Importance of Structured (Energized) Water
The secondary, auxiliary and peripheral function of water (H2O) is to transfer minerals and nutrients to the cells of humans, animals and plants. The primary and most important function of water is to hydrate the cells of humans, animals and plants with the two chemical elements in water – hydrogen and oxygen. The key to proper hydration is that all of the molecules made of hydrogen and oxygen in the water are absorbed and assimilated into the cells of the human, animal or plant.
As our civilization propels into the early 21st century there are numerous individuals, groups and corporations researching or selling water that promote the misconception that the primary function of water is to transfer minerals into the body. Also numerous individuals, groups and corporations have misdirected and muddled the primary function of water by over emphasizing the importance of the pH levels (acid or alkaline).
Persons believing or influenced by these illogical theories and directions about the primary function of water therefore mistakenly conclude that water with minerals and/or at a certain pH level provides optimum health, vitality anti-aging and release from diseases. These same individuals, groups and corporations do not understand the value and purpose of pure water with only the chemical elements of hydrogen and oxygen present in the liquid regardless of the pH level.
Today there are several myths and misconceptions about pure or distilled water that are based upon partial or half truths. And partial or half truth is no different from a lie. This article provides the reader with important and complete details about various kinds of waters including pure or distilled water so the individual can make a more balanced and informed choice when choosing the proper drinking water for themselves and their families. This article also provides important information and common sense to those persons desiring to improve their energy levels for normal day to day and peak athletic performances.
Nature’s Distillation Process
Pure waters with only the chemical elements of hydrogen and oxygen are generated by the Earth’s atmosphere every day. The weather components and dynamics of planet Earth provides a form of distillation by creating low temperatures and low heat on the Earth’s surface that evaporates ground and sea water. As the evaporated water molecules accumulate in clouds, only the chemical elements of hydrogen or oxygen are gathered and levitated in the sky. Nature’s primary method of providing water to plants, animals and humans is a low temperature distillation process. The precious and sterile airborne liquid vapors are transported by clouds and so the pure distilled water molecules can be deposited at sea and on land.
Any farmer growing agriculture crops prefers fresh, pure and living rainwater to hydrate their crops rather than dead irrigation water. The difference between the fresh pure rain water with acid pH and the irrigation water is that the rain water is composed of only hydrogen and oxygen and the molecules made from those chemical elements are structured in a coherent and organized manner. In contrast, the irrigation water with an acid or alkaline pH level is contaminated with other chemical elements and minerals and the molecules made from the chemical elements of the irrigation water are disorganized and moving in a chaotic manner.
Surface Tension
When a raindrop falls on the hood of a car, the water does not break apart but remains together and spreads out. The molecules of the rainwater have the ability to adhere to themselves and remain together without dividing or beading up.
When liquid from an irrigation canal, a garden hose, a filter or an expensive bottled water is sprinkled onto the hood of a car, the water breaks, divides and beads up. The molecules in an irrigation canal, a garden hose, a filter or an expensive bottled water do not have the ability to adhere to themselves therefore the water splits into smaller droplets.
The rainwater on the car hood has the ability to be absorbed in the cells of human, animal and plant and the irrigation, garden hose, filtered and overpriced bottled waters beaded up on the car hood do not have the ability to be absorbed into the cells of humans, animals and plants. But why?
The ability or non ability of water to have the structure so molecules of the water can adhere to one another is called surface tension. The surface tension of water can be measured by an instrument called a tensiometer that has a metal ring that is lowered and raised by gears and levers.
When the metal ring of the tensiometer is placed into fresh rainwater and then gradually pulled away from the rainwater, the metal ring quickly breaks away from the water. The metal ring breaks away from the rainwater because the molecular structure of the rainwater is coherent and organized therefore the water does not cling or hold on to the metal ring. Because the metal ring of the tensiometer breaks away very quickly from the rainwater, the rainwater is determined to have low surface tension.
However, the chaotic molecules of the liquid from a spring, well, garden hose, an irrigation canal, a filter or from an expensive bottled water cling to the metal of a tensiometer therefore the ring breaks away slower and at a higher level. The spring, well, garden hose, irrigation, filtered and bottled waters are determined to have a high surface tension. And so logically what kind of water would provide maximum health benefits and vitality to plants, animals and humans? The simple yet profound answer to that question is fresh pure rainwater (alive) with organized molecules and definitely not mineralized spring, well, garden hose, irrigation, filtered or overpriced bottled water (dead) with a high surface tension.
