April 16, 2008 by
Life Enthusiast Staff

Podcast 061: Health Myths – Part 1

The top 5 myths of health are revealed and debunked in this controversial podcast.

Scott: Welcome back everybody you’re listening to the life enthusiast co-op pod cast restoring vitality to you and to the planet. I’m your co-host Scott Paton along with Martin Pytela. Hey Martin How you doing today?

Martin: Doing good Scott, thanks for asking and you?

Scott: I’m doing awesome.

Martin: Getting ready to go traveling again?

Scott: Yes, I’m getting ready to go on another cruise and heading back down to Florida and heading out to the Caribbean again. My sister’s 25th wedding anniversary was last week and we celebrated it and we decided a few months ago that we would all get together and spend a few weeks together as part of the celebration because that doesn’t happen every day.

Martin: I tell you, that is a pretty special thing. So the whole family is going tropical? Coconuts and yeah mon.

Scott: That’s right we are all going Native, a luxury cruise, walking on a beach, enjoying the sun and just having a great time.

Martin: That’s a really good thing to break the pace, just take a break and enjoy. Relaxing is good. Immediately my health nut brain pops up with things. Do you know your body when its running too much Cortisol is causing to retain sodium.

Scott: First of all I don’t know what Cortisol is.

Martin: Cortisol is a hormone released from your adrenals and it’s the hormones that causes your body to react in the fight-flight reaction. It’s the one that essentially shuts down your digestion, shuts down your sodium elimination, it causes you to essentially go into the “defend myself from danger” mode. So if you have too many stressing events and not enough relaxing events in your life you end up being dominant in cortisol levels goes up and your body is unable to correctly digest or digestion that’s active or open only when you’re relaxed. You see it with cows or deer, the ruminants which essentially shut down somewhere in a quiet spot and start ruminating and if something jumps up and scares them, their rumination stops. The digestion stops and every bit of energy is devoted to running away from the danger.

Scott: So would you say that if you’re driving in traffic and you’re starting and stopping and people are cutting you off and you’ve got road rage going on and you’re eating a big mac which is probably never going to get digested.

Martin: Yes, there is something like that.

Scott: So everybody that is eating in a car, which I do all the time, is totally in a stress situation.

Martin: It’s not about the situation you’re in; it’s about how you can handle the situation. Are you handling it well? You know you can be driving in the craziest traffic in the most peaceful mode because if you’re relaxed, you are relaxed. If you’re reacting to crazy stimuli then you’re not going to be digesting.

Scott: You said something about this impacting sodium.

Martin: When your cortisol level is high, your body stops eliminating sodium and your sodium levels increase in the blood which then in turn raises the blood pressure. So what’s the antidote? You need to start eliminating more sodium. How do you do that? You sweat it out so a great antidote to a high-stress lifestyle is a game of racquetball or soccer or some hot yoga.

Scott: I’ve been doing yoga for the last few months and it’s made a huge difference.

Martin Are you a more relaxed person than you used to be, is your blood pressure down?

Scott: Actually I haven’t tested it recently.

Martin It probably is. So here goes the first of many Myths that I wanted to talk to you about, it is the myth of salt. The mainstream medical system would have you think that you must reduce sodium intake.

Scott: I’ve heard that many times.

Martin: More than half of the population is salt deficient – many people are weak, because they do not have enough salt. Many people are suffering from GERD, the Gastro Esophagial Reflex Syndrome or whatever it’s called.

Scott: The acid reflex syndrome?

Martin: Yeah, it’s known as GERD, there’s people taking piles of pills, you know the Zantac and Prevacid and all of that for that and yet it could be cured by intake of salt. At least that is what we found with the Himalayan crystal salt brine therapy.

Scott; I was just going to say that I know you well enough to know you’re not talking about that white salty stuff that everyone has on their dinner tables.

Martin: Sorry to say the same discovery we’ve made that refined sugar is not good for you and refined white flour is not good for you. That holds for salt too, we find that the “white death salt” is not good for you.

Scott: So you’re talking about a natural salt, a rock salt, the Himalayan salt.

Martin: It needs to be whole salts either the Celtic, the grey wet Celtic salt or whole salt like the Himalayan. Unfortunately there is no short cut. This industrial food is not good for you and that’s no myth.

