October 6, 2018 by
Gabriel Cousens

Zeolite: Miraculous Detoxifier by Gabriel Cousens

About Gabriel Cousens:

Diplomate of the American Board of Holistic Medicine, Diplomate of Ayurveda, director and workshops facilitator of the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center, host of “Physician of the Soul” and “Creating Peace by Being Peace” Internet radio programs, and author of Spiritual Nutrition, Conscious Eating, Depression-Free for Life, Rainbow Green Live-Food Cuisine, and Sevenfold Peace. I have come across a major breakthrough in detoxifying the human body of heavy metals and other toxins, and overall acid conditions that promote or directly cause disease. This summary details a major breakthrough in detoxifying the human body of the carcinogens, heavy metals, viruses, bacteria, fungi, and overall acid conditions that promote and cause disease.

According to the EPA, 70,000 chemicals are used commercially in the US, and are being dumped into our environment, 65,000 of which are potentially hazardous to our health. We live in a virtual sea of pollutants, and carry many of these toxins within us. They can be found even in unborn children. A 2004 study by the Environmental Working Group identified 287 industrial chemicals in babies’ umbilical-cord blood, including 180 known to cause cancer and 217 that are toxic to the brain and nervous system.

In my research to develop a detoxification system for prospective mothers, I recently learned about a naturally occurring mineral detoxifier called zeolite, which has a unique, negatively charged, crystalline structure. Zeolite is formed from the fusion of lava and ocean water, and combines all four elements. I feel that zeolite is an alchemical gift from God. It has been used for more than 800 years in Asia as a remedy for overall health and well-being, and is on the FDA’s GRAS list (generally recognized as safe). Zeolite is now available commercially in a purified, liquid form, in the product Natural Cellular Defense.

The results of research on zeolite are very impressive:

  1. Zeolite appears to prevent and may become an important treatment for cancer. In one study, 78 percent of the 65 participants with terminal cancer (all types) are now in complete remission for 12 months (LifeLink Pharmaceuticals, 2005).
  2. It has a chelation-like effect in removing heavy metals (particularly lead, mercury, cadmium, and arsenic), pesticides, herbicides, PCBs, and other toxins from the body. These toxins are strongly correlated with the occurrence of a wide range of diseases, including cancers and neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s, autism, and dementia.
  3. Zeolite also improves liver function, indirectly improving elimination of pesticides, herbicides, and xeno-estrogens.
  4. Zeolite appears to block viral replication, and may prove to be a potent antiviral and general remedy for all viruses. To date, 40 anecdotal cases of herpes zoster have reportedly been healed. Preliminary anecdotal case studies suggest that it may help alleviate rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and hepatitis C as well as the common cold and flu.
  5. Zeolite’s binding power was proven during the Chernobyl disaster, when tons of it were used to remove radioactive cesium and strontium-90 before they contaminated local water systems.
  6. Zeolite creates a natural buffer in the system by establishing an optimal pH level (between 7.35 and 7.45), which in turn activates healthy brain function and a strong immune system.
  7. It shows promise as an effective detoxifier for prospective mothers. Recently, at the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center, Liquid Zeolite was added to the protocol for the 10-day detoxification program for prospective mothers. In two women who just completed the program, toxins in their breast tissue dropped significantly – from 12 in one and 13 in the other to only two – over the course of seven days. Although anecdotal evidence and centuries of use in Asia suggest that zeolite is safe to use even during pregnancy and breastfeeding, its safe use in pregnancy has not been proven in double-blind studies.
  8. According to testimonials, zeolite promotes a sense of well-being, clarity, and happiness. It appears to do this as a consequence of eliminating toxins and also, according to preliminary research, by increasing serotonin production. One study suggests that zeolite also helps relieve depression.
  9. Anecdotal reports suggest that zeolite increases energy, immune function, and general health.
  10. Zeolite neutralizes the formation of nitrosamines in the stomach. Found in processed meats, nitrosamines are one cause of stomach cancer. Another positive effect on the stomach, according to many anecdotal reports, is relief of acid reflux.
  11. Testimonials suggest that zeolite captures triggering antigens, which cause allergies, migraines, and asthma, decreasing the rate and severity of these symptoms.
  12. Zeolite directly absorbs free radicals and thus decreases free radical activity and damage to the body.

To test the effectiveness of zeolite in detoxifying prospective mothers and fathers, I designed a pilot study of 60 people at the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center earlier this year based on my protocol for preparing parents to bring forth nontoxic babies. The basic protocol consists of a one-week green-juice fast and detox support program, to which I added 15 drops of Natural Cellular Defense (NCD) four times a day. The following very significant results were found. Thirty people were tested for depleted uranium (DU), a very serious worldwide radioactive contaminant resulting from DU armaments, which are used in Iraq.