When the metal of a tensiometer is placed into the liquids of any kind of plant and the digestive juices and blood of any human and animal, the ring breaks away at the same low level as fresh rainwater. The molecular structure of the liquids in any plant and in the digestive juices and blood of any human or animal are identical to fresh pure rainwater.
The Quality Of Water Is Indicated By The Taste
A liquid with a high surface tension has a sharp and tingly after bite to the human sense of taste because the chaotic molecules of the liquid come in conflict and do not blend with the structured and organized liquids with a low surface tension surrounding the tongue and mouth. The tingly or sour after bite of a liquid with a high surface tension is the first form of information and defense to the individual.
But regretfully most humans are not aware that water with a high surface tension and holding chemical elements other than hydrogen and oxygen and having a tingly after bite will not be absorbed by the cells in their bodies but only sloughed off into vital organs and systems. The impure water with minerals and high surface tension will be merely flushed out of the body. However, quite often not all of the unused and unwanted minerals are flushed out and will collect in the lymphatic system, kidneys and bladder therefore causing complications in those systems and organs.
A liquid with low surface tension has a smooth and silky sensation to the human sense of taste because the structured and coherent molecules in the liquid combine and blend effortlessly with the structured and organized molecules with a low surface tension surrounding the tongue and mouth. The smooth, silky and flowing sensation of a liquid with a low surface tension is the first and most important indication that partial or total absorption of the hydrogen and oxygen molecules of the liquid will occur. And this positive sensation is best translation in human verbal terms as “Oh that is wonderful and give me more!” And hopefully one day all humans will be aware of this critical nonverbal communication by the taste buds of our bodies.
Why does the wine that has been put on the shelf for period of time taste better and have no tingly after bite than an identical wine that is consumed soon after the liquid has been separated from the grape pulp? Simple answer. The molecules in the aged wine are similar in structure to the molecules in the liquids surrounding the human tongue and mouth therefore the aged wine will have a smoother and silkier taste than the un-aged wine with molecular chaos.
Fresh Squeezed Juices
Fresh squeezed juices from most fruits have a low surface tension but after a few hours the molecules of the liquid fruit degenerate to chaos and have a high surface tension. However, the juice from carrots has a surface tension that is lower and better than rainwater and has immediate absorption into the human cells. There have been countless anecdotal stories of individuals reversing diseases by drinking copious amounts of carrot juice.
The primary value of the fresh cut carrot juice for persons with health challenges and diseases is that the low surface tension of fresh cut carrot juice hydrates the cells that have been deprived of hydration and not had proper absorption of the hydrogen and oxygen light particles. The improper absorption of liquids consumed by the individual with the health challenge or disease was caused by the person drinking liquids with minerals and a high surface tension.
The minerals and vitamins in carrots provide only a secondary, auxiliary and peripheral benefit to the human cells in a health challenge or in a diseased state. And for some individuals, drinking fresh cut carrot juice provides the only form of hydrating the cells or hydrates the cells for the first time in numerous months or years. And an important contributing cause of the health challenges or diseased states in humans is the lack of hydration to and the non absorption of hydrogen and oxygen light particles by the cells of their bodies.
However, the carrot juice degenerates to molecular chaos with a high surface tension within 24 hours after the juice has been separated from the pulp. And the skin color of some persons who have drank copious amounts of carrot juice turns to a dull orange. Vegetable and fruit juices need to be consumed within 2 to 24 hours after being separated from the pulp for maximum absorption by and benefit to the human cells. The proper duration of time for consuming fresh cut liquids depends upon the specific vegetable or fruit. And the ideal water is one that has the purity of rainwater and the surface tension of freshly cut carrot juice. And such a valuable and important water does exist today.
Pure Water, Surface Tension and Phosphorus
In the late 1990s, scientists discovered a thin sheath of phosphorous covers all cells of plants, animals and humans. A sheath of phosphorous also covers the entire nervous system of animals and humans, the DNA helix is composed of 99 percent phosphorous and the critical chemical element in the mitochondria (energy battery) of an animal or human cell is phosphorous.
When the chemical element of phosphorous is separated from all other chemical elements and is in a pure form and exposed to a normal atmosphere, the phosphorous makes a hissing sound and disappears. The highly energetic phosphorous can only remain in this dimension by compounding with another chemical element. And these phosphoric compounds envelop and are components for all plasma membranes of plant, animal and human cells. Numerous private and university microbiology laboratories are investigating the function and significance of the phosphoric compounds in and enveloping every living cell.
