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Podcast 047: Magnesium Improves Health
Keeping Your Calm in the Storms of Life
Magnesium is an extremely important mineral that your body requires for cellular health (along with calcium, sodium & potassium). It supports healing, regeneration and maintenance of all living cells. It soothes your nervous system (providing deeper rest), and is essential for the production of amino acids that are critical for virtually every chemical reaction in your body.
Scott Paton: Welcome back, everybody. You’re listening to the Life Enthusiast Coop podcast restoring vitality to you and to the planet. I am your co-host Scott Patton, along with Martin Pytela. Hey, Martin. How are you doing? A week before Christmas.
Martin Pytela: Yes, indeed. I’m doing fine. I’m I’m keeping up with it. Although I must tell you, we have had more business than I well than ever. In this last run up to Christmas.
Scott Paton: You’re breaking records, are you?
Martin Pytela: Well, yeah, that part, definitely. But what’s amazing is just how people are buying presents for their loved ones. We have sold a lot of the sort of the gadgety type of things. You know, we don’t do really gadgets, but it’s these water structuring devices, things that help you prevent the environmental stress from the electromagnetic pollution and things that, you know, help you just live a fun life. So we sold pendants and we sold the coasters and that sort of stuff.
Scott Paton: Excellent. Excellent. So we’ve talked in previous podcast episodes about how, in January and February, people get sick, a flu and everything else. And how, Ah, lot of that is because of things that occur over the last week in the next couple weeks leading up to New Year’s and just wanted maybe to get you to kind of give us a refresher or a quick review of why we get the flu and colds and that sort of thing. Uh, before we get into what can you do? This festive season to make sure when you come out, the other end of it that you’re vibrantly healthy is opposed to worn out.
Martin Pytela: You used the key phrase. Coming out the other end, you know? Yeah, we want to clear out the other end its shape. That’s exactly what happens when you overwhelm your body with too much acidity, it tries to get rid of it any which way it can. And that’s actually what flu is all about. Your body’s too acidic, and it’s trying to shake off the same way as dog would try to shake off some mud off of his fur. The body is just simply trying to shake off too much acidity through every which way it knows how to do, which is to sweat it through the skin and to push it through. Well, if you’re not sweating, you’re getting boils. You know you’re getting acne and you are getting zits. And, of course, diarrhea is another possible way of doing it. Just cleanse the thing. Just let her rip or getting rhinitis. You know your nose starts running if you have too much mucus in your body, it needs to get out somehow, so it just starts pushing up through the sinuses. and coughing. You know, that’s too much mucus and phlegm in the lungs, so you’re hacking it out, you know, bringing it up to get rid of it that way. And those are all signs of the body cellular terrain going too acidic, unable to resist the invaders that are present all the time.
Scott Paton: So our body naturally should be more alkaline than it is?
Martin Pytela: Well, the pH of the blood is 7.35. Give or take a little bit either way, but not much. So, if you check the pH of the lymph of a baby, it’s going to be 7.35, totally non toxic. As soon as you start feeding it solid foods, if they’re cooked, they start producing acidic leftovers. And sure enough, as time goes on, the acidity, or the pH I should say of the lymphatic fluid starts going towards the acidic, and it’s the sign of your body being able to balance the acidity and alkalinity. And if there’s too much acidity coming in, it just gets overrun. Your capacity to get rid of it is not able to keep up with what’s coming in.
Scott Paton: And so when we go on, we have huge turkey dinners. And we’re drinking probably more alcohol or Coke or Pepsi and Seven up and staying of late at night and getting up early in the morning and worrying that our loved ones going to like our presents and all the rest of it, we’re pretty well guaranteed to raise the acidic level in our bodies. That what I hear you saying.