Of the 30 people tested, 28 had DU in at least one organ – the liver, breast, or brain – and 25 had DU in all three of these organs. After one week on the study protocol, all these people became DU-free except one, who still tested positive for depleted uranium in the liver. Some of the study participants were also tested for Teflon and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), the likely carcinogenic element of Teflon. Of the 44 people tested, Teflon was found in the livers of 39, the breasts of 37, and the brains of 40; PFOA was found in the livers of 40 of these people, the breasts of 41, and the brains of 40.

All but two of those tested became Teflon-free after one week. One person had Teflon remaining in the breast tissue, and one had Teflon remaining in the brain. After a week on the study protocol, 43 of the 44 people were found to be free of PFOA, while one person was found to still have the toxin in the breast and brain tissue. In addition, 60 people were tested for 14 to 26 common toxins including heavy metals, pesticides, and herbicides. In these 60 people, 801 of these toxins were initially found in the subjects’ livers, 825 toxins were detected in the breasts, and 824 toxins were identified in brain tissue.

On average, they were initially found to have 90 to 95% of these toxins in their livers, breasts, and brains, regardless of their diets (many of the people in the study are vegans who eat live food). After the week-long zeolite/green-juice fast protocol, just 73 toxins remained in the subjects’ livers, 103 toxins were left in their breasts, and 111 toxins were detected in their brains. The overall percentage of removal of these toxins from the participants’ organs was 88%, leaving only 12% of the toxins in their systems overall. This included 91% removal of these toxins from the liver, 88% removal from the breast, and 87% removal from the brain. These results are presented in the table below:

Results of Week-Long Zeolite and Juice Fasting Nontoxic Baby Protocol

Toxins Found BEFORE 801 825 824 2450
Toxins Found AFTER 73 103 111 287
Percentage Removed 91% 88% 87% 88%

Four of the 60 subjects continued the green-juice fasting with zeolite for two weeks, and the toxins we test for went down to 0, a 100% removal rate. These results suggest that there is a powerful synergy in using zeolite along with a detoxifying green-juice fast. In observing thousands of fasters since 1988, I have found that fasting alone – although wonderful for enhancing the vital force – does not significantly rid the body of pesticides, herbicides, and heavy metals after one week.

I am proposing a theoretical model for explaining the testimonials of the powerful, across-the-board healing effects of purified zeolite from such health problems as ADD/hyperactivity, addiction, Agent Orange exposure, arthritis, autism, cancer, cysts and tumors, depression, DES exposure, diabetes, fibromyalgia, flu, colds, and respiratory problems, gastrointestinal problems, heavy metal poisoning, hepatitis C, high blood pressure, HIV/AIDS, kidney stones, lack of mental clarity, pain, PMS/menstrual pain, silicone breast implant toxicity, skin conditions, spider bite, toothache/gum disease, varicose and spider veins, and viral, yeast, and other infections. The model is a foundational healing concept.

It is that, by removing toxins (including heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, and radioactive contaminants such as DU) as well as by increasing immune system function, alkalizing the blood, blocking viral replication, and neutralizing free radicals, zeolite removes the blocks that compromise the vital life force. When the vital life force is freed up and activated, the body’s natural ability to heal and relieve these chronic diseases is restored. With zeolite, we have returned to the basic healing approach for all chronic diseases, which is to free up and activate the vital life force. Zeolite is truly an alchemical gift from the Divine. Zeolite taken daily as oral supplement supports us in living healthy, happy, and active lives in an increasingly toxic world.

For more information on this article, please call the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center toll-free at 866-394-2520 or go to http://www.treeoflife.nu/.

Product Review

Toxins poison our air, our water, our food, and our bodies. According to the EPA, 70,000 chemicals are used commercially in the US, 65,000 of which are potentially hazardous to our health. The Environmental Defense Council reports that more than four billion pounds of toxic chemicals are released into the environment each year, including 72 million pounds of known carcinogens. Cancer fatalities account for approximately 12 percent of all deaths worldwide each year. Across the globe, 10.9 million people are diagnosed with cancer annually and 6.7 million die because of it. According to the World Health Organization, global cancer rates could increase by 50 percent in the next 15 years. The US ranks in the top three countries with the highest cancer rate in both men and women.

