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Podcast 043: Avoiding Malnutrition
Malnutrition and practical ways our hosts who often travel use to avoid it. Scott recounts a story of sitting on a train platform when he realized he just caught a cold. Even though it was a sunny day, he felt a shiver run down his spine and knew he’d be fighting this one for a while.
What Scott describes is a result of malnutrition from extended time on the road, without proper nutrition and regular meals. Frequent flying and time zone changes can have a tremendous effect on mental and emotional health. While traveling, you are frequently cramped in tight quarters with a large group of people, which can lead to the spreading of disease when your immune system is least expecting it.
Tune into the podcast episode for helpful solutions and remedies including Exsula Superfoods!
Scott Paton: Welcome back everybody. You are listening to the Life Enthusiast Co-op podcast. I am your co-host Scott Paton along with Martin Pytela. Hey Martin, how are you doing today?
Martin Pytela: I am doing good. I am feeling peaceful and contented. Imagine that!
Scott Paton: Great and I want to give you the opportunity to start off by telling everybody our byline instead of me doing it this time.
Martin Pytela: Restoring vitality to you and to the planet?
Scott Paton: That’s the one and I have to say that you have done a very good job of restoring my vitality although today and the last week or so I have been cleansing I guess, I have been fighting a bit of a cold and I want to say that it was very interesting because I know the second that I got the cold and I was sitting on a train platform in England, it was a sunny day, it was a bit cool, fall, sunny day and I was in the shade and I just had this little shudder go down my spine and I went, “Oh, darn. I just knew it meant that I was going to be fighting this cold, but and I am surprised because I haven’t been dragging or you know, yeah, I cough a little bit, my nose is runny, and I have the cold symptoms, but I haven’t been bedridden or any of those things and it has been kind of interesting…
Martin Pytela: Yeah, so, I guess that’s a bit of a testimony to the resilience of your immune system, that you are not really all that unwell anymore.
Scott Paton: No, that’s right.
Martin Pytela: On the other hand you know, I would speculate that the reason you got it was because of… flying overseas is a… you know, it is really hard on you. I mean shifting across and changing time zones and all of that, that’s not fun.
Scott Paton: Well, and I really think that you are right. I think that when we are under a lot of mental and emotional stress or physical stress or you know being in an airplane for 12 hours with 50 other people, I know that I put myself in environments that were not really helpful, I wasn’t… haven’t been exercising as much as I would like because I have been traveling so much and those different things, so, there were lots of kind of factors and it is interesting talking about them from the point of view of these are the things I did and that’s why I got this result as opposed to man, you know, I just got this cold, poor me, I am such a… you know, I made those choices that put me into that lifestyle for that period of time and it is one of the consequences of that and my body is just saying man, you are doing too much, you are running around too much, like slow down and…
Martin Pytela: Yeah, it’s good, it’s good that you have become self empowered, self aware and essentially own your own outcomes, right?
Scott Paton: Yeah. The other thing that I really noticed for the last… excluding the last maybe six months, probably less than six months, but for the previous 40 odd years of my life, when it came to 8 o’clock, 9 o’clock, 10 o’clock at night, I would have this almost compulsion to go and at first, it was make a corned beef sandwich with my dad and then when I left home, it was have a bowl of cereal or you know a grapefruit or some… usually, it was cereal, although lots of times it was sandwiches, late in the day, like I mean just before bed sort of thing and it was one of those things where I imagine this is what addicts go through, like I am going to all the cupboards and I am opening and I am looking and I am just like frantic trying to find something to stick in my mouth.
Martin Pytela: Yeah, what is going to satisfy me? Yeah, that’s a classic actually of the symptoms of malnutrition if you can believe it.
Scott Paton: Yeah.
Martin Pytela: Living in the richest society, suffering from malnutrition, how is that possible?
Scott Paton: I don’t know and I noticed though the last few months that, you know, it’s 8 o’clock, it’s 9 o’clock, it’s 10 o’clock, it’s like oh, I feel satisfied. I feel… my body feels contented… my stomach is not sending off these messages to my brain that are like, get me food, get me food and it is really nice. I am quite enjoying it actually.
Martin Pytela: Well, that’s great. Well, I guess that a great intro to what I am trying to talk about today being malnutritioned, that’s…
Scott Paton: So, how can we have, you know, I mean, look at our grocery shelves. They are full of food and yet… and we are getting obese and yet you are talking about malnutrition. It just doesn’t quite make sense.
