October 6, 2018 by
Dolly Knight MBBS, GCHM and Jonathan Stromberg BSc, MSc

Vortex Water Energizing

From The Center for Implosion Research

Rethinking the Basis of Technology

Since the beginning of the industrial age, the scientific inquiry has largely been limited to a materialistic understanding of natural and technological processes. At one stage, science comprised the spiritual sciences of Alchemy and Metaphysics. With the taking of the industrial path, the spiritual inquiry was neglected by the mainstream scientific establishment. Technology has become increasingly complex without questioning its basic foundations and long term effects, and has moved further and further away from the simple basic workings of nature, which are based on implosion.

Environmental, pollution, exploitation and dereliction have intensified with the increase in sophistication of technology. Recently, there has been a trend to care for the environment by developing ways that lessen the impact and environmental pollution of our technology. However, in order to find real solutions to the environmental dilemma, we have to go back to the beginning of the industrial path, develop an expanded more open-minded science and medicine uniting Western and Eastern knowledge and develop a technology that is simple and works with nature – not against it.

What is Implosion?

Today’s technology is solely based on explosion. This is the process that has been adopted to use the energy stored in our planet’s natural resources to heat our homes, drive our cars and to produce our electricity. The explosion process, however useful it may seem, is extremely wasteful and inefficient. Most of the chemical energy stored in fuel is lost in the conversion process into mechanical or electrical energy. To travel a distance of 1000 km (~600 miles) in an average car requires an energy expenditure of 1000 kW. This equals the energy requirement of one human being to live and do all his physical and intellectual activities for one year (Coats, 1996).

Most of the energy is lost during an explosive process through frictional resistance, which produces useless waste heat. The waste heat from all industrial processes, which are almost exclusively somewhere along the line based on the explosive use of fossil or nuclear fuels, causes our planet to warm up. In nature (unlike conventional technologies) minute temperature differences will cause very large changes. If our own body temperatures go up by half a degree above normal we feel unwell. Our planet reacts to equally small changes in temperature. Further to being heat generating, wasteful and inefficient, the combustion (explosion) of fuels produces byproducts which harm us and pollute our planet.

Furthermore, atmospheric oxygen, the element needed by all of us to breathe and exist, is wastefully consumed during the explosion process. An average car, driven at 50 kph (~30 mph) consumes about 750 times the amount of oxygen needed by a human being (Coats, 1996). At the same time, our oxygen producing global forests are being cut down at an alarming rate. Implosion is a suctional process that causes matter to move inwards, not outwards as in the case of explosion. This inward (centripetal) motion, however, does not follow a straight (radial) path to the center, it follows a spiraling whirling path. This is called a vortex and is the secret of nature.

Have you ever wondered why bath water, when emptied, flows through the plug hole in this spiraling vortex fashion? Water will always try to follow the path of least resistance. This is what the vortex is enabling it to do. It is reducing resistance by curving more and more inwards thereby avoiding the confrontational resistance of straight motion. This is the fundamental reason for the plug hole vortex phenomenon. The Coriolis Effect due to the Earth’s rotation determines the direction of spin of large scale vortices. A characteristic feature of a vortex is that the outside of the vortex moves slowly and the center moves fast.

As water is imploded in a vortex, suspended particles, which are denser than water are sucked into the center of flow, frictional resistance is reduced and the speed of the flow increased. This was verified through experiments conducted by Professor Dr. Franz Popel at the Stuttgart Technical University in Germany in 1952 (Alexandersson, 1996; Coats 1996). The vortex motion, which also causes a drop in temperature and increase in density, is paramount for water to stay healthy and disease free. Natural water courses are naturally spiraling and meandering and the water in them forms whirls and eddies, which are vortices. The vortex motion can also be observed in whirl winds. The suctional force generated within tornadoes is typically strong enough to lift houses and uproot trees.

In stark contrast to nature, the conventional technical motion along straight paths causes resistance to build up exponentially with speed. A small increase in speed causes a large increase in resistance. Pressure and temperature are increased. This means that the higher the speed the greater the losses to friction. In nature there are virtually no straight forms, and whenever possible, vortices, spirals and curves are produced to reduce resistance. Yet in conventional technology, explosion/combustion and straight motion are employed, both of which increase resistance and temperature and are fundamentally against nature and every living thing.

The realization of this caused the Austrian Viktor Schauberger, the father of implosion technology, to proclaim emphatically in the early part of this century: “Our technologists are moving matter incorrectly. Their technologies and interference with nature is detrimental to us and our planet”. His maxim in life was “Understand and Copy Nature” Coats, 1996). There is another not so apparent reason, why in the natural world around us there are so many spirals, as can be seen in shellfish, snails, antelope horns, on a small scale in our spiraling DNA molecule and on a large scale in spiraling cosmic nebulae. We are now about to enter the realms of etheric energies, which are widely known and understood in many cultures. To our Western world, however, these concepts may still seem strange.

