Regard for this simple, leafy salad green is skyrocketing as it provides exceptional levels of Monatomic Rhodium and Iridium. New, high-tech methods of analysis are alerting us to their usefulness, functions and hiding places in nature. These previously ignored trace minerals are intimate to the super-conductive mechanisms of mental activity (consciousness), the immune system, and cellular life-energy. By some scientists’ accounts, these minerals comprise 5% of the dry weight of brain tissue. Remarkable early accounts of “miracle healings,” and suddenly revealed mental talents and spiritual gifts abound.
Weight for weight, watercress contains more vitamin C than an orange, more calcium than milk, more iron than spinach and more folate than bananas. Watercress contains significant amounts of vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, iron, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus – all of which are deficient in most common foods, and are required for health. Watercress contains cancer preventive phytonutrients. Study shows that subjects who ate at least 80 grams of watercress daily saw beneficial results. The Ordman study on the anticarcinogenic abilities of watercress showed great benefit when added to the diet for breast, stomach and lung cancer. The anti-carcinogenic compounds lutein and beta carotene were observed at elevated levels in the bloodstream of participants.
Watercress can be effective in reversing DNA damage to white blood cells. A study of cigarette smokers who ate 85 g of fresh watercress daily saw a 22.9 percent decrease in cellular structure damage. In another experiement cells were able to protect themselves better from oxidation by hydrogen peroxide – the damage was 9.4 percent lower than control. The dietary intake of folate is beneficial in many ways, as is vitamin C. Cruciferous plants like watercress are shown to be beneficial in lowering LDL-Cholesterol which reduces risk of cardiovascular diseases such as arteriosclerosis and other chronic heart disease. Monatomic Rhodium & Iridium, Chlorophyll, Vitamins, Minerals & Phytonutrients