Martin Pytela: Well, let me share… yeah, let me share the statistics from the US Department of Agriculture about what people eat, you know, what is the most common eating. #1, whole cow’s milk, #2, 2% milk, I don’t know why they needed to do two separate categories on that….
Scott Paton: Right.
Martin Pytela: #3, processed American cheese, #4…
Scott Paton: Oh, that’s good for you.
Martin Pytela: Yeah, #4, white bread, #5, white flour, and #6, white rolls. Again, I don’t know why they needed to separate all three, but there they are; #7, refined sugar; #8, colas – did you know that colas were a food group according to the USDA?
Scott Paton: Holy smokes, #8 is like Coca-Cola and Pepsi Cola and…
Martin Pytela: Yeah, soda pops.
Scott Paton: Wow.
Martin Pytela: And #9, ground beef. So, what you just heard is stuff that is practically devoid of nutrients with lots and lots of calories, very high glycemic index, and essentially starch, which is just a complicated sugar and sugar and cola which is sugar with water…
Scott Paton: And then Bubbles.
Martin Pytela: And then the cow’s milk which of course while we can discuss the beauty of that, you know, the power of advertising, the illusion of energy, calcium grows strong bones.
Scott Paton: Yeah, yeah, and of course we know you need magnesium in there too, right?
Martin Pytela: Yeah without magnesium nothing happens. You know, you can have a load of bricks and without magnesium, it is not going to stay together.
Scott Paton: That’s right. You know when you spoke about the processed cheese that reminded me of a story I heard about how processed cheese came to be and it was in World War I or II, actually I am not sure which one, and this cheese maker, they needed to get food that they could put out into the battle field where there was no refrigeration, that wouldn’t go bad for the soldiers to eat and so this cheese maker went into see a general and he said, “I have this cheese and it will be fine for the soldiers and of course no cheese would not go bad in a couple of days, right?” And so the general didn’t believe him, so, when the fellow left he took the cheese and he put it on the radiator and left and two or three days later, the general noticed the cheese sitting on the radiator and he looked at it and he took a little bit and he ate it and he left it a couple of more days and he looked at it and he took a little bit and he ate it, and there was no change in the texture, there was no change in the taste and you know everything else. So, basically, it was cheese that couldn’t go bad and that’s how processed cheese came to be and you have to wonder like, you know…
Martin Pytela: Well, here is the point, if it cannot go bad, how could it actually yield any nutrition to you?
Scott Paton: How do we extract any nutrients out of something that’s basically …
Martin Pytela: But anyway, so, just you know yeah, I would like to return to the point I was trying to make, which is so there is always calories and not enough nutrition. So, if you are eating the standard American diet, which is rich in calories, but very poor enough in nutrition, you will have these phenomenal cravings, that they will just meddle it up. Your body essentially says, I need nutrients and since you have been under educated, you think that that means eat something, so you go into the cupboard and find yourself a bag of chips or a bowl of cereal or a sandwich with something and eat it thinking that that’s nutrition.
Scott Paton: Right.
Martin Pytela: But that’s just more calories. That’s how you get fat. More calories in than calories out, one day at a time, you know, little bit here, little bit there, pretty soon it adds up to a pound.
Scott Paton: Yeah, and the calories don’t…
Martin Pytela: Anyway, so what I am trying to say to people is take about two-thirds of what you eat in raw, raw foods, raw vegetables, two-thirds by volume, which means you can eat tomatoes and cucumbers and lettuce and apples and oranges, but stay the heck out of white flour and white bread. I mean look at white flour; if it doesn’t spoil, that means all the good stuff has been taken out of it.
Scott Paton: I think that’s a really good way of looking at it. It’s… the food is supposed to breakdown and if we make it so that it doesn’t breakdown, then we are not going to be getting out of it what we need to get out of it.
Martin Pytela: That’s exactly right. You know, when I went to… while I was traveling to Florida, I took a bottle of the Exsula superfood with me and on the fourth day of nice and humid, we had air conditioning, but still nice and humid weather, the bottle started to kind of have a nice whiff to it. So, that was telling me okay, this stuff does really have enzymes in it and it really is digesting itself very quickly. So, I would tell people to keep it in freezers.
