense it is. Depending on many factors like age, diet, exercise regularity and dozens of other parameters, detoxing is very often just a brief phase as the body rebalances itself.
I have a very high-quality water purification system and when I use Black Mica Water on my water, it leaves a slight yellowish stain on the inside of the bottle. Could you explain this?
Although quite rare, in cases where this happens, it's because the water being treated was already very clean. What's happening is that some of the sulfate minerals in the Black Mica Water are naturally attracted to the glass. This is because really pure water has a pH that is slightly acidic, like 6.7-6.9. When the slight acidity comes in contact with the liquid minerals in the Black Mica Water, the resulting salts are drawn to the glass. The stain is yellowish because the minerals are in a sulfate form and sulfate minerals are yellowish by color. (Sulfur itself is very bright yellow). However, the stain on the glass can be easily removed since it just wipes off. Another option is to use less Black Mica Water since you now know that your purification system is doing a really good job.
Of course, if you want your drinking water to have a full complement of ionic minerals, you'll have to decide how much Black Mica Water to use. Again, a bit of experimentation in each situation can bring about a good compromise between pure water and a balance of ionic minerals. After all, Mother Nature always adds other things to water. Some examples: The Great Salt Lake in Utah has ionic minerals in the water, as do the oceans of the world. Mineral springs found in many places around the world also contain an abundance of ionic minerals, and so too, can they be found in high altitude waterfalls and other pristine aquatic environments. To a degree, it's true to say that Black Mica Water is a convenient way to recreate the naturally occurring ions that are present in the waters of the world.
I like the idea of having really pure water and then adding in the Black Mica Water. Is that okay?
Yes. Clearing the water of possible contaminants and then adding in the ionic minerals produces high-quality water. Some people add the Black Mica Water first and then purify their water. While the Black Mica Water reduces and/or eliminates many harmful pollutants and industrial wastes, having a good quality filter system and Biotite is a great combination. The filtering system removes the contaminants but also reduces the energetic structure of the water. Then adding in the Black Mica Water creates the dynamic structured matrix that re-energizes the water. Contact us for more information on our gravity-fed filtration system.
Black Mica Water is a 100% ionic solution of purified water and ionic minerals produced from crystalline biotite.
Ionic Minerals:
aluminum, barium, beryllium, boron, cadmium, calcium, cerium, chromium, cobalt, copper, germanium, iron, lanthanum, lithium, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, phosphorus, potassium, rubdium, scandium, selenium, silicon, silver, sodium, strontium, sulfur, titanium, tungsten, vanadium, yitrium, zinc, zirconium.
Mineral |
Concentration ppm |
Calcium |
98 |
Magnesium |
347 |
Potassium |
9.2 |
Iron |
60.2 |
Manganese |
1.3 |
Zinc |
.2 |
Sodium |
9.3 |
Phosphorus |
9.3 |
Directions for Use
To use the solution, add 5 - 10 drops to your 8 ounce glass of water and stir. Or add 1 teaspoon to a gallon of water and stir.
Once Black Mica Water is added, the water becomes free of anaerobic bacteria, is oxygenated and mineralized turning dead water into "Living Water."
Depending on water quality, one teaspoon will purify 1-2 gallons of water. Although treated water can be ingested within a few minutes, for best results, wait up to 24 hours before consuming.
2 ounces treats up to 25 gallons of water.
Formerly dissolved materials will become visible, inert and sink to the bottom. If such sediments occur, they are harmless because Biotite renders them inert. If you want to remove the sediments, the pure water can be poured on houseplants or filtered.
Store between 45-95 degrees F (7-35 degrees C), out of direct sunlight.
Recomme nded Use
For superior hydration, create energized water with its molecules returned to their original pure life-giving, super-moisturizing state.
Use only according to label directions. If accidentally swallowed without dilution, drink plenty of water. If undiluted product comes in contact with sensitive areas such as the eyes, flush with plenty of water.