April 9, 2020 by
Jorge Urena

Get Your Vitamin C Camu Camu

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This isn’t the first time we hear that vitamin C is good for us. But are all vitamin C’s the same? Certainly not, and definitely not all of them are good for us.

There are many natural sources of vitamin C. Practically everything in the produce section contains some of this complex and important compound. Products like kiwis, oranges and strawberries are considered to be sources of natural vitamin C. Only a handful of products are considered to be excellent sources of this precious nutrient.

But before talking about the actual sources of vitamin C, let’s put our knowledge to a test. And see how much we know about this vitamin.
Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin normally found in food, fruits and vegetables. It’s a complex compound made out of different elements. Like ascorbic acid, flavonoids (or bio-flavonoids), flavanols, flavanols, minerals and many other substances.

I bet you didn’t think it was that complex!

Another form of vitamin C is what we know as ascorbic acid. It’s certainly not vitamin C and I’ll explain why. Ascorbic acid is a separate and individual compound, a synthetic form of vitamin C. Often made from genetically modified corn sugar (or similar base). Transformed through chemical processes. To mimic only one of the numerous life-supporting molecules found in a 100% wholefood natural vitamin C. Its name comes from:

Latin words:

  • “a” (meaning “no”)
  • “scorbutus” (meaning “scurvy” – a disease caused by vitamin C deficiency.

So the name does come from a natural remedy for a common ailment. But what we know today as ascorbic acid is far distant from natural and beneficial.

So keep this in mind, “ascorbic acid” is definitely not the same as vitamin C, the first one is man-made, with all the implications that comes with it (side effects, interactions and toxicity), the other one is all natural and is provided in food… big difference!

Do you feel that you’ve been fooled? Don’t you worry, we all feel the same, but it’s been like this for long time thanks to the pharmaceutical industry and governments that supports them.

Vitamin C in its natural form is one of the safest and most effective nutrients the body can have, a protector against immune system deficiencies, an essential building block of collagen and a powerful antioxidant to say the least.

As a protector against immune system deficiencies, vitamin C helps the body in the production of white blood cells, key to prevent and fight infections like colds, flu’s and viruses. Vitamin C is not a remedy but it does help to relief the symptoms and shorten the duration of it for sure.

As a building block of collagen, vitamin C represents the raw material to produce this important protein. Collagen is used to grow and repair connective tissue in our body, renew and maintain skin, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, blood vessels and bones. Collagen is also essential to repair and maintain the good health of the entire nervous system.

As an antioxidant, it protects the body against the effects of substances and elements that cause accelerated aging and the deterioration of good health. It’s incidence against free radicals that damages your healthy cells, makes vitamin C a good preventative for conditions such as diabetes, heart disease and even cancer.

So, how does vitamin C works in our body?

Humans synthesizes the vitamin C from food, there is no internal production of vitamin C from enzymes like most animals do, plain and simple… food is the source! But what happens when the food is low in nutrients or our diet is based mainly on fast or processed food? There will be for sure deficiencies of vitamin C, supplementation definitely will be required.

Noticeable signs of vitamin C deficiency include cracked and scaly skin, opaque dry splitting hair, slow healing of wounds, easy bruising, nosebleeds and a marked ability to acquire infections. Serious vitamin C deficiencies may originate gingivitis (inflammation of the gums), bleeding gums and scurvy.

Vitamin C deficiency may have other consequences in the long run, including problems with blood pressure, stroke, atherosclerosis (plaque build-up) and some cancers.

Getting enough vitamin C from a good and balanced diet or adequate natural supplementation is a must, especially if we want to maintain our system healthy and in good working conditions.

About Camu Camu

We said there are many sources of natural vitamin C but only a handful excel for its values and benefits, and Camu Camu is one of them.

It’s a very special fruit, a true superfood considered by many as a vitamin C powerhouse. Original to Peru, although it is also grown in Brazil, Venezuela and Colombia.

Camu Camu is like a berry or a grape, about the size of a cherry of light bright-green and dark matte-red color, has a very hard and thick skin and inside, a juicy sour and astringent pulp.

The fruit is produced by a small shrub found throughout the Amazon rainforest of Peru and grows wild in swampy flooded areas in the shore line of the Amazon River and effluents. Its name comes from an old, almost extinct language that influenced the aboriginal people of the Amazon of Peru… the name has a meaning on its own. In the aboriginal Amazonian language the word “camu” means “lots of water”, so “camu camu” means “twice as much water”, a name used to describe best the way this plant grows, underwater!

The fruit is collected using canoes and the process is completely done by hand, like the old days – it is a very impressive task considering the wilderness of the area and time used to reach the areas where Camu Camu is grown.

Camu Camu contains an impressive amount of natural vitamin C, about fifty times the amount contained in oranges and by far more than any other fruit or vegetable. Its vitamin C compound is quite complex and impressive to say the least, surpassing any other known source until now. As a guideline, I have included a vitamin C comparison table of some known fruits and vegetables:

Tables based on average values. Source USDA

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No need to say but Camu Camu definitely has the highest recorded amount of natural vitamin C known on the planet!

So, what are the benefits of Camu Camu?

First of all we are looking at an all natural wholefood vitamin C source with the highest and most complex compound compared to anything known in this world, so what could you expect? Basically everything we look in vitamin C, all of its benefits, but substantially increased.

The following are some of the specific benefits of taking a natural source of vitamin C:

  • Detoxifies the entire system focusing its action in the liver
  • Promotes the generation of healthy levels of white blood cells
  • Boost and strengthen the immune system
  • Improves and provides relief to common colds and flu’s
  • Provides relief to viral infection symptoms such as blisters, shingles, herpes and HPV
  • Antibacterial
  • Improves the circulatory system by reducing plaque formation and keeping the arteries flexible avoiding atherosclerosis
  • Promotes the generation of collagen
  • Strengthen the nervous system
  • Promotes the growth and repair of connective tissue
  • Renew and maintain a healthy fresh skin
  • Anti-aging
    Prevents arthritis and osteoarthritis
  • Promotes the generation of enzymes and facilitates the absorption of nutrients in the system
  • Antidepressant
  • Over all well being

Make no mistake. Camu Camu is the greatest source of natural vitamin C . With the highest ascorbic acid content. And a full array of naturally occurring vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. Certainly you’re better off taking Camu Camu. Than a simple, high value synthetic ascorbic acid tablet alone.

Remember the famous quote,

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”
― Hippocrates

Jorge Urena is the Founder, President & CEO of UHTCO Corporation, a Canadian company of Peruvian origins dedicated to create, manufacture and distribute the most unique high quality products from Peru. UHTCO produces the best and most unique line of Camu Camu. For more information please visit about.me/jorgeurena

Author: Jorge Urena
Jorge Urena April 9, 2020
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