Martin Pytela: Well, I wanted to mention this following that in the nutritional instructions, people hear take so much of carbohydrates, take protein, take fiber, all of these different categories, but what they don’t tell you is that the quality that you are supposed to take. I mean there is a big difference between carbohydrate from popcorn and carbohydrate from fresh beans for instance or I can’t even think of all the stuff that doesn’t get mentioned. They mention these big groups like carbohydrates, proteins, and fat, and fiber, none of those actually contain any of the important stuff, you know, the phytonutrients.
Scott Paton: Right.
Martin Pytela: I mean if carbohydrate was that you could eat sugar; if fat was it, you could use lard, and protein, well, you could use just you know a piece of bacon I suppose and that’s that.
Scott Paton: Be done with it.
Martin Pytela: Yeah, be done with it. You wouldn’t last very long on a diet like that. Well… oh, mind you some people can live on it for a long time…
Scott Paton: Well, our bodies are amazing, right?
Martin Pytela: Yeah, it’s just fantastic how it is able to withstand the malnutrition that we give it and so this is why we are making these superfoods. You know, these superfoods are able to make up for the difference between what you are eating and what you should be eating because these are the most nutrient dense foods that we can buy.
Scott Paton: The other thing when it comes to nutrition that I have heard a lot of Martin is combining foods a certain way and maybe for those people that are listening have heard a little bit about it, but aren’t really aware of the concept. You might be able to just expand on that a little bit.
Martin Pytela: Sure. We will explain food combining. Early on when people started promoting vegetarian lifestyles, a big issue was is this a complete protein? And you needed to say, “Well, you need to eat rice and beans together to make up a complete protein because there are certain amino acids in one and not in the other” and nutritionists were trying to design meals so that you would always have a complete protein with all the essential amino acids in the same meal. Later, it became obvious that it doesn’t have to be on the same day. So, you don’t have to really plan your meals in such a careful way.
Scott Paton: Well, when you think about it, when we were kind of running around the Savannah avoiding saber-toothed tigers, we didn’t really stop and say, okay, I have had a cup of blueberries, I better make sure I have a carrot with that. [laughs] Right?
Martin Pytela: Yeah exactly. You ate whatever showed up that day and then the second issue of food combining is the more modern concept of alkalizing as you eat because in your stomach, to digest proteins, you need to create much more acidic environment than to digest carbohydrates.
Scott Paton: Oh okay.
Martin Pytela: So, there is sort of competition going on in your stomach; to digest spaghetti, you need to go somewhat alkaline and to digest the meatballs, you need to go quite acidic and maybe, you will remember this experiment from your high school where you take some baking soda and pour some vinegar on it. Do you recall that one?
Scott Paton: No, but I can imagine that it was quite a violent reaction.
Martin Pytela: Well, it is very… you get heat and you get bubbles. You get fizz. The output is extra heat and extra carbon dioxide, which is exactly what you get in your stomach and you call it heartburn.
Scott Paton: Oh, I see.
Martin Pytela: So, people who actually are suffering from the GERD, you know, the gastroesophageal reflux something, I don’t remember those.
Scott Paton: Oh, acid reflux?
Martin Pytela: Yeah, acid reflux. People who suffer from that could have helped themselves a lot by practicing food combining which would mean only one concentrated food on a plate, essentially salad with a potato, salad with a steak, salad with spaghetti, salad with rice, salad with piece of fish, essentially fresh veggies most of the time with a little bit of a concentrated either protein or carbohydrate, but not both.
Scott Paton: Interesting.
Martin Pytela: So, that’s the famous food combining and that by the way is the shortest way to lose a lot of fat. It’s the quickest way to drop waistline, especially for people who have a whole bunch of fat coming up all around the middle.
Scott Paton: All right.
Martin Pytela: So, how far back do we go?
Scott Paton: Just no, just the last sentence, we were talking about food combining and…
Martin Pytela: So, the food combining lifestyle is very much unlike the standard American diet or the hamburger is the wrong thing and the sandwich is the wrong thing, it just… you know, all of those favorites meals that are so easy to fix, that we are all used to, they are just badly combined.
Scott Paton: Right. I was going to say the trick is to add, looks to me is to have salad and something.
Martin Pytela: Yes. Do the Food Combining, it… all of a sudden, you make a commitment you decide you are going to do it, it’s possible. You know, the meals that I eat away from home, I used to pack lunches, you know, I would have a bowl of rice and a big salad and that’s that.
