January 4, 2024 by
Life Enthusiast Staff

Podcast 471: 2024 Predictions

Join Martin and his long-term collaborator Scott to wrap up the year 2023 and discuss their annual predictions for this upcoming year. Let’s find out what this new year is about to bring…

Pluto will make its final visitation back into Capricorn to complete its work on Religions, Politics, Power, Banks, Business, Government, Manufacturers, and Officials, between September 3 and November 20, 2024, just in time for the US Elections on Nov 5. Expect the unexpected.

After that the full attention will be given to technology, the internet, space travel, astrology and the human collective, the areas ruled by Aquarius

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MARTIN: Hello everyone, this is Martin Pytela for Life Enthusiast podcast and today with me, my long, long term collaborator Scott Patton. Scott, welcome to the show.

SCOTT: Thank you Martin. Happy to be here. Good to see you again. Merry Christmas everybody.

MARTIN: This is the annual Martin and Scott. Let’s review the year behind us. And let’s make some predictions for the year ahead of us. Let’s try. I’m feeling somewhat somber at this stage because we are really in the last four weeks of Pluto in Capricorn.


MARTIN: Yay! Hey, listen to what’s coming. It’s gonna be really interesting. But anyway, we’ll get to that.

SCOTT: Can’t be worse. Famous last words, right?

MARTIN: Yeah. My year has been quite challenging personally, in multiple ways. Like, so many things have just pushed on my buttons in so many ways. How about you?


MARTIN: Not so much?

SCOTT: No, not so much, actually. When you said this was the last four weeks of Pluto, wherever it is.

MARTIN: Capricorn.

SCOTT: I was thinking, what popped in my head was, thank goodness, because it does feel like the old paradigms are sort of crumbling apart. Being in Canada and being Canadian, it just seems like Justin Trudeau has done some awful, awful things in the last few years. And it just feels like everything around him is crumbling, like nobody really believes him anymore. And I shouldn’t say nobody, because there’s definitely a group that is never going to change. But it just feels like we’re getting close to the end of The Dark Night.

MARTIN: Oh, yeah. He is definitely going to be facing the consequences of whatever. As you sew, that’s what you’ll reap. And when you sew distrust and contempt and entitlement, I don’t know what all he has, He represents so well the spoiled brat and entitled people.


MARTIN: Right.

SCOTT: Yeah. And I really feel like their time is coming to an end.

MARTIN: Well, let’s just define: this theme being astrology. Pluto is a transformer. Whatever it touches, it transforms. But not in a nice way, it leaves behind ashes from which the new crop will grow. 

SCOTT: Yeah. And that’s the way I see it, like in Canada, is like we’ve had these massive wildfires that have destroyed huge masses of land. And of course, the ash is now on the ground and fertilizing.

MARTIN: Yep. There’s new forest. There’s a new forest rising right on the floor of the burnt one.

SCOTT: That’s right. And that, I think, is the same with Canadian society. He’s burnt it to the ground and people don’t trust and even the judges are like you’re guilty of all these different things that are just poor morals. Right? Poor ethics. And hopefully, from there we have a regrowth as well.

MARTIN: Yeah. For sure. The revisiting, right? We were dealing with cultural superstructures in Capricorn. Religious, right? The people who run churches and how we think of religion and look at all the things that have come up from below, how the powerful people treat everyone, especially children. Right. All this immorality of the people in power.

SCOTT: Yeah, yeah.

MARTIN: All of that is in the light now, right? Nobody that is paying attention trusts these people anymore. Right.

SCOTT: Yeah. And we’re seeing that in our wars where before it was, oh, we’re behind all these different groups that were going to war and now we’re seeing, I think a fraction would be the better way to put it. Where it’s like, you guys are just sending all this money so it gets laundered and back into your pocket somehow. 

MARTIN: Oh yeah. We would call it the culture of supremacy. Right? The entitled people who are somehow better than the rest. The 1% somehow being able to suck all the resources onto them or toward themselves and get away with it. Well, that’s about to change.

SCOTT: Yes. Big time.

MARTIN: I’ll tell you why. Okay. Well, let me just say it this way. When Pluto comes into Aquarius, it’s bringing these transformative energies into information technology, into dealing with data, dealing with science and systems of power. These are the structures, right? So Aquarius as such, is concerned with the collective. People together. And this is going to go from starting January 21st, so we’re four weeks from the day we’re recording it. And it’s going to run until 2044, 20 years. So this is going to be a 20 year burn. Well to illustrate, last time Pluto was in Aquarius was 1778 to 1798.