Scott: It’s just like eating plastic right?

Martin: I don’t know how to make a link between eating plastic and eating refined salt but it certainly is not right.

Scott: So myth one that we are going to talk about today is the myth of salt, we should be cutting back on refined, dead salt and eating more, consuming more natural healthy salt.

Martin: The other thing is not that you have too much salt; it’s that you have not enough relaxation. You know when your blood pressure is rising and your doctor tells you to cut your sodium intake that is chasing the symptoms. The cause is that your relaxation regime is not engaged long enough for your body to deal with the sodium content and properly dispose of it.

Scott: So we are really talking lifestyle here.

Martin: Yes and the second thing is if you’re going to be, especially in the summer months or in the tropics like you’re going, you’re going to be in a situation that you will be sweating, I hope you will be sweating. Anyway, when you are sweating you are getting rid of salt and you have to replenish that. I remember when I was working in the saw mill, very physical we had water and salt tablets available to us all the time. We were taking the salt tablets to remain strong because if we didn’t we started getting dizzy and weak. That’s because we were sweating out easily a gallon of water a day and that’s because we were working full on in hot weather. That’s my story, I’m sticking to it and don’t believe that the symptoms are the cause. They never are.

Scott: So you had mentioned the salt in the Himalayans are you talking about a salt bath or would you put it on your food or how would you consume it?

Martin: Well what I do is I actually have the brine ready-made and I take a teaspoon of the brine in the first glass of water I drink every morning and I also do use the Himalayan salt in my cooking and my cooking is really simple, I put it in my salad dressing and I guess if I had some boiled potatoes I would put it on that. If I were serving soups or anything similar I would put the Himalayan salt in that.

Scott: Alright so what’s the next myth you want to smash today?

Martin: Well I was just reading a newsletter that came into my inbox which was talking about a recent up surge of interest in vaccination and its relation to damage to children. You know there is a fairly strong link between a child being vaccinated and becoming autistic and the mainstream medicine has been up in arms, you know the pharma companies that manufacture the vaccines have been lobbying very strongly. ABC has put on a show called Eli Stone which I have yet to watch although it’s on Thursdays and it’s advertised and it’s a fun show and I think I might enjoy it but I haven’t seen one yet. All the same, there was an episode, Eli Stone is a lawyer so there was a legal situation around a child that was damaged by vaccination, became Autistic. The main thrust of the legal case they were making was not to deal with immunization but it was to deal with the big pharma company that makes the vaccine didn’t allow his own child to receive a vaccination so the lawyer won the case because he sees the two-facedness of the whole pharma industry, they don’t do themselves what they tell others to do. Anyway, the point of that is that the AAP which is the American Academy of Pediatrics they actually asked ABC to cancel the pilot episode which was what a marvelous piece of advertising that was. Some doctors started protesting that this show should not be aired because it was too dangerous for the American people to watch a show like that. God forbid it should cause a drop in vaccinations. Anyway sure enough it must have created much more interest in the show, free advertising, right?

Scott: That’s right; you tell everybody you can’t watch this and every one will want to watch it.

Martin: So the funny thing is the president of AAP Dr. Jenkins wrote if parents watch this program and choose to deny their children immunizations as a result, ABC (the TV company) will share in the responsibility of the suffering and deaths that occur as a result. The consequences of a declined immunization rates could be devastating to the health of our nation’s children. If I let that sink in, they are basically telling me if I don’t vaccinate my child we are going to cause this child significant problems, death even. But most of these vaccinations are really dealing with just convenience issues.

Scott: I agree, I have a friend whose nephew was vaccinated. I guess the hard part for some people to realize is that some for people the result will be more dramatic than other people. She has two nephews and a niece and I assume they have all been vaccinated and the middle child became autistic right after the vaccinations. In fact after the first of the three sessions he got quite autistic and sick and then the second one was worse and the mother basically had to take a hammer to the head of her husband who was a veterinarian and he was like this is the way to go. Not seeing at all that his child was dying and the other two children didn’t seem to have that reaction.