The chemical element of phosphorous absorbs and transmits light particles and we call that state phosphorescent Our whole existence and the human, animal and plant experiences are the transfer and movement of light particles via the phosphorous located in key and critical locations in humans, animals and plants.
Based upon 15 years of investigation and discovery, this scientific researcher/inventor and author of this article feels and believes the phosphoric sheaths covering all cells and the phosphoric compounds in and around the plasma membranes of cells in plants, animals and humans function as chemical filters and regulators. The specific and moment to moment function of the phosphoric chemical filter of each cell is to allow only the light particles (ions) in the chemical elements of hydrogen and oxygen to enter and hydrate (stimulate and organize) the other chemical elements in the cells. The phosphorous sheaths also regulate the amount of light particles flowing in and out of the cells
The pH level (acid or alkaline) of the light particles in the hydrogen and oxygen in water does not matter because as the hydrogen and oxygen is passed through the phosphoric filter, the hydrogen and oxygen will be balanced so that the light particles of those chemical elements will work in harmony with the other chemical elements in the cell. The key and only characteristics the phosphoric filter requires for full and complete passage and absorption into the cell is that other chemical elements (contaminants) are not present with the hydrogen and oxygen (purity) and the light particles in the hydrogen and oxygen have the proper organization (surface tension).
All human and animal cells are composed of the same simple chemical elements. For example, each cell of the human body has a potassium/sodium ‘pump’ and the interaction of these two chemical elements must remain at a critical balance and level. The phosphoric filter surrounding the cell will allow light particles of potassium or sodium to pass through into cell only if the levels of the ‘pump’ become unbalanced. If the ‘pump’ is functioning properly then the phosphoric filter around the cell will not allow light particles of potassium and sodium to pass through.
And when an individual consumes either potassium or sodium in a food or in a dietary supplement, the excess potassium or sodium and all other chemical elements not absorbed by the cell must be flushed out of the body as soon as possible. Pure water with the proper surface tension provides the maximum ability to flush out any excess chemical elements in the vascular system, capillaries and lymphatic system of the human body. Any water with additional chemical elements other than hydrogen or oxygen with a low or high surface tension will be an inferior method of removing any excess chemical elements in the human body.
Minerals placed in bottled water and drank on a daily basis are most often rejected by the phosphoric filters of the human cells because the phosphoric filter will only allow light particles from chemical elements that are needed by the cell. The rejected chemical elements in the minerals and surrounding the human cells are basically useless and interfere with the primary purpose of water that is to hydrate the cell with properly structured hydrogen and oxygen.
And water with a high surface tension will deposit the unneeded minerals into the circulatory, capillary and lymphatic systems, kidneys, bladder and bowel. Is the cause for kidney stones the accumulation of minerals deposited by waters with a high surface tension?
The Body’s Ability To Lower The Surface Tension Of Liquids
Bacteria in the human digestive system are geared to lower the surface tension of liquids. An impure water with a high surface tension can assist the bacteria in the human digestive system to lower the surface tension of the impure water but if and only if the water has an alkaline pH level. If the drinking water has an acid pH level, the bacteria in the human digestive system have more difficulty lowering the surface tension of the drinking water.
Currently there are numerous devices on the world market today that change the pH level of tap water that is not pure and has minerals and other contaminants. However, if the water is purified like rainwater and has the proper surface tension equal to rain water then the water absorbs into the cells and does the most important task water is suppose to do – hydrate. And the pH of pure water with the proper surface tension can be acid or alkaline and the cell will still receive the most important function and benefit – hydration therefore balance, harmony, increased energy levels and release of disease is provided.
However, when the plant, animal or human is under emotional, mental, physical stress or the individual has had a period of inappropriate nutrition, the bacteria that lowers the surface tension in the digestive system can be distorted or reduced in number or power. When the bacteria is distorted or reduced in number or power by stress factors, the absence or presence of alkaline water does not matter because the phosphoric filters of the cells will minimize or not allow any kind of passage or absorption of the critical hydrogen and oxygen light particles because the surface tension is not at the proper level.