Scott Paton: Right.
Martin Pytela: Worked like a charm. I have gone from size 36 waist to size 30 waist in no time.
Scott Paton: There you go. So, there is the secret to losing weight.
Martin Pytela: And to losing chunkiness, to losing volume.
Scott Paton: Chunkiness, right.
Martin Pytela: It’s the weight that you don’t need you know. Yeah, I simply became slim, right?
Scott Paton: Right. Nice. I have a question too about one of the things that the Life Enthusiast Co-op website talks about is the daily cycles of our body as far as food goes and then.
Martin Pytela: That goes together, yeah. That goes together with this food combining concept.
Scott Paton: And I thought it was just interesting the way that you had it laid out and I was hoping that you could share a little bit of that with our listeners.
Martin Pytela: Sure. You bet. It’s… well, what happens is that your body’s cells, not the digestive system, but at the cellular level, you have three cycles, elimination…
Martin Pytela: I thought that we… okay, your body has three digestion, appropriation, and elimination and you get about eight hours of each throughout every day and that’s at the cellular level, not in the digestive system. So, during the appropriation, you are essentially taking stuff on and that is…
Scott Paton: So, eating you mean.
Martin Pytela: Yeah, eating. That’s essentially bringing stuff in, between about noon and eight in the evening; that would be the appropriation cycle. Then digestion from about eight in the evening to about gee, I don’t know if I am saying it right.
Scott Paton: Four… you are.
Martin Pytela: Yes. Yeah, that’s right. I should remember these things. Sorry about that.
Scott Paton: Well, there is lots of information. You are doing pretty good …
Martin Pytela: [laughs] So, you have these cycles, first you have appropriation, you eat from about noontime for about eight hours, so until about 8 p.m., from 8 p.m. to about 4 a.m., you have the digestion, where the body is actually working on taking the stuff that you ingested, taking it apart so that the cells can actually bring it in and then finally between 4 in the morning and noontime, you have elimination and that’s a cellular elimination.
Scott Paton: So, we are not necessarily saying that if you went to the bathroom at 2 in the afternoon you were doing it at the wrong time, right?
Martin Pytela: No, that’s not that. No, it’s just that…
Scott Paton: Because that’s…
Martin Pytela: Yeah, at the cellular level, you are trying to get rid of stuff and what’s interesting is the moment you start eating, appropriation, you essentially shut down the eliminative cycle. So, if you start eating a very rich breakfast at about 9 in the morning, you utcatch your cellular elimination cycle in the morning by about three hours.
Scott Paton: Right. So, but often times when we wake up in the morning, we are hungry, right? So, you think we should have like light fruit
Martin Pytela: Yeah, they should eat fruits, yeah. Yeah, we should eat fruits because fruits is the stuff that does not digest in the stomach. It actually passes through the stomach and digests in the duodenum, so, it does not affect the cycle.
Scott Paton: So, what I am hearing is bacon and eggs or a Denver omelet, and hash browns and sausage and porridge is probably not the best thing to have first thing in the morning.
Martin Pytela: Well, it is a great lunch.
Scott Paton: There you go.
Martin Pytela: With a big salad. I can’t imagine that you know the bacon and eggs, you know, that stuff is great for people who work physically, extremely hard. That sort of stuff was developed when farmers were threshing or when they went into the bush to cut trees with hands, saws, and axes; guys who put out 5000 and 6000 calories in a day, that’s the sort of people that need to eat these kind of breakfasts, but ordinary folks don’t have such calorie requests. The body just doesn’t need it. We are used to it because… you know, we like to eat it, we are used to it, but it sure is not required. You know we need the high nutrient content food. Nutrient to calorie ratio they call it, NCR, and the nutrients in an egg, while there is a good deal of proteins in there, but the rest is totally missing and you really need the phytonutrients from plants. That’s what’s really going to keep you going a long time.
Scott Paton: Right.
Martin Pytela: So, what do we do? We have been telling these poor listeners give up the American diet, give up the European culture, start eating like a Chinese person, eat a stir fry, it is a good thing. Eat a salad.