Martin: This is exactly how the mainstream gets away with doing what they are doing because they are practicing statics based medicine rather than treating the individual and they are treating the person as a statistic. So they have these statistics that say the majority of people don’t have a problem so therefore this is not a problem.

Scott: It’s a huge problem for the people it is a problem for …

Martin: And yet there appears to be a genetic predisposition in some people to not be able to eliminate toxins as well as the rest of the population but it’s actually quite common about a quarter of the population that has that. I am one of them, my body doesn’t know how to get rid of toxic metals and thanks to my mercury poisoning through dental amalgams I’ve had a good deal of trouble. There are others, there are people with chronic fatigue, with fibromyalgia, with multiple sclerosis, with lupus, you name it all of those ugly diseases of the autoimmune disorders. Where the body starts attacking itself and most of that is caused by the body’s inability to get rid of toxins. So one of these vaccines that contain mercury that you inject an infant with mercury that it doesn’t know how to eliminate, it just shuts down and it causes tremendous trouble. Going back to this TV show so up in arms that the corporations have so much power both in advertising and in legal power that they carry at the court that they are essentially able to win cases that they have no business winning and so the ordinary people down at the bottom of the pecking order so to speak.

Scott: They are hearing only what the big businesses wants them to hear.

Martin: So you as a consumer are being abused by the corporation because they can get away with it. So from time to time we see this little guy wins over the big ugly corporation. Like a court case from time to time like Erin Brockovich or something like that something nice and big happens. Any way going back to vaccinations, statistically if everybody takes vaccinations, we are able to lower the number of infections that happen in society but individually, a whole bunch of people get to suffer for it with some significant problems. What we should be working on, we should be developing a test that allows us to know ahead of time before we do the vaccination whether this person is or is not able to deal with this vaccination, whether their immune system is going to be strong enough to withstand this assault.

Scott: Yeah that seems kind of obvious doesn’t it?

Martin: What is would require is for the pharmaceutical corporations to admit that there can be a problem.

Scott: Which that would mean they would be having class action suits for billions of dollars for all these people who are autistic because they took this vaccination. Kind of like a catch 22.

Martin: That’s right and same thing in the dentistry. Do you think if they admitted that administering mercury into the mouths of people could cause fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and so on, if they admitted that, the mayhem in court rooms that would follow would just bankrupt the entire dentistry.

Scott: We talk about the 25 percent who have an obvious reaction to vaccination, if they are autistic there is a problem. We don’t know if the sky rocketing cancer rates is impacted by that. We don’t know the fact that you are tired in the afternoon when your working is because you don’t have all the energy you would have if you didn’t have this vaccine in you. Maybe we all should be glowing and so full of energy that we could run miles and miles without gasping for breath but we don’t know because we’ve all been vaccinated.

Martin: Okay so going back to the theory of vaccinations, if any of the listeners are parents of little children or about to become parents you need to think long and hard whether you want to do this because you are going to expose your children to significant assault to their immune system and at the very least you could put it off. Instead of doing it in the first few weeks or months of their babies’ lives, you can put it off till later but also think hard weather the illness is enough to kill the child. I mean the flu vaccine, it’s just a joke you’re taking a flu vaccine so that you don’t get the flu. What is a flu? A week off in bed with lemon and a book and chicken soup.

Scott: Well I have a friend, just talking about the flu here, whose wife when his wife was three, every time anyone in the neighborhood got an illness the mom grabbed the kid and took her to play with the kid that was sick. They never told me if she got whatever the kid got but I assume she got sick and spent a week in bed but he is married to her and I don’t know how long they have been together but he has never seen her with a cold let alone the flu. What the mom has done is increased the immune system of the child so much. I mean do you want to increase your immune system or do you want to stick something into your body that may sort of help prevent getting that sickness. There are so many other sicknesses that you can get.

Martin: Well it sort of does but we were not supposed to be getting in contact with these viruses through an injection. You’re supposed to lick it or inhale it or come into contact with it in the natural way. When you inject it, it is artificially killed either with formaldehyde or sometimes with mercury or whatever else. Well you are injecting that, that’s not supposed to come into your blood stream.

Scott: That’s insane.