The toxic onslaught doesn’t stop with carcinogens. A joint study by Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, Commonweal, and the Environmental Working Group in 2003 identified a total of 167 hazardous compounds in the blood and urine of American adults (with an average of 91 per person tested), including 76 known to cause cancer, 94 that are toxic to the nervous system, 82 that damage the lungs, 86 that affect hormone function, and 79 that cause birth defects. A study by the Environmental Working Group in 2004 found a total of 287 industrial chemicals in babies’ umbilical-cord blood, including 180 known to cause cancer, 217 that are toxic to the brain and nervous system, and 208 that cause birth or developmental defects in animals.

As many as 25 percent of Americans are estimated to suffer from some degree of heavy metal poisoning, particularly from mercury, lead, cadmium, and arsenic. We are also exposed to a significant amount of radiation and increasing viral attacks. Our immune systems are further compromised by poor nutrition and unhealthy lifestyles, and most of us suffer from an excessively acidic pH level, which creates an internal environment in which cancer – as well as viral, bacterial, and fungal infections – can thrive. In my work to develop a detoxification system for prospective mothers to enable them to bring nontoxic babies into the world, I have searched for a simple, natural remedy that could serve as a practical antidote for toxicity. Recently, I learned about zeolite, a naturally occurring, negatively charged mineral, with a unique crystalline structure.

Zeolite is formed from the fusion of volcanic lava and ocean water, and combines the four elements – air, earth, water, and fire. It has been used for 800 years throughout Asia as a traditional remedy to promote overall health and well-being, and for 30 years in the US in animal feed. It has also undergone 13 years of pharmaceutical research in the US with humans. Zeolite is included on the Food and Drug Administration’s GRAS list (generally recognized as safe) and thus is considered to be “completely safe.” Zeolite may well be one of the most potent natural preventatives and treatments for cancer ever discovered. LifeLink Pharmaceuticals recently completed a preliminary, 14-month, open-label study of 65 level-four, terminal-stage cancer patients. These people had various types of cancer, and all of them had been sent home to die.

After taking purified zeolite, 51 of them (78 percent) experienced complete remission, which means that their cancer disappeared. This preliminary research suggests that purified and activated zeolite may be effective in treating all forms of cancer, leukemia, and lymphoma. Zeolite’s mechanism of action against cancer cells is unique and unlike that of any other substance I have studied. Theoretically, it has the rare ability to take in a tremendous amount of positively charged toxins, indirectly neutralizing their effect in causing cancer. In the process, the zeolite develops a slight positive charge. It is then attracted to and pulled right into the negatively charged membrane of the cancer cell. When the zeolite moves inside the cancer cell, the cell’s P21 gene is activated.

This gene acts as a tumor suppressor through its ability to control cell-cycle progression. The activation of P21 appears to halt the growth of tumors by directly suppressing growth signals. What we can say is that zeolite has a Chelation-like effect in removing heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, and other positively charged toxins from the system. Zeolite’s negatively charged crystalline structure is what makes this possible. Its crystals act as “cages,” inside of which are positive ions. These positive ions switch places with positively charged toxins in the body, tightly bind them, and excrete them completely. One of the benefits of binding toxins in this manner is that they are 100 percent excreted. Heavy metals, pesticides, and herbicides all leave the system; they do not get deposited elsewhere in the body.

Forty percent of zeolite binds heavy metals in the gastrointestinal tract, and 60 percent binds toxins in the bloodstream and at the cellular level. Zeolite’s binding power was proven during the Chernobyl disaster, when tons of it were used to remove radioactive cesium and strontium-90 before they contaminated local water systems. Acting primarily as a chelator, zeolite trapped these radioactive minerals within its crystalline cage structure. Zeolite appears to remove toxins from the body in a hierarchical order. It first acts strongly to remove lead, mercury, cadmium, and arsenic. This first phase may take one to four weeks or longer. Zeolite then removes second-priority toxins, including pesticides, herbicides, and plastics. Zeolite appears to increase the rate of glucuronization in the liver, activating phase II of the glucuronidase function.

This in turn removes pesticides, herbicides, and xeno-estrogens from the body, releasing them through the urine. Interestingly, it also appears to neutralize the aflatoxin poison. A third function of zeolite is to trap pre-virus components, preventing the replication of viruses and their ability to make us sick. In this way, zeolite may play an important role as a broad-spectrum antiviral. Viruses are produced in parts as on a production line, at the end of which the virus is fully constructed. Zeolite absorbs viral parts into the pores of the mirconized zeolite aggregates (not into the chelating-like cages described above). This explains why zeolite seems to block the development of many viral infections, including herpes virus 1, coxsackie virus B-5, ecco-virus 7, and adeno virus 5.

