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- ANCHI Crystals
ANCHI Crystals
https://www.life-enthusiast.com/shop/acac-anchi-crystals-2999 https://www.life-enthusiast.com/web/image/product.template/2999/image_1920?unique=057e2dbVibrational and Energetic Support
- Enhance Your Ability to Live in an Optimal State
- (Ancient) New Approach to Electrical Energy Rejuvenation
- Velvet satchel with 1.5 oz of crystals, with extensive instructions
Terms and Conditions
30-day money-back guarantee
Shipping: 2-3 Business Days
ANCHI Crystals are natural, nontoxic and scientifically documented to help:
- Relieve Pain, Swelling & Bruising (back, neck, knees, headaches)
- Improve Sleep, Increased Energy
- Heal Faster, Sports Injuries
- Optimum Performance, Well Being and Vitality
- Radiant Skin
- Improved Hormonal Balance
Convenient, easy to use and they last a lifetime.
In today's world we are all seeking ways to support healthy lifestyles and address personal issues. We may suffer from lack of sleep, pains, or a general lack of balanced energy.
ANCHI Crystals combine ancient wisdom with 21st century applications. Formed over 1.6 billion years ago, ANCHI Crystals are found only one place in the world.
The fields (or geo-imprint) around this amazing natural resource often aids in pain relief, healthy sleep and maintaining balanced energy. Also a tool for meditation, yoga and practitioners of Spiritual Laws, including the Law of Attraction.
ANCHI Crystals come to us from the beginning of time as a rare offering from the Earth. As such, ANCHI Crystals hold the Codes, Wisdom, and Alignments of the Original Plan. They are capable of enhancing one's ability to live in an Optimum State.
In today's world, few of us have a lifestyle that creates and nourishes a state of being. External and internal stress is an everyday fact of life. Even if we had the perfect stress-free lifestyle, the Earth's electromagnetic fields have been compromised by changes since the beginning of the electronic age.
Once ANCHI Crystals become a part of your lifestyle, they become indispensable!
The Optimum State of Wholeness is a natural state. It feels natural and we operate efficiently. While using the ANCHI Crystals, we have a sense of well being even during difficulty, and are always more productive. Our life force, or Chi, flows freely with the strength and harmonization of the original ordained life force patterns.
There are certain factors that must come together synergistically in order for this optimum state of wholeness to occur. One way to create this natural synergy is to faithfully use your ANCHI Crystals. They can be used any time throughout a busy day to quickly realign your energy flows. They do not require separate concentration nor do they interfere with your work, daily activities, focus or relaxation.
Frequently Asked Questions
Where can I go for physical restoration and still maintain my lifestyle and busy schedule?
ANCHI Crystals quickly address our energy patterns and flows, our electrical fields, and other aspects to create cohesiveness or wholeness simply by being within close proximity to them! ANCHI Crystals do not require focus or meditation. ANCHI Crystals soothe and smooth out the effects of stress and reinstate our naturally ordained electromagnetic fields. When we operate in cohesiveness we have more productivity and a greater sense of well-being.
Why do I need ANCHI Crystals? Do you know that your body runs on electricity?
Do you know that healthy electrical systems are required for healing to occur? What we eat and/or the supplements we take are important; however the systems that run our bodies are electrical. For thousands of years, eastern medicine has addressed the electrical as well as the chemical aspects of the physical body. Western science and medicine has only recently begun to acknowledge and address this important area. In the western world Robert Becker, M.D. was a pioneer in the study of the electrical properties of our bodies. When we feel "out of sorts" the problem is usually more electrical than chemical. ANCHI Crystals gently support the electrical systems and fields surrounding our bodies. The principles utilized by ANCHI Crystals are in the area of physics rather than chemistry. The definition of physics is the study of matter, energy, and the interactions between them.
How do ANCHI Crystals work?
Dr. Rustum Roy of Penn State University explains that ANCHI Crystals have "epitaxial" properties. If you Google "epitaxial" you will get sites of super conductor companies. Why? What do super conductors have in common with ANCHI Crystals? The word epitaxial indicates the ability to template, store, and transfer what has been stored exactly. Both super conductors and ANCHI Crystals are epitaxial. Because crystals grow, former IBM scientist Dr. Marcel Vogel considered them to be "living" minerals. Dr. Vogel helped develop the liquid crystal technology used in our watches today, and was part of the group that learned how to grow crystals in laboratories. As a scientist he became so fascinated with crystals that he devoted his retirement years exploring their life-enhancing capabilities. He explored their ability to affect the body in positive ways and found that this was partly because of their capability of organizing and directing energy. All crystals are organized but ANCHI Crystals have this capacity along with epitaxial properties, plus so much more.