MARTIN: Think, Bastille Day in France. Think American Revolution, think Industrial Revolution took off completely, right? Like the 1790s was the beginning of the steam engine coming in and completely changing everything. Like we used to have an agrarian society.


MARTIN: Right. Like before 1780, you had, 

SCOTT: Farmers.

MARTIN: Well, first of all, all the, I don’t know what you call them. The landowners, the people who you’d call highborn, I don’t know. Do you have a word for it?

SCOTT: Lords. The lords and ladies. 

MARTIN: You had the lords, right? They had villages and people on it, and everybody worked for them. And they were born into wealth.

MARTIN: Right. Well, and then comes the Industrial Revolution. And the agrarian order of things, 

SCOTT: Totally changes. Yeah. Because you had, you needed the people on the land because there was no mass agricultural production. And then it changed to tractors and combines and all this stuff. So instead of having, talking to my aunts and uncles, they said, oh, the countryside was full of people because,

MARTIN: Because it was manual labor.

SCOTT: It was manual. And then all of a sudden you had tractors and you needed one person to do 20 fields instead of 200. And it just totally changed and became empty.

MARTIN: So we used to have, we used to have 90% of the population employed in the raising of the food. And then it went down to 30% about 100 years later. And now, which is 200 years later, it’s down to 2 or 3% of the population is involved in growing food in an industrialized society. So expect this revolution to take place now in manufacturing.

SCOTT: Well, we have this rise of AI. I think it was sort of fermenting for a long, long time. And then the technology in terms of the power of computers got to a certain level and then the programming got to a certain level. And now it’s in the beginnings because we just can’t imagine, just like you were saying, ten years before the Industrial Revolution, did anyone imagine tractors?

MARTIN: Only 100 years later. Well, it started with the steam engine. Right. So they had steam-powered threshers and then they had,

SCOTT: And locomotion. Right?

MARTIN: Yeah. The railway.

SCOTT: The horses used to carry everything across the country. You had these trains that would carry it across the country. Didn’t need rest, didn’t need hay, didn’t poop. So, we’re in the IT world, on the internet, we’re at that point where it’s not hard to imagine. And in fact, we’re kind of there already where you just talk to your computer. Right? I dictate to my computer far more now than I did even a year ago, and I’m moving more towards that. And with AI, we can just see this huge potential and with no idea what it’ll actually look like when we get there. Right? Is it going to be Skynet or is it going to be just Jetsons? You know, the Jetsons family? 

MARTIN: Yes, right. Well, and so for that, I bring you the French Revolution, right. In which year was that? 1789. Which was right in the middle of the 20 year run. When, I mean the French, Marie Antoinette. 

SCOTT: Let them eat cake.

MARTIN: Yeah, let them eat cake. If there’s not enough bread, let them eat cake. Well, so this sort of thinking, right? The 99% will likely rise. So the people who are currently enjoying these phenomenal benefits of this field being tilted toward them. Like you have these one-percenters, the rich families, the Rockefeller, Carnegie and Rothschild.

SCOTT: The Queens.

MARTIN: Well, those too. And the Vatican and the current structure of power as it exists, I expect that it will not survive the next 20 years.

SCOTT: Interesting. Well, and you know when you brought up Marie Antoinette, you reminded me of Prime Minister Trudeau of Canada, who basically and famously said: “Should we tolerate these people?” And these people being people that disagreed with him.

MARTIN: Yeah. Yeah. He wishes everyone to have human rights and right of expression except those that disagree with him.

SCOTT: Right, right. And you know, he is this century’s Marie Antoinette.

MARTIN: <Laugh> Yes he is.

SCOTT: We had all these truckers and all these other people that showed,

MARTIN: Showed him how, Yeah, yeah. Go ahead.

SCOTT: Yeah. I mean, it was nonviolent. And I think that’s one of the things that is really interesting to me is this ruling class that you’ve described so well, it knows what to do with violent protesters. It does not know what to do with passive or nonviolent protesters, ala Gandhi. And I could never understand that. Right? Because I would look at what happened in India, and these Indians would just stand there and the British would beat them. And there was never any violence until finally the British gave up and left because they couldn’t deal with it. And this trucker protest was incredibly nonviolent and even and the elite tried to incite violence. They trampled on this poor little old handicapped lady in a wheelchair. 

