Miracle Mineral Solution: Sodium Chlorite
pdf: The Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS)
Sodium chlorite has been promoted as a miracle mineral supplement or MMS with superior antimicrobial activity. You can appreciate its power from a statement by the discoverer of this remedy that all 75,000 individuals with malaria that have been treated were cured within a day, with 98% being cured within 4 hours. This obviously has great ramifications not only for self-healing but also for the drug industry and medicine. In the following I want to comment on these issues.
Conventional Use of Sodium Chlorite
Acidified sodium chlorite is being used in many countries, including Australia and the USA, as an antimicrobial treatment in the food industry, for water purification, and for sterilizing hospital and clinic rooms and equipment. In hospitals it has been used as a disinfectant for a hundred years and in the US meat industry for about 50 years. Health-conscious countries and municipalities are increasingly replacing the health-damaging chlorine for the harmless chlorine dioxide in treating public water supplies. In solution, sodium chlorite (NaClO2) is very alkaline and stable, but when acidified it forms the gas chlorine dioxide (ClO2), which smells the same as chlorine and probably is the strongest all-round antimicrobial and parasite remedy.
While it destroys all anaerobic microbes and parasites, it does not damage the beneficial lactobacteria of out intestinal flora. The only residue left in water, food, or in the body after treatment with MMS is a small amount of table salt or sodium chloride (NaCl).
In solid form sodium chlorite is unstable and commonly mixed with about 20% sodium chloride. Commercially it is produced and shipped in Australia as a 31% solution in water. For end users in the food and agricultural industries it is available as a 5% solution called Vibrex. In the US and the UK it is also available as tablets that release chlorine dioxide (e.g. releasing 4 ppm per 1 liter or per 30 liter of water). In Germany and Italy chlorine dioxide is the main treatment chemical for public water supplies. Curiously, stabilized sodium chlorite that does not generate chlorine dioxide has been patented for intravenous use in the treatment of autoimmune diseases, hepatitis and lymph cancers. It supposedly prevents or reduces antigen activity and autoimmune responses.
Discovery of MMS, the Miracle Mineral Supplement
Jim Humble, a chemist and metallurgist accidentally discovered the MMS by using a whole bottle of Stabilized Electrolytes of Oxygen (S.E.O.) to immediately cure a companion of malaria during a jungle expedition. S.E.O. contains about 3% sodium chlorite. Humble gradually realized that S.E.O. is too weak and that it does not work by releasing oxygen but rather that it must be acidified to release chlorine dioxide as the active ingredient. This is also how it has been used as a hospital disinfectant. The problem was to find a safe dose and procedure that allowed this most effective antimicrobial to be used for people. Humble ended up using a nominally 28% solution which, because of a nearly 20% sodium chloride content, actually contains only 22.4% sodium chlorite. Because of its miraculous effect in supporting the immune system against invading microbes and parasites Humble called his sodium chlorite the Miracle Mineral Supplement.
However, I prefer to call it Miracle Mineral Solution, as supplements require the approval of health authorities, while a solution for treating water does not need to be registered. If this treatment option would become widely known and used by the general population that would be devastating for the medical-pharmaceutical complex. The FDA has a long history of jailing and otherwise neutralizing inventors of effective natural remedies and therapies that harm the drug industry, and Humble, as an American, tries to protect himself by remaining in hiding in Africa or Central America.
It should be stressed that MMS is not used to treat people but rather to purify water. We can then drink the purified water and receive a boost to our immune system as a consequence.