ORMUS Movie: All The Gold You Can Eat
Since it’s earliest days, I was part of the ORMUS revival movement. A lecture by David Hudson introduced me to it. And I became a share holder in his Science of the Spirit Foundation. I also participated in the White Gold Forum created by Barry Carter. To help understand what these strange minerals are, and how they’re best used.
Learning the manufacturing process, I made gallons of the concentrate. I ingested large amounts of it and experienced both the physical and spiritual effects. We make these products available on our site as ORMUS Supplements.
Since the early days of Life Enthusiast we distributed products made by Don Nance, the Alchemist in the movie All The Gold You Can Eat. I encourage you to watch the movie not only for its entertainment value, but also to educate yourself about this ancient process that is finally being rediscovered.
The benefits are far reaching they range from basic physical improvement of your health, to more subtle emotional clearing, and even enhanced spiritual development. That’s spiritual, not religious.
I see no point trying to cover the information here in the post. Watch the movie All The Gold You Can Eat. Its a lot of fun.