Also the bacteria level to lower the surface tension of liquids in a normal 20 year old is much higher than a normal 35 year old. And the bacteria level to lower the surface tension of liquids in a normal 35 year old is much higher than a normal 60 year old. As a person ages, the value and importance of structured pure water increases dramatically. An individual over 35 years old needs to consume water with a low surface tension level because the bacteria level in the digestive tract that reduces the surface tension is at a much lower level than when the person was 20 years old.
The hydrogen and oxygen light particles of water with ANY kind of contaminant (minerals) will be partially or fully rejected by the phosphoric filter of any plant, animal or human cell regardless if the water is acid or alkaline. The rejected hydrogen, oxygen and other chemical contaminants must be flushed into the lymphatic system. The flushing and removal of the rejected chemical elements causes stress, aging and low energy for the plant, animal or human.
Tap or filtered water with an alkaline pH level assists the bacteria in plants, animals and humans to lower the surface tension of liquids. But the phosphoric filters of plant, animal or human cells will only allow partial passage and absorption of the hydrogen and oxygen light particles of the alkaline water because of the presence of other chemical elements. Impure water with a high surface tension needs to be alkaline to assist the bacteria in plants, animals and humans to lower the surface of the water so absorption can take place.
Pretty Water But Of No Value
Also available on the world market today are water items featuring ‘clusters’ but cluster water does not have anything to do with surface tension. Some individuals have mistakenly assumed the presence of clusters in water also means the water has a low surface tension. Again, cluster water is in no way linked or associated with water that has a proper surface tension equal to pure fresh rainwater.
All claims about the reducing size of the water cluster is based upon freezing the water and then viewing the frozen water particles under a dark field microscope. When water has chemical elements other than just hydrogen and oxygen, those unwanted particles will coagulate or ‘cluster’ when frozen into eye catching geometric patterns. But as the temperature of the cluster water is raised above the freezing point and particles are no longer clustered, those unnecessary chemical elements actually interfere with hydration and absorption because they will be rejected by the cellular phosphoric chemical filters.
The frozen water clusters with a high surface tension that have been photographed before and after a person meditates over or plays music to the waters make pretty pictures and stimulate the imagination and sense of sight. However, the frozen contaminants and minerals creating pretty patterns in any kind water from any location around the world have very little value or meaning to a water’s ability to hydrate the cells and satisfy the cells’ need to absorb the crucial light particles of hydrogen and oxygen.
A founder of a company selling cluster water has publicly stated that pure distilled water with a low surface tension has no value to human health. And yet that same corporate founder publicly acknowledged that plants and commercial crops grow better with fresh pure distilled rainwater rather than mineralized irrigation water. And that same corporate founder publicly stated after being questioned by this author of this article that plant, animal and human cells have numerous similarities and identical chemical elements. And numerous persons or ‘experts’ in the arena of drinking water pass poor judgment upon distilled water based upon bad information, half truths (lies) and ignorance yet the our planet is hydrated and nourished by a humongous and natural distillation system in constant motion on the Earth.
Pure water (distilled) with the proper surface tension and having any kind of pH value accomplishes the most important task and purpose of water – proper and complete hydration regardless of most emotional, mental or stress factors on or the age of the individual And pure water with the proper surface tension does not need bacteria to lower the surface tension therefore the body conserves energy and has increased vitality because the conversion step by the bacteria to lower surface tension is bypassed.
Low Temperature Distilled Water – The Very Best
Low temperature distilled water contains only the essential chemical elements of hydrogen and oxygen. When the surface tension of low temperature distilled water is lowered to the same level as fresh pure rainwater or freshly cut carrot juice, the phosphoric filters of all cells in plants, animals and humans allow and promote full and complete passage and absorption and the cell is properly hydrated.
In the late 1970s John Petrek of Escondido, California was contracted to assemble devices to make pure water for a corporation that constructed nuclear power plants. Petrek created a distillation system that duplicates nature by using low temperatures and low heat to evaporate the water. Normal distillation systems use high temperatures above the boiling point of water but the high heat causes the water to sputter therefore unwanted chemical elements are included in the final water distilled for drinking. The sputtering caused by the boiling temperatures in normal distillers makes processing sea water impossible. The low temperature distillation process without boiling water or sputtering purifies any kind of liquid including sea water, sewer water, gray water and liquids containing nuclear radioactive particles.