Martin Pytela: Exactly. You just hit the highlights. Refined foods, sugar being the worst of it. Cooked proteins, meats, cooked breads, breads, pasta, potatoes that all brings acidity. So, yeah, that all contributes
Scott Paton: So what would be your recommendation if someone wanted to start off the new year in a vibrant, healthy way as opposed to kind of dragging themselves through the New Year’s party?
Martin Pytela: There are two things, right? One is, if you’re already in a whole, please stop digging. Yeah, so if you’re already sick, don’t make it worse. You need to try and find a balance between your body’s ability to alkalize itself and what you’re feeding it. So, you know, an alkalizing bath is a wonderful thing. We have these Miracle II products where you take this nontoxic soap, put it in your bath, and then you put this alkalizing product called Miracle Neutralizer. They should have named it Alkalizer. Anyway, the Miracle Neutralizer is a mineral. It’s liquid bath salt. When we add it to the water, through osmotic pressure it is pulling the acidity out. Of course, you can also use it as a drink supplement it to push it in orally, because your body needs a lot more minerals than what it’s getting anyway. So you know the neutralizer I wish they named that alkalizer. I would love for it to be understood. You know, people keep thinking about supplementation and pushing stuff through the mouth. They push acidity by eating too much acidic, and then they want to push alkalinity by giving themselves an Alka Seltzer and something like that.
Scott Paton: Yeah, Exactly. Well, that’s the way I think about it, Martin. I’m always thinking, Okay, if I’m eating chocolate or I’m eating stuff that, you know, cook this or cooked that or cakes or whatever, then I need to stick something in to neutralize it, right or right or alkalize it. And And I’m always fascinated when we keep talking about having baths and the neutralizing bath or the alkalizing bath, that’s that sounds like a pretty cool way to go look after your health. It’s like, how hard is that, right?
Martin Pytela: Yeah. Not hard at all.
Scott Paton: So eat a turkey, go have a bath.
Martin Pytela: Yes, have a bath with the Miracle 2 Soap and Neutralizer. You can do this with other salts. You can use a pound of baking soda and some Epsom salts, or the magnesium salts that we sell. Or Dead Sea salt is pretty rich in magnesium, so they would be pretty good for that as well.
Scott Paton: So when we talk about magnesium, that’s a highly alkalizing substance. Or that’s one of the things that it does?
Martin Pytela: Yeah, well, magnesium is really important for relaxing things, you know, for every heart beat there’s a calcium ion involved in contracting the heart muscle and magnesium ion involved in relaxing it. The challenge isn’t enough magnesium or enough calcium. I got it twisted around. What I’m saying is that there’s no lack of calcium in our diet. Right? Milk to begin with is rich in calcium. The problem with that, of course, is that it’s not balanced. It’s mostly calcium and not enough magnesium. So it just pushes you over into the calcium heavy, um, tense, squished and easy to upset kind of personality. You know, the classic calcium magnesium imbalance – Road rage? The restless leg syndrome that you see advertising for on the television. Now, that’s a magnesium deficiency. It’s that simple. All you have to do is take a magnesium bath and it’s gone.
Scott Paton: Right. And you can Magnesium supplement is pretty useless because it’s so poorly absorbed through the digestive system.
Martin Pytela: Well, yes, but the bigger challenge is that you need much, much more of it than what your gut will tolerate. Because magnesium is a laxative. Epsom salts will loosen anybody’s bowel very quickly. So if you start supplementing too much magnesium orally, you take two thousand milligrams and you have a diarrhea.
Scott Paton: I see. So it’s really even a problem. Just getting it into the body. Orally?
