July 3, 2008 by
Life Enthusiast Staff

Podcast 070: Nutrition and Disease Prevention

The inside of our bodies impact the outside of our bodies. But what about the outside of our insides? Learn how to protect your insides.

A great number of health problems can be attributed to exposure to toxins. Toxicity from foreign chemicals (exotoxins) can cause damage to almost all organs of the body. Symptoms include: fatigue, headaches, neurological disorders, chemical sensitivities, immune dysfunction, and liver disorders.

Food is often the main source of toxins. There are approximately 3,000 chemicals used by the food industry during processing. There are approximately 12,000 chemicals used in food packaging materials. Pesticides found in 90% of foods.

In addition to these external sources of toxins, the body also produces toxins called, endotoxins resulting from digestion, immune system functions, stress, etc. Endotoxins may also be produced as the result of food allergies and sensitivities.

Increased intestinal permeability (leaky gut syndrome) can result in an increased absorption of exotoxins, endotoxins, antigens, and microorganisms. Candidiasis and intestinal microflora imbalances (dysbiosis), and parasitic infections increase the amount of toxins entering the circulation.

Congestive bowel toxicity can greatly increase the amount of endotoxins produced.

Podcast 070: Nutrition and Disease Prevention

This is the Life Enthusiast co-op podcast Restoring Vitality to You and to the Planet. Let’s join our host Scott Paton and Martin Pytela now.

Scott: Welcome back everybody you’re listening to the Life Enthusiast co-op podcast restoring vitality to you and to the planet. I’m your co-host Scott Paton along with Martin Pytela. Hey Martin, what’s happening today?

Martin: Today is another good day Scott; We’ve having a life, we are still here which means that our job here is not done.

Scott: Well the last couple weeks we’ve been talking about what’s on the outside of the body and I personally know for myself that I don’t think about what I put on my skin as much as what I put in my mouth, and it has been enlightening. We were talking before we decided to record this that there is a relationship between the inside and outside and if you look philosophically there is the ying and the yang, and as without so within, and all these things about what is inside and outside and how they are related and it’s very strange that we have ignored that and I thought it would be kind of good if we could expand on how the inside of our body relates to the outside of our body.

Martin: In fact you know there are two kinds of insides to our bodies and the one inside like if you peel back the skin there is the blood and the lymph and the muscles and all that and the organs and your body cavity so that is the inside to me that is completely separated from the world outside and it needs to stay that way. but if you expose it you’re in trouble, you’re bleeding to death or you’re injured or you’re introducing infection that shouldn’t be there. It’s a sterile place that’s where if you operate on people you need to maintain complete sterility and not introduce new bacteria to it.

Scott: That’s why we know that from watching TV and you see all these doctor shows and how they don’t just come off the golf course and grab a scalpel and get to work, they are always scrubbing up and drying a certain way and all that kind of stuff.

Martin: So specifically both your lymph and your blood are not supposed to be touching the outside, they are not supposed to interact with it. If you cut yourself you make a hole in the skin your body tries to cover it up as quickly as possible and heal it. But there is the other inside I wanted to tell you about which is the pipe inside of you that starts with the mouth and includes the stomach and intestines and ends at your anus that part of the inside is actually the outside inside of you. I’m trying to give you a word picture that you understand and it’s like a sock that has been turned inside out or a pipe that is inside of you that actually belongs to the outside because when you put the food into it it’s the outside stuff and you are chewing it up to masticate to make it into small particles like a blender and then you put it in your stomach and mix it with the acid bath so to help digest it and rip it apart chemically. Do you remember when we were talking about the Adya minerals and how you need the acid to leech the minerals and turn them into ionic forms and that happens in the stomach. Then it goes into the intestines and there it gets mixed with the soda and turns into the more alkaline stuff so that the nutrients that have been loosened in the stomach are able to be extracted through the intestinal walls between the little villi through the wall and out in the blood stream but only when and if they have been broken into tiniest component pieces, individual amino acids or individual ionic minerals and then that stuff travels out to the lower end of the bowel to the large intestine where water is extracted out of it. You need to recycle the water so that the feces, by the time it is coming out of you is actually not a mush as liquid as the stuff that is in leaving your stomach. It is a whole lot more solid when it leaves you and that’s because most of the water has been extracted out of it. So the reason I’m saying that is to give a picture and an understanding that the terrain that is on the inside of you in the digestive tract is really part of the outside. All of this was triggered by the question she asked me well if lactic acid is so good in the process of making Kim Chi or Sauerkraut why is it so not good when it is in your muscles or a byproduct of cancerous tumor growth in your body.