The low temperature distillation unit that is patented by Pekrek and mimics and duplicates planet Earth’s distillation process and system, only collects the hydrogen/oxygen molecules. Laboratory tests determined that any kind of water processed through and collected by the low temperature distillation system has virtually no other chemical elements except the precious chemical elements of hydrogen and oxygen identical to fresh pure rainwater.
As the purified water is processed through Petrek’s low temperature distillation system, the water is exposed to a revolutionary passive and non chemical invention that lowers the surface tension of the water to a level lower than fresh cut carrot juice and is called The Tri-Vortex Disk. The one-of-a-kind Tri-Vortex Technology was discovered and invented by the author of this article and the Tri-Vortex Disk can be applied to any liquid (wine, beer, water, juice, etc.) to lower the surface tension and dramatically improve the taste and quality. For more information on the Tri-Vortex Technology go to the informative and detailed website at or read the info in the Tri-Vortex Technology brochure.
Countless people, including the author of this article, have become very accustomed to the soft, silky taste of the Petrek pure water using the Tri-Vortex Disk. The author of this article and his family have been drinking the low temperature distilled water treated by the Tri-Vortex Disk for over four years. All of these people have been drinking the low temperature distilled water for over 15 years with no complications.
Mineral, spring, well and filtered waters having any pH level with a high surface tension have a tendency to dull the senses of smell and taste and deadens the nerve fibers in the digestive passages in the throat of an individual. Petrek’s distilled water treated by the Tri-Vortex Disk stimulates the senses of smell and taste and enlivens the nerve fibers in the digestive passages in the throat.
About a month before this article was written the author of this article and his three family members tasted a sample of liquid that had been passed through a device that filters and raises the pH level of ordinary tap water. Immediately after drinking the filtered tap water with an alkaline pH level, all members of the family had a stinging and fire like sensation in the throat area. The very negative reaction by the author of this article and his family and countless other persons to the filtered water with a alkaline pH level was no different from the negative reaction when drinking ordinary tap water.
All persons drinking the low temperature distilled water have an intense reaction and sensitivity to any other waters including high temperature distilled or waters with any amount of minerals and a high surface tension because the smell and taste sensations are enlivened and stimulated by Petrek’s pure water that has been treated by the Tri-Vortex Disk. “There is just no taste and satisfaction quite like drinking the low temperature distilled water treated by the Tri-Vortex Disk” states Dr. William Welles D.C., a long time and well known Chiropractor in Southern California. Dr. Welles and his wife have been drinking only low temperature distilled water treated by the Tri-Vortex Disk for over one year.
A commercial version of Petrek’s low temperature distillation technology is available for purchase and produces a minimum of 80 gallons and maximum of 75,000,000 gallons per day at very low cost per gallon with no noise and with very simple operation and maintenance. The Unites States Navy and the Bechtel Corporation completed successful long-term and thorough studies and investigations into the one-of-a-kind low temperature distillations system that can operate in a what is called a co-generation system. Both electricity and pure water from any source including the sea can be efficiently produced in a CO-generation system. Regretfully Petrek’s consumer device producing five gallons per day is not yet available on the market place but fund raising is now taking place to make the technology available to the consumer.
Chemical Additives
Since the late 1960s there have been several products that feature chemicals that are added to distilled, filtered, mineral or tap water to lower the surface tension of those liquids. The person who first began marketing chemical additives to change the surface tension or make water softer was a road engineer by profession. When laying down asphalt to make roads, a very powerful soap or surfactant called Trinitron-X is applied to the molten black asphalt so the mixture will pour smoothly and not ball-up. Trinitron-X is a clear liquid but has a white milky composition after being placed in water.
One drop of Trinitron-X lowers the surface tension of 500 gallons of distilled or tap water. In the late 1990s, the author of this article extensively investigated two chemical additive products that claim to make water softer or lower the surface tension. In one test two chemical additives were placed in two separate clear glass containers with distilled water. The containers with distilled water and the chemical additives were not touched or moved for four days.
On the fifth day both containers of distilled water had a white milky substance that clouded the entire water. Whatever chemicals are in these additives, they seem to separate from and coagulate just like Trinitron-X within five days after being placed in the water. Also, the surface tension of distilled waters with the chemical additives were low for six hours but gradually went to a high surface tension state within 36 hours.
Neither one of the manufacturers of the chemical additives informs the consumer in any literature that the surface tension of a liquid returns to a high level after 36 hours.
