September 16, 2009 by

Podcast 138: Oxygenation and Vibrant Health

Martin and Scott continue talking about what you need to do, to do a really good job of getting ill –  Breathe with shallow breaths.

Cancer thrives in an oxygen depleted environment.
This can happen in a few ways…

  1. presence of toxins
  2. absence of nutrients
  3. acidic pH or low zeta potential

These things will cause your cells to be under-oxygenated.

Podcast 138: Oxygenation and Vibrant Health

Scott: Welcome back everybody you are listening to the Life Enthusiast online radio network restoring prana to you and the planet I am your co-host and bottle washer Scott Paton along with the founder of Life Enthusiast co-op Martin Pytela. Hey Martin how are you doing today?

Martin: Washing bottles Scott and you?

Scott: We have been talking about well we have been doing a series about what you really need to do to get ill and there has been a huge number of comments from people who have listened to the shows and saying wow I didn’t know doing that is why I was feeling so tired all the time or doing this gives me that over time and cause all these different problems and I think that is one of the issues with our society and there are all these things that people do thinking that they are helping and in fact they are not and we have talked about a whole pile of things like last time we talked about the toxic home and we have talked before about aerobic exercise and breathing and everything else but we really wanted to revisit that because it is such an important aspect of our health and Martin you were telling me just before we went on the air of a fellow who contacted you with prostate cancer and he did a lot of exercises so you know it is really weird because a lot of times we are doing these exercises thinking that this is going to make me so healthy because we have been told you need to exercise and look after your calories and cut out your fat and get eight hours of sleep and drink eight glasses of water but that’s kind of it so I think I will take up the exercise of sky diving and forget the other things and you wonder why you are not feeling so good right. So tell us a little about this fellow who called you with the prostate cancer.

Martin: Yes let me recap the situation with cancer: the common cancer rises in oxygen deprived tissue and there are many ways that you can deprive your tissue of oxygen, one is presence of toxins and the other one is absence of nutrients and the third one well anyway that relates to the pH of the lymphatic fluids. If you body fluids are acidic they have lost their ability to carry oxygen or the capacity to carry oxygen therefore your cells will be always somewhat oxygen deprived. This fellow was an active, avid cyclist, he had the road race bike and he would go onto these three and four hour burns and he just loved the fact that he could go hard, fast and go to the wall and through the wall and so on but what he is doing in the process is he is burning all the available oxygen so every day when he goes racing or riding he is putting himself into this marginally oxygen deprived state.

Scott: Now what we are talking about here is three or four hours of biking as hard as you can.

Martin: Well I actually watched the Tour de France this year and enjoyed it immensely and I am watching these guys doing these climbs up the passes you know it is a twenty kilometer ride that has a fifteen hundred meter gain that is like forty-five hundred feet elevation and these guys will do it in forty-five minutes or an hour.

Scott: Okay so twenty kilometers in forty-five minutes to an hour going up forty-five hundred feet.

Martin: And their heart beat, they are showing this on monitors with the green area, the amber area, the red area and they are showing the metabolic rate and the commentators are talking about this very thing if the guy puts himself beyond what the liver can metabolize you know you can do that for five or ten seconds but if you sustain it all of a sudden you saturate your body with lactic acid and you blow it and you could see these guys and they were pointed up and this guy just blew it and you watch him falling off the pace and it is just not in him. Anyway the point of that is this person has saturated their body with lactate acid and all of their muscles are aching, they are stiff, lactic acid acidity like you know you are in trouble. So if you have done this everyday for years you will have caused your tissues, your vital organs to be deprived of oxygen so where ever there is a weak spot for other reasons like in a man who is iodine deficient your prostate will suffer and the prostate will show up as the weak spot and prostate cancer here I come. I was talking to another lady not long ago and she is thirty-five years old or so and an avid runner, thin, great shape you know like you look at her and she is in phenomenal shape and she runs twenty or thirty kilometers every week so quite a bit so colon cancer and she is asking why would I get colon cancer.

Scott: Yeah why would you not get it because you are obviously making your body very acidic and that is going to be your weak spot but we have been trained to think if we are fit than we are healthy and that’s our society in many ways. If it looks good on the outside then it must be good on the inside right.

Martin: Yeah it’s a logical thing isn’t it?

Scott: And it is not that at all, it’s like hey you may look good on the outside but what you are doing is damaging the inside and it is kind of like I have this car and it’s a Porsche and I shine it up every day and it sparkles but I haven’t changed the oil in ten years.

Martin: Yep or better yet you always run it in the red line.