Scott: That’s a very good question.

Martin: I had to think for a minute and I thought now I understand lactic acid actually stops the oxidative process. So in the case of a Kim Chi or Sauerkraut the lactic acid is actually preserving all the nutrients, puts them in stasis. In the old days when people didn’t have refrigeration, they had cabbage up until about September and then they had to harvest it and then the next harvest comes in April or May so in order to preserve the nutrients they had to do something with it so the natural fermentation was the way to do it. So they would ferment it and it would create the lactic acid and the acid would hold it from oxidation, You can have sauerkraut or kimchi sit around for ten twenty years and be still edible, which is important because that means that you can actually pass on nutritious food that have had the minerals preserved, the enzymes preserved and all of the other nutrients contained within it, ready for digestion and when you eat it, it’s just phenomenally refreshing.

Scott: How does that work?

Martin: How does the natural fermentation work?

Scott: Yeah.

Martin: Well the way they do it is you take the vegetable and chop it up into smaller bits and you put it into a crock pot and a lot of weight on top of it with a lit and you add the natural enzymatic cultures to it. It’s sort of like yogurt or kefir or any of the other bacterial cultures that we have used for a long time to conserve nutrients so then we let it sit for a good long while and it eats up all the sugars and converts them into these other nutrients. The point of that exercise is this; we use the lactic acid to preserve it and stop the oxidation which is great until we are ready to consume it when we take it out of the crock pot and put it on a plate, it’s time to eat and if you don’t eat it and let it sit there, after a while it just rots. Just like any other fresh food would rot.

Scott: We know that’s a key to eating stuff because when you eat something that doesn’t rot the chances are you’re not going to be able to digest it very well.

Martin: Right, you won’t be able to get very many nutrients out of it because it’s already dead.

Scott: When it’s rotting we know its living because it’s the decomposition process.

Martin: Things that are willing to yield all of its nutrients to you are spoiling right in front of your eyes.

Scott: We live in such a society that wants everything sterile and unblemished and really if it’s got the blemish than it probably means it’s good for you.

Martin: Absolutely yes, that’s how you know it’s good when it’s starring to rot. If it won’t rot don’t even bother because it’s not going to yield its nutrients to you anyway. Anyway that is the point of the lactic acid, the tool that we use to stop fermentation and stop the access of oxygen so it doesn’t oxygenate and it doesn’t rot. That’s how we preserve it so now inside of your body we know that if there is lack of oxygen your cells will, let me say it differently. Normal cellular energy regime involves presence of energy in the form of sugar and the presence of oxygen. so when you have sugar and oxygen, you have energy and the output is carbon dioxide and water. If you don’t have enough oxygen the cells will flip and they go into the fermentation regime so they eat sugar but the output is lactic acid and its known as cancer, those cells are cancerous. Cancerous cells produce lactic acid as their output. The other way you can produce lactic acid in your body is exercising beyond your ability to deliver oxygen to a spot.

Scott: And when we have lactic acid in our muscles our muscles usually ache a lot.

Martin: Absolutely, lots of pain. Actually a person with cancer that is metastatic and has a lot of tumors all over the place they ache like that everywhere. It’s excruciating and that’s why a lot of cancer patients are on morphine just to deal with the awful pain which is systemic, throughout at that point.

Scott: So someone that would have say lupus or fibromyalgia would they have that pain also.

Martin: Fibromyalgia is a type of pain, it’s constant and steady. I’m not familiar with lupus; I’m certainly familiar with fibromyalgia because I used to have that myself. That hurts everywhere but it hurts to the touch you know it hurts to move. The point I’m trying to make is that the lactic acid indeed directly blocks the oxygenation and it’s totally undesirable when it is on the inside where the muscles are and the organs are. Whereas it is totally desirable on the outside of your body as a preserver of your food before you are ready to eat it.

