Fulvic Acid Details
You might like to read this blog first: Humic and Fulvic Acid Basics
Fulvic acid is being called Nature’s Miracle Molecule, because it does so many things… it wears so many hats. Reported claims of benefits are a little short of astonishing. For internal use they are:
- Increased energy
- Effective antioxidant and free radical scavenger activity
- Chelates heavy metals and body toxins, removing them from the system
- Transports nutrients into the cells
- Extends the time nutrients remain active – potentiates the availability of essential nutrients
- Increases metabolism of proteins, contributing to DNA and RNA synthesis
- It’s a powerful natural electrolyte
- Restores electrochemical balance
- Increases activity of a host of enzyme systems
- Helps rebuild the immune system
- Increases bioavailability of nutrients and minerals
Reported beneficial claims for external use:
- Treating open wounds, cuts and abrasions
- Healing burns with minimum pain or scarring
- Eliminating discoloration due to skin bruises
- Killing pathogens responsible for athletes foot
- Acting as a wide spectrum antimicrobial and fungicide
- Treating rashes, skin irritations, insect and spider bites
- Neutralizing poison ivy and poison oak
Fulvic acid can contain as many as 60 different mineral compounds. The presence of fulvic acid increases the activity of several enzymes, including: transaminase, invertase, and alkaline phosphates. Fulvic Acid restores electrical balance to damaged cells, neutralizes toxins and helps neutralize food poisoning. Fulvic acid solution can chelate and remove heavy metals from your body. It is an aggressive antioxidant that naturalizes free radicals.
Organic fulvic acids are created by microorganisms in the soil, for the purpose of transporting minerals and nutrients from the soil into the plant. From there, complex photosynthesis reactions produce the components of all the various parts of the plant. Muco-polysaccharides (complex carbohydrate sugars) flow throughout the plant for nourishment. Some are returned to the roots. There, the microorganisms are nourished and produce fulvic acid to complex with minerals and nutrients to restart the cycle again. Fulvic acid is readily admitted into living cells in part due to its low molecular weight, its electrical potential, its bio-transporting ability, and other factors just waiting to be discovered and understood.
Fulvic acid is especially active in dissolving minerals and metals when solutions are in water. The metallic minerals simply dissolve into ionic form, and disappear into the fulvic structure becoming bio-chemically reactive and mobile. The fulvic acid actually transforms these minerals and metals into elaborate fulvic acid molecular complexes that have vastly different characteristics from their previous metallic mineral form. Fulvic acid is nature’s way of “chelating” metallic minerals, turning them into readily absorbable bioavailable form. Fulvic acid also has the unique ability to weather and dissolve silica that it comes in contact with.
As a transporter of energy-rich and bio-electrically charged nutrients and minerals, the fulvic acid electrolytes greatly increase the percentage rate of absorption through the digestive system of minerals, nutrients, vitamins, and herbs into the circulatory system. From there, they carry life force energetic compounds to and easily through the cell membrane, across the cytoplasm and directly to the nucleus of the cell. At this point the Fulvic Acid electrolytes discharge electrical energy and their nutrient and mineral components. It is literally recharging and replacing exhausted or diminished components within the nucleus of the cell. The minerals and nutrient wastes are complexed and taken from the nucleus, then transported back across the cell for removal. Fulvic acid electrolytes act as a donor, and at other times as a receptor based on a cell’s requirement for balance. They also absorb both positive and negative electrical charges from free radicals in a process of neutralization. It’s a super antioxidant, a detoxifier, improves enzymatic reactions and is a powerful natural bi-directional electrolyte.
It should be noted that fulvic acid itself can contain as many as 60 different mineral compounds – this is above and beyond any other source of minerals Whenever we eat, our body sets into motion a complex series of actions designed to break down the foods that we’ve eaten. It then converts these digested foods into energy and building materials. The actions that take place on the foods that we ingest would not be possible if it were not for enzymes. Without enzyme activation, food would simply rot in our stomach, elimination could not take place, thought would cease, and we would die. Enzymes are the “life-force” behind vitamins and minerals. Obviously, anything that we can do to strengthen and protect these enzymes will further our hopes of maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle. Since you have only a finite number of enzymes that are available to your body, supplementing them from outside sources (such as with raw fruits and vegetables and enzyme supplements) is an absolute necessity.
