Your good health may need an extra push in one particular area, with a Single Vitamin. Many people are notoriously depleted in just one. And need specific supplementation to resolve health problems. Depending on your biological individuality, you may need more or less of one Single Vitamin. Find your specific Metabolic Type to determine what your body needs. Vitamin A supports your eyes and liver. B can lower your stress. Most of us need more Vitamin C as an immune booster and antioxidant activator. Anti Oxidants can prevent and stop tumor growth. Reverse symptoms of aging and eliminate painful degenerative diseases. They kill free radicals that cause mutated cell growth (tumors). It also deals with systemic inflammation. Vitamin D is powerful immune and bone support. Take a look at our Blogs about VitaminsYou might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance.

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