Scott: That makes everything more complicated doesn’t it?

Martin: Yeah we would all love to have it all simple that’s a classic actually; you just said the most important line. I would like to have it simple. I heard just recently from a famous marketer and he said people want push button simple. People want silver bullet solutions. Doctor give me a pill I want this to go away.

Scott: That’s right the silver bullet.

Martin: This is the sad state of our society where we are looking for solutions that are lazy or we are lazy and we want solutions that don’t require effort.

Scott: Or we also just like to have the correct solution because we hear so much disinformation that it’s really difficult often times for us to even know what the right thing to do is.

Martin: I agree, this marketing advice was that if you want to be successful in selling something you have to provide a push button simple solution. If people can just say do this and it will fix the problem then perfect. But if you can deliver to them a solution that you have to do nothing just follow me that it’s going to succeed beyond in the market. Well dear folks that’s what we’ve got from the pharmaceutical system offering us simplicity, just pop these two in the morning and you’ll be fine. But that’s not what is going to happen. All you are doing is suppressing the symptoms for the most part and you’re suppressing the symptoms of a particular dysfunction in your body. We talked about it earlier, my favorite analogy the gopher game where you see something pop up and you have a little mallet and you smack at it and it disappears and as soon as you hit it it’s gone. However that problem will pop up elsewhere in no time. That’s what happens when you have a headache it usually is because of dehydration or mineral deficiency or toxicity in your body or tension or conscious problems and so on. Well you can take a pain killer and you won’t feel a thing but have you solved the problem?

Scott: Probably not.

Martin: Oh definitely not, if it was mineral deficiency you better figure it out because if you don’t deal with mineral deficiency like magnesium deficiency that is a rampant problem that we have discussed so many time in our podcasts is associated with twenty five different illnesses from high blood pressure to obesity to nervousness to road rage, calcium deficiency, cramps in the muscles and heart problems, blood pressure problems and so on. I mean I could pick anyone of the items and go to a health education pages and on the health pages on the Life Enthusiast website and start reading. Each one of these little things represents a laundry list of possible illnesses and if you opt for the pill solution all you are doing is removing the symptoms and weeks months years later you are going to have the consequence of not having dealt with the deficiency, this time in the form of a chronic illness. Anyway so I’m getting off topic here what I was trying to explain was that the inside and the outside are connected but that the digestive system is really the outside that we carry inside of us and its actually like a compost heap, the job of the digestive pipe is to consume, process, digest and yield the nutrients from the stuff that we put in it. It’s very much like a compost pile, if you put too much protein into the compost pile it will start stinking and rotting and if you put too much water on it, it will be soggy and won’t run, if you don’t put not enough water on it, it will go dry and dry out and so on. All of these analogies hold true for the inside as well if you feed your body a reasonable mix of things it will work correctly but if you don’t it will spoil.

Scott: And we know that most of us don’t.

Martin: Well here we are trying to dispense the advice and sometimes I don’t follow my own advice either.

Scott: We are all human right and we know that summers are sometimes very dry where ever you live in the world, does that mean that your grass turns brown and that sort of stuff but does that mean when it rains you’ve got no grass? No, because usually even though some of the grass may die off and turns brown but when it finally does get what it needs it comes back. So the good news for us and everybody else is that one of the reasons we try to do the podcast is to try to get good information into people’s hands so that they can make those intelligent decisions and the good news is that we can bounce back. Maybe we have not drank enough water and we’ve not eaten enough living food but once you start doing it, it’s not like it’s too late and its over, we do bounce back.

Martin: I agree, it’s about the capacity to recover I mean our liver and kidneys are like the filtration devices and they have a certain capacity let’s just say if they had a capacity of 100 and you were intaking, importing toxins at a level of 105 every month or every year, you have a declining system and you are starting to fill with toxins and if the bucket held maybe 60 in 12 years you are going to be filled to capacity with toxins and at that point you would start having serious illnesses. All you need to do is go from 105 to 95 and in twelve years you are going you are going to be as clean as a whistle. The understanding is that you don’t have to be 100 percent perfect you just have to ingest things that allow your cleansing organs to remove the toxins that you already have so that you don’t get yourself into the funk that I was in yesterday, when I was talking to the woman who is in stage three metastatic cancer, saying what should I do? It would be so nice if we had talked to her five years earlier when she was just stage one, just starting cancer.