The good news is that the presence of fulvic acid actually increases the activity of several enzymes, including: transaminase, invertase, and alkaline phosphates. Speaking of the potentiation of certain substances, fulvic acid may also have a positive effect on RNA and DNA. According to several researchers, the actual content of DNA in cells and the synthesis of RNA is enhanced by the presence of fulvic acid. Furthermore, if you supplement with traditional vitamins and minerals, their bioavailability may be enhanced by the addition of fulvic acid. It consists of an immense arsenal and array of naturally occurring phytochemicals, biochemicals, supercharged antioxidants, free-radical scavengers, super oxide dismutases, nutrients, enzymes, hormones, amino acids, antibiotics, antivirals, and antifungals.
Fulvic Acid greatly enhance the bioavailability of important trace minerals. Regenerate and prolong the residence time of essential nutrients in the cells. Modify the damage or toxic compounds such as heavy metals and free radicals. Enhance the permeability for digestive, circulatory, and cell membranes. As the most powerful, natural electrolyte known, Fulvic Acid restores electrical balance to damaged cells, neutralizes toxins and can eliminate food poisoning within minutes. To the science of living cells, Fulvic Acid are vital in bringing substantial amounts of nutrients and minerals into water solution and delivering their living energies to the living cells. Fulvic acid solution can chelate and remove heavy metals from your body. It has successfully treated children with lead poisoning by taking it with water daily for a month.
Using the latest research, scientists are discovering that the utilization of the compound, organic fulvic acid, breaks down the mineral particles even further turning them into a solution, rather than the minerals being suspended in solution like many mineral supplements available. Another function is as an aggressive antioxidant that naturalizes free radicals. Researchers believe that this compound complexes a toxic heavy metal, and removes it from the body as waste, aiding our long term health. In this way natural fulvic acid can also help eliminate heavy metals such as lead and arsenic before they build up in body tissues, promoting good health. Fulvic acid also acts as an electrical conductor. Scientists theorize that this water based electrolyte converts often unusable chemical energy from minerals into efficient electrical energy, by recharging the nucleus of the cell. It is therefore believed to help rebalance and recharge the depleted cell, further improving health.
With the use of this cutting edge research, natural organic fulvic acid is now being used within the colloidal mineral solution and maximol supplements. This breaks down the already bioavailable ionized colloidal minerals, transforming them to extremely bioavailable minerals. The natural organic fulvic acid electrolyte then transports these essential minerals through your body, ready for absorption. Organic fulvic acids are created by microorganisms in the soil, for the purpose of transporting minerals and nutrients from the soil into the plant. From there, complex photosynthesis reactions produce the components of all the various parts of the plant. Muco-polysaccharides (complex carbohydrate sugars) flow throughout the plant for nourishment. Some are returned to the roots. There, the microorganisms are nourished and produce fulvic acid to complex with minerals and nutrients to restart the cycle again.
It is known that fulvic acid is readily admitted into living cells. This may be in part due to its low molecular weight, its electrical potential, its bio-transporting ability, and other factors just waiting to be discovered and understood. Scientists do known, however, that once inside the living cell, fulvic acid aids in the selective trading or supply of minerals and other nutrient factors inside the cell. Can you begin to see why this is so important – first, it gets into the cells, and second, once in them, it may be the very catalyst that makes sure the cells get precisely the amount of minerals and other nutrients they need. In addition to carrying essential nutrients to the cell, it has been shown that fulvic acid can actually chelate toxins and reduce them to a harmless state. Fulvic acid is effective at neutralizing a wide range of toxic materials – everything from heavy metals and radioactive waste to petro-chemicals.
As with any product or nutritive supplement, the only way that your body can benefit from it is after it has been absorbed. Fulvic acid actually enhances this absorption process. Prior to elemental minerals being converted and stored by a plant as plant tissue, fulvic acids begin to ionize them. Without fulvic acid, the substances that surround plants would not be able to be absorbed since the root “hairs” are single ion chambers that pull nutrients into them ion by ion. When fulvic acid acts upon a substance its molecular size and weight is altered. This enables it to pass through cell membranes – including the semi-permeable membranes that line your intestines. When searching for organic, plant-derived minerals, make certain that they contain fulvic acid. This will ensure that you get the highest quality available.
