Black Mica Water
The Biotite brand of products was introduced in 2013. However, the original formulation was invented in the 1960s and has been used by hundreds of thousands of people since then. Our products are in the marketplace as we have come to understand that we are entering a new era, based on going beyond the three dimensions of space and the three states of water. As children, we learned that water can be found in solid form – ice. It can also be found as a liquid – water.
And lastly, it can be found as a gas/vapor – steam. However, it’s been discovered that there’s another state of water and this fourth state is a liquid crystal matrix of ordered, highly structured molecules that form a vast multi-dimensional lattice. This structure gives water many unusual characteristics and were only in the very beginning stages of co-creating new harmonies and energies with this new understanding of structured water.
Our mission is to investigate, research, test and bring to market products that include these parameters:
- Abiding concern for Mother Earth.
- Programs to resuscitate peoples and planet.
- Revive and restore, wherever possible, natural bodies of polluted waters such as ponds, lakes and reservoirs, thereby providing clean water to those who need it.
- Introduce innovative, non-harming ideas and technologies.
- Provide ongoing educational materials for the general public, institutions, healthcare providers and researchers regarding all the products marketed by the company.
- Foster and support ongoing internal research always bringing to light new information about ancient, recent or current understanding of water and the other natural elements that surround us and the total abundance of Nature available to all.
- Encourage other individuals and companies to model wholistic, caring patterns that reduce and/or eliminate harm to Mother Nature.
Most people do not realize that acid by definition is positively charged hydrogen. In nature, this acid is the charge that is used to properly charge minerals. In the presence of acid we have the ability to raise the available oxygen levels in water. This special ability keeps unwanted bacteria from taking over the liquid environment, and in turn the whole world. This critical balance in nature is essential for a homeostatic self-sustaining biological system. In recent years the entire planet is showing signs of being off balance. Phytoplankton in the oceans is taking in less carbon dioxide and releasing less oxygen.
Biotite Liquid Crystal Minerals contain powerful energy that electrically energizes water which in turn energizes your body. It also destroys bad bacteria and removes chlorine from drinking water. This amazing ability is duplicated in nature every day. We can see it in plant roots as they dissolve and uptake minerals, and we can also see it when volcanoes bring forth sulfuric acid to help dissolve stones. This electric life energy works well only when we have abundant ionic state minerals in our body. Minerals serve as the carrier of energy and as the communication device for life. Without minerals, life as we know it could not exist. Plants, animals, humans and even water become unstable and start showing degenerative symptoms when required minerals are not present in an ionic form.
The Discovery of Biotite
Dr. Asao Shimanishi of Tokyo is a noted scientist, an authority on water in Japan. His clients include Japanese manufacturers like Toyota, Hitachi and Matsushita. He patented the extraction of balanced minerals and their ionization in a solution called acid sulfate from black mica. Someday he should be nominated for the Nobel prize – the implication of his discovery affects healthcare, agriculture, horticulture, raw sewage treatment, orchards and poultry industry, and many more. His discovery started when he was viewing a picturesque landscape on an island off the coast of Japan. A shapely pine tree was sitting on top of a boulder against the background of the gorgeous Pacific blue.
Questions occurred in his mind, “”How does the tree sustain its life sitting on a boulder? Where does its nourishment come from?”” His guess was it had to be the rocks. But, how? His conclusion was that those hair-like roots (like our capillaries) had a natural ability to extract minerals from the boulder and the rest was up to the rain and the sun for its health. His eventual conclusion was that answers to everything in our life could be and should be found in nature. After decades of research, and lots of travel in search of the best rocks that contained the most abundant minerals, Dr. Shimanishi found what he was looking for practically in his own backyard!
Thanks to his work we have become the beneficiaries of his discovery. He invented a patented way to extract minerals from rocks called black mica and maintain them in an ionized form. Dr. Shimanishi became the authority on the treatment and cleaning of water in Japan. This extraordinary discovery has led not only to the betterment of human health, but to revolutionary changes in agriculture, poultry, horticulture, aquatics, raw sewage treatment, and wastewater treatment. As a result, major conglomerates now use his lab as the final resource for their respective water treatments. Dr. Shimanishi made his discovery in 1960s.
Minerals he extracted from black mica rocks from north of Tokyo had a tremendous healing and nourishing power. Plants and farm produce grew better and stronger when he fed them with the mineral. Cow dung considered difficult to be made biodegradable became easier to treat. People who ate vegetables fertilized with his water became healthier. Fish in his fish tank lived longer even in a constricted space, and when they died, they did not rot. Chicken eggshells became harder and the yolks were larger. He proved that dead ponds could be revived with his Mineral Solution. Fruits from trees watered with the solution tasted better.
Eels and other fish cultivated in fish farms with the use of his minerals instead of antibiotics proved to be healthier. Korean rice growers saw with their own eyes that rice stalks did not easily succumb to the powerful wind force from typhoons. The Orange County of California tested this solution for their raw sewage treatment successfully, but later dropped it because the cost was too high. The water taken and treated with this solution from a dirty, soapy river of India became drinkable before the natives eye. Using the process developed by Dr. Shimanishi we are able to deliver an ionic mineral complex that can transform your drinking water into living, oxygenated, fresh tasting water.