Etheric Energy

The Greek derived word ether is defined in the Webster Universal Dictionary as a “hypothetical medium, supposed to fill space, by means of vibrations in which light and other forms of radiation are transmitted”. Up until the latter part of the last century the ether theory was an established scientific fact. The Michelson-Morley experiment, carried out in 1881, concluded that there was no Earth motion relative to the ether (Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol 8, p. 98). This experiment (which was a one off, 4h experiment) discredited the ether theory and caused its rejection in favor of the theory that space is a vacuum and air is merely a chemical composition of Oxygen and Nitrogen plus other minor constituents.

Today, scientists are realizing that there is some kind of fundamental non-electromagnetic energy after all, which pervades space and interacts with matter. Because of its nonconformity to the laws of thermodynamics it has been referred to as free energy, vacuum energy, scalar wave or quantum energy. In Eastern cultures this energy is known as life force, Prana or Chi, etc. In this article we are using Aristotle’s term Ether or etheric energy to describe this subtle energy. The established ether theory of most of the last century was that ether is a static medium. However, ether is dynamic vibratory energy. It is very much in motion. And this motion always follows a vortex path.

All manner of different vortex sizes and shapes exist, but basically, etheric energy moves in a vortex. The American John Worrel Keely, the farther of sympathetic vibratory physics, stated this in the late 19th century. He invented machinery, which was driven by this subtle etheric energy (Pond, 1996). His theories and inventions were opposed by organizations with vested interests, to which he eventually succumbed. His understanding was beyond that of his contemporaries. He was far ahead of his time. Despite the problems he encountered, he and others like Nikola Tesla, Viktor Schauberger and Wilhelm Reich have shown that etheric energy, although invisible to most, is very real. It is the substance that is enabling the perpetual motion of planets, stars and universes.

It is the driving force. Planets are moved within the flow of ether, similar to logs being moved by the flowing water of a river. This explains why there is no relative motion between Earth and ether (Senf, 1997). All matter, on a sub atomic scale, is energy. The nucleus of an atom, its material core, is infinitesimally small in comparison with the size of the atom. If the entire space within an atom were to be filled with particles the size of its nucleus, one million billion (1015) of such particles would be required to do so (Asimov, 1977). Everything is space, and space is everything. This space is ether: vibratory energy! Keely wrote in 1893: “There is no dividing of matter and force into two distinct terms, as they both are one. Force is liberated matter. Matter is force in bondage” (Pond, 1996, p.90)

Etheric energy moves in a vortex fashion, because the vortex provides least resistance to the flowing motion. It follows that physical matter, which is materialized etheric energy, seeks the same low-resistance motion. As mentioned earlier, the natural media water and air have this intrinsic vortex motion. Our blood and the sap of plants, move in this way too. After all, our veins, arteries and minute blood vessels are not straight channels. They are winding their way through our bodies just like a river is winding its way through the countryside.

A short newspaper item in the Daily Mail from 8 May 1998 stated: “Medical scientists working with aeronautical engineers at Imperial College London, found that blood ‘swirls’ as it rushes through an artery. Furthermore, nature has designed arteries with a helical ‘twist’ to encourage the swirl…” Water needs the natural winding spiraling vortex motion to stay healthy. This is because this motion allows it to recharge and sustain its life force, which is apparent as the etheric energy field surrounding it. Thus, water is etheric energy in bondage, but it has to move in this particular way, lest it loses its life force and becomes stagnant and lifeless.

Credit: Article from The Center for Implosion Research

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What happens to water passing many small powerful magnets? Are the water molecules unclustered? Do they remain unclustered?

A normal water cluster will have up to 20 water molecules forming a quasi-random cluster, something in the style of a grain or a pebble. After passage by the magnets of a well designed trap, these large clusters get broken-up into small hexagonal clusters that are constituents of the water inside the cells. This “structured” water hydrates the body better and is better at removing toxins from the cells of the body. This structuring will last a few days at room temperature and a few weeks at refrigerator temperature. There are many different devices that can restructure water in this way. You can drink 100% of your water as this magnetically restructured water, but initially it may provoke a detox crisis that varies for different folks. Distilled water has clusters in it almost as large as tap water clusters. Fresh spring water that has no come on contact with any metal will sometimes be structured, depending on how the spring occurs.

Q: Is the pollution of water leading to increased clustering? and is this less useful to our bodies?

Good question. Most tap water already has large clusters so that pollution does not directly affect the cluster size. However, water clusters will attach themselves to pollutant molecules, so that the bigger the cluster, the bigger the pollutant molecule will appear and the more damage it can cause. So, by restructuring tap water, even if the pollutants are not removed, they become less “active” and easier for our bodies to eliminate.

Author: Dolly Knight MBBS, GCHM and Jonathan Stromberg BSc, MSc
Dolly Knight MBBS, GCHM and Jonathan Stromberg BSc, MSc October 6, 2018
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