Scott: That’s right yeah.

Martin: I mean there is a sweet spot in every car in the common vehicles that we drive somewhere around three thousand RPM’s right but if you run your car at six thousand rpms all the time you will actually cut the engines life in half just speculating but it is going to be something like that.

Scott: Right and I think another aspect of both these people and the problem that they have is an addiction to maybe the high they get from running or the high they get from burning I mean like it sounds to me that there is an aspect of obsession here because I want to juxtapose me too I mean I am fifty and I am in relatively good shape I don’t have a body builder’s body or anything like that but my belly is not bigger than my chest so let me put it that way. If you look at me sideways it kind of goes the right way but there is definitely some fat there but I will go for an hour walk in the woods or I will go for an hour bike ride in the woods and I find that my muscles are building up in my legs and I am feeling good but half way through my bike ride I will stop because there is this magnificent mountain and I will sit on a bench and look at the mountain and watch the birds and what is going up and down the river and then I come back but there was no time in there well I was actually thinking of adding something where I do a little sprint for two or three minutes but there is no time in there you know I am working hard but there is no time in there where I wouldn’t be able to lean over and talk to someone who is biking beside me or anything like that right.

Martin: Well here is a point I want to make there is the concept of aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise is also know out there as interval training where you do multiple reps at full intensity but then you rest so you would take a thirty second sprint and then rest for two minutes until you completely catch your breath or you do ten reps of something like curls or push ups but the point is that you want to put out as much energy as possible, really loading your muscles to the limit but only for a brief moment and then stop and then get your oxygen back.

Scott: I keep thinking back to man ten thousand years ago and you would be walking along picking a few berries or whatever and then you would see a deer or an antelope and you would chase after it with your spear and you know after about twenty seconds it is long gone so you stop and start walking.

Martin: Yeah you can either make it or you don’t like you can watch the other hunters typically lions and that sort of thing they don’t run for miles that is reserved for dogs or coyotes or something like that.

Scott: Yeah or I was going to say a saber tooth tiger runs after you and you run really hard for a while until it gives up and then you rest right.

Martin: Yeah either the tiger is quicker or you made it onto a tree or into a cave but the point is that the anaerobic exercise, the interval training is actually developing and growing your muscles, it is firming your physique, it is shaping you correctly and the aerobic exercise say the marathon runner or long distance runner or long distance cyclist these people are actually suffering from immune problems you know this is very common.

Scott: So when I think of aerobic exercises I think of the local gym where you have classes and do aerobics so would you be saying that is not a wise thing to do for your physical fitness program?

Martin: It is not the best use of your time now I would suggest a rebounder, a mini trampoline because there in ten minutes of bouncing you are going to do a phenomenal amount of good and it goes something like this when you have the mini trampoline as you bounce on it if you go gently at the bottom of the bounce your cells are still traveling downward but you have now stopped right so you have now changed the direction and you are going back up so what does the gravity do to your body?

Scott: It pulls it down more.

Martin: That’s right so you have 1.2 or 1.3 G’s acting on your tissues.

Scott: And also on your internal organs.

Martin: Which of your cells are exercised at that point?

Scott: All of them.

Martin: That’s it you’re so quick.

Scott: That seemed obvious.

Martin: No this is not a trick the point is most people don’t understand when you are sitting on a bicycle and you are pedaling which of your cells are you exercising?

Scott: The legs.

Martin: The legs right your legs are spinning most everything else like your breathing, your chest is going in and out but you know the major muscles that are moving are the legs right. If you are doing curls with free weights all you are doing is exercising the arm but when you are on a trampoline you bounce and every time you bounce if it is a soft bounce then one and a quarter or one and a half G’s and if you can do hard bounces you can probably do 2 G’s like at two G’s every cell of your body is lifting double its weight.

Scott: So you could be looking at that if I am a hundred and eighty pound man I am exercising three hundred and sixty pounds.

Martin: At the bottom of your bounce you are weighing three sixty so ten minutes on the rebounder it can produce phenomenal things especially if you take the video and watch what you can do with the rebounder.

Scott: Right because there is different ways you can move your body right.

Martin: Oh yeah you can do isotonic, isometric you know extend your arms or do these kicks and bounces, leaning forward, leaning back, you can sit on the rebounder and exercise your abdominals and there is a wonderful amount of exercising you can do in ten minutes and that’s all you need, ten minutes. I actually have a rebounder here in my office so I am on in during many of the phone calls I do with people.

