With Martin Pytela and Scott Paton. Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMFs) come from anything electric (cell phones, computers, wi-fi, radio waves)...
Theories that unveil the delicate weave of Spirit, kundalini, health and science…
ADRs help improved water quality, and the taste of all foods containing water, and they may balance energetic aspects in your body...
Research results on the influence of ADR-4 Harmonizer on patients with moderate to severe loss of kidney function...
Can negatively affect people, animals and plants and sometimes cause a variety of serious ailments...
Especially flavonoids that reduce the risk of many diseases, found in brightly colored fruits and vegetables...
With Martin Pytela and Scott Paton. Studies show significant effects on plants and animals from microwaved water or food...
With Martin Pytela and Scott Paton. We're like fish swimming in an invisible sea of electromagnetic fields that are getting stronger and busier with every added electronic device…
With Martin Pytela. The most common symptoms of EMF exposure are headaches, mood swings and skin itching/burning. Longer term exposure can develop into serious and chronic degenerative conditions...
Listed alphabetically for your convenience...