What makes ANCHI Crystals rare?
ANCHI Crystals are rare both in their age and type of formation. ANCHI Crystals have been dated to be at least 1.6 billion years old. This places their formation at the first stage of Earths's geological history. These crystals are found in only one location on the Earth. The site represents a "community" of over 50 crystals, including tourmaline - the most pyroelectric mineral, and quartz - the most piezoelectric mineral. Because of their age, these ancient crystals are opaque rather than clear in appearance. Young tourmaline crystals are clear in color and are usually dated to be a billion years younger than ANCHI Crystals. ANCHI Crystals are truly the Ancient Ones in the mineral family. Dr. Al Falser of the University of New Orleans is familiar with the geographical aspects of ANCHI Crystal site. Dr. Falser explains that only about 1% of all geological formations on Earth fall within the category of the ANCHI Crystal site. In addition, less than 1% of these have the complexity within the mineralogy that the ANCHI Crystal geological formation has. ANCHI Crystals are rare indeed!
What makes ANCHI Crystals unique?
Dr. Rustum Roy offers a scientific explanation as to the uniqueness of ANCHI Crystals. In scientific terms, each place on earth has its own geomagnetic field that contains a distinguishing set of characteristics, like a thumbprint. In rare instances, the geomagnetic pattern is so strong that it transfers the characteristics of that site into the crystals, thus creating a unique mineralogical geo-imprint. This unique geo-imprint is the source of ANCHI Crystals' Chi or life force.
Many people buy minerals and/or crystals for their specific properties. In the case of ANCHI Crystals, it is not the specific crystalline or mineral properties that are sought; rather it is the geo-imprints they carry that is prized. This imprint cannot be duplicated and distinguishes ANCHI Crystals from all other crystals and minerals in the world. Just as Dead Sea Salts can only come from the Dead Sea, ANCHI Crystals are found only at the ANCHI Crystal site.
Why are ANCHI Crystals important Manifestation tools?
According to traditional s the first element in successful manifestation is synchronizing the chakras. Synchronized chakras naturally create a connection to all that is. This Oneness is the foundation from which requests were made to heighten success when manifesting. Many people who meditate or are interested in using the Law of Attraction use ANCHI Crystals to facilitate their practices.
What does the name ANCHI mean?
ANCHI is an acronym for "Ancient Chi". Chi is the name for the vital force thought to be inherent in all things, according to Taoism and other Chinese doctrines, as well as an increasing number of western perspectives. The unimpeded circulation of Chi and a balance of its negative and positive forms in the body are held to be essential to good health in traditional Chinese medicine. The Ancient Chi referred to in the name ANCHI is the 1.6 billion year old geological imprint containing the original ordained life building energy patterns of Earth. These patterns were transferred and encoded into the community of over 50 different minerals found at the unique ANCHI Crystal site. The beneficial properties of ANCHI Crystals positively affect whatever body that is near them, be it human, animal, plant, or water.
Has ANCHI Crystals' life force or Chi been documented?
Yes, ANCHI Crystals have been studied in several ways. Initially they were tested to document their ability to create vitality in water by Dr. Konstantin Korotkov at St. Petersburg State Technical University in Russia. Dr. Korotkov is known internationally for his development of GDV software, which documents subtle energy of the body, and the vitality of water and minerals. Cosmetic companies such as Estee Lauder and Aveda highly regard the work of Dr. Korotkov. The primary use of GDV software in Russia is in hospitals.
Five types of water were tested after being exposed to these crystals and in every case the vitality was increased significantly! The test stated that the "increased energy" was due to the crystals' apparent ability to organize the molecules in the water. The same university studied the beneficial effect of ANCHI Crystals on human skin, and when soaking the body in water exposed to the crystals.
The crystals were also tested for their ability to hydrate skin in women ranging in age 20-60 years old. Again, positive benefits were documented. ANCHI Crystals were then added to popular skin creams. They were given 27 minutes to raise hydration levels higher than the same cream without the crystals. In every case, hydration levels were significantly higher.
