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Podcast 411: Zadiol to Deal with Effects of Stress
People that have been through a traumatic event (combat, abuse, violence) can carry debilitating mental health pain. A study of people with these troubles who took Zadiol showed a significant improvement in their sense of calm, clarity, well-being, and the quality of their life. Zadiol helps you regain a healthy hormone balance so that all your downstream critical systems can return to normal.
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MARTIN: Hello, this is Martin Pytela for Life Enthusiast Podcast. Today, I have with me Dan Voetman, the chief marketing officer at Zadiol. We at Life Enthusiast are really excited to be introducing to you a solution that really falls right into the fold of what we have been trying to solve for the last 20 years. I will try and get Dan’s help in landing it correctly. Welcome, Dan!
DAN: Thank you! Nice to be here, Martin.
MARTIN: So as much as I understand it, Zadiol is created to help people who have chronic conditions, primarily with pain and hormonal involvement. Did I get it right?
DAN: Yes, but I will just put a finer point on it. A lot of us in our environment today suffer from damage to our hormonal system. It can be prolonged stress of any kind, a lot of us have lived through issues of stress that have affected our hormonal systems, or it can be environmental toxins. There are so many toxins in things we eat and drink, and all that can cause stress on our bodies and damage the hormonal system. When the hormonal system doesn’t work right, we have a cascade of problems that occur. Zadiol is designed not to directly impact any particular problem, but to help your body get your hormonal system to work efficiently and effectively. It has proven to be very effective for people with conditions like fibromyalgia or rheumatoid arthritis, where inflammation is being triggered by hormonal issues. The flip side of the coin – stress. Things that are caused by the fight or flight reaction being out of control, your adrenals fire off, and there’s nothing to calm them down again. Well, if you get your hormonal system in balance, it helps with that too, it is going to be very helpful for people with stress issues like PTSD.
MARTIN: So this really actually sounds like about 97.44% of people in America, right?
DAN: Yes. We had a pilot study done by two doctors, very famous US doctors, one of them is on the National Institute of Health board at Cedar Sinai hospital who studied Zadiol as a preliminary trial, and they were testing it with fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis. And they had such dramatic results, their paper was published in the Journal of Endocrinology. They had such dramatic results! Normally you have to pay people to do research, but they have been taking Zadiol and testing it again with a bunch of other conditions that are also hormonally related.
MARTIN: So they actually put these actual words into the paper?
DAN: Yes, we can certainly provide you with a link to the paper, just so people could see it and read it for themselves, everybody should always check things out thoroughly before they start taking a new supplement.
MARTIN: I just want to be clear that here we are not really providing medical advice, nor are we diagnosing, nor are we treating any of these conditions. In fact, we are clearly saying: we are not selling medication, we are selling something that helps people deal with the terrain that may result in symptoms associated with these particular conditions.
DAN: Absolutely! And because this is helping your hormonal system to become more efficient, it is a good idea to talk to your doctor, just to make sure there isn’t anything you are currently taking that is also affecting your hormonal system. It is always very important to check with your doctor.
MARTIN: I was looking at the ingredients, and it looks deceptively simple. I mean, there are really three main ingredients only.
DAN: Exactly! The primary ingredient is an isoflavone that comes from Red Clover extract. Isoflavones have been tested for years in terms of their impact on the body and the hormonal system. A lot of times they come from soy, but people have issues with soy, so we found a source in Switzerland, probably the best lab in the world for these kinds of things, they take organic Red Clover, and they make an extract out of it with the isoflavones. That is the primary component. And then there’s a minute amount of Mucuna Pruriens in there, just to awaken the dopamine receptors. Typically if you take Mucuna, it is 2000-3000 mg, sometimes more, in Zadiol we are talking about 2-3 mg. A really small amount, but it is just enough to wake up the receptor so that it helps the isoflavones be more effective. And then the third element is Alpha Lipoic Acid. All these three ingredients have been around forever on the old dietary ingredients list, but what is unique about this is how they are combined, and the proportions that they are in, and then the quality and purity of the ingredients as well.
MARTIN: When we talk about the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal or thyroid axis, we always talk about dysregulation. Most of the medical products focus on trying to deal with the adrenals directly, or the thyroid directly, or the testosterone directly, or the estrogen directly. The way this works reminds me of discussing things not with the musician, but with the conductor, the organ that actually organizes and directs the actual doers.