Even though the short term impact of placing the white milky substances of the chemical additives into the human body might give high energy to the individual, no one knows the impact or detrimental side effects of drinking the white milky chemicals on a long term basis. And remember water that mimics pure rainwater is the best and when adding chemicals to lower surface tension, the once pure water is then contaminated.
Anyone contemplating the use of chemical additives to lower the surface tension of liquids should be provided the full ingredients and chemical process by the manufacturer before thinking about consuming the chemical additive. If the manufacturer does not practice full disclosure of the ingredients in and the process to make the chemical additive to lower surface tension, then the dubious product should be totally avoided.
Non-Chemical Technology That Lowers Surface Tension
The Tri-Vortex Disk that has been laboratory proven to lower the surface tension of any liquid to the same level as fresh cut carrot juice is available for purchase. The Tri-Vortex Disk transforms high or low temperature distilled water from being the very worst for the human body to the very best for the human body. Operating the Tri-Vortex Disk is very simple. All one has to do to create the proper molecular structure or surface tension in any liquid with any kind of pH level or any amount of minerals or clusters is to place the container with the liquid on or adjacent to the Tri-Vortex Disk for 10 to 30 seconds. Laboratory test results by Dr. James Aker Ph.D on the surface tension of water treated by the Tri-Vortex Disk and numerous testimonial letters are available upon request and are on the Tri-Vortex Technology website.
The Newborn Baby Needs Structure
Low or high temperature distilled waters that have a high surface tension are in need of organization like newborn babies. When disorganized and high surface tension distilled water comes in contact with the phosphoric filters of plant, animal and human cells, the phosphoric filters will pass chemical elements from inside the cell so organization can take place in the newborn distilled water. The distilled water that has leached the chemical elements from inside the cell via the phosphoric filter is then flushed into the lymphatic system.
This dynamic exchange or leaching at the cellular level causes stress and the breakdown of critical functions in the cells. The acid, balanced or non-alkaline pH level of distilled water has nothing do with any negative influences distilled water has on plant, animal or human cells. Low or high temperature distilled water is the very best (low surface tension) or the very worst (high surface tension) for plants, animals and humans.
One of the key chemical element compounds called magnetite functions like a guidance control or gyroscope in all plant, animal and human cells. Magnetite is composed of iron and oxygen and is probably one of the first components leached out of the cell through the phosphoric filter to organize the dead unstructured water around the cell that has any amount of minerals or is mineral free with a high surface tension.
Scientific researchers have tried to link heart problems and growth of tumors in animals and humans to the lack of iron in blood and organ cells and tissues. Researchers have also tried to link the lack of iron in human bodies to persons drinking distilled water. Logically the cause of the iron depletion in blood and tissues is the consumption of distilled or mineral water with a high surface tension that leaches precious chemical elements including iron from the cell via the phosphoric filter. The most important step to insure total absorption of the hydrogen and oxygen light particles into the cells and prevent leaching minerals from the cells when drinking low or high temperature distilled water is to reduce the surface tension before consuming. And the Tri-Vortex Technology does exactly that important task.
Our Cellular Relatives
All plant animal and human DNA helixes are composed of linking segments of phosphorous called chromosomes. The only differences between plant animal and human cells are the number of chromosomes in the DNA helixes. And again the components and functions except for the number of chromosomes in the DNA helixes in plants animals and humans are very similar and in some portions of the cells they are identical. Therefore how a plant reacts to and functions with various kinds of waters is an indication of how animal and human cells will also react to and function with the same waters.
A store bought rose placed in low or high temperature distilled water (room temperature) with a high surface tension dies in two or three days because key chemical elements and compounds such as magnetite are leached from the plant’s cells. A store bought rose placed in low temperature distilled water that has been treated by the Tri-Vortex Disk and has a low surface tension lives and thrives for 15 to 20 days. A store bought rose placed in filtered clustered or tap water with a high surface tension lives and thrives about four to six days. A store bought rose placed in filtered clustered or tap water with a low surface tension lives and thrives about seven to nine days. These experiments have been completed by numerous individuals including the author of this article and can be duplicated by anyone.
Additional experiments that can be completed by anyone to prove the value of low temperature distilled water with a reduced surface tension are evaporation tests. When equal amounts of various kinds of waters are placed in identical containers and in the same room or environmental conditions low temperature distilled water with a reduced surface tension will evaporate at a more rapid rate than any other water. Not only do the contaminants in water inhibit absorption into cells but the simple compression of the contaminants on the water molecules slow the evaporation process. When all conditions are equal a slowly evaporating water indicates the water cannot be fully absorbed by living cells because of the presence of the contaminants.