Fulvic Acid Major Attributes
World’s Finest Electrolyte, Fulvic Acid is an organic natural electrolyte that can balance and energize biological properties. It comes into contact with in electrolyte as a substance that is soluble in water or other appropriate mediums that is capable of conducting electrical current. The power of an electrolyte that has been shown in separate tests on animal cells (giant amoebae); to be able to restore life in what researchers termed “a beautiful demonstration” and “astonishing.” When the electrolyte potential was taken away during the test, the cell ruptured and disintegrated into the surrounding fluids causing death. These studies show convincingly that the physical well being upon reintroducing electrical potential, enabling cells reconstruction to become active and healthy.
It was also determined from these same studies, that similar results could be expected of the progressive weakness among humans resulting from: unchecked hemorrhages, overwhelming emotional stress, uncontrolled infections, unbalanced diet, prolonged loss of sleep, and surgical shock. These examples are all accompanied by a steady decrease in electrical potential that can eventually be reduced to zero at death. These studies show convincingly that the physical well being of plants, animals, and humans is determined by proper electrical potential. Fulvic acid has proven to be a powerful organic electrolyte, serving to balance cell life. If the individual cell is restored to its normal chemical balance thereby turning its electrical potential, we will have given life where death and disintegration would normally occur within plant and animal cell. Fulvic acid has the outstanding ability to accomplish this objective in numerous ways.
Promotes Electrochemical Balance as Donor or Receptor
Fulvic acid is available at times as an electron donor and at other times as an electron acceptor, based on the cells requirement for balance. One reaction that occurs is when the chemical species loose electrons as a donor. The other reaction is a reduction in which the active species gains electrons as an acceptor. A recent study of the binding donor molecule to fulvic acid in a solution revealed direct evidence for donor-acceptor charge transfer mechanisms. Trace minerals in the fulvic acid electrolyte could also be beneficial in this process by serving as electrode.
Antioxidant: Free Radical Scavenger
Free radicals of fulvic acid behave as electron donors or acceptors, depending upon the need for balance in the situation. Fulvic acid can in some ways take part in oxidation-reduction with transition metals reactions.
Dissolves Minerals and Trace Elements
Fulvic acid is especially active in dissolving minerals and metals when solutions are in water. The metallic minerals simply dissolve into ionic form, and disappear into the fulvic structure becoming bio-chemically reactive and mobile. The fulvic acid actually transforms these minerals and metals into elaborate fulvic acid molecular complexes that have vastly different characteristics from their previous metallic mineral form. Fulvic acid is nature’s way of “chelating” metallic minerals, turning them into readily absorbable bioavailable form. Fulvic acid also has the unique ability to weather and dissolve silica that it comes in contact with.
Enhances Nutrients
Fulvic acid enhances the availability of nutrients and makes them more readily absorbable, allowing minerals to regenerate and prolong time of essential nutrients. It prepares minerals to react with cells and allows minerals to inter-react with one another, breaking them down into the simplest ionic form, chelated by the fulvic acid electrolytes.
Transports Nutrients
Fulvic acid readily complexes with minerals and metals making them available to plant roots and easily absorbable through cell walls. It makes minerals such as iron, that are not usually very mobile, easily transported through plant structures. Fulvic acids dissolve and transpose vitamins, coenzymes, auxins, hormones, and natural antibiotics18 that are generally found throughout the soil making them available. These substances are effective in stimulating even more vigorous and healthy growth, producing certain bacteria, fungi, and actinomyceles in decomposing vegetation in the soil. It has been determined that all known vitamins can be present in healthy soil. Plants manufacture many of their own vitamins, yet these from the soil further supplement the plant. Upon ingestion animals and humans easily absorb these nutrients, due to the fact that they are in the perfect natural plant form as nature intended. Fulvic acid can often transport many times its weight in dissolved mineral elements.
Catalyzes Enzyme Reactions
Fulvic acid has close association with enzymes that increases activity of enzymes and especially influences respiratory catalysts. Fulvic acids increase the activity of several enzymes including alkaline phosphates, transaminase, and invertase.