DAN: You are absolutely right. It is very interesting. And we encourage people to read the patent, it is pretty complicated, but it is very thorough, it really explains how this works at the very top of the hormonal system, the hormonal cascade, to then improve every step all the way along. And we can also provide you with a link to the patent because that is well worth reading. And it is one of the very few supplements made of natural products that have ever gotten a patent, but it is largely due to the results of that study by Cedar Sinai Hospital, and the proven efficacy. There is really something remarkable going on here.
MARTIN: Which is fantastic! I have been working with people who are dealing with what has now become broadly called fibromyalgia, which is usually flares of chronic pain, fatigue, irritability, stressiness, and who knows what, and people who make this seem to get a relief pretty quickly!
DAN: Usually within a week to 20 days, and certainly within a month there will be a clear indication that this is the right thing for you.
MARTIN: So by the end of the second bottle, we should either have a go or no-go decision for a long-term commitment.
DAN: Absolutely, absolutely. A lot of supplements say: take this for three to four months, and then maybe you will start seeing something. You will know something promptly with Zadiol. If this is something that is going to help you, you will know it relatively soon.
MARTIN: Fantastic. All right. You are talking about this unique Swiss extract of Red Clover. Are you the only outfit that we know of that is selling it in America?
DAN: To our knowledge, obviously there may be someone else, but to our knowledge, we are the only people that are buying from that lab in Switzerland.
MARTIN: And this unique patented combination, I guess people will be hard-pressed to find something that is similar to this.
DAN: Yes. As I mentioned, we started down the path originally of looking at soy and the isoflavones from soy. But then really the Red Clover became the way to go, and once we chose the Red Clover, the question was where are we going to get it to make sure it is the highest quality possible, because this is something people are ingesting, right? So it has to have a very high level of purity and also a consistency of the product. We make sure that every ingredient is of extremely high quality and the amount of rigorous testing that we do! Normally, you are required to test your product a couple of times a year, we do five tests on every single batch. We want to feel confident that what we are providing is something that we would give to our mothers and our grandmothers.
MARTIN: So is the whole thing made in Switzerland, or do you make it in the USA?
DAN: So it is made by a lab in the US, it has been very important to us to be able to have that level of control. There is a lab that makes a lot of pharmaceuticals, a very high-end lab that makes it for us here.
MARTIN: All right. Do you have a complete list of ingredients? I see the three main ones, but I have some clients that are super sensitive to things like gluten.
DAN: So it is gluten-free, soy-free, all of those elements. The only thing besides the three ingredients I mentioned before are excipients.
MARTIN: What is the excipient in the product?
DAN: The Red Clover is so fine that we have to have some additives with it just to hold it all together in tablet form. But I’ve got a bottle here. I’ll just read to you right off the panel. So it has microcrystalline cellulose, hypromellose, croscarmellose sodium, maltodextrin, silica, magnesium stearate, and polydextrose. So they are all inactive ingredients, just a small amount, just to bind the primary ones.
MARTIN: The maltodextrin is derived from wheat or corn?
DAN: It is from corn, but it is gluten-free and soy-free. The common allergens that we all need to be concerned about we very intentionally avoided.
MARTIN: I promise you I’ve run into people who react to anything corn, for example, vitamin E derived from corn.
DAN: Yeah, it is important to look and analyze before you buy something, it is important to read the label.
MARTIN: Okay. Let’s just talk about the credentials of the people involved in Zadiol!
DAN: So the background on Zadiol is that the researcher and founder of the company had a friend that was dying of cancer. And this friend commissioned the founder: “Try to find something somewhere in the world that will take care of me.” And our founder has a fantastic analytical mind, he literally travels around the world, looking for different ingredients, ended up looking at the isoflavones with soy, and started down the track of developing that as a product. He engaged with a number of research scientists in Europe, who specialize in hormones and hormonal therapy, they tested a number of different formulations before they finally settled on the Red Clover as the best solution for the isoflavones, and then the other elements that were needed to make that those isoflavones really effective and active.
After 10 years of working and testing and trying and putting things together, that is when the Cedar Sinai folks did the pilot study, the patent followed shortly thereafter, and then they went into full manufacturing. Obviously, there’s not a lot of money behind it in terms of doing a lot of advertising, it has really grown by word of mouth, and sales have literally doubled every month since it started, simply because of the word of mouth. People are trying it and telling other folks about it, and I think that is the best marketing of all. You can always spend money to get attention. We even had a customer who is a television person, his name is Atz Kilcher, he is on this TV show called Alaska: The Last Frontier. He spent some time in Vietnam, he had terrible PTSD problems from that, and also a very traumatic childhood. He will self-confess, it was a rough life and he was a rough person. A friend of his introduced him to Zadiol, and he says it changed his life entirely. His daughter is Jewel, the musician, and they didn’t even have a relationship, but then over the last year and a half, since he started taking it, she says he has changed so much that they have this very close relationship now, they actually go on tour together, doing music now and all kinds of things. It is stories like that that just make you say: that is what is worthwhile, that is why you do this.