Martin Pytela: Yes. So the only thing the only way to get plenty of it in through the skin. So that’s why the bath is such a useful, useful thing to do. I guess the only way… you wanted me to put out some kind of a plan. How do I make it through the Christmas? Well,
Scott Paton: that’s right. That’s exactly right, because there’s tons of parties going on, and we’re indulging ourselves and celebrating and everything else. And yet we know that the flu season starts in January and February because we’ve worn ourselves down by staying up later than we normally do, going out more than we normally do, eating more than we normally do, drinking more than we normally do. And actually, it’s really interesting, because one of the impacts on my life from doing this podcast with you is, you know, I’m preparing to go visit my folks and in they live about fifty miles away from across the Strait of Juan de Fuca. And I’m going to be having smaller portions, and I’m going to make sure that I’m not that I don’t drink a lot anyway, but I’m going to drink a little bit less and a lot more water and
Martin Pytela: you know you’re going to treat yourself to health.
Scott Paton: That’s right, that’s right. Have you to treat myself to health.
Martin Pytela: I have this wonderful memory of the first year we decided to go vegetarian and Christmas came up. And what are we going to do? We used to have a turkey, right? So my wife came up with this great idea. She says, Well, we’re going to take a spaghetti squash. Then we’re going to slice it open, and we’re going to scoop out the stuff in the middle. And we’re gonna fill it with stuffing, bread stuffing like you’d stuff a turkey. And then we roasted the whole beast in the oven. And it actually came out really good. Tasty. So we had a salad and a roasted spaghetti squash, stuffed. Yeah, it was good.
Scott Paton: Neat. That’s a great story. Thank you for sharing that.
Martin Pytela: You bet. I need to inspire other budding vegetarians that it’s possible to have a Christmas dinner without a turkey. And turkeys will appreciate it. You have a sure
Scott Paton: They will, But my sister’s vegetarian. So we often have salmon, and she’s not eating turkey.
Martin Pytela: Salmon is a pretty common vegetable. I know.
Scott Paton: Yeah, that’s right. I was going to say we have a salmon instead of a turkey, right? But she felt living on the West Coast with all the fish that just couldn’t be as strict as they normally want or want to be.
Martin Pytela: Yeah, I wouldn’t. I wouldn’t say that. You know, it’s not that you do or don’t eat meats. It’s how you prepare it, you know, you need to eat it less cooked or raw. Which, of course, is a challenge, especially with poultry, because there’s such a threat of bad bacteria on it. You know, when you butcher a chicken, it’s very, very easy for it to get salmonella on the on the meat so you don’t want to eat it raw. Because that would give you a very, very nasty case of intestinal problems.
Scott Paton: Yeah, that’s right.
Martin Pytela: So that’s a much lesser problem with fish.
Scott Paton: So we’ve talked a little bit about the problem everyone has. And some of the solutions which we are using, for example, the neutralizer in a bath to help. Basically, I guess what happens is the skin absorbs the magnesium. Everything that’s alkaline into the body fairly efficiently, I would assume, right?
Martin Pytela: Well, it’s based on the osmotic principle. Osmosis is a process where if you have a higher concentration of ions on one side of a membrane then on the other, they will balance. And in this case, the membrane is the skin. And so if you have it alkaline on the outside and acidic on the inside, it will naturally want to balance. So some ions from the outside will come in and some ions from the inside, will go out. And so acidity leaves and alkalinity enters. So you’re helping to put it back into a more neutral pH balance.
Scott Paton: Right. Cool. So what are some of the other things people could do as you’re preparing, you know, to have some fun. It’s like you’re gonna go up the party but not have the impact or the effect of the party, and it’s sort of what I’m asking. I’m just trying to get a bunch of different ideas. Yeah,
Martin Pytela: I imagine that our listeners are not really party animals. You know, I just find it hard to think that anybody who is listening to these is going to drink to oblivion. Although you know, well, alcohol is a carb and it metabolizes the same way as a sugar. Same way as cupcakes and same way as any other refined sugar. So course that’s the same as Coke or Pepsi, or RC just to leave nobody out. you know, in any of the sodas, any of the sodas with nine teaspoons of sugar per serving is … just… Stay away from it, please.
Scott Paton: So we’re really talking about just having some discipline. Yeah.
