October 6, 2018 by
Life Enthusiast Staff

Fulvic Acid FAQs

You might like to read this blog first: Humic and Fulvic Acid Basics

Fulvic Acid resolves re-mineralization and oxygenation deficiency in all living organisms. Specific nutrients have been missing from our soils for generations, and their decline is correlated with the explosion of chronic degenerative diseases that afflict us today. Fulvic acid, a precious component of humic acid, is known as the only element capable of making nutrients bioactive on the cellular level. In human health and agricultural practices, Fulvic is now widely accepted as the missing nutritional link in human health. A component of healthy soil, Fulvic acid dissolves minerals and trace elements, transports nutrients into cells, catalyzes enzyme reactions, stimulates metabolism, detoxifies pollutants and assimilates into cell structure by increasing the permeability of cell membranes.

How do I take Fulvic acid?

Because different people have different needs, each individual will respond in a unique manner. For a few days after beginning to take Fulvic acid, your body will to begin to undergo a mild detoxification process that cleanses and revitalizes removing toxins build up and flushing it out of your body. You may notice loose bowels or joint soreness as disease-causing pollutants are gradually removed.

Remember, it is only through the remarkable properties of oxygen that toxins can be completely flushed from our bodies so trust that your body is responding as it is supposed to. After all, our bodies are 2/3 water and if that water has been “dirty” for a long time, it’s no wonder there are toxins anxious to be flushed out!

Depending on how you are feeling, you may reduce or increase the dosage. If you take less, the process of detoxification will slow down. If you take more, the process will accelerate. You cannot overdose on Fulvic acid, because it is a nutritional supplement made from natural substances. The body will use what it needs and eliminate what it does not need.

If you are feeling stressed or run down, you can take additional dosages. If you are doing physical work, playing sports, working late, it is fine to take an extra dose of Fulvic acid to give your body additional energy. Add it to the water you drink. Please avoid ingesting chlorine – use filtered or treated with Prills.

Can everyone take Fulvic acid?

As a precautionary measure, pregnant or lactating women are not advised to take Fulvic acid.

Are there any side effects?

There are no known side effects. Fulvic Acid is a nutritional supplement and as such unused portions are naturally flushed from the body when not required or too much has been ingested. You cannot overdose on Fulvic Acid.

Are there any precautions I should know about?

It is important to dissolve Fulvic Acid in juice or water and to ensure it does not come into contact with surfaces, skin or mucous membranes. It will dissolve natural fibers and could cause a stinging sensation on skin on mucous membranes. You may not wish to take Fulvic Acid after 9:00 p.m., or before sleeping, due to its energizing properties.

Why is Fulvic Acid important to my health?

Fulvic has the unique ability to chelate (break down) toxins and reduce them to a harmless state. Fulvic is effective at neutralizing a wide range of toxic materials – everything from heavy metals and radioactive waste to petrochemicals. It also breaks down elemental minerals ideal for human consumption. It is known that Fulvic is readily admitted into living cells. Fulvics are vital in delivering substantial amounts of nutrients and minerals and their living energies into living cells.

Once inside the living cell, Fulvic aids in the selective trading or supply of minerals and other nutrient factors, ensuring that the cells get precisely the amount of minerals and nutrients they need. Fulvic has several primary functions. It dissolves minerals and trace elements, transports the nutrients into the cell, catalyzes enzyme reactions, stimulates metabolism, detoxifies pollutants and assimilates into cell structure by increasing the permeability of the cell membrane. It is the only known agent capable of this process.

The potential of Fulvic Acid cannot be overstated. Its potential to treat sewage and landfill, to neutralize radioactive and toxic wastes, its role in soil regeneration and the creation of organic minerals and its role in the creation of a nutritionally superior food supply, Fulvic is simply unrivaled.

How does Fulvic Acid supercharge and extend the life of cells?

Fulvic electrolytes contain and transport essential nutrients, essential and trace minerals in a highly charged bioavailable form and serve as an outside electrical force. They charge, recharge and restore the potential that is or once was normal to the cell, balancing and supercharging cellular life. The Fulvic electrolytes act as a miniature battery charger, providing a small but constant charge of nutritional and mineral energy replacement. They create a natural balance for many life processes and help each cell perform at its maximum potential. Toxins and heavy metals are taken up by the Fulvic electrolytes, to be carried away from the cell and discharged from the body.

As a transporter of energy-rich and bio-electrically charged nutrients and minerals, the Fulvic electrolytes greatly increase the percentage rate of absorption through the digestive system of minerals, nutrients, vitamins, and herbs into the circulatory system. From there, they carry life force energetic compounds to and easily through the cell membrane, across the cytoplasm and directly to the nucleus of the cell.

At this point the Fulvic electrolytes discharge electrical energy and their nutrient and mineral components. It is literally recharging and replacing exhausted or diminished components within the nucleus of the cell. Mineral and nutrient wastes are complexed and taken from the nucleus, then transported back across the cell for removal. Fulvic electrolytes act as a donor, and at other times as a receptor based on a cell’s requirement for balance. They also absorb both positive and negative electrical charges from free radicals in a process of neutralization.

How does Fulvic Acid affect my health?

Fulvic Acid reestablishes balance and inflow of energy to all cells in the body. It delivers a continuous stream of essential minerals and enzymes in ionic form, fully permeating the cell membrane. Just one drop of Fulvic Acid can emanate 77,000 angstrom units of radiant life energy (cancer patients radiate at 1,875 angstroms, the same as white bread).

Fulvic Acid also supplies more oxygen and nutrients to the brain, producing pleasant feelings of well-being. It helps the immune system and nervous system function more effectively as cellular communication improves, and it increases vibrational frequencies of all body organs ensuring a high resistance to stress and disease.

