October 6, 2018 by
Life Enthusiast Staff

Many Functions of Miracle II Products

The Miracle II products have been on the market since 1984, quietly used by thousands of people with virtually nothing but positive benefits to their health. Would it not be right to get proper hydration from a product capable of sequestering toxins and pathogens in such a manner that they can be washed from the body internally as easily as they can be washed from the skin with soap?

Replace Your Toxic Cosmetics

You simply replace all of your shampoos, soaps, toothpaste and laundry detergents with Miracle II products and witness the difference it makes in your life. If the body could adequately cleanse itself of a radical after it performed its function it would not be necessary to perform the added energy inefficient step of neutralizing radicals with antioxidants prior to eliminating them from the body. The big culprit is dehydration. Most of us are dehydrated. Antioxidants don’t cure dehydration, water does!

Control Free Radicals

Basically a free radical is always hunting for an electron to balance itself out; consequently it steals one from a healthy cell’s double electric ion-water layer surrounding the cell. The theft of this ion is automatically adjusted for in a series of steps that take place from the atmosphere inward to the deficient cell at near instantaneous speeds. If this is true, then there is a limited need for consumption of additional large organic antioxidant molecules.

Oxygenate Blood

Carbon Ash is a form of dielectric (electrical insulator) carbon capable of affixing copious quantities of oxygen to its structure in a form usable by the body. It is a strong oxygenator that when diluted in water possessing reduced surface tension, allows it reach all parts of the body very quickly. This hydrated-charge clustered form of paramagnetic oxygen is electronegative and as such when attached to hemoglobin is dispersed and diffused to the body faster and in greater quantities due to the action of the reduced surface tension water! Thus Miracle II products have a distinct advantage over the older Cayce preparation. Some of you may be familiar with Dr. Willard’s CAW water.

Dr. Willard was a chemist who formulated a castor oil and coal (carbon) based soap that had been electrically treated and is reported to have remarkable health benefits when diluted in water and taken internally. Sound familiar? The difference is that Willard’s product does not exhibit reduced surface tension in water. In fact it raises the surface tension of water. This tells us that it will not be as active or effective in the body as Miracle Neutralizer. When viewing the reconstituted Miracle Neutralizer in solid form, it has a curious pale blue color, like the atmosphere. We surmise that this is the life (giving oxygen locked into the mix. It is, in addition, evidence of the Eloptic (subtle) energy the same as Reich’s Orgone energy, which is reported to be pale blue in color).

Now this is pure conjecture, but based on the beneficial effects and energy increases observed in individuals on the Miracle II program, plus how the product amplifies radionics signals, we would have to assume that the product’s creator was given a way to manufacture a surfactant that can either supplement or replace the sugar surfactant with a more resistant and elastic surfactant capable of forming a thinner membrane. The Miracle II surface active ingredient must help form the correct thickness double electric layer around a cell to cohere the correct frequencies for energy extraction from the vacuum – this may well be the clue to the most important activity of Miracle II in the body.

Enhance Biological Process

We know that chemical electrolysis takes place in the body all the time. Many fuel cells use surfactants in the water to help with the reaction. As an experiment we placed some Miracle Neutralizer in an open 9V electrolysis cell to see what happened. The electrolytic reaction increased by a power of 10 over a normal reaction and pH matched alkaline electrolyte! We don’t know if what was out-gassing off the electrodes was only hydrogen and oxygen and we do not know if this electrochemical reaction is going on in the body. We do know that the manufacturer’s process involves charge clustering and reformation of the surfactant and minerals in the water.

It could very well be that when the body’s chemical electrolysis process is combined with the charge clustered reformed surfactant, efficiencies may increase several fold. This would also explain the detoxification effects. Toxic chemicals would literally be broken down and transformed into benign or usable beneficial byproducts by the action of the charge clusters. Most of us know that the skin has several layers, each performing a different function and that the epithelial layer has the same sort of cells that our brain contains and how important the sense of touch is to us.

What we are really concerned about is how to clean the skin internally as well as externally. Often we are only concerned with getting oils, dead skin and foreign materials off the skin in order to keep it clean and the pores from being clogged and this is very important. But just as often it is the other way around, the pores become clogged from within and septic conditions are allowed to flourish from within the skin, which in turn causes the body to become more toxic because this organ of elimination is no longer able to perform that function. Additionally, many of the soaps and body care products used in the skin contributes to the problem.

Remove Rancid Oils

So the solution is to eliminate all of these things and go to something that is simple, non-aromatic, low in excess vegetable oils and fats, lots of free electrons to check rancidity, no animal fat or synthetic moisturizers, no deep acting surfactants and no preservatives – Miracle Soap, and use it sparingly as directed. Less is better. When the soap touches the skin the negative charges are transferred to the skin which in turn stimulates the pore to open thus allowing the water and reformed surfactant to enter the pore, emulsify the rancid oils, sweat and wash it out.

Miracle Soap is the only soap known that has enough stored electro-kinetic energy capable of overriding the skin’s switching mechanism. This is why one feels like they have static electricity moving around on their skin after bathing with Miracle Soap, because they do! The pores are open, clean, the skin’s electrical circuit and elimination functions are restored. For most of us it has been so long since we experienced this we don’t remember the feeling. Complex situations are often remedied by simple solutions, in this case Miracle II Soaps.

