Iridesca for Longevity and Peak Performance
Our focus in Iridesca’s formulation isn’t moderating disease symptoms, but creating optimum health. When there is abundant health, disease is simply crowded out and replaced with optimum performance and longevity. Simply put, Iridesca is honest life-energy, abundant life-quality, and vigorous health. These genuinely natural, superior nutrient forms stay in your system longer. A high percentage of these molecules remain permanently. You are no longer just “treading water” nutritionally.
Iridesca provides an especially awesome opportunity for healthy young persons who begin their Iridesca program early enough to stay in their absolute prime, perhaps twenty years longer than normally possible. With Iridesca, you are consistently able to gain higher and higher ground, every spoonful takes you to a “permanently” higher place. The momentum of the “normal” downward spiral of declining health and lifespan can be slowed, and gradually, substantially, reversed-for a time – a span adding a good many precious moments, activities, experiences and years!
We are amazed every day at Iridesca’s ability to benefit people of all ages.
Enhanced benefits to those in their 20’s and 30’s will be primarily in the form of delaying the onset of typical middle-age-related problems. Middle-aged people (40’s to 50’s) will especially notice benefits for their sexual health. Those who are 60 or more years of age, will notice the most difference. Perhaps those of you who are middle-aged or older could explain to the younger folk, just how important this really is.
- Reduced fat – increased muscle = a more solid, healthy and attractive body shape.
- Enhanced immune function = resistance to infections.
- Enhanced memory, ambition, attitude and brain power.
- Reduction of joint and body muscle aches and pains.
- Substantial increases in sexual health, interest, ability and stamina for women and for men.
- Enhanced assimilation and utilization of all phytonutrients.
- More youthful appearance and body functions.
- Extended life span quality and quantity.
Every type of adjustment and challenge in life can be met with your absolute peak performance.
- Physical challenges
- Mental challenges
- Healing challenges
- Immune challenges
- Schedule challenges
- Losses
- Emotional challenges
- Weather extremes
Feed your cells so they have the most abundant experience in life.
Iridesca, the flat-out most powerful Superfood formula, and the absolute best value in SuperFood nutrition!
Iridesca for Peak Performance
Iridesca from Exsula Superfoods is arguably the worlds most complete, most balanced, and most effective blend of natural high-grade plant life components brought together to create nutrition for peak performance. I feel a special connection to Exsula Superfoods. When Life Enthusiast Co-op 1.0 first launched on July 4, 1989 with Jevari Oberon releasing his revolutionary product, a Superfood called Excela-50, he was creating a new concept that has now evolved into a movement, a class of products that hold the hope that we can overcome the failing experiment with industrial food processing.
Over the years, the Exsula product line evolved to include Premium, Advancium, Gold (among others), and the topic of this post, Iridesca. These products were released over the span of about seven years between 1989 and 1996, and have been updated and upgraded many times since. Jevari has invested over 20,000 hours in research, customer feedback, testing, and incremental improvements. Today, the products are still made with the same commitment to excellence, meticulous selection of ingredients, careful processing, and innovative design.
Many copies and knock-offs have come to the market as a result of his original innovative idea. The most complex of the blends, Iridesca is the gateway to optimum physical performance that so many wish for. It can ensure your body will be operating at its highest possible level and will give you great longevity. Iridesca is designed to deliver a combination of strength and long-lasting stamina. It grants a greater quality of life, freeing you from any discomfort or pain. This Superfood will wake up your body’s immune system allowing it to fight infections and potential disease.
It increases sexual performance along with physical performance, it will fix all aspects of your physiology including healthier, more natural hair and skin. Taking Iridesca will also improve your metabolism, as it moderates blood sugar levels. It is more nutritious than fresh juice or fruits and vegetables alone its rich in pigments and has an exotic taste that really grows on you. If you tried to put together a combination of all its components by shopping for them individually, you would spend 20 times its price. See the details for yourself to understand why this product is one of our best sellers.
Iridesca a complete Superfood nutrition for the new millennium!