Scott Paton: Eat a salad, yeah. I had… a friend of mine yesterday took me out to a Vietnamese restaurant where we had a bowl, it was basically a bowl of soup with some noodles and bean sprouts and basil I think it was that we had to shred with our fingers and some other vegetables in it and it was just delicious and filling.
Martin Pytela: Great.
Scott Paton: Yeah, so, I mean when I think about how easy that was to prepare and you know bean sprouts, I mean it is living food that we are just putting into soup, it’s not hard, it is just a matter of kind of rethinking how we do things really.
Martin Pytela: Yeah. Well, you know, we are living too richly. You know, the farmers did not kill an animal everyday to have fresh meat. It was maybe on the weekend they would kill a chicken or once a year they would butcher a pig and then they would have the meat for a bit, but they would not eat meat everyday. It just wasn’t the story.
Scott Paton: Right.
Martin Pytela: It is just this rich, western society that allows to do that, but you know eating that way really drives up the risk of cancer. Colon cancer for sure and lymphatic cancer because it increases the… you know the metabolites of nitrogen rich foods, which is mostly meats and eggs, end up in your lymphatic system, it clogs it, so, your body is unable to eliminate it, you end up with the lymphoma or you end up with the other cancers like the breast and uterus or prostate cancers. All of that stuff is essentially related to lifestyle. It is the nutritional mayhem that we are causing in our bodies that’s giving us these chronic diseases.
Scott Paton: Right. So, what you are saying is that we are the masters of our own fate. We just need to learn how to drive the ship a little better.
Martin Pytela: Yeah. Yeah. I really feel quite upset with the industrial interests. They have done such a good job, you know, the grain lobby and the dairy lobby and the meat producer lobby, this goes back into the 1920s and ’30s when they created the four food groups and the square meal, you know where you are supposed to have a carbohydrate…
Scott Paton: Three square meals…
Martin Pytela: Yeah, like the square meal, you know had four corners on it and that was… it was the diary, the grain, the meat, and the vegetables only got one corner, but it shouldn’t have been like that you know. It should have been eat your vegetables and have a teeny bit of something concentrated here and there now and then unless you are an Olympic athlete who is training so hard that you are putting out 6000 to 10000 calories a day. I mean who works this hard in this society anymore?
Scott Paton: No. That’s right. Not very many people.
Martin Pytela: Yeah. I mean you don’t walk to work and you don’t ride on your horse to work. I mean riding a horse 10 miles is quite a workout, right?
Scott Paton: That’s right.
Martin Pytela: Yeah, now you just get on your… just sit down at the steering wheel and drive yourself to office and then instead of picking up the scythe or something like that, then just swinging hard and forth six to eight hours, you just flick your wrist with your mouse.
Scott Paton: Oh, you have been watching me work.
Martin Pytela: [laughter] That’s my style too you know.
Scott Paton: Yeah.
Martin Pytela: So, anyway, the point of that is that we don’t need the calories and yet we ingest them. We need to turn it upside down. We need to first eat nutrient dense foods, get the superfoods. That’s why you are feeling better now that you have been taking these superfoods because they are making up the difference, but with the nutrients that you have been missing.
Scott Paton: Absolutely. Yeah and throughout the day when I am working, I don’t feel like I have to get up every 10 minutes to have a donut or a muffin or a cup of coffee or something like that.
Martin Pytela: Yeah because your body is not calling for more nutrients, which you would have trained it to believe that it’s just simply more food, but it is not that. It’s nutrients the body wants.
Scott Paton: Yeah, that’s an important distinction to make isn’t it?
Martin Pytela: Yeah. Yeah, because if you grab a bag of chips because they are flavorful, they just give you a pile of calories and very little nutrition. If instead you were to grab at least an apple or a carrot stick, you would be better off, but they better be organic because if you have carrots that have been grown in some exhausted and tired soils with the help of diazenone to get rid of the pests and NPK fertilizer to push it fast, again, you have a carrot that looks like a carrot, but the nutrient density is a quarter of what it should have been.
Scott Paton: Good point.
Martin Pytela: It’s frustrating for me to watch it because I get these phone calls from people saying what should I do? I eat so well. I eat… and then we start up analyzing it. Well, what exactly are you eating and how are you eating it and it comes down to the fact that even though it looks okay, it doesn’t have the minerals and doesn’t have the phytonutrients that it is supposed to have. So, there is your malnutrition; the only way out of that is with supplementation. You cannot get it in a grocery store anymore, it is just not there.