Scott: Oh very cool and I think actually that you just made a very good point because when you develop your body to a certain degree or level it doesn’t take a lot of time or energy to maintain it at that level and we see that all the time with people who are obese right and they say well I try to lose weight and I try to lose weight well it does not take a lot of effort to maintain the obesity we don’t really think a lot about people who are fit. I know a fellow who was almost a competitive body builder at one time and now it is like ten or fifteen years after that and he still had nice looking arms and shape and I said to him I know you work a lot but how do you keep in this great shape and he said surprisingly Scott I work out for fifteen or twenty minutes a day and it maintains this.

Martin: Yes but he probably practices this interval training or anaerobic exercise which will maintain your shape beautifully, you do not need to spend a lot of time on exercise and this is the whole point ten to fifteen minutes a day or even four times a week is enough if you do the interval exercise or interval training to give you a great shape and keep you at a great shape.

Scott: And you are exercising all of the organs – I was thinking about the rebounder and you are not depriving any of the organs of oxygen when you are doing anaerobic exercises.

Martin: Well you are but you do it for such a brief amount of time and then you allow it to be just undone but for the long term you get all of the benefits and non of the downside.

Scott: Right because if you are low on oxygen for like five minutes a day and you are breathing in a lot of air then that is not a big problem whereas if you are doing that for three hours a day then you are going to have some damage.

Martin: That’s right so anyway speaking of your walks you know that’s a good thing you exercise your arms and your legs and it is good for circulation and the lymphatic system and all of that and it is especially great when you go into nature because you are looking at things other than straight lines and concrete walls and computer screens right.

Scott: Well the other day we hiked up a mountain nearby, which was about forty-five hundred feet we didn’t go all the way, we went to the tree line so I am not sure how much we did but that’s not my point, my point is that we walked up the mountain and there was a certain point in the walk where we turned around a corner and it was like running into a wall and I stopped and said to my friend smell that air, it smelled so good and fresh and alive and it just hit me like wow and the reason I am telling you this is that I cannot remember another time like very rare in my life have I said wow does that air ever smell good. It is not something we think of that much.

Martin: Yeah this wouldn’t happen to you at the intersection of broadway and main right.

Scott: yeah that’s right this air was delicious and that is another reason to get out into nature to feel the love but breathing too is something I wanted to touch on today because we were talking about these people with shallow breathes and that can’t be helpful for getting oxygen deep into the body.

Martin: Right, exactly well the first thing you would notice about people is the moment they notice they are scared the first thing that happens is they stop breathing. A scared person stops breathing just stops and then the next thing that you will notice is that scared people breathe right at the top of their chest you know you see the heaving right there, right by the neck and a relaxed person on the other hand typically babies if you watch that breath abdominally and you see their bellies actually expand out. I don’t know why it is that this society values bigger chests so much more you know stick out your chest and pull in your belly.

Scott: Well they want that shape right and if you are pushing out your belly and making that area bigger then you don’t look nice.

Martin: Right well I don’t know why this is that this culture has made it look unattractive to have a belly out but that is actually the way to do it and that is the way to breathe you know. When you inhale you should actually pull down the diaphragm and make room for it so that there is more room in your chest cavity for the lungs to expand.

Scott: They don’t teach that in school I don’t think but they do teach it in yoga classes though.

Martin: Yes they do and in fact they spend a lot of time on breathing or pranayama in yoga or breathing classes where you are learning to breathe deeper and completely I mean one of the most basic breaths that you would want to contemplate is doing the inhalation on count for eight and then hold for eight and then slowly exhale and count to eight and then stop and do it again and so on.

Scott: Well the ancient Hawaiians said that the breath was incredibly powerful and before they do anything they would stop and breathe and of course when Europeans came they would say okay we are going to go do this and the Hawaiians would say okay and the Europeans would rush off and they would turn around and there was the Hawaiians breathing in and breathing out and preparing to actually go and the nickname for the white guy in Hawaii which I cannot remember the exact name right now but it means shallow breath and they didn’t look at it like a polite thing.

Martin: Well I should think not, shallow breath weak action, small output. All you have to do is just look at weight lifters what do they do before they lift right.

Scott: They take a lift and then a breathe.

Martin: You know that is what they do before they start the bellows breath but we talked about this earlier about the centering exercise with deep breathing that we do before we get into action and how much impact it has on the quality of work that you do.

