Superfood Blends: Targeted, Powerhouse Nutrition
Want to kick your diet UP a notch?
You’ll say… “Wow, I Feel GREAT!”
Most everyone knows that the better you eat, the healthier you’ll be.
But who has time to prepare healthy snacks and meals, on a regular basis?
Have you heard the latest about how many servings of vegetables you need every day to stay healthy? According to the USDA’s Dietary Guidelines, the amount of fruits and vegetables you should eat every day is from 5 to 13 servings – depending on your age, gender, activity and overall health.
Are you eating 5 to 13 servings of veggies and fruit every day?
Likely not, but the benefits you’ll feel are incredible, and will help you live longer without discomforts and disease.
If you want more nutrients in your diet, we have the perfect, quick solution.
SuperFood Blends are an easy way to get maximum, targeted nutrients into your day – in just one small cup of water, juice or a smoothie.
Each bottle delivers a vast improvement over the nutrition in the produce section of your grocery store.
Highly concentrated, excellent source of plant-based nutrients for your smoothies, and your good health!
We’re all pretty clear on the importance of getting enough plants into your diet. Fruits and vegetables are the MOST important food group because – unlike every other food group – they actually CAN provide all the nutrients for your good health.
When your body absorbs adequate nutrients, and efficiently eliminates toxins, your immune system is free to regain and maintain youthful health and energy.
Longer, healthier life for YOU!
Keep in mind that a poorly functioning digestive system can wreak all sorts of havoc with your body, depending on your personal weaknesses.
Bad digestion can result in anything from pain to tumors… honestly. It all depends on your individual weak tendencies.
Everyone Feels Better with a SuperFood Blend
Whether you’re mostly sick in bed, a high performance athlete, or somewhere in between (like most of us), your performance will improve with a SuperFood Blend.
- Are you often tired?
- Do you have unexplained aches?
- Constipated? Bloated? Heartburn?
- High blood pressure or cholesterol?
- Do you feel overweight?
- How’s your immune system working? Do you sometimes/often get sick?
- Are you fighting a tumor-like disease? Or have a family history of them?
Please take a look at these targeted, powerhouse SuperFood Blends and choose one to suit your needs. We have something for everyone!
1. Excela-50
For those new to SuperFoods, for the young and elderly, and anyone in a weakened stat. )
2. Premium
To maximize your cellular renewal and reduce abnormal cell replication (tumors).
3. Advancium
Full strength superfood to support all your talents.
All are formulated with only organic (or wildcrafted), responsibly farmed and low-temperature dried ingredients, to retain living enzymes.
All our SuperFood Blends are Rich in Enzymes
Your enzyme levels decline with age, but consider the possibility that you age BECAUSE your enzyme levels decline…
Your health and energy is like an enzyme bank account. People eating a typical processed food diet (low enzyme) are making mostly withdrawals – and very few deposits – until their life-energy (health) is overdrawn. Exsula SuperFood Blends are created to enhance the deposit ledger of your life-energy account.
Increasing your enzyme intake is like drinking liquid youth.
First-timers often say their SuperFood experience is the turning point towards hope – a nurturing, cleansing and rejuvenating experience.
For over 25 years, these life-enhancing SuperFood blends continue to be unduplicated and unmatched in quality and performance – that translates into the best nutrition for your money – to help you feel better!
The labels do not not tell the whole story. The nutrition facts and ingredients cannot illustrate the transformative quality experienced from sustained daily use of Exsula SuperFood Blends. Please click on the links to read the whole list of ingredients – it’s quite extensive.
1. Excela-50
Raw Green Superfood
Mild and Peacefully Energizing
Gentle yet profound.
Make this baseline SuperFood part of your daily routine and you will have more energy and enthusiasm for life! Great for pets too.
2. Premium
Prevent or Recover from Tumor-like Diseases!
Focused on shutting-off tumor cells
Slow Down All Symptoms of Aging
Perfect for high performance lifestyles that demand repair from physical wear and tear.
Your cells will really Love this stuff!
Load up with nutrients and feel a calm depth of genuine life energy. Totally unlike the artificial rush triggered by caffeine or other stimulants.
Premium quenches your body’s thirst for nutrients that are missing in a typical processed food diet, and missing in common supplements too.
One component of Premium is EllagiPlex. With its exact nutrients and potencies, you can feed and activate your natural mechanisms to kill pre-tumor and tumor cells – without the harsh tools of toxic chemicals, killer radiation and scalpels.
Science has proven that free radicals are responsible for mutated cell growth, the cause of much ill health, from common symptoms of aging, all the way to potentially terminal tumor diseases. Free radical reproduction can be slowed or even stopped with EllagiPlex alone, or in the full spectrum SuperFood Blend Premium.
Premium has profound yet gentle cleansing abilities that will not stir up more toxins than your body can reasonably manage with the nutritional support within.
Premium’s nutritional support has profound yet gentle cleansing abilities that will not stir up more toxins than your body can reasonably manage.
3. Advancium
The Strongest, Most Energizing Formula We Make
- Perfect Immune Enhancer
- Strength Building (Physical and Mental)
- A Life-changing, Positive Turning Point
Advancium delivers a continuous stream of calm energy from essential nutrients that allow the unfolding of your full potential, and sustain you at being your best – physically and mentally.
A rich palette of anti-aging, cell restoring, immune supporting, toxin removing, tissue cleansing ingredients reveal a more creative, trimmer, happier and youthfully radiant person filled with joy.
Regardless of whatever else you are (or are not yet) doing for your personal health, this powerful SuperFood can create better results.
Advancium is an invigorating daily youth tonic and energy drink. You’ll wonder what you ever saw in candy bars, soda or coffee.
Nutritional Support to Live Up to Your Potential!