Subsequent to these tests the Anna?? skin line was developed utilizing the crystals under the trade name of POM?? Crystals. The powerful benefits of the crystals are dramatically revealed with only one 30-minute Anna?? Crystalline Masque. The Anna?? skin care products are available through spas, medical skin clinics, and online at www.annaebeauty.com. People all over the world are discovering their skins' ability to remember its optimum state.
Informal testing has also been conducted with software designed to verify the effect of ANCHI Crystals on chakras and energy fields. According to the practitioner conducting the tests, the chakras synchronize in less than five minutes. According to the practitioner, ANCHI Crystals interacted with each person individually. If a person was sick, many stars of white light were seen in their energy field when they held the ANCHI Crystals. If the person was well, ANCHI Crystals would begin sequences of harmonizing cycles through their energy centers/chakras. People's energy fields went into balance. If they were overcharged, the field calmed. If they were undercharged, their field gained more energy. Each person benefits according to their needs in that moment.
Other informal testing using Voice Prints also showed spectacular results. Voice Prints use the vibrational tones of the voice to correlate to various parts of the body and indicate levels of health. The first person tested was a 60 year old woman who had used ANCHI Crystals for approximately one month. During that time several of her health problems had been resolved. The practitioner explained that many people were missing some notes, or vibrational tones, and that post menopausal women were commonly missing a certain note. According to the practitioner, the perfect balance of all the notes was generally present in only babies and young children. Imagine the practitioner's surprise when the 60 year old woman had all of the notes! After holding ANCHI Crystals for about 5 minutes, the test was repeated. The woman's voice print formed nearly "the perfect bell curve" seen in most babies and young children. The practitioner told the woman she had better expect to live a long life with a reading like that!
How do ANCHI Crystals benefit me?
In today's world, time and convenience are tremendous benefits. We all want to live in the optimum state of wholeness. We need a way to quickly obtain Optimum States that fit our lifestyles and schedules. Even people who are dedicated practitioners of meditation and yoga find that ANCHI Crystals help maintain the desired energy flows to a greater degree throughout their day.
We also are impacted by our computers and other electronic devices that interfere with our electromagnetic fields. Disturbed electromagnetic fields in the environment also contribute to our compromised personal fields. ANCHI Crystals provide a source for a naturally harmonized field which is so important under modern conditions.
Do you believe ANCHI Crystals have the capacity to heal?
We believe that ANCHI Crystals affect the body's energy centers (chakras), electrical systems, energy patterns, and fields in a positive and unifying way. We believe that operating in "wholeness" is fundamental to mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical well being. We believe that in wholeness we are naturally connected to the greater Whole, and this is as it was originally intended. We believe that by facilitating this Optimum State, the body naturally heals itself. ANCHI Crystals support the Optimum States that allow the physical and nonphysical aspects to self correct naturally.
How long do my ANCHI CRYSTALS last?
ANCHI Crystals will certainly last a lifetime. They have already existed for 1.6 billion years! The original pouches will not, of course. Some people transfer the crystals to a new pouch or container with deep personal meaning. Others purchase replacement pouches either from the original supplier or from other sources.
How do I use them?
ANCHI Crystals may be safely used anywhere on the body. Generally they are placed on the heart, third eye, or other chakra points, as well as on areas of pain. They do not require focus or meditation. They are, however, important companions to meditative practices. ANCHI Crystals do not alter mental faculties. They can be used any time throughout the day and are great to have while driving or traveling. It is highly recommended to use them to synchronize your systems before sleep by placing a pouch on your heart or another desired area. It is acceptable that they fall off the body during the night and remain in the bed. Your own insights can be the greatest source of where to place them.
How do I know what size to buy?
Generally a person buys a pouch that correlates with their size and weight. A small person (under 135 lbs.) would purchase a 6oz bag. Sometimes first time users prefer to begin with this size and move to a larger size when they decide to do so. Some people prefer to begin with two 6 oz bags if they feel this size seems right for them. Some of the crystal pieces can always be removed then added back later. Others, particularly men, usually prefer more pouches. If a person has a particular problem area of the body that needs attention two pouches are generally recommended. Most people know by instinct which pouch is right for them.
Is there a problem if other people touch or use my ANCHI Crystals?
Many people feel very personal about their crystals and this is understandable. However, ANCHI Crystals quickly adapt to interact with each person and their particular situation. If another person holds or uses your crystals, do not worry about any interference with your own connection to them. The crystals will quickly adapt back to your specific field upon their return, and will work to balance your specific energy patterns. The ability to immediately interact with each person and their ever changing moments is one of the reasons ANCHI Crystals truly remarkable.
