Noni (Morinda citrifolia)
Globally, Noni sales continue to grow. And those “in-the-know” have come to more clearly understand its significance and advantages.
Surveys Indicate Noni Supports:
- More energy
- Healthy heart and desirable blood pressure
- Reduced fat – Increased muscle
- Healthy, happy joints and tendons
- Enhanced sense of well-being
- Protective, antibacterial properties for restored digestive quality
- Reduction of smoking
- Cellular normalization
- Reduced manifestations of stress, depression, pain and poor sleep quality
- Improved sexual health
- Moderation of mood and blood sugar
Noni is the most universally utilized Polynesian herb, and is found as foundational to most of their traditional herbal formulas. Traditionally, and more recently confirmed by science, by clinical studies, and in use by thousands of delighted customers, Noni is most profound in its relief of arthritis and support of the immune system. Testimonials about easing of hypertension and menstrual cramps abound. With Noni’s marvelous phytonutrients, gastric ulcers are calmed down and stubborn infections fade. Depression and senility are banished to whence they came, and new, remarkably youthful cells replace the feeble ones literally dissolving away. Noni ultimately helps remove old cellular debris and form a solid structural framework for a whole new you.
Noni is enzymatically catalytic in its activity, so even seemingly small amounts impact much more massive biochemical activities. If the molecules comprising your body were likened to soldiers, Noni is a five-star general. One well-spoken command can mobilize the masses. Noni’s applications to healing, health and performance go all the way back to the ancient Polynesians. They prized the life-energizing qualities of noni so highly they transported the live plants island by island, by canoe, thousands of miles across the Pacific Ocean from its native land of Southeast Asia.
Hawaiian and Tahitian cultures value noni for toning the circulatory and digestive systems, relieving menstrual cramps, arthritis, sprains and injuries. Noni is highly regarded for its ability to improve one’s attitude to a happier, more positive outlook. Noni provides the alkaloid phytonutrient xeronine, and a xeronine precursor called proxeronine-release-enzyme. These phytonutrients relate to stabilizing fragile enzymatic proteins, which are the carriers of the precious life-force itself. It is these enzymes which hold the power to normalize renegade or aging cells by transforming them back to their intended perfect form and function, appropriate to their exact location in the body.
It is the failure of the body to produce these enzymes at a rate faster than they usually break down, which is at the core of vulnerability to many diseases and biological aging process. An improvement in this area of preserving enzyme-life-energy could help create a big step up in health and vitality -especially over a period of weeks or months, as more and more of the work of the heartier enzymes is put into place where it can be seen and felt. Noni’s characteristic of supporting removal of old worn-out cells, and replacing them with new ones, is similar in result to green papaya enzyme, aloe vera and pineapple bromelain. This is especially noticeable in event of burns or scarring, including older scars.
Noni Articles and Studies
Noni: Research will begin to test the plant against cancer and its symptoms The noni plant, used in traditional healing throughout Polynesia, has become one of the most popular complementary treatments worldwide for all kinds of diseases. Yet, there is no evidence that the plant is useful medically, says Dr. Brian Issell, clinical sciences program director at the Cancer Research Center of Hawaii. He has received a National Institutes of Health grant of $170,000 per year for two years to conduct the first scientific study of noni in humans. Noni, extracted from the Indian mulberry plant, has been used for more than 1,000 years in traditional healing practices of native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders and Asian populations…
University of Hawaii to begin Cancer Research
This Phase I study of noni in cancer patients represents a first step in the systematic study of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) practices that draw on Asian and Pacific Island cultural traditions of healing to control cancer and its related symptoms. It is being supported by a $170,000 grant over two years from the National Institutes of Health (R21 AT00896). The Principal Investigator is Brian F. Issell, M.D. Noni, extracted from Morinda citrifolia or the Indian mulberry plant, is included in the traditional pharmacopoeias of Native Hawaiians, other Pacific Islanders and Asian populations, and has been used to treat various diseases for hundreds of years. It is now commonly taken by cancer patients based on purported usefulness in the disease although there is little scientific evidence to either support or refute these claims. A large marketing enterprise and many different suppliers supports the food supplement’s popularity. The broad long-range objectives which this study will initiate are to define the usefulness of noni extracts for cancer patients. The hypothesis to be tested is that noni at a specified dosing provides cancer patients with a sufficient benefit to toxicity profile to be useful as a therapeutic…
1999 Study Shows Anti-Tumor Activity of Noni
An immunomodulatory polysaccharide-rich substance from the fruit juice of Morinda citrifolia (noni) with antitumor activity.