Low or high temperature distilled water with a low surface tension is processed into the cells the by phosphoric filters of the plant animal or human regardless of any stress factors on the plant animal or human. The unimpeded absorption of the hydrogen and oxygen light particles of the low temperature distilled water by the phosphoric filters promotes and supports rapid recovery and release from diseased or injured states and increases energy levels for maximum athletic performance and does not leach critical compounds such as magnetite from plant animal or human cells.
The Dangers Of Number 7 Plastic
Practically all of the companies selling any kind of bottled water and liquid nutrients are using what is called number 7 plastic that is very unstable. Water especially with a low surface tension will leach lethal chemical elements and compounds such as formaldehyde from number 7 plastic. When using the Tri-Vortex Disk to lower the surface tension of bottled water the consumer is advised to remove the water from the number 7 plastic bottle before changing the surface tension and place in a glass or poly carbonate container.
Also other commercially available waters in bottles feature ionic water or water treated with a negative ion generator. These waters and most other filtered and bottled waters do not have the two critical components for assimilation by the cells of plants animals and humans – purity and low surface tension.
Rainwater is the most pure and organized water on the planet and absorbs immediately into and hydrates plant animal and human cells. Optimum heath for the individual would logically be provided by waters that are as close to the purity and structure of fresh rainwater. So what waters either in bottles or processed by mechanical devices and are available for purchase on the market today produce the purest water with the best coherent structure?
And again the key to maximum absorption and hydration of water into the cells is that water must have two (not just one) key properties. If a water has purity but is disorganized (high surface tension) then proper absorption and hydration will be hindered . And vice versa if the water is impure but is organized (low surface tension) the proper absorption and hydration will also be hindered. Purity and organization are the two interwoven and linking properties a water must have so the cells receive a maximum hydration level thus a person ages slower has more energy and vitality and is less vulnerable to disease.
Below is a list of waters that allow the phosphoric transfer of the hydrogen and oxygen light particles into the cell. The number one water is the best method of light particle transfer and water number 12 is the worst method of light particle transfer. Note the two positions of low temperature distilled water. Filtered water includes a process marketed today as reverse osmosis or any filters that are attached to the pipes of homes or to the end of faucets. Filtered water is also water with ‘clusters’ at room temperature. Water with chemical additives to lower surface tension have been excluded from this list because the author feels those products should be avoided under any circumstances.
- Low temperature distilled water with a low surface tension
- High temperature distilled water with a low surface tension
- Filtered or bottled water in an alkaline state and low surface tension
- Filtered or bottled water in an alkaline state and high surface tension
- Filtered or bottled water in a acid state and low surface tension
- Filtered or bottled water in a acid state and high surface tension
- Tap water in an alkaline state and low surface tension
- Tap water in an alkaline state and high surface tension
- Tap water in an acid state and low surface tension.
- Tap water in an acid state and high surface tension
- High temperature distilled water with a high surface tension
- Low temperature distilled water with a high surface tension.
Recently a dentist in Florida was consuming one quart of mineral water per day sold in number 7 plastic containers and then doctors discovered a growing 8 cm tumor on his pancreas. The pancreatic tumor had all the classic characteristics of being a cancerous growth when first discovered by the doctors. The dentist who had not used any kind of mercury in his dental practice for over 15 years had dark circles under his eyes and his body appeared wilted and weak.
For 10 days the dentist ate healthy foods including tofu did intense emotional and mental processing with therapists family members and friends and drank a gallon per day of high temperature distilled water transferred to a glass bottle and treated by the Tri-Vortex Disk. The dentist was not prescribed any of the normal medications nor did he undergo any traditional medical therapies.
On the 11th day the doctor’s skin color was normal the dark circles around his eyes were gone and his energy levels were normal to above average. A second examination of the tumor indicated the unwanted coagulating tissue had stopped growing and reduced in size. The dentist and his doctors were shocked after the tumor was surgically removed and the laboratory tests determined the tumor was noncancerous. Hardly any surgically removed pancreatic tumors are noncancerous.