Are there any negative effects from ANCHI Crystals?
There are no known negative effects. It is important to correlate your ANCHI Crystal pouch to your needs. On occasion, people who have too strong a pouch for them will have the urge to remove the pouch. If so, simply purchase a smaller one or remove a portion of the crystals from your bag. If the pouch is placed over an area where there has been injury, mild discomfort is sometimes felt at first, as the old energetic patterns are reorganized towards health. However, none of these conditions are harmful. The only "caution" for every user is to know that once you have experienced ANCHI Crystals, you will not want to be without them! As one user eloquently said, "You do not buy ANCHI Crystals, you adopt them." Most users carry them everywhere they go.
Why is my ANCHI Crystal Sachet/Pouch not completely filled?
The ANCHI Crystal Cache/Pouch is meant to conform to body contours. Many people place them over places of pain or areas that need support. Completely filled pouches are stiff and have no flexibility. Partial filling allows the sachets/pouches to mold to the desired location such as knees, head, etc. The pouches are sold by weight. The exact amount of ANCHI Crystals in a generous container is simply a matter of convenience and a more pleasurable tactile experience for the user.
After continued use, why does my ANCHI Crystal Cache/Pouch seem to have fewer crystals? In some instances, constant use causes the crystals to rub against one another in such a way that the crystals become smaller in size. Smaller sized crystals will compact more, taking up less space than the same amount of crystals of a larger size. The weight of the crystals is the same. Since the effect of the crystals is based upon weight, the effect remains the same.
Are ANCHI Crystals gathered with respect?
The owners of the mine have a strong sense of stewardship and integrity. They practice nontraditional, holistic mining practices. They keep the Community of Crystals, meaning the combination of every mineral found in that geographic location, complete and together just as they were formed in synergy 1.6 billion years ago, and they utilize all they gather. They allow no harsh chemical processing. The only processing of ANCHI Crystals is size reduction. Above all, nothing that would harm or alter the unique geo-imprint of ANCHI Crystals is allowed!
ANCHI Crystals (3.5oz) with Bag and Booklet
ANCHI Crystals are a complex matrix of exceptionally pure, exclusive-to-ANCHI Crystals and gems possessing geo-imprinting uniquely capable of broad spectrum electrical energy rejuvenation.
ANCHI Crystals were formed over one billion six hundred million years ago at a time when the earth was just beginning to be birthed in a drama of flowing molten masses. Oxygen in the atmosphere as we know it is less than 800 million years old and, at the time of ANCHI Crystal formation, would not become a reality for another billion more years. By contrast, the Himalayas are only 55 million years old. ANCHI Crystals are some of the oldest matter on earth.
They are strikingly beautiful. Every color of the rainbow is represented: violet blues, purples, pinks, greens, bright yellow. The textures range from purple glitter, metallic rose bronze, white feathered formations, pinks sprays, lavender gray pearls, and vivid multi-colors.
There are over fifty documented kinds of crystals including tourmalines, lepidolites, beryls, and topaz. As beautiful as they are, however, their real power lies in their physics.
Formed together as a single community, these ancient crystals are exceedingly rare. The geo-imprint in their particular crystalline signature is unique. This geo-imprint, through a phenomenon where the crystals have a templating effect and transference properties, creates a change in adjacent electrical fields. These crystals are very stable. Transference means that certain aspects of the crystals are transferred to what is around them. The laws concerning templating and transference are found in physics. When ANCHI Crystals are placed on the skin, their geo-imprinting transfers focused energy capable of dramatic, accelerated organizing and optimizing of electrical flow and activity.
Research has documented the remarkable ability of ANCHI Crystals to organize and structure water, providing greater vitality and more available energy for cellular metabolism.
- A study conducted at Pennsylvania State University verifies that the active mechanism of ANCHI Crystals is the field around the crystals.
- Research conducted in Europe by a team of physicists explore ANCHI Crystals' positive affect on bio-photons and energy flows in the body.
ANCHI markets and distributes products containing ANCHI Crystals for use in balancing, organizing, integrating and optimizing electrical fields. Any product displaying the name ANCHI Crystals assures the user that this signature natural resource is present.
Directions for Use
ANCHI Crystals work differently for everyone. Do not expect the same results experienced by others.
Recommended Use
Enhance your ability to live in an optimal state... a new approach to Electrical Energy Rejuvenation!