Why is oxygen important?

The ability to think, feel, move, eat, sleep and even talk all depends on energy from oxygen. All functions of our body are regulated by oxygen. It must be replaced on a moment-to-moment basis because 90% of our life energy depends on it, energizing cells so they can regenerate. Lifestyle factors such as poor nutrition, alcohol, pollution, toxins, pharmacological drugs or lack of exercise all deprive the body of vital oxygen setting the stage for chronic degenerative disease and a weakened immune system.

What are the symptoms of toxicity and poor oxygenation?

When the immune system is compromised by a lack of oxygen, the body is more susceptible to opportunistic bacteria, viral, and parasitic infections, colds and flu. Initial symptoms of oxygen deficiency may include general weakness, fatigue, circulation problems, poor digestion, muscle aches and pains, dizziness, depression, memory loss, irrational behavior, irritability, acid stomach and bronchial complications.

How does Fulvic Acid work?

Fulvic Acid delivers ionic minerals, enzymes and oxygen in perfect balance to all cells in the body, ensuring all cells are fully oxygenated and mineralized. When the nutrients are in ionic form, they’re readily absorbed by cells and are recognized by the body as a natural fluid.

Only 4-7 nanometers in size, colloidal particles take on a negative (ionic) charge enabling them to be suspended in liquid. This allows the nutrients to pass from the blood stream through the cell membrane and into the cell.

Traditional tablet supplements are only absorbed through the digestive system after various acids have broken them down and only have an absorption rate of approximately 25%. Ionic solutions have an absorption rate that exceeds 95%.

What is Zeta-Potential and why is it important?

Zeta-potential is the ability of a molecule to hold an electrical charge. The electric potential of a cell is its life force. When the Zeta Potential of a cell is increased, the cells become stronger and more active. A basic law of nature states that the smaller the size of the colloid the longer the colloid can hold its Zeta Potential. Zeta-potential is the force that maintains the discreteness of all the cells in our body. Also, the higher the Zeta-potential the more able nutrients are able to pass through cells delivering nutrients and eliminating toxins.

When a cell’s electrical potential is reduced to zero the cells disintegrate. When the electrical potential is reduced, progressive weakness and illness may occur. A person’s electrical potential may be lowered by loss of blood or fluids, excessive emotional stress, accidents, lack of sleep, lingering infections, and an unbalanced diet.

You might like to read this blog: Fulvic Acid and Zeta Potential

What are electrolytes and how do they help?

Scientists believe that electrical and chemical balances at the cellular level can be created and controlled by electrolytes. The most powerful electrolyte known in nature is the powerful Fulvic organic electrolyte that restores, regenerates, regulates and balances cellular life. When the cell is restored to its normal chemical balance, and thereby achieves its bio-electrical potential, life flourishes where sickness, weakness, disintegration and death would have resulted. This is the Fulvic phenomenon. Fulvic Acid has a very high zeta potential.

How does Fulvic Acid supercharge and extend the life of cells?

Fulvic electrolytes contain and transport essential nutrients, essential and trace minerals in a highly charged bioavailable form and serve as an outside electrical force. They charge, recharge and restore the potential that is or once was normal to the cell, balancing and supercharging cellular life. The Fulvic electrolytes act as a miniature battery charger, providing a small but constant charge of nutritional and mineral energy replacement. They create a natural balance for many life processes and help each cell perform at its maximum potential. Toxins and heavy metals are taken up by the Fulvic electrolytes, to be carried away from the cell and discharged from the body.

As a transporter of energy-rich and bio-electrically charged nutrients and minerals, the Fulvic electrolytes greatly increase the percentage rate of absorption through the digestive system of minerals, nutrients, vitamins, and herbs into the circulatory system. From there, they carry life force energetic compounds to and easily through the cell membrane, across the cytoplasm and directly to the nucleus of the cell.

At this point the Fulvic electrolytes discharge electrical energy and their nutrient and mineral components. It is literally recharging and replacing exhausted or diminished components within the nucleus of the cell. Mineral and nutrient wastes are complexed and taken from the nucleus, then transported back across the cell for removal. Fulvic electrolytes act as a donor, and at other times as a receptor based on a cell’s requirement for balance. They also absorb both positive and negative electrical charges from free radicals in a process of neutralization.

Does Fulvic Acid control or eliminate Free Radicals?

In highly developed industrialized society we are constantly bombarded by free radicals from toxic environmental influences like polluted oxygen-deprived air, poor lifestyle choices like smoking and drinking, inferior or highly processed foods. Free radicals cause progressive damage resulting in the functional decline that defines aging.

Free radicals are part of a well-balanced system and are produced naturally by the body to supply energy to cells, fight bacteria and viruses as well as to regulate hormones. When systems are in balance, the production and management of free radicals proceeds as nature intended. It is only when we have too many free radicals in our bodies that degenerative disease develops. The only way to counteract the effects of free radicals on cells is by eating foods rich in antioxidants or to supplement our diets with antioxidant products such as Fulvic Acid.

How does Fulvic acid compare to other antioxidants?

Re-mineralization of our bodies without Fulvic has little benefit because colloidal minerals by themselves are not readily useable by cells. It is the Fulvic in conjunction with minerals that makes them effective. Fulvic makes elemental minerals and vitamins more absorbable by complexing them into organic, ionic forms that are easily transported into and through membranes and cell walls. Once the nutrients meld into the Fulvic complex, they become bioactive and bioavailable

Author: Life Enthusiast Staff
Life Enthusiast Staff October 6, 2018
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