MARTIN: Oh, yeah with a horse.

SCOTT: Someone went to protect her, and it became this symbol of the evil of the government. And they didn’t know what to do about it. Right. And so it’s just really interesting to me that violence begets violence, right? Peace begets peace. You reap what you sew, you sew love, you get love. And the people that are full of hate and think other people are just like, non-human. I’ll put it that way. Whether regardless of color now it has nothing to do with color. Used to be the color. Now it’s like them and us, and if you don’t do what we say, then you’re them. And you should be, you know, hung.

MARTIN: Well, I would say it this way, the power of the slave is vested in his willingness to lay down tools.

SCOTT: Right.

MARTIN: Right? I mean, this is the power of the strike. The main changes of the 20th century came when, during the Industrial Revolution, workers decided to get together and said: “No. We strike.” You don’t get to eat, right? These one percenters or whoever entitled people are, who have five houses and security detail and endless whatever. They all depend on the people who work for them, delivering the service.

SCOTT: Right. And when they stop then they just have the same problem everybody else does. Right.

MARTIN: So that’s what was likely to come. I would say the dismantling of social hierarchies is one of the themes. 

SCOTT: We’ve seen that in the business world because the business world used to be a very steep pyramid. You had the president at the top, and then you had all these layers of supervision. And then at the bottom, you had the people that actually did all the work. And it has become over the last 20 years, flatter and flatter and flatter and flatter.

MARTIN: Yeah. The pool of secretaries has gone away because you just said it. You’re talking to your computer. You don’t have a secretary.

SCOTT: Yeah. And you don’t need as many people to, you don’t need as many people to manage other people as you used to as well. Because you can now communicate via email to a hundred people or a thousand people where before you needed to tell your supervisor, your first level supervisor to your second level, to your third level, to your fourth level. And we saw that in the grocery world, by the way. Like, there used to be seven divisions, in Safeway they had seven divisions in Western Canada. Each one had its own controller, accounting manager, assistant accounting manager, accounting team. Now they have one, right? So it used to be this big and now it’s like this. It’s the same with management. You used to need to have a store manager. But then there were districts and they had district managers and then they had divisions and division managers. And the whole thing had a manager. And so all of that has shrunk and the organization has become flatter and flatter. Not so much in government.

MARTIN: And so, this is a really important point you’re bringing up, because I personally believe that representative democracy has completely outlived its purpose. In the following,

SCOTT: There’s a radical thought. Let’s hear more.

MARTIN: Yeah. In the following manner. Money in politics allows you to fund the reelection of a representative. So because you have a representative, a person that is elected to speak on your behalf, you think that you have democracy, you think that you have a voice there. But in fact, that voice has been purchased by money. And so that voice is not really speaking for you. It’s speaking for the money that had helped that voice to be elected and brought into the body of decisions of politics, right? So that’s the concept. Representative democracy is supposed to represent me, but it doesn’t represent me. It only represents those who have financed that person to be there.

SCOTT: Right.

MARTIN: So, we now have the technology which is called blockchain. That allows us to track any voice, any decision, any vote completely to its completion. And so we can now make decisions and vote on things that we are interested in or involved in. So I can easily visualize a system by which we have meritocracy. Rather than democracy. Meritocracy means that people who are actually competent in doing something as opposed to elected to be doing something, doing what needs to be done.

SCOTT: I would say that’s the opposite of what we have right now, because it seems like the people without merit are the ones making a lot of decisions, particularly over the last three years, based totally on how they can feather their nest, if I can put it that way.

MARTIN: That’s exactly what I’m talking about. And meritocracy is what I expect will replace this current system.

SCOTT: Boy, there’s going to be a lot of people fighting tooth and nail to make sure that doesn’t happen, which is where Pluto comes in, right?

MARTIN: Yeah. The incumbent, as in the one who is currently at the trough is always going to resist the change. I mean, even in technology, right? A company that currently is enjoying the benefits and the spoils of having the, I don’t know what’s the invention that’s currently popular is going to defend its territory.