Scott: Yes, don’t wait till the last minute.

Martin: Then we are just trying all kinds of dramatic solutions and they are the same kinds of solutions that we offer to the person who has more time we are just saying you have to do this now and you have to do this every day and you cannot play with it or else. She was already told that a typical survival from your diagnosis is anywhere from 2 weeks to 2 years and even if we do all of the chemical treatments the chance of survival is about 14 percent.

Scott: Ouch.

Martin: So I said well you know if you want to try something for two months and she was game, she said I guess I would be either dead or dying anyway so I may as well try the natural thing.

Scott: Nothing left to lose.

Martin: Nothing, but there is nothing left to lose even before you get sick right.

Scott: And you have everything to gain, you have more energy and more vibrancy and more fit. it’s amazing what the body does when you put the right fuel in it.

Martin: Yes that’s what I’m trying to say about the 105 versus the 95 you know which side of the divide are you on, the one going downhill or the one taking you towards full health and wellness. I’m not being too upbeat today I suppose, I’m just feeling a bit bummed out about having to talk to people who are just so sick I would so much rather get calls saying Martin I’m feeling pretty good but can you make me feel better? but now we have to wait until we are one foot in the grave.

Scott: I think that is a very valid point we don’t often see, a lot of people take their health for granted and wouldn’t it be nice to say you know what I’m just going to do what is best for me when I’m healthy and keep that health.

Martin: That’s why we have sayings like “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” The fifty dollars a month in superfoods is out weighing the 50,000 to 100,000 in a month in organ transplant and cancer treatment and all of that. How many months at 50 dollars a month is 50,000?

Scott: A thousand months.

Martin: How many years is in that?

Scott: 8 or 9.

Martin: No, divide it by twelve.

Scott: That’s right about 80 or 90.

Martin: 83 years so what would you like spend fifty dollars a month on super foods as a preventative or spend it all at once, just fifty grand. That’s not even much, most Americans who end up with a cancer diagnosis that don’t have health insurance run up a 300,400, 500 thousand dollar bill before they die, broke and bankrupting not just themselves but their families as well.

Scott: To say nothing about the heart break.

Martin: Well yes, I don’t think I can get out of my morbid stories today.

Scott: Let’s not leave on a down note here; tell us one of the good stories.

Martin: So this women called me from Hawaii and she said I have breast cancer, what do I do and I said get on this Excela 50 and the Ellagiplex and start eating them and call me. And she called in two weeks and she said I have so much energy I just don’t understand I was dragging around the house because I was so tired and last night I cleaned my house, I haven’t clean my house in six months I’ve been so debilitated.

Scott: Nice there you go so you do make a difference.

Martin: There is at least one person that has been helped.

Scott: I think many thousands have been helped.

Martin: I know.

Scott: So if somebody wanted to call you up and talk about how to optimize their health and get through some of the challenges they are going through how would they get a hold of you?

Martin: Well they could call our company number at 1-866-543-3388 or call my direct line at 775-299-4661 or visit the website at www.Life-Enthusiast.com and do some reading.

Scott: How many articles do you think you have on the website now?

Martin: Oh about 2000. There is enough to explain everything that a person would want to understand about natural wellness. There are not every illness that a person could have described in detail in general it’s quite rich.

Scott: That’s a lot of information and it’s easy to understand because I’ve read through all of it.

Martin: Yes we’ve tried to make it for the average person but at the same time we have a bunch of articles that show the science referenced and all where we actually document the reasons why this works. The last bit if you want to listen to our previous podcasts or the future ones go to LifeEnthusiast.podomatic.com.

Scott: Any last words before we sign off this week.

Martin: As usual this is Life Enthusiast Restoring Vitality to You and to the Planet, thanks for listening.

Author: Life Enthusiast Staff
Life Enthusiast Staff July 3, 2008
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