November 10, 2018 by
Life Enthusiast Staff

Wild Oats (Green Oat Seed, Avena Sativa)

Used to enhance blood supply to lower abdomen. Has a reputation as an aphrodisiac for most men and for some women. Phytonutrients, Fiber, Vitamins & Minerals.

Avena Sativa is an herbal extract from wild oats straw. It is sometimes known as green oats, and is now commonly taken as a natural aphrodisiac. Originally, however, it had been used in India for many centuries to treat opium addictions. In addition of its primary role as a libido enhancer, Avena Sativa is also taken nowadays to help smoking cessation, after at least one study showed this herb to be promising in this regard. It is speculated that it can possibly alter the chemicals that control addiction in the brain. Although Avena Sativa is a rather recent addition to the herbal aphrodisiac scene, some oats have had a long history of use as animal fertility enhancers, even giving rise to the common phrases “sow their oats” or “sow their wild oats”.

Avena Sativa is believed to free up testosterone in both men and women. One of the main effects of testosterone is a healthy libido. Testosterone is often associated primarily with males, but women produce it naturally as well by way of their ovaries, while men manufacture it in their testes. Studies have shown that women who have low testosterone also suffer from a diminished libido. Avena Sativa does not create more testosterone in the body, but is thought to free some that is in a “”bound”” state. Approximately 2% of the body’s testosterone is in a “”free”” state; the other 98% is bound to protein molecules. The free state testosterone is considered the active form; when it is low, not only does our libido diminish, but our bodies store fat more readily, and lean muscle decreases.

Wild oat’s abundant calcium helps build strong bones, thereby protecting against osteoporosis. It is effectively combined with other calcium rich herbs such as horsetail, nettles, comfrey, red clover, and raspberry leaves for this purpose. Regular use of wild oats lowers cholesterol, tones and supports the heart and circulatory system, alleviates hemorrhoids, strengthens the endocrine and nervous systems, helps eliminate stress, regulates hormone production and acts like a “love potion”. Typical dose is 2 cups of infusion or 20 drops of tincture daily.

Oatstraw comes from the same plant as your morning breakfast cereal. It grows in abundance and has been cultivated throughout millions of acres. The nourishing benefits of the stems, seeds and flowers do wonders for emotional challenges including stress, exhaustion, depression and a burned out nervous system. Harvest oatstraw while there is still a milk like substance in the seed pods from March through Mid-May. Dry the oatstraw and store in a dark cabinet in glass jars or a paper bag. Be sure not to harvest near roadways or any area possibly sprayed with pesticides or a place where dogs and cats frequent.

Oatstraw is a traditional herbal bath for the treatment of spasms, nervous disorders, joint pain and skin disorders. It is a powerful nerve tonic and is supportive in the treatment of addictions, raw nerve endings and energy deficiency. It nourishes the pancreas, liver and replenishes the adrenal glands. And it reduces cholesterol and improves circulatory functioning. Oatstraw baths are used to soothe flaky, itchy skin and to fight both physical and nervous fatigue. Soaking your entire body in an oatstraw bath helps to wipe off a stressful day, relieve anxiety, and relax the nervous system.

Oatstraw is useful for women in every stage of life including menstruation, pregnancy and menopause. It is known for its rich vitamin and mineral content including vitamin A and B Complex and it is a natural source of iron, magnesium and calcium (with one cup containing up to 300 mg. of calcium.) It is beneficial against osteoporosis with an ability to regenerate the nervous system which plays an important role in a woman’s hormone cycle. It can be used for PMS, thyroid and estrogen deficiency. Also useful for degenerative diseases such as multiple sclerosis or recurrent and persistent colds.

Author: Life Enthusiast Staff
Life Enthusiast Staff November 10, 2018
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