Grow Healthy Crops

Miracle Neutralizer has had some amazing results in agriculture, improving crop yields by over 100%,with enhanced produce taste and nutrition without using any fertilizer, chemical or organic. When 2 oz./acre of Miracle Neutralizer was added to irrigation water and used in conjunction with a radio-frequency descaling device coupled to a radionics unit containing the resonant frequency of organic fertilizers, the radionics energy levels were the highest ever recorded for any substance. The previous high was held by potential living Aloe Vera extract that measured in at 45,000 units.

The radionics energy of the potentiated Miracle Neutralizer was measured at over one million units! We are talking about 2 oz. Miracle Neutralizer per acre of irrigation water which is way less than one part per trillion Miracle Neutralizer in the water. But that is not all, the run-off water on the other side of the irrigated tract still had over one million radionics energy units after it had serviced the field! The subsequent crop yields were in excess of 200% above average with no fertilizer added prior to or during the growing season as had been done in previous growing seasons that were used for yield comparisons.

Cleanse and Purify Your Body

Miracle Soap has been used for just about every residential, commercial or industrial application, from glass cleaners to ridding new carpets of their odor with superior results in every application. Most of us in the past have underestimated its utility. The Miracle Soap and Miracle Soap combination is especially effective for eliminating toxicity from people who are exposed to pesticides and herbicides. Miracle Neutralizer and Miracle Soap are a mix of natural minerals and eloptically-energized water.

These products are safe, natural, contain no harsh chemicals and have a twofold purpose, to Cleanse the body Internally and Externally. The Miracle Neutralizer when taken orally helps to cleanse & purify the blood and balances the pH Level to create an alkaline condition where disease, bacteria, and viruses are unlikely to grow and it neutralizes the toxins in the stomach. Both the Miracle Neutralizer and Miracle Soap when used externally open up the 7 million plus pores in the skin to allow the body to release toxins.

Neutralize Toxins

Miracle Neutralizer found that the product had the ability to “Neutralize Cobra Venom” a deadly nerve toxin – in less than one minute. Miracle II has a twofold purpose, to CLEANSE the body INTERNALLY and EXTERNALLY. The first component is the Miracle Soap, an all natural combination of electrically formulated water and minerals. The Miracle Soap helps you to ELIMINATE TOXINS efficiently through your skin. It OPENS PORES that are CLOGGED WITH FAT from bar soap or petroleum products and promotes NATURAL healing. This is the only product in the world that can wash a newborn baby or clean up an oil spill, and everything in between. Miracle Neutralizer – is a colorless and tasteless liquid that can be taken orally with water or your favorite beverage.

Miracle Neutralizer has the ability to cleanse & purify the blood and it acts like a Natural Safe Internal Decontaminant! It actually restores proper functioning at a cellular level because it electrically balances the fluids in your bloodstream. This in turn results in proper absorption of the nutrients your body needs for Healthy Functioning. This is the product that neutralized cobra venom and was back-engineered by the Chemical & Biological Warfare Department and is used as a decontaminant for biological agents. It is so safe you can use it to clean your contact lens and use it as eyewash! The Miracle II Products are so versatile they not only cleanse the body, they also ELIMINATE TOXIC AND HARSH CHEMICALS from your environment.

Miracle Soap and Miracle Neutralizer are mixes of natural minerals and eloptically-energized water. These products are not only safe, natural, and have no harsh chemicals, but actually clean up disruptive chemicals and toxins. Miracle Soap can replace all of your shampoos, soaps, toothpaste and laundry detergents. It opens the 7 million plus pores in the skin clogged with fat from soaps and petroleum products and promotes natural healing by helping you eliminate toxins efficiently through your skin. This is the product that can wash a newborn baby or clean up an oil spill – and everything in between. It is 80% Miracle Neutralizer. People use these in their bodies, the home, on plants and on pets.

Interesting Reports

When 2 oz./acre of Miracle Neutralizerr was added to irrigation water (way less than one part per trillion) and used in conjunction with a radio-frequency descaling device coupled to a radionics unit containing the resonant frequency of organic fertilizers, the radionics energy levels were the highest ever recorded for any substance. The previous high was potential living Aloe Vera extract measuring 45,000 units. The radionics energy of the potentiated Miracle Neutralizer was measured at over one million units! We are talking about 2 oz. Miracle Neutralizer per acre of irrigation water. But that is not all; the run-off water still had over one million radionics energy units after it had serviced the field! The subsequent crop yields were in excess of 200% above average with no fertilizer added prior to or during the growing season.

A Kansas City mechanic put 1 oz. Miracle Soap and 1 oz. Miracle Neutralizer in each gas tank fill-up of his well-used car. He ran it this way for 2-3 months and then tore it apart. He said there was not one speck of carbon on the piston heads. Scientific papers in Louisiana indicated the Miracle Neutralizer neutralizes! – bacteria, cobra venom, anthrax, pollution, in short, as the inventor says, anything harmful to humans, animals, or land. To clean land from jet fuel and other chemicals, use 4 oz each Miracle Soap and Miracle Neutralizer in 20 gallons per acre and spray on ground. Spray the same mix for bug control. When plants are ready to produce, spray them with a mix of 2 oz. Miracle Neutralizer per gallon for one week each morning before 8 am. Reports are of outstanding growth and produce.

Author: Life Enthusiast Staff
Life Enthusiast Staff October 6, 2018
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