Scott Paton: Yeah and people who try this see a massive difference very, very shortly you know in a very short period of time because really like you said, we have been malnutr… we have had malnutrition running rampant through our society for so long that once we start getting a little nutrition in that body, it makes a huge difference.
Martin Pytela: That’s right. Yeah, I really get frustrated with the medical profession because lot of them still insist that you can get all the vitamins you need from eating well. I mean that’s such a common fallacy. It’s impossible to be eating well if you are shopping at your grocery store. It’s just not there. Now, they are starting to put organic food section in there. That stands a chance of giving you decent nutrients.
Scott Paton: Cool. All right. So, where should someone go if they want to find out more information about getting some nutrient dense food Martin?
Martin Pytela: Oh, it’s the Life Enthusiast Co-op, restoring vitality to you [laughs] and superfoods, superfoods is definitely great and it is on our website, a number of products and minerals. You know, mineral supplements, 60% or more percent of the population is deficient in magnesium. So, get our magnesium supplements. That’s it you know. It’s so basic. I mean I am starting to repeat myself. It’s not complicated.
Scott Paton: Right and everyone tries to make it very complicated, don’t they?
Martin Pytela: Yeah. Yeah.
Scott Paton: So, the can head over to www.life-enthusiast.com, click on the products and look for superfoods and magnesium.
Martin Pytela: Yep, those are the two first things that they need to start from and then good water and then good well whatever. There is more…
Scott Paton: Get some exercise…
Martin Pytela: Once you start reading… yeah, once you start reading you won’t be able to stop and then you will have to get up and get some exercise, yes sir.
Scott Paton: That’s right. Well, then that’s something, you know, we tend to… we try to model as best we can and we actually postponed the recording of this podcast half hour because it had been raining here all day and the sun came out when we were supposed to start and I asked you Martin if it was okay to wait half an hour so I could go for my walk in the sun and you very graciously agreed and I just had a wonderful walk along the river that’s right beside my place and…
Martin Pytela: Awesome.
Scott Paton: And it was just nice to get out into the trees and… there was one little dog, his master was giving him a walk and he just went nuts and he was jumping up and down and racing towards me. So, I had to go over and pet him for a few minutes.
Martin Pytela: [laughs]
Scott Paton: The friendliest dog I have ever seen and he was just so excited. His tail was going, he had a big smile on his face, his ears were wagging and it was very nice.
Martin Pytela: [laughs] Funny how that goes.
Scott Paton: Yeah. Yeah.
Martin Pytela: It’s great. Yeah. Exercise is great you know, that’s what’s required and also the other great thing is of course sunlight. We all so need to actually be out there in the sun moving around…
Scott Paton: Yeah, it felt so good.
Martin Pytela: Not looking at a computer screen, looking at trees and birds and the water and the river and all those things you know. I mean we are not supposed to be looking at straight lines. We are supposed to be looking at fractal, complex landscapes.
Scott Paton: Yeah, that’s right. That’s a good point. I love fractals, they are so pretty.
Martin Pytela: Yeah.
Scott Paton: All right. Well, that kind of brings us to the end of this episode. It has been great information as usual Martin. I really appreciate you taking time out of your busy day to share with myself and all of our listeners and if anyone wants to leave a comment or have a question, they can leave it on our podcast page at lifeenthusiast.podomatic.com. Also, if you have got a specific question that you want to talk to Martin about, you can call him at 866-543-3388. I will just give that one more time; that’s 866-543-3388 and if you have got any question about nutrition and well, Martin, you have been helping many people maximize their health. I don’t know how… you know, the proper way to say it is, but all right… so… any last words Martin before we go?
Martin Pytela: So, folks I just want you to contemplate the difference between animal protein and vegetable protein. Is there a difference between a good, organic grown Canadian hemp protein powder and a piece of oh, salted bacon? And if you can figure out the difference, please call me and if you can’t figure out the difference, then just order a bottle of the Exsula superfoods. Anyway, I am done for today. Thank you very much for listening. Call me if you want at 1-866-543-3388. Thank you everybody for listening to Life Enthusiast Co-op’s podcast. This is Martin Pytela, closing for myself and Scott Paton, reach us at 1-866-543-3388 or website, www.life-enthusiast.com. Thank you, restoring vitality to you and to the planet. Goodbye everybody.