SCOTT: This is really interesting what you’re talking about of this massive change that Pluto is bringing in because one of the changes occurring in the pop culture arena is Superman and Mickey Mouse are about to become public domain.

MARTIN: Oh, okay.

SCOTT: Yeah. And of course, what they say is that the version of Superman in the comics right now is copywritten by DC comics. But the version in Superman Number one in 1939, or whenever it was that it came out is not. So you can’t really do a story about today’s Superman, but you can do stories about the 1939 Superman. He could just leap over tall buildings. He couldn’t fly out into space and that sort of thing.


SCOTT: And then Mickey Mouse, I was just shocked because I never thought Disney would ever, but it was an article I was reading, both of those. And I’m sure that Captain America and there’s a whole pile of other people that are about to enter the public domain. And you see it already with like, Frankenstein and Thor and those types of characters. Anyway, it’s just really interesting that all of a sudden you could have ten Superman comics on the stand, only one of which is published by DC comics, and you could have a movie about Mickey Mouse that is not by Disney. Which is just, so there’s this massive social change because at the same time, with AI, you don’t need a half billion dollar studio to make a movie. They’re not great at this point, but the technology is such that you can see in the next few years that I’ll be able to sit down and plot out my story and then give it to AI and then edit it and make all the little changes. And the next thing you know, in a couple hours, I could very easily have a movie every bit as good as Pixar’s.

MARTIN: True. True. There is a movement in computer programming called open source.


MARTIN: And the conversation was at Google, where they were trying to figure out the AI and their market advantage. And what they found was that open source was beating them hands down. And open source is essentially people working together just for the heck of it. And so for example, there is a new movement around a cyber coin or crypto coin, new currency and around communication. And it’s called qortal, q o r t a l. Look it up. Qortal is phenomenal in the sense that it’s true, peer-to-peer, true liberation. Nobody owns you. No centralized power to rule over you. And the code itself is in the public domain. So in the end, all the public domain stuff will win because it’s not based on hierarchical. Instead it’s based on openness.

SCOTT: Right. That’s interesting you bring that up because that was a big conversation 20 years ago when Microsoft was first starting out. Before it kind of became dominant, what was happening is exactly like you were describing, people had these computers but they didn’t have any programs. They were trying to figure out how to do the programs. And what would happen is, and I’ll use the names of companies that we know, but they probably weren’t that involved in it. But the engineer at IBM would go on GitHub and he would start programming some sort of database sort of thing, and then the engineer at Microsoft would get on there and he would make his changes. And they started all working together because they didn’t need to do it for the thing they were creating to be a product to be sold. They were doing it because they needed it for their business. So it’s kind of like the accountant, right? He’s got to figure out these numbers and everything else, but he can’t add. But the guy over there, he can add but he can’t figure out the numbers. And then just expand this to hundreds and hundreds of companies. So we needed something and I’m being paid to make it. But instead of just me sitting by myself and doing it, you had this open source community that was all contributing, not because they wanted to sell it, which is what we think of today, but because their company needed it.

SCOTT: Right? So there was this whole collaborative thing going on, and it was when Microsoft came out with Word and they were selling it, and this community was up in arms like, no, you shouldn’t be selling it. It should be free for everybody to use, because that’s what we’re doing here. And not saying that Microsoft had anything to do with that. It probably didn’t. And over the last 20 years, Microsoft won. You know, all of these companies were making the programs and selling the programs. And these open source people kind of, they didn’t disappear because Linux and all the other types of programs were all part of that world, but they kind of quietened down like there was an open source Word type program. There was an open source Excel type program, but it was never popular because Microsoft with its,

MARTIN: Marketing power.

SCOTT: Marketing power. And the fact that it ran the computers and everything else, you would use Word because it was Microsoft and everything else. But I can see this all starting to crumble because I don’t use Word anymore.

MARTIN: Yeah. Let me try and read this line to you. The structures of old and the purchase of the elite will be eyed with fresh contempt and the good for a few of us modality of capitalism will no longer suffice.

SCOTT: Beautiful. Yeah.

MARTIN: So you know, you could call it the Christian mode, as in “What Would Jesus Do?” Right?

SCOTT: Yeah.

MARTIN: He was, well, I don’t know if he ever was, but he is said to have been very kind to people. Right? So that’s what’s coming. The old predatory capitalism is about to be tested in a very, very serious way.