I have lots of friends that have fibromyalgia, lupus, and some of these different conditions, that just steal your life away from you. And if you can find something that gives some of that back to you, it is just priceless in terms of what it does for you and your family and your relationships. That is really our motivation. The philosophy of the company is we are going to help a billion people, whatever it takes to help a billion people, whether some of that is going to have to be giving the product away in third world countries. It is exciting for us, it is a mission for us, and hopefully can be helpful to your folks.
MARTIN: I am just so impressed with what you are saying! We didn’t even highlight the PTSD, but perhaps we should!
DAN: Well, PTSD is a condition that comes from trauma. It can be excessive extended trauma, it can be wartime, that is what we always think about with PTSD, but it can also be home life, it can be a stressful job situation. There are a number of things that trigger your adrenal glands too many times, and now they are out of control, they can’t shut off. So you have this constant fight or flight. If you have got PTSD if you have been damaged because you lived on the edge, you have too much adrenaline, you literally can’t help yourself. That is where anxiety and lack of sleep happen, I mean, there are a thousand things that happen to folks like that. We usually think of extreme cases of PTSD, but there are also moderate ones, where you just can’t stop a little voice in your head, just because something triggers you. Zadiol is just amazing for this. I will give you one very personal example.
So when I first found out about Zadiol, somebody gave it to me and said: “You should try this out.” And I thought, well, I don’t really need it, but my wife might want to try, because my wife had a pretty traumatic childhood, and then she had several relatives die in close succession that she was taking care of, so for a couple of years she slept maybe two or three hours a night. We got Zadiol, and the second night after she took it, she slept all the way through the night for the first time in years. And that has stayed consistent since she has been taking Zadiol. If you’ve got PTSD or trauma, something happens and you take off, and you can’t shut it off. And that is what it was like for her, any little thing, she would hear a helicopter and that would trigger her because she had spent a bunch of time at night in the hospital with one of her brothers who had died after a traumatic accident. I mean, any of these little triggers would set her off and she would stay awake all night long, and she couldn’t go back to sleep. Zadiol really gave her that sleep back, so for me, it is a very personal thing.
MARTIN: Going off on the PTSD, I certainly know how hypervigilance works, we are short-tempered. I can’t imagine just how the millions of people who are now in the 2020 and 2021, the year of overstimulating news, telling everybody that everybody is dangerous, that you have to watch for everybody being infectious, this just triggers people like nothing else that I have experienced in my entire life. I mean, there is war, but then there is this, right? It is as if we were in a war.
DAN: Absolutely! Your body just knows stress is stress. The stress could be because you are hearing bombs dropping nearby, or the stress can be because you walk outside and there’s somebody that doesn’t have a mask on and they’re coughing in your face or coughing on your child. You just have that stress that builds up. Stress is stress! Wherever it comes from!
MARTIN: Yes, extended vigilance. Zadiol, as we understand it, is actually helping the body to numb the edge, or take the edge off of the hypervigilance reaction, right?
DAN: Yeah. Again, I’ll just speak from my wife’s own experience. First of all, we hear this over and over again from people it is just that all these triggers would just set them off right away. But now they have this gap between the stimulus or whatever it was that would normally set them off, they have a gap to stop and think: “Hmm, do I want to react to that or not?” Second of all, they do get spun up. In the past, my wife would tell me that at night, her brain would start spinning, and she couldn’t shut it off. The only thing she could do is put on headphones, or try to put on somebody talking or do something that would just distract her. Now she would tell you: “When my brain starts spinning up, I can stop and say: no, that is not an issue, I am just going to go back to sleep,” and she can go to sleep. And like I said, it was literally two days into her taking Zadiol. I don’t want to say that it is going to work in two days for everybody, that is not my point. My point is just for her, it was two days, and she slept through the night, and it was just remarkable.
MARTIN: And then you couldn’t help yourself and join the company, right?
DAN: Yes! I was not part of the company when we started trying it. That was a big convincer for me.
MARTIN: Well, let’s ask Paul! I had a question about isoflavones. I understand them to be used in the DAO inhibitors, is that related?
