Iodine for Pets
Painted Iodine Kills Ringworm
1/7/2006: Catherine, from Laval, Quebec, Canada writes, “When I was 21, I came back from the lake with what we call ‘ringworm’. It is not a worm but a fungus. An older man I know told me to put iodine on it. The red skin cleared within a few days. Ever since, I have been using it on abandoned cats that come in from the cold with various states of the fungus. It clears within days. Vets panic at the sight of ringworm because of the possibility of contagion to humans. Some will even suggest to put the animal to sleep. They have a tendency to give chemical pills, I have no idea if they work. Apply the iodine on the rim of the spot as it is where the fungus lies and multiplies.”
Catherine Begin, researcher
Lost and Found Pet Network
Lugol’s Iodine for Dogs: 1/9/2006: We tried one drop of Lugol’s in our 11 year dog’s water bowl a few days ago… It appeared to severely agitate him – he asked to go out every 3 hours (even though he didn’t need to go to the bathroom) and stayed up all night, pacing. He also got a bumpy rash on his head. This continued for about 24 hours. He wasn’t feeling well a few days before we tried the Lugol’s, so these symptoms may not have had anything to do with the iodine. We suggest you be very careful when giving this to a dog! Please let us know if you’ve had better results.
1/14/2006: Dianna, from Houston, AR writes, “I have wormed my dogs and cats successfully for twenty-seven years with iodine. Its slower than commercial wormers but safer and with less side effects. I no longer use it only because I found another natural wormer that’s even better.”
2/11/2006: Jeannie from Austin TX writes, “I recently read (in Mother Earth News Archives, 1971) that cats are highly susceptible to iodine poisoning. I think there are safer alternatives to using iodine on/in a cat.”