SCOTT: And when you said that, what flew through my mind was, Jesus at the temple overturning tables, which would not be considered particularly kind, but as a representative of what we would now call the elite, absolutely fits the story.

MARTIN: Yeah. So that’s what I’m expecting is the following: Aquarius rules electricity, technology, renewables.

MARTIN: So the tech as we know it is about to change dramatically, and it’s going to start flowing rather than into the pockets of the few, into the pockets of the many. So I would even expect that the order of labor is going to change. It’s possible that my grandchildren are going to not have to work in the sense of how we saw it. Because most of everything can be done with automated technology.

SCOTT: Or robotics. We’ve seen that in the building of cars.

MARTIN: Right. Yeah.

SCOTT: So what happens then, Martin, if we don’t have this thing that we’re so used to, called work. I guess there’s two paths, right? One is self-fulfillment, self-actualization. I am an amazing artist, but because I had to work as a plumber, I never had an opportunity to explore those talents. And the other side is people that are just bored and they do drugs and video games, I guess, they just totally disconnect.

MARTIN: Yeah they are destructive in terrible ways towards themselves. Right?

SCOTT: Right.

MARTIN: I have not figured them out because there’s just so much opportunity in this world to do something useful.


MARTIN: I remember watching a video documentary from Haiti after they had a terrible earthquake there and a lot of destruction, and I was watching young, healthy looking men, 20 something year olds sitting around on the ruins waiting for someone to hire them and pay them money. As if they couldn’t just simply take wheelbarrows and shovels and start fixing the mess.

SCOTT: Right.

MARTIN: The hours and days will go by all the same, whether you sit there waiting for someone to hire you, or whether you just simply self-actualize and do stuff. This is probably going to get sorted out somehow, I don’t know how. It’s possible that most people who want to be self-destructive will self-destruct.

SCOTT: Yeah, well, and the other thing that can happen is, the family unit has been severely tested.

MARTIN: Oh. Damaged.

SCOTT: Before if mom didn’t have to work and be distracted by all work, she’d be home. She’d be watching the kids. And if they’re teenagers and the lawn is not mowed, she’d be grabbing them by the ear: “Get out there and get that done!” And I think if we have this contraction of,

MARTIN: Need for labor.

SCOTT: Yeah. We can have a proper family unit where people, I mean, even going back before that, the peasants in the field. Right? There was the father, the field was right there. He didn’t drive 40 minutes to go to a field. He was right in the area. And the kids aren’t working, he’d be like, get to work. However he did that probably was not pleasant, but the kids knew they got to go get the eggs and they got to pull the carrots and they got to do their thing. And it was just the way it was. Right. So in my travels, what I’ve noticed is, it was just like a couple of weeks ago. Well, it would have been in Colombia. I’m watching this three year old, and the three year old is sitting on the sidewalk or in the yard playing with something, like, it’s not an iPhone, it’s not an iPad, it’s not electronic.

SCOTT: And it’s just like contently there, being there like no, no, like mommy, mommy, none of this crying is going on or anything for a significant period of time. And then I think of kids in the Western world. And if you take the iPad away from them, they cry until you give it back. Right? Or it’s like, I’m bored, you’ve got to entertain me. And this kid was just, like, totally entertaining themselves. Happy, as content as could be, right? And not needing constant supervision. And I think that’s another thing that sort of happened in our society is we’re so stressed out and so busy and everything else, we just look for some easy way. And technology has given us that with these electronic games and devices. And so we’ve abdicated our parental responsibilities. And if this whole thing changes and reverses, I can see that coming back. Whereas instead of having mobs of teenagers running rampant and doing graffiti and beating up other people, you’ve got the mums and the dads saying, no, that’s not right, and smarten up and do this and do that. And then all of a sudden it totally, it’s the pendulum swinging from anarchy back to, 


SCOTT: To the family unit.

MARTIN: Teamwork, perhaps? 

SCOTT: Yeah.

MARTIN: You know, what’s interesting is like, we started out as a tribe. We are a team animal, right? We depend on one another. We are interdependent in our nature. We always have some that are good at something and not good at something else. Right? Like, I mean, just to the division of labor between genders. Men are good at upper body strength and running and chasing, and women are better at patience and gathering and doing things that tend to be repetitive. It’s just the way the genetics are evolving, right? Anyway, so we used to have the tribe, then we had the village, then we had the family unit. It used to be three generations, right? Grandfathers, or grandparents, parents and children under one roof. And I expect that something of the sort will come back. I don’t know how it’s going to get organized or what will happen. Because of course, we’re no longer forced together through economics. But I think we will come together because we want to.