Increases Assimilation
Fulvic acid organic metal complexes are of a low molecular weight, low molecular size, and are capable of a high degree of penetration into cells. Fulvic acid complexes and chelates are able to readily pass through semi-permeable membranes such as cell walls. It is important to note its been determined that fulvic acids not only has the ability to transport nutrients through cell membranes, but also sensitizes cell membranes and various physiological functions as well.
Stimulates Metabolism
Fulvic acid appears to cause the genetic mechanism of plants to function at a higher level. It has been concluded that when plant cells are exposed to fulvic acid it can improve growth. Oxygen is absorbed more intensely in the presence of fulvic acids. Fulvic acid aids in penetrating plant roots, relieves oxygen deficiency, increases the vital activity of cells, and changes the pattern of the metabolism of carbohydrates, resulting, in an accumulation of soluble sugars. These soluble sugars increase the pressure of osmosis inside the cell walls and enable plants to withstand wilting, which enhances growth stimulation to the immune system.
Fulvic Acid Helps Detoxify
Fulvic acid benefits us in multiple ways absorption of minerals and elimination of toxins are its two most important functions. With higher levels of fulvic acid, your internal biochemical reactions speed up and run at greater efficiency. Your enzyme activity goes up and cell membranes become more permeable, which improves hydration, nutrient absorption and toxin elimination. Fulvic Acid increases the cells ability to clear out toxic metals. Here is one example of a study how fulvic acid helps eliminate cadmium, which gets into your body through cigarette smoke.
Fulvic and humic acids decrease the absorption of cadmium in the rat intestine
An important aspect of Fulvic acid is related to their sorptive interaction with environmental chemicals, either before or after they reach concentrations, toxic to living organism’s. Fulvic acid rapidly detoxifies the toxic herbicide known as Paraquat. It has a special function with respect to the demise of organic compounds applied to soil as pesticides. Fulvic acid is vital in helping form new species of metal ions, binding with organic pollutants such as pesticides and herbicides, and catalyzing the breakdown of toxic pollutants. Radioactive substances react rapidly with fulvic acid, and only a brief time is required for equilibrium to be reached. All radioactive elements are capable of reacting with fulvic acid and thus forming organo-metal complexes of different absorptive stability and solubility.
Fulvic Acid Supports Your Brain Function
Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, ND, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM says:
The use of pesticides and fertilizers, erosion, and mineral depletion have lead to decreased microbial activity in farming soil and the presence of fewer natural super substances like fulvic acid.
He is right about that: if you are eating the typical North American industrial diet, your digestive system is suffering from the sterile gut problem and if you travel to less developed countries, you will notice that microbes that the locals handle without a problem will cause you significant distress.
Supplement with Fulvic Acid and experience its health supporting benefits.
Dissolves Silica
Fulvic acids are especially important because of their ability to complex or chelate metal ions and interact with silica. It has been shown that these interactions may increase the concentrations of metal ions and silica found in water solutions to levels that are far in excess of their assumed dissolution ability.
Fulvic acid complexes have the ability to bio-react one with another, and also inter-react with cells to synthesize or transmute new mineral compounds. The transmutation of vegetal silica and magnesium to form calcium in animal and human bones is a typical example of new synthesis of mineral’s.
Enhances Cell Division and Elongation
Fulvic acid stimulates and balances cells, creating optimum growth and replication conditions.
Enhances the Permeability of Cell Membranes
Fulvic acids act as specific cell sensitizing agents and enhance the permeability of the cell membrane.
Increases Metabolism of Proteins
Fulvic acid intensifies the metabolism of proteins. Definitely increases DNA content in cells and increases and enhance the rate of RNA synthesis.
Catalyzes Vitamins within the Cell
Fulvic acid has the ability to complex vitamins into its structure, where they are presented to the cell in combination with complexed minerals. In this perfect natural condition, they can be catalyzed and utilized by the cell. In absence of adequate trace minerals, vitamins are unable to perform their proper function.
Chelates All Monovalent and Divalent Elements to Which It Is Exposed
Fulvic acid has the power to form stable water-soluble complexes with monovalent, divalent, trivalent, and polyvalent metal ions. It can aid the actual movement of metal ions that are normally difficult to mobilize or transport. Fulvic acids are excellent natural chelators, cation exchangers, and are vitally important in the nutrition of cells.