Hirazumi A, Furusawa Department of Pharmacology, John A., Burns School of Medicine, 1960 East West Road, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI 96822, USA.
The fruit juice of Morinda citrifolia (noni) contains a polysaccharide-rich substance (noni-ppt) with anti-tumor activity in the Lewis lung (LLC) peritoneal carcinomatosis model. Therapeutic administration of noni-ppt significantly enhanced the duration of survival of inbred syngeneic LLC tumor bearing mice…
Study Shows Noni Fights Tuberculosis Bacteria
Scientists believe they have found a significant new lead in the fight against one of the world’s biggest killers, tuberculosis. They say that extracts from a plant used as a folk remedy in various parts of the world kill TB bacteria and could be the basis of a new drug. About two million people a year die from tuberculosis and researchers say new ways of tackling the disease are urgently needed as drug-resistant strains of the bacteria develop…
Behind Noni’s Odd Flavor are benefits for health
Noni may be nasty, but you can hide the taste. Noni is a nobby little thing, compared to which the ordinary household potato is a beauty queen. Taste wise, noni’s nasty. Taking a sip is a lot like licking the dirt off a rock. It’s one of the injustices of life that so many things that are supposed to be so good for us taste so bad. But it need not be so, says Barbara Fahs, and owner of Hi’iaka’s Healing Herb Garden in Keaau on the Big Island. “You shouldn’t be taking anything if it makes you hold your nose when you take it or brush your teeth after you take it.” …
NONI Canoe Plants of Ancient Hawaii
This is a fascinating plant, demanding of our respect. Its prolific beauty, bearing fruit year round…as if to say, “here I am, please use me.” However, as you may already be aware, few of us are willing to make its intimate acquaintance. The aroma of its fruit is truly awesome. Some say “disgusting” or “horrid” or “stinks bad” or worse. And, it doesn’t taste good either! Yet, it is well known to be one of the main healers among the traditional Hawai`i medicinal plants. It is said that this plant food is to be used when we are feeling really ill or really old…
From Polynesian Healers to Health Food Stores: Changing Perspectives of Morinda Citrifolia(downloadable pdf; 945 KB) Dr. Will McClatchey, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Botany Department. Journal: Integrative Cancer Therapies 1(2); 2002 pp. 110-120
Nutritional Analysis of Noni
Noni article from Health Supplement Retailer Magazine
While Scottish bacteriologist Alexander Fleming was busy accidentally discovering penicillin and ushering in a new era of disease treatment, residents in the Pacific Islands were content to sip noni cocktails. “Antibiotics will wipe out illness entirely by the end of the 20th century!” American scientists boldly predicted. The 20th century is yesterday’s news and antibiotics are not cure-alls. Frustrated by the pharmaceutical industry, rising costs of medical treatment and side effects that accompany some antibiotics-combined with a heightened desire to age gracefully-many consumers decided to look to nature. Echinacea, ginseng and St. John’s wort experienced an unprecedented buying frenzy in the 1990s as if the age-old remedies were brand-new products…
Noni – it grows here Maui Time Magazine
Being sick can be gross sometimes. Illness will come with its snotty noses, vomiting, gurgling coughs that eject blood and iridescent green phlegm, foul smells emanating, I don’t have to go on any further, do I? (I probably didn’t have to go that far). Sometimes, to triumph over rot and disintegration, you’ve got to come back with something just as gnarly. Physicians will slice open your body, irradiate you, saturate your fluids with stuff toxic enough to kill all the little critters in you but not quite enough to bring you down with them. Back in the day you would let leeches suck your blood for hours and pack alligator dung over certain areas of the body (really). Some people drink their own pee and give themselves stitches. Effectiveness of these remedies aside, illness is a challenge to your spirit and diving into treatment, however putrid or laborious it might be is to face that challenge. Here the challenges grow on trees. The expansive yin-energized tropics, where sickness tends to be of the moist and swelling and festering kind, have blessed us with a tree that bears a healing fruit already swelling and putrid as it grows, ready to take on an astonishing array of serious ills. After I took my first bite of a ripe noni fruit, I thought to myself, in between gags, if I’m strong enough to eat this fruit I KNOW I’M STRONG ENOUGH TO GET BETTER! …