Martin Pytela: Yeah. You need to love yourself more than you love the sugar, I suppose. It’s tough, really, because it’s so addictive. I mean, sugar is just such a difficult thing to break. It’s just really yes, especially for some people. you know, if your body likes sugar, it’s just about impossible to break the sugar addiction. It’s worse than cocaine. I am sure, although I’ve never tried to break from cocaine, I’ve tried to break from sugar and I can’t…
Scott Paton: Well, I was just thinking some friends of mine had me over for a little Christmas do that they do every year. And she put some shortbread and she put out some really nice chocolate. I don’t know what it was and I had a short bread and I had the chocolate. I don’t know what it was. I went back and had some more, went back and had some more. I’m just watching myself go back and back and back, and it was just like who is this guy, right? I was just totally out of control, right? Totally. It was, like, so good right. And I would only go and every time I only take one, right? Yeah, I went back ten times because I think is better than taking ten and only going once, right?
Martin Pytela: Oh, absolutely.
Scott Paton: Because I get the exercise of walking three feet back and forth. I was just like I had it, and then it was just like, Yeah, and of course, you’re in that environment that is all about, you know, and kind of indulging If I could put it that way.
Martin Pytela: It is exactly that. But, you know, you’re feeding the sugar high, right? You just keep on feeding it. Eventually, you stop feeding it, and you crash. You know, hopefully, by the time you’ve crashed, you already made it home. Otherwise you’d be falling asleep driving,
Scott Paton: Right? Right? Yeah.
Martin Pytela: And that’s that’s another crazy people make just really stupid decisions when they’re on a sugar high, you know, they’re overly aggressive. And then when they crash, they’re just inattentive and they’re unable to stay awake,
Scott Paton: yeah, not paying attention to what’s going on.
Martin Pytela: So I guess it’s a scary place to be out there on the road. with all these sugar addicts driving.
Scott Paton: Well, then you keep hearing about all the accidents, right?
Martin Pytela: Listen, folks stay home and eat you vegetables.
Scott Paton: Or if you can’t stay home and you have to go out, order extra vegetables or take extra vegetables and cut down on the other stuff.
Martin Pytela: Of course I’m just saying it with a tongue in cheek because it’s an impossibility, of course, we want to visit without loved ones and do what we want to do.
Scott Paton: That’s right. But I think that you’ve given me an idea of what some of my Christmas presents are going to be for my loved ones.
Martin Pytela: Oh, good
Scott Paton: I am going to give them some magnesium and have a bath.
Martin Pytela: Yes. Yeah, actually, you know, I can now make the announcement public. We’re now rolling out this new brand of magnesium supplements where we’re introducing the Exsula Minerals. We found this manufacturer that’s using USP, which means pharmaceutical grade minerals, absolutely guaranteed clean, to manufacture these products. And it’s actually cheaper than the stuff that we were getting with a lesser grade. I’m quite excited about it.
Scott Paton: quality is going up.
Martin Pytela: Price is going down by half. Holy. It’s insane. I was quite upset, actually, when I found out because I don’t know how people are going to feel about it thinking that we have been gouging them all these years. Well, we haven’t, but we have now found a much cheaper source. It’s a shocking thing. Normally I would say, Well, if it’s cheaper, it has to be a lesser quality, but in fact it’s not. It’s better quality. The big difference is that we’re not going way up in volume, so we’re able to actually buy it at a greater discount because of the volume.
Scott Paton: Wow, that’s great. So that that’s the TransDerma brand
Martin Pytela: Exsula Minerals, we’re just rolling it out. I’m just working on the info pages. It’s already in the shopping cart and it’s ready to go.
Scott Paton: Excellent. That’s well, that’s really exciting. Just in time for Christmas.
Martin Pytela: Just in time to deal with the effects of Christmas. Yes, so it’s now called magnesium crystals and magnesium oil, and get it by the gallon.
Scott Paton: So if someone was first of all, if you wanted to get it, you go to www.life-enthusiast.com. But once you’re there, where would you go?