Martin: Well you said it. So anyway what I’m trying to come back to, the main point is you need to decide whether the vaccination is there for convenience or whether it’s saving you from a significant problem. If I were to go work in the tropics I would seriously consider getting a vaccination for yellow fever or something like that because the likelihood of getting it is fairly high.

Scott: Polio vaccination is another one that made a big difference.

Martin: And yet the disease itself was on the decline by the time the vaccination arrived.

Scott: So if you have a strong healthy body and you are exposed to polio, will you get it?

Martin: Well you know this was coming at the early 50s, right after the war, resource depleted so I don’t know. I wish there was some objective research done to show whether this was or was not truly helped by the vaccinations. Not to take away the suffering by the people who had polio, not funny.

Scott: So I guess the place to leave this particular myth is do your homework and get onto internet and do a search on vaccines and autism and a whole bunch of stuff comes up. In fact there are a couple YouTube videos on ABC and Eli Stone that you were talking about earlier. I’ll see if I can get that up on our web page so people can just go there and take a look for themselves.

Martin: The take away for me on this topic would be not everybody has to be vaccinated, especially if your child is showing the signs of having a weak immune system or being sensitive to things, then don’t do it. Put in off, that’s what I would suggest.

Scott: So what’s the next myth you want to smash.

Martin: I don’t want to smash anything; I’m a lover not a fighter.

Scott: Okay what myth do you want to uncover and shine some light on? Or Embrace?

Martin: Smother with love … Okay, how about this one. Most men have been told that if they have prostate issues they must find a way to not take testosterone or not increase levels of testosterone because it may accelerate prostate cancer. Studies have been evaluated and studies have been done and there is no link, doesn’t work.

Scott: Isn’t testosterone a major part of being a guy?

Martin: Yeah, no testosterone, you’re a girl. Do you remember a few podcast’s back we were talking about the aging male syndrome so aging male is losing his testosterone levels, causing him to be cranky and causing him to be indecisive, depressed and in may ways less of the guy that he used to be. So people with enlarged prostates, especially when cautioned to not get their testosterone levels up because it may cause cancer of the prostate well now the numbers are out and that’s a myth. The anti myth here is that if you have sufficient levels of iodine in your body and iodine you would intake probably through kelp or other sea foods.

Scott: Or put it on your skin right?

Martin: Yeah you can do the iodine patch. If you have sufficient levels of iodine, then you don’t have prostate problems and for the ladies with sufficient iodine, you don’t get PMS, you don’t get tender breasts, you don’t get bloating, and you don’t get emotional outbursts before your period. That entire PMS thing is caused by iodine imbalances, 9 out of 10. So what we need folks is please ingest iodine. Please eat kelp, if you don’t know how to get kelp than get Exsula superfoods. There is enough kelp in that to maintain not just your iodine levels but all of the other stuff, all of the coenzyme q10 that keeps your heart healthy and your liver functioning. There is enough folate in their to keep your heart going to prevent cancer and all of that other business that causes people to function at less than perfect. So did I smash it?

Scott: No you shone a nice gentle candle light on it.

Martin: So gentlemen, do not worry about your testosterone being too high, it probably isn’t.

Scott: That’s probably more of the problem, that your testosterone is too low.

Martin: That’s right. So we are excited about the fact that men are allowed to keep their balls.

Scott: We are allowed to remain men. It’s funny though how much misinformation gets out there and people pick from this and pick from that and stick it all together and when you think about it when you are in your 20s you’ve got lots of testosterone and you’re pretty vibrant and healthy. When your 50, 60, and 70 you don’t have all that much and you are weak and tired, like you know it’s common sense.

Martin: So there we have it, try to set up or establish or reestablish your physical function to when you were 25 and don’t worry about anything else. If the 25-year-old body requires a high level of DHEA, a high level of testosterone, by all means if you can achieve that.

Scott: That’s right because if you had maintained it, you would still be the same as you were when you were 25.

Martin: Right and a 25 year old have a whole lot less incidents with cancer than a 50 year old.

Scott: Actually it’s amazing because I’m 51 how many people I know little bit older, little bit younger that have cancer or leukemia or something like that.

Scott: Join us next time for part two …

Author: Life Enthusiast Staff
Life Enthusiast Staff April 16, 2008
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