Forty anecdotal cases of herpes zoster have reportedly been cured, with sufferers becoming pain-free in one to three days after beginning to take zeolite. Anecdotal testimony also reports that it is effective in alleviating or curing the flu, colds, hepatitis C, viral or heavy-metal induced multiple sclerosis, and rheumatoid arthritis. Zeolite’s effect as an antiviral. Appears to be a preventative function that builds up over time, beginning after approximately four to six weeks of use, when heavy metals, pesticides, and herbicides have been mostly eliminated. There is anecdotal evidence, however, that in some cases its antiviral. Effect seems to be immediate. Zeolite also is a unique antioxidant. A traditional antioxidant works by absorbing excess free radicals into its system because it has an unpaired electron.

In contrast, zeolite traps free radicals in its complex structure, inactivating and eliminating them. In this way, it acts as a complement to traditional antioxidants. In addition, zeolite buffers the system towards slight alkalinity by establishing pH levels of 7.35 to 7.45, which is the optimum pH for the human body. The body’s pH level influences both immunity and brain function. An acid blood pH (7.34 or lower) creates a precondition for cancer. In an acid environment, brain cell function can also be impaired, causing depression, anxiety, stupor, paranoia, delusions, hallucinations, or even psychosis. Zeolite also appears to balance the immune system, either up- or down-regulating it as needed. Although the precise mechanism for this is not entirely understood, this function is clearly very important in a world in which most people’s immune systems are seriously compromised.

Because zeolite so powerfully removes various types of toxins from the body, it naturally increases energy and well-being. Users report improvements in mental clarity and a sense of peace, wellness, and happiness. These are what we term positive secondary effects. For example, clearing out heavy metals allows the body’s magnesium stores to work efficiently with adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the biological source of energy in the body. When this interaction is occurring optimally, people have more energy and experience greater well-being. One study has demonstrated that zeolite also appears to increase serotonin level, which is known to help alleviate some forms of depression. Zeolite shows promise as an effective detoxifier for women who plan to become pregnant.

Recently, at the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center, it was added to the protocol for the 10-day detoxification program for prospective mothers. In two women who just completed the program, toxins in their breast tissue dropped significantly – from 12 in one and 13 in the other to only two – in seven days. Toxins in their liver and brain tissue also dropped to an average of only two. Based on centuries of use in Asia and anecdotal accounts of its use by pregnant women, zeolite appears to be safe even for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. However, its safe use in pregnancy has not been tested in double-blind studies, and no claims for safe use in pregnancy can be made.

Zeolite is commercially available in a purified and activated form, in a liquid product. There are no reports of side effects, except one: because of its natural action to absorb water, zeolite can cause dehydration. It is therefore important to drink sufficient water (approximately eight glasses a day) both before and while taking Liquid Zeolite to ensure adequate hydration. There is only one contraindication: Liquid Zeolite is contraindicated for anyone taking a medication containing heavy metals, such as lithium, or containing platinum, which is found in some cancer medications. Before taking Liquid Zeolite, check with your doctor to determine if your medication contains heavy metals or platinum.

Dosage: Liquid Zeolite is clear, tasteless, and odorless. The general adult dosage is 10 drops three times a day. It can be taken with or away from meals. As a support for cancer prevention or as an addition to a cancer treatment program, 15 drops three to four times a day is recommended. Zeolite remains active in the body for five to seven hours, and then needs to be replenished. After four to six weeks of use (at 10 drops three times a day), a maintenance dosage of three to five drops three times a day can be taken, with the amount increased if ever there is a viral, chemical, or other exposure. Children can be given two drops, three times a day, as a general dose.

Higher doses of 15 drops, three times a day, maintenance dosage of 3 drops, three times a day. I take Liquid Zeolite, and I feel that everyone living in the industrial world should be taking it on a regular basis. This product is very different from supplements that add to well-being, but are not essential. Liquid Zeolite is simple, elegant, extraordinary, and vital for healthy living in today’s toxic world. I believe this most unique, natural substance is an alchemical gift from God to help us face our present-day health challenges due to ecological ignorance or, as they are called in Ayurveda, prajna prathara or crimes against nature.

Gabriel Cousens, MD, MD (H), has been a holistic physician since 1973. A diplomate of the American Board of Holistic Medicine and of Ayurveda, he is the director of the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center in Patagonia, Arizona, and the author of four widely read books: Spiritual Nutrition: Six Foundations for Spiritual Life; Conscious Eating; Depression-Free for Life: A Physician’s All-Natural, 5-Step Plan; and Rainbow Green Live Food Cuisine.

Author: Gabriel Cousens
Gabriel Cousens October 6, 2018
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