Noni (morinda citrifolia) Fruit and its Uses New Hope Media Magazine
One of the primary challenges in the field of botanical medicines is to effectively translate a beneficial traditional folk remedy into a beneficial shelf stable product. In Polynesia, ripe noni fruit, Morinda citrifolia, is put into a container, where it quickly decomposes and ferments. The pungent amber juice that remains at the top of the fermented fruit is consumed daily as a prophylactic, to enhance overall vitality and well being…
Remedy of the Gods
Feeling blue? Life got you down? Ancient natural medicine from Hawaii might be just what the doctor ordered. Hawaii, long dependent on tourism and sugar, has found a new treasure buried in its own backyard. Noni, prized by South Pacific islanders for hundreds of years for its natural healing properties, now looks set to join tea tree oil, St. John’s Wort and aloe vera on the shelves of herbal wonder preparations…
The Next Kava? Noni Hits The Mainland New Hope Media Magazine
As the world becomes a smaller place, remedies that once were regional are now going global. Following in the footsteps of its island cousin kava, noni is establishing a position in the herbal world. Indigenous to Southeast Asia, noni (Morinda citrifolia) was domesticated and cultivated by Polynesians, first in Tahiti and the Marquesas, and eventually in Hawaii. Today noni ranges from Tahiti to India and grows in the Caribbean, South America and the West Indies…
Noni: Nature’s Health-Enhancing Fruit Positive Health Magazine
Morinda citrifolia is an evergreen plant that has been used by humankind as both food and medicine for millennia. Growing in various parts of the world, including parts of Africa, Asia, Australia and the Americas, the oldest known reference to the plant as a medicine dates back several thousand years to ancient Sanskrit Ayurvedic medicinal texts in India. Known as Noni in Hawaii, the plant was brought to Polynesia from the East by migrating settlers and has been used by the people of Polynesia to treat a wide variety of health disorders for over 2000 years; yet it is only recently that its medically active constituents have been identified and its healing action begun to be explained…
Articles about Hawaiian Healing and Papa Kalua
A Choice of Cure Hale Pai Pacific American-News Journal
I first heard about Kalua Kaiahua a year ago when I was at `Ulupalakua Ranch on Maui, working on a documentary about Hawai’i’s legendary paniolo, Ikua Purdy. Some of the people there talked of Papa Kalua. They said he was a gifted Hawaiian healer who lived on Maui. They talked of some of the people he had healed, and they told me he wouldn’t see just anyone…
Herbal Medicine in the Treatment of Cancer University of Hawaii at Manoa John A. Burns School of Medicine
The war on cancer that began in 1970 is still far from over. Despite 30 billion dollars spent on research and treatment, the mortality rate for cancer is 6% higher in 1997 than it was in 1970 (Bailar III and Gornik, 1997). This has frustrated both patients and physicians, and has led some patients to actively seek out non-Western healing practices. One of the most popular is herbal medicine. In 1996 US herbs sales were 12 billion dollars with 63% of the population expecting to make herbs a part of their daily regimen within 5 years (Landers, 1996). The popularity of the use of herbs to treat cancer poses a unique difficulty to health care professionals. Terminal cancer patients who have lost all hope with modern medicine are easy prey to scam artists who will offer dangerous products at high prices with promises of a cure. At the same time there may also be legitimate herbalist who offer products with great benefit to the cancer patient…
Application of La’au Lapa’au University of Hawaii at Manoa John A. Burns School of Medicine
I enjoyed learning about la’au lapa’au. Before starting this project, I was aware that Hawaiians used plants for medicinal purposes, but I did not know of any specific plants. After “talking story” with Uncle Henry Rapoza and researching about these plants, I have a great respect for our Hawaiian plants and for the people who hold the knowledge of these medicinal herbs. In talking with Uncle Henry, I learned about traditional la’au lapa’au. For instance, the practice of lapa’au was individualized. When a person needed medicine, the kahuna lapa’au would pray and chant for the affected person. While chanting, the kahuna would “sense” which plants had the most mana. Before picking the plant, the kahuna would ask for permission to pick the plant and would state whom the plant was for. In this way, all of the mana from the plant could be channeled for the affected person…