Most people think that pain and inflammation happen naturally with age. But it does not have to be so. To be free of pain, you need adequate and efficient nutrient absorption and toxin elimination. It can truly be that simple. The main symptoms of inflammation are pain, swelling, redness, heat and loss of function. And it may all  be reversible. To reduce and eliminate pain and inflammation, we offer supplements and devices. You can achieve amazing results to improve your quality of life! Thousands of people have eliminated their pain with Amino Acids. Magnesium is highly effective to relieve muscle and joint discomfort. Herbs and herbal tinctures address the specific, rare nutritional imbalances that cause connective tissue inflammation. Silica holds all your connective tissues together. This supports your structure: bones, joints, cartilage and muscles. Systemic Enzymes help postpone or reverse aging. They enable proper functioning of your natural inflammatory response, to repair injuries. Crystal Salt Brine Therapy is powerful and practical to relieve pain and inflammation. It also helps you detoxify. Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) are healthy fats and help reduce inflammation. They are not stored as fat. They’re burned for energy. Consider CBD (cannabidiol) from Hemp. It's very effective for spasms, tremors and cramps. Take a look at all our Blogs about Pain and Inflammation. You might enjoy listening to our Podcasts for current information on health repair and maintenance.

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