October 6, 2018 by
Life Enthusiast Staff

Energetic Healing

In Energy Medicine, a disease is referred to as a deficit of energy or flow (chi, ki, prana).

Our bodies, when healthy, are energetically balanced. When ill, the body will create suffering, manifesting as disease. When confronted with disease, we are encouraged to change by our own body that is telling us that we have either too little, or too much, of something in our life.

Energy Deficit Causes Disease

We lack vibrational energy. We need to identify the vibration we are deficient in and bring our body back into balance by replenishing our body with the appropriate energy /information /vibration. We are in a healthy state when we have sufficient life force (current, energy, information, vitality) in our cells.

Consider your body as a rechargeable battery. Even if your body is functioning well you have to make sure that your batteries are charged, else your body will not have enough energy to repair itself. It will deteriorate, creating disease and lack of vitality. The disease signals the lack of specific energy in the form of a symptom.

Let’s not mistake the symptom for the cause of the disease. Symptoms are the expression of an energetically imbalanced organism. The body signals a weakened organ through a symptom.

Suppressing Symptoms Does Not Heal

Deficit of vibrational energy allows chaos and disorder to take hold in our body. If we suppress a symptom without determining its cause, we are taking away out chance to balance it. Suppressing symptoms leads to more symptoms and a disease that is even more entrenched. The oil pressure indicator in your car lets you know about a problem which could to lead to irreparable damage. If you were to treat this situation according to conventional medical understanding, by treating the symptoms, you would simply put a piece of chewing gum over the gauge to block the red light, and continue driving. How long will that last? Instead we must identify the cause of the problem, and deal with it.

Healing Through Consciousness

Pure vibrational energy is formless and not visible to us. We have been conditioned to accept pharmaceutical pills as a solution, rather than working to find the cause of the source of energy deficit, manifesting as a disease. Taking conventional medicine will not only suppress the symptoms but will often lead to additional blockages of our energy flow. (Commonly Known as Harmful Side Effects about which we are cautioned.) If we introduce the needed vibrational energy to our body, soon our self-regulating (homeostatic) mechanism will bring us to health. Our body always tries to return to its original, balanced state.

This process is the “healing”. It’s not the doctor or therapist who heals us. Even with the approximately fifty-eight thousand medications available, we can find practically none that can heal our disease. The healing process can only come about from inside, because healing is primarily a process of consciousness. Through learning we receive the missing information, the energy, a specific range or pattern of electromagnetic vibrations. This can come to us as nourishment, or through subtle means, such as words, touch, music. The food or the therapy are only carriers of information, not the energy itself.

Disease and Energy

  • Disease = deficit of vibrational energy.
  • Symptoms = point of greatest imbalance.
  • Healing = resolving deficit of energy, and consciousness, not treating symptoms.

Energetic Medicine

To explain what I mean by “modern medical science has no underlying theoretical basis,” let me offer an example of a non-modern medical system that has such basis. Not to prove that it’s a “right” or “wrong” theory, just to give anyone interested an idea of what a “theoretical basis of medical science” CAN be like when it’s there, as opposed to what it’s like when it is nonexistent. The theoretical basis of traditional Chinese medicine is the concept of energy transformations. It postulates that we live in a world of manifest phenomena that share a common origin, and that everything that happens in this world.

A) Happens in rhythmical cycles – be it planetary rotations around the sun or seasonal changes on this planet or blood circulation cycles in the human body or circadian and monthly hormonal changes, etc.

B) These cyclic changes work due to waxing and waning of the basic types of energies of the world. For convenience, the two opposite and complementary types of energies interacting in the universe are given verbal labels that point towards the nature and quality of a particular phenomenon under scrutiny. The waxing-increase-speed-up-opening type phenomena are dubbed “yang” and the waning-decrease-closing-slow-down type, “yin”

C) Increasing yin-type manifestations of any phenomenon or entity decreases its yang-type manifestations, and vice versa

D) Energies of the world, whether “material” or “immaterial” (i.e. “pattern- or tendency-forming,” function-related) manifest as “vitality, energy, spirit” (Chinese jing, qi, shen) and undergo transformations, vitality to energy to spirit, or the other way around, in certain orderly patterns which, when disrupted, cause stagnation, blockage or “entanglement” of these energies

E) The basis for smooth operations of the transformations in the body is memory, which is part of jing and consists of the body’s inherent idea of what it is and how it must go about being what it is (e.g., a tree knows how to be a tree and not a mouse due to jing, the nature of its original vitality; this knowledge includes expertise in dynamic homeostasis – how to be a functioning, living organism of a particular kind, and what to do and what not to do on every level at every step of any and all transformations that the whole entity will undergo during its lifetime)

F) There are five types of energy involved in all transformations; they are known as the Five Phases, and operate cyclically, via one nourishing the next, the next decreasing the former, and each controlling the one derived from the one it nourishes. The cycles go on smoothly in a healthy body, get disrupted in an unhealthy body. Because the process is cyclic, disrupting one “phase” of energy will affect the next and this one, the next, and ultimately all

G) Transformations of energies are directional in space and time, and are reversible in space and time

H) The factors influencing the nature and quality of transformations are known as “resonance” (Chinese gan ying) – meaning phenomena of the outside world “resonate” with those inside the human being and prompt transformations of a certain kind going in a certain direction. Example: the setting sun and advancing darkness will cause a shift in the yin-yang balance (hormonal, metabolic, sympathetic-parasympathetic, etc.) from daytime “more yang” to nighttime “more yin” dynamic equilibrium in the human body, following (“in synch with, resonating with”) similar developments in the ambient medium

I) There’s no absolutes, nothing is “pure this” or “pure that,” phenomena of the manifest world and the human body alike are meaningful only in comparisons; thus, nothing is “yin” and nothing is “yang,” one can talk only of “more yin” vs. “more yang.” Example: a healthy male has a preponderance of male “yang” hormones (testosterone) but also, invariably, some “yin” female hormones (estrogen) at every step of his live functioning; and vice versa

J) A trained medical practitioner learns multiple methods of discerning disruptions of normal smooth cyclic operations in the body. These, when present, affect all organs and systems, some more explicitly and others, in a more “hidden” fashion; however, there’s clusters of manifestations where they can be discerned quite clearly by an appropriately trained professional and so on.

This is the tip of the iceberg, of course, but from the above you can see that the whole system is tightly consistent with its underlying basic principles, and doesn’t leave any phenomena outside its overall power to discern, understand, classify, address, “know the reasons why” and “know what can be done about.” Which is more than can be said about the Western scientific models, of which there are scores, all of them at odds and/or in conflict with scores of other Western scientific models.

Which is one reason I read two-thousand-year-old medical books in order to “get it” on the conceptual level, with subjectively better overall cognitive results than I derive from any “cutting edge research,” whether “alternative” or “orthodox.” Maybe I’m just not smart enough to “get it” when it is as fragmented as Western science is. Or maybe I’m just an integration junkie…

Author: Life Enthusiast Staff
Life Enthusiast Staff October 6, 2018
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