PAUL: Yes, but you’ve asked a very complex question. The alpha-lipoic acid is also an integral part of this composition that also reduces oxidative stress. And by reducing the oxidative stress on the cellular level, you are able to get better cytokine signaling in the body.
MARTIN: So the overproduction, or the cytokine overactivity, is moderated to a reasonable level?
PAUL: Well, cytokines are broken into two camps. One camp we will call inflammatory, and it is part of an immune response. The other side is for healthy signaling, to bring in other hormones that are crucial for cell repair. The problem with the acute inflammatory cytokines, if you get elevated levels of those, they interrupt signaling between the cells.
MARTIN: Well, that is the classic for people with mast cell activation syndrome, or fibromyalgia, or those types of situations.
PAUL: Fibromyalgia was originally classified as a somatic disease or affliction. Fibromyalgia is actually a central nervous system disorder and a misfiring or misdirection of signaling. It is brought on by stress, it is really a cascade that comes off the upper part of the hormonal cascade, which is the stress hormones. There is a theory that is quite prominent now that fibromyalgia is actually a comorbid indication coming off PTSD. Fibromyalgia does not cause PTSD, but PTSD can certainly cause fibromyalgia. In the trial, everybody that had fibromyalgia also had PTSD. It is really a hormonal imbalance. Fibromyalgia really falls under the list of rheumatoid disorders. Typically the people that treat fibromyalgia are endocrinologists.
The list of physicians that have been involved in Zadiol is really long, these are people with incredible credentials, they are really marvelous people that are really centered on helping people. We are trying to change how these diseases are treated using botanicals, moving away from small molecules, and going to natural substances. Zadiol is actually an evolutionary treatment, it comes out of the evolution of nature, not a laboratory. The physicians at Cedar Sinai were coming up with the testing protocol, and I had some hormones I wanted to test for, and I wanted to test for cytokine movements as well. It became so expensive that we decided not to do that, but I told them: “Don’t listen to me, do the trial. Here are the measurements we are going to quantify, gather this data, and then once the trial is done, then you tell me what you think.” And I gave them the hypothesis. And the hypothesis was the following – patients with treatment-resistant PTSD and fibromyalgia will have significant improvements.
They ran the trial, and I got an email from Frank Greenway, and he said: “Your hypothesis proved to be correct. Congratulations.” As the doctors were going through the test results and going through the data, the data was somewhat confusing and mixed. I told them in a conference call that the test results are objective, they’re not subjective. We are not talking about how people scored on the fibromyalgia test, we are talking about blood markers. And if they are confused, it is because they are not asking the right questions, so they don’t understand the answers. If you don’t understand the question, you certainly can’t understand the answer. For estradiol, for example, we discovered that if you had the men and women together, there were no statistically significant improvements in the results. But if you broke them out by gender, suddenly you had statistically significant shifts! This actually supports my original hypothesis that we are restoring the hormonal cascade, but men’s hormonal cascade is different from a woman’s hormonal cascade! That is why you’d have two different directions with estradiol between men and women. And we didn’t test for prolactin, we should have because we would have found shifts there that are also gender-specific.
MARTIN: So to ask it this way – does this product help both genders with PTSD, just in different ways of how it expresses itself?
DAN: Yes, it helps both genders dramatically. We have probably an equal number of men and women who have responded about PTSD. Fibromyalgia tends to be more present in women, but with PTSD, it has definitely been pretty much 50/50 split.
MARTIN: So Dan, should we be concerned about the effects of other pharmaceutical drugs when we are taking Zadiol?
DAN: Well, I think the thing that we have to be careful of is that Zadiol makes your hormonal system work better and more efficiently. And also if you have drug resistance, Zadiol can actually break down that drug resistance. It is very important that if you are on anything that works as hormone therapy to ask your doctor about that because it can actually make it more effective. For instance, if you are taking a sleeping pill, like Ambien or something, and you normally need to take two pills or one pill to get to sleep, try taking half a pill.
MARTIN: So people, this is powerful, even though it is natural, it will potentiate whatever else you are taking, watch out! Paul, Dan, thank you very much for taking time out of your very busy life.
DAN: We are happy to help! If your folks have questions that you would like to check back with, we would be happy to provide some answers as well.
MARTIN: All right! This is Martin Pytela for Life Enthusiast! You can call me at (866) 543-3388. We are restoring vitality to you and to the planet! Thank you!
Note: this interview and the information provided is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult with your medical professional(s) if you are dealing with a specific medical issue.