SCOTT: Right. Right. Absolutely. Yeah.

MARTIN: So I expect that. There’s something interesting about generations. And I think it’s somewhat related back to Pluto, because for example, Pluto was in Leo in the years 1939 to 1958.


MARTIN: So this is the baby boomers, pre-war and baby boomers, right? Like there were fewer people born between 39 and 45. And then from 45 to 58, there was just a large number of people being born.


MARTIN: Yeah. Yeah. Me too. Right. And so that was Pluto in Leo. And it brings a certain mindset, perhaps entitlement or at least some self sense of greatness, being willing to step up and contribute. And then the next generation, what comes after Leo?

MARTIN: Virgo. That would have been from 58 to about 71 and then 71 to 83. That’s Gen X, right? That’s Libra. So they are I guess willing to put an end to disparities.

MARTIN: Because Libra people are always all about justice and stuff like that.

SCOTT: Right.

MARTIN: And then the next generation are people born between 83 and 95. That’s Pluto in Scorpio. And then there’s the Gen Z 95 to 2009. So they are, well, they’re now starting to get into power, right? That’s Pluto in Sagittarius. And that’s extreme ideals. Spirituality and also conspiratorial thinking.


MARTIN: So that’s the distrust of authority in a complete sense.

SCOTT: Particularly when the authority has proven to be untrustworthy.

MARTIN: Yeah. Oh, yeah. Of course. Power corrupts. There’s a problem with that.

SCOTT: Yeah.

MARTIN: All I have to say is, Epstein, whatever his name.

SCOTT: Didn’t kill himself.

MARTIN: Well, that too, he did not kill himself. But what’s interesting about his client list. How is it possible that his client list has not been released to the public? I mean, it has been released in the underworld. Like if you go looking for it, you’ll find it. But how is it that it’s not actually on the news?

SCOTT: Right. Well, it made the news that it’s going to be released in 2024. 

MARTIN: And here comes Pluto into Aquarius saying, oh yes, yes we will. And no you don’t.

SCOTT: And of course the people talking about it are, well, I wonder what sort of massive war or distraction will occur at the same time, they’re trying to release the list to get people to look the other way.

MARTIN: Yeah, I guess I would expect that the alien story will get floated. This is another one that I expect to come through. I really expect that during the next 20 years, the aliens and their technology will get released. I mean, this is what should be said, right? The American corporations, the military industrial complex, the Lockheed Martin and Grumman and Boeing and whatever else, those large corporations that operate in a dual way. Right. They have the public side and they have the sequestered undisclosed side. Well, that’s an interesting sidebar. I actually expect that the undisclosed sequestered side of all the economy that exists will become known, and will become revealed. But anyway.

MARTIN: It’s known, if you look for it, that these companies have replicated technology that is said to have come from out there, from off Earth, non-terrestrial technology, and one of them is known as the Electrogravitic propulsion system, which is there is a way to tap the energy of the space in such way that you can balance gravity in such a way that an object becomes weightless, in the sense that you can control very easily where you point it.

SCOTT: And where it goes.

MARTIN: Up, down. But also 360 degrees any direction you want. And because you’re maintaining the momentum of gravity within that object separate from the other, you can do accelerations that would otherwise kill all occupants.

SCOTT: Right.

MARTIN: Meaning this, a pilot of a fighter jet can stand maybe seven Gs for a short amount of time. Just say that you’re going to do a dive and a pull up, right? Like if you do three Gs in a car, it’s maximum. If you do seven Gs, you lose your consciousness.

SCOTT: Right, right. But if you don’t, if you don’t experience the Gs but you’re moving that fast, then no problem.

MARTIN: Yeah, you can change direction. So this is what has been puzzling the people who observe this saying, well, these things pull off spatial changes that would require a 20 G force. It should make ground beef hamburger out of everything inside.

SCOTT: Hmm. Well, that’ll be exciting.

MARTIN: Well, not only don’t we need the petroleum fuel. We don’t need roads. Go figure that.