However there is an unrealistic speculation movement and thinking by numerous individuals and groups around the globe that somehow the compound of water or special kinds of water are a savior for persons with health challenges and/or a cure for diseases such as cancer. The primary function and most important purpose of water is to hydrate the cells of plants animals and humans. Any kind of water cannot be and will never be a quick or easy cure or answer for diseases. Most often diseases are caused by the negative emotional mental and physical states by the poor diet consumed by and/or the environmental toxins exposed to the individual and any kind of water cannot negate or balance out those important influences.
Drinking pure distilled water with low surface tension is one key and excellent component of an overall disease prevention program that also includes the person emotionally mentally and physically processing traumatic or negative feelings thoughts or events consuming a balanced nutritional diet exercising and avoiding environmental toxins.
Seaweeds – The Ultimate Liquid Nutrient
Many dry land regions around the world today were once underwater and growing all kinds of ocean seaweeds and vegetables. The chemical elements of the ocean seaweeds and vegetables dehydrated and remained in a solid form for thousands of years after the ocean waters disappeared. In the past 50 years corporations have been mining and selling the dehydrated seaweeds and vegetables in powders capsules and liquid drinks. The dehydrated sea products have minimal absorption for and maximum blockage to and impede hydration because the surface tension of the dehydrated nutrients and the liquids accompanying the sea products are at a high level.
But the same nutrients in the sea products are available with a low surface tension. The cold water oceans of the world are awash with fresh and alive seaweeds and vegetables such as ascophyllum and bladderwrack. Both of these products have the most essential nutrients of any land or sea plant and the surface tensions of the entire seaweeds or vegetables have the same low surface tension as rainwater and fresh cut carrot juice. And processed seaweeds or vegetables that are kept refrigerated for five years or more maintain their low surface tension level.
Why should humans consume dehydrated sea products that are thousands of years old and have a high surface tension and are very difficult to absorb into the cells and tissues when superior and natural sea products are available in plentiful supply? The nutrients in fresh seaweeds and vegetables assimilate immediately into the cells if needed. And most importantly the unused and discarded water soluble nutrients in sea products are easily excreted out of the human body unlike dehydrated seaweeds sold as powders capsules or in liquid drinks that are very difficult to eliminate from the body and probably cause all kinds of complications.
And again our cellular distant relative called the plant indicates how cold water seaweeds are of value to the human body. Extensive scientific studies have proven that one ounce of ascophyllum seaweed spread out over one acre of farm land increases the crop yield by 100 percent. Seaweeds are the future of excellent human nutrition for day to day energy levels and to maximize athletic performance. Hopefully one day corporations will be marketing and competing with one another like the fast food chains to sell their highly nutritional seaweed and vegetable products. When our species evolves to embrace and consume the bounty of water soluble nutrients with a low surface tension grown in the cold water oceans doctors offices hospitals and hospices will most likely be in a minimum need and usage and world hunger will be reduced.
Two Major Factors
Time Magazine stated in November 25 1996 article (pages 88-98) on health that the two major factors related to aging are digestion of food and elimination of waste. Communicating the importance of how the surface tension of pure water digestion and elimination of waste is related with aging and disease to baby boomers of the 1950s and their parents and children and grandchildren is at utmost priority. Drinking low or high temperature pure distilled water with a low surface tension promotes the maximum level of digestion of food and the most efficient means of eliminating all wastes and unused minerals and chemical elements from the body. If the reader of this article cannot secure low or high temperature pure distilled water then the individual is encouraged to drink the liquid with the lowest number possible on the list printed in a previous paragraph.
Seaweeds are deficient in chemical elements such as iron and calcium. And the best source for essential chemical elements such as calcium iron and potassium is in a liquid form so the excess chemical elements not used by the cells are immediately flushed out of the body. Blackstrap molasses that contains most of the essential chemical elements for cellular function and balance is available for purchase in any health food store at a very reasonable price.
The biological cells in humans animals and plants are the most awesome and fantastic life forms in the universe. We have the opportunity of keeping our cells in an awesome and fantastic state by a balanced diet that includes seaweeds blackstrap molasses and vegetables personal awareness and processing exercise and nourishing our cells with pure distilled water in a molecular coherent state of a low surface tension. The author of this article predicts that as an individual continues personal emotional processing with physical exercise and consumes the natural combination of low temperature distilled water with a reduced surface tension seaweeds and blackstrap molasses their quality life span and cellular dynamics and functions will be extended by 15 to 30 years.
Brian David Andersen July 2001
Brian David Andersen
861 Sixth Ave Suite 403
San Diego CA 92101
(619) 884-1455
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