Scott: That’s right and in fact before we did this show I sat down for fifteen minutes and did a fifteen minute meditation and listening to my I-pod and the beginning of it was take a deep breath in through your nose and fill your belly and hold it you know it was exactly what you were saying about holding it. It is funny how in the beginning it is so hard to stop and not breathe in and out but to go in pause and out pause and if you are not careful you can go into an altered state quite easily by doing that because you are separating the in and the out with two very powerful forces in our body.

Martin: I mean I would dare to comment that whenever we do stop and prepare and center and oxygenate before we sit down before we record anything the result that we produce is better.

Scott: Well you said right off the hop that you can tell when I have done it and when I haven’t and I am like really

Martin: Yeah I remember I think it only happened once though that I told you that I don’t think we should record this one and well I am not perfect either so sometimes I am all the way up to the last two minutes before I call you.

Scott: Well you get busy and it is just like oh I will get this done and then just this and I mentioned too that I do a lot of internet marketing and coaching and when I have a client coming on at two o’clock and at quarter to two I stop everything and I have already reviewed their file and I will just set an intention and I found that really worked well like okay my intention is to really help this person for the next coming hour and then I visualize it all working out really well and then that is what happens and when I don’t do that the calls are choppy and not really inspired and I am not on top of my game and communication is poor and everything else so there is a real value in stopping and setting that intention and kind of putting the thoughts out of this is what I want and that is what will come back.

Martin: You know this reminds me of the Steven Covey and the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People and habit number seven is sharpen your saw and the example that he gives in the book and in the seminars is you are watching this guy sawing a log and he is sawing and sawing and you call out to him and say listen your saw needs sharpening, it’s dull and he says sorry I am busy cutting and this gives the same kind of feedback as what you just said sit down for fifteen minutes quietly, center your mind and clear your consciousness and prepare for that which needs to fill it instead of fretting over what is already coming in.

Scott: Well yeah that’s right I remember the loggers spent eighty percent of their time sharpening their axes.

Martin: I don’t know that but it certainly makes a huge difference if you are chopping with sharp or dull.

Scott: It does and it is the same with all the things we do in our lives but often times we don’t think of them in those terms.

Martin: And so this is where the interval training comes into place if your objective is to have a trim shaped body with strong muscles then all you need to do is exercise the muscles with intensity you do not need to have a lot of repetitions.

Scott: If your intentions are to have a long lasting strong body that is healthy and vibrant, do the same thing?

Martin: Yes. That’s the idea.

Scott: It doesn’t really make sense when you think about it to get on a bike and ride it full force for four hours every day for years and like you were saying about the car running at 6000 or 7000 RPM’s you know you wear it out.

Martin: And this is what happens to marathon runners or long distance runners because at the peak of their training season or the peak of their racing season they succumb to infections and in their later years they suffer from joint problems I mean the most common thing for long distance runners is they have inflammation throughout the body arthritis and that sort of thing.

Scott: And that explains too why I constantly hear that football players after their careers are over they spend the rest of their lives in pain because first of all you are banging stuff and second of all the type of exercise you are doing and you know they can’t walk their knees are gone and everything else because really they are like that Porsche at 7000 RPM’s for fifteen or twenty years they just wore everything out.

Martin: Yes, race car engine does not last as long as one in the regular use. What else to we tell people other than consider your rebounder instead of a bicycle or exercise equipment and if you are thinking of buying any one piece of exercise equipment for your home gym don’t buy one that you just sit on like spinning or turning your wheels or doing stuff like that it just isn’t effective even if it’s that Nordic arms and legs it still doesn’t move your center of gravity so it doesn’t slosh your bodily fluids so it doesn’t give you the benefit of the lymphatic circulation.

Scott: and if someone wanted to get a rebounder where could someone look to find one?

Martin: We have it on the Life Enthusiast website under Exercise, the category would be exercise to well I would have to go look at that in the shopping cart it would be shop by products under exercise and by brands we carry two brands one is called JumpSport and it is a German bungee cord deluxe kind of thing, the Porsche and the other brand that we carry is Cellersiser which is a wonderful American made very good piece of equipment.

Scott: Wonderful so Martin I think that brings us to the end of today’s show and I want to thank-you for taking time out of your busy day to share with this really good information made me think of how I am going to continue my exercise programs and focus a little bit more on the breath and the anaerobic exercise versus the aerobics but if somebody wanted to talk to you more about this sort of thing how would they get a hold of you?

Martin: As before in every episode we repeat it like we have said it for the first time or call 1-866-543-3388 this is probably the best ways to get a hold of us so thank you for listening this is Life Enthusiast co-op restoring vitality to you and to the planet.

Scott: Bye bye.

September 16, 2009
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