SCOTT: Yeah. Talk about a change in your paradigm, right?

MARTIN: So when you mentioned Jetsons, that was the vision. That is exactly what they were doing. And in those years, in fact, it was the 1950s when they were doing the replication technology. It has been available all this time since the 1950s. So when in the early 60s, you saw the Jetsons cartoons, people moving around in these vehicles, that is a reality. That’s not a cartoon.

SCOTT: Very cool. Yeah. Well, then let’s just hope we don’t also get the Flintstones.

MARTIN: Okay. I don’t understand. Describe what you mean.

SCOTT: Well the Flintstones were the Stone age. And he had a car and he had to run to get the car moving.

MARTIN: Oh, it was the pedal. Pedal Rock wheels. Yeah, that was a comedy.

MARTIN: Alright. So anyway, that’s my view of what I think is coming. I think again, the thing for me is Bastille Day. It was ten years in, from the beginning. I don’t know how long it’s going to take for us, but Bastille Day was where the peasants got pissed off, picked up their pitchforks and marched on the palace.

SCOTT: And that was the end of it.

MARTIN: And that was the end of it. Unfortunately, at the end of the Age of Aquarius, well, the Pluto in Aquarius back then in 1798. They went right back. Napoleon came to power, and the next 15 years they had the Napoleonic rules and Napoleonic Wars. And they did just terribly.

SCOTT: Right. You’re reminding me of Cromwell and King Charles. And we have King Charles the Third now. And they got rid of the monarchy for, I don’t know, 20 years (in 1649 to 1660). And then they brought Charles the second back and didn’t change.

MARTIN: Right. So it is possible that we will gain a lot. In 20 years, I’ll be 91. I would love to see that.

MARTIN: I don’t know if I will love seeing the next 20, which is when I’m 110.

SCOTT: Right.

MARTIN: If I am 110, we’ll see.

SCOTT: Yeah. We’ll see.

MARTIN: I don’t know if I’ll see 91, but.

SCOTT: The next 20 years will be very interesting for sure.

MARTIN: Yeah. So I’m looking forward to that. And so I’m here recording this with the optimism of not knowing how it’s going to play out, but with the hope that it’s going to play out in a good way. Because the “love thy neighbor as you would love yourself”, the “what would Jesus do?” I really want that to come clearly through. In this new world of AI that’s coming upon us, the new world of money as you know it, that’s going to burn up. I promise you, money’s going to burn up as we know it. There’s $40 trillion that the Federal Reserve has printed up to push into the world economy. That’s about to blow up. I mean, that whole model is unsustainable.

SCOTT: Yeah.

MARTIN: So I can see changes in how money is. I can see changes in how the internet is. Manufacturing. Food production. I can say it this way, every industry that I have ever looked into in any seriousness I have found to be corrupt to the core, operating on false principles, operating on corrupted ideals, operating on a tilted field that is feeding few rather than many. At the expense of the consumer, the owners of the technology are extracting wealth without regard for the people who are being extracted.

SCOTT: Right. Yeah. And you’re seeing that change occur in Africa actually. There’s been five coups and they’ve thrown out presidents that are in most of these cases, beholden to France. Interestingly, we keep talking about Bastille Day.


SCOTT: And they’re saying, why are we sending all of our riches to France and to Europe and to Belgium? And we’re poor and we have all this wealth and the people are standing with the rebels and the new government and kicking them out. So we’re seeing that transformation. And if there’s any place where you’ve got massive poverty, child labor and that sort of thing going on.

SCOTT: (Where?) you’re wealthy, right? Like it’s unbelievable. So hopefully that will continue.

MARTIN: Well, starting January 21st, 2024. Watch your back. Get together. Form communities, form societies. Get together with people. Think about morals. What is moral? Well, I said it. I’ll say it again. What would Jesus do?

SCOTT: Right.

MARTIN: Think hard.

SCOTT: Think hard and have a Merry Christmas.

MARTIN: Thank you. Scott, this has been an interesting conversation.

SCOTT: My pleasure. Martin. Great to be here.

MARTIN: This is Martin Pytela and Scott Patton for Life Enthusiast podcast. All the best to you. Life-enthusiast.com and by phone (866) 543-3388.


Author: Life Enthusiast Staff
Life Enthusiast Staff January 4, 2024
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