Martin Pytela: Well, in the shopping cart. you click on the dropdown list that says manufacturers, and you select Exsula Minerals.
Scott Paton: Cool. And then you’re right there.
Martin Pytela: Right there you have a list of about thirty different products. Well, it’s essentially all of the same products that we have been selling under the Twilight America brand we now are able to get them in this Exsula Minerals brand, our in house brand unique to us and greatest quality products. The process is still the same, charging in the Star Chamber charging as Jim Carter was doing. I’m doing
Scott Paton: That’s exciting.
Martin Pytela: I’m really pleased with it because I’m expecting great things from it. You know, we’ll be able to get it into so many more people’s hands because it’s so much more affordable. I mean, it’s you know, the cost is like fifty cents per bath now,
Scott Paton: right? Right. And what a huge difference that’s going to make. You’re on a one man crusade to stop road rage and alkalize the body.
Martin Pytela: Scott. You got me. You have it pegged perfectly. I’m the Road Rage Eliminator.
Scott Paton: The Road Rage Terminator, I like it. Well, I think we should end on that high note, Martin. I could just see now that everyone’s going to get these magnesium crystals and then when someone cuts him off, they’re going to throw them at the other car.
Martin Pytela: No, no, no, no. I want these to be presents for everybody who ever got a red faced mad person yelling at you because they need it bad.
Scott Paton: You know, it’s funny you say that, and I know that we were just about the wind up, and we’re probably going to go for a little bit longer. But I was talking to a friend of mine and she flew down to Nashville and visited a friend of hers and another friend of theirs flew up from I think it was Australia and they had three or four five days together and then on the last day or the second last day, one of them, not my friend. But one of her friends just blew up and yelled and screamed at her for forty five minutes. That’s a big blowup. And she said you know, I do not want to defend this person for blowing up at all. But if I could have thought of a good excuse for her doing it, I would least have tried to understand what happened. But she says it’s not like she did anything. You know, she kept putting the toilet seat down like you’re supposed to. And you know, I mean, it wasn’t like she was picking at her or criticizing her or smashed her car, insulted her, just right out of the blue.
Martin Pytela: To a person who’s in significant mineral imbalance, the trigger is just anything. I think you know,
Scott Paton: that’s what she said. No, I can’t think of any reason why she did that to me.
Martin Pytela: Yeah, All you have to do is just… the towel is folded, left side in instead of right side in. That’ll do it.
Scott Paton: So for those of us that always wonder why someone flips off, where flips out with and there’s no reason for them to flip out that we can tell, we have the answer right? It’s not a mental thing.
Martin Pytela: They’ve been drinking much coffee. They get themselves too acidic. They have too much calcium and not enough magnesium raging through their blood. Kurt Vonnegut would say, You know, there was bad chemicals running in his blood.
Scott Paton: Neat, Yeah. All right.
Martin Pytela: I guess the Kurt Vonnegut reference doesn’t really strike high score with you, doesn’t it?
Scott Paton: I really enjoy his writing. And I’m sorry that I’m sorry that he’s passed on and is not writing anymore.
Martin Pytela: Yes, sad. But he left us a wonderful legacy. He sure did.
Scott Paton: So Speaking of leaving, I think this is a good time for us to say goodbye to everybody who’s been enjoying this podcast episode with us. We really appreciate it. You’ve been listening to the Life Enthusiast Coop podcast restoring vitality to you and to the planet. And Martin, if somebody wanted to get a hold of you and ask you few questions about May museum or anything else having to do with our health, what number should they call?
Martin Pytela: Call the eight hundred number. 1-866-543-3388. By the way, that actually spells L I F E E T T.
Scott Paton: All right. Well, thank you for joining us, everybody. We look forward to having you with us again. Very, very soon. Any last words?
Martin Pytela: Merry Christmas, everyone.
Scott Paton: Bye bye.