July 4, 2007 by
Life Enthusiast Staff

Podcast 029: Strategically Resolve Causes not Symptoms

As Scott points out at the beginning of this Podcast, Life Enthusiast doesn’t restore vitality to you alone, but to the planet itself as well. The slogan: “Restoring Vitality To You And To The Planet” should be a model for all the citizens of the world, especially given the recent environmental issues at hand. We take on Al Gore’s explanation of the cause pf global warming.

As Martin points out, it all comes down to what he calls the “strategic vs. tactical”. That is: Do you simply want to alleviate the nasty symptoms of the problem, or do you want to cut to the root of the problem, weeding it out altogether?

Podcast 029: Strategically Resolve Causes not Symptoms

Strategic or Tactical? The Climate or the Weather? The Cause or the Symptom?

Scott Paton: Welcome back everybody. You are listening to the Life Enthusiast Co-Op podcast, restoring vitality to you and to the planet. I am your co-host Scott Paton along with Martin Pytela. Hey, Martin, how are you doing today?

Martin Pytela: Scott, if I was any better, I would have to pinch myself.

Scott Paton: [laughs] Well, we don’t want you to hurt yourself Martin. one of the things that I really like about the Life Enthusiast Co-Op is its slogan or tag line or whatever you want to call it, restoring vitality to you and to the planet because what I have noticed in the time that I have been using the products is my vitality has in fact risen. You know, I really do feel like I am a 25-year-old instead of a 50-year-old and to prove it, I just spent the last week out at a resort in the Rocky Mountains called Panorama with my son who likes to mountain bike and one day he came down from the mountain and he said, “They are staying open a little bit later. They don’t close to like 8 tonight or something, but I have had enough” and so, I thought, you know, I am going to get on his bike and I am going to go down the mountain and I am not a mountain biker, I like to bike, but on flat ground, right?

Martin Pytela: [laughs]

Scott Paton: So, up I went and I said, “What’s the easiest way for down for someone who has never been on this mountain before” and the guy showed me, so, I went down. It was just basically like cross country biking.

Martin Pytela: Was it the Schober’s Way or something like that.

Scott Paton: It was very, very easy coming down. So, then as a second time I said, “Well, I am going to take a little bit more of a… more challenging route” right and of course, the greens, it’s a ski hill, so the greens are the easy ones and the black diamonds are the hard ones, so, I was sticking to the green and I went around this corner and of course, the confidence is not there because I am just learning the terrain and it is such a strange bike and I am going downhill fast and accidentally, I decided to slow down, so, I squeezed the handlebars and of course they had like disk brakes on the front…

Martin Pytela: It bites hard, eh?

Scott Paton: Right over the top I went.

Martin Pytela: Oh, dear.

Scott Paton: And rolled down about 10 feet in the bush and I thought, “Oh, good thing I have got a helmet on and everything else.” I thought, “Oh, man” and that’s when I realized that even though I feel 25, I am not really 25. I was feeling my age and one of the things that we were talking about, the reason I kind of want to talk about this was restoring vitality to you and restoring vitality to the planet is one of the keystones of the Life Enthusiast Co-Op and there has been a lot of stuff in the news and a lot of documentaries and stuff, Al Gore’s documentary that came out that talks about that and I thought it would be a really good topic to discuss like what can people do to restore vitality to themselves and also to the planet, because what’s the point of being alive and vibrant on a planet on that’s dead, right?

Martin Pytela: [laughs] oh, yeah.

Scott Paton: So, was it too brutal or what?

Martin Pytela: Yeah. No. No. It’s a right kind of questioning. You know what I wanted to raise, in most conversations, I have to start asking people, “Well, do you want to just fix the problem or do you actually want to find a solution to the long term issue, to the cause of it.” It is the strategic versus tactical. It is the holistic versus I don’t know what the opposite word to that is. I guess singularistic. Holistic as in seeing the whole situation as opposed to…

Scott Paton: Right. Right. Well, it is kind of like when someone feels ill and they take some pills so they don’t feel ill, but they are still ill. You know what I mean?

Martin Pytela: Yeah, oh, yeah.

Scott Paton: It is like… you know… so, like… you can mask the symptoms, right?

Martin Pytela: Yeah, the classic metaphor is well, so on the dashboard on your car there are some lights, so the red light for your oil pressure goes on, so, what is the solution that you are going to go for. Take a piece of chewing gum and stick it over the top of it?

Scott Paton: [laughs] Right.

Martin Pytela: Or just unplug the light?

Scott Paton: Yeah, or just put a little bit of oil in ?

Martin Pytela: Well, that would be thinking a little more holistic, saying, “Okay, there is a red light. Hmm… okay, it is engine, so, you better stop because if you don’t stop, the engine is going to probably go into some kind of a crisis in a little while later. You can keep running an overheated engine for a while.

Scott Paton: That’s right. That’s exactly right.

Martin Pytela: And so… anyway, I wanted to raise this… you know, Al Gore is a great example. So, here is a fellow who is probably well meaning and well, actually I am not sure of that, but anyway, he is at least sending a message saying, “Folks, we have a problem. We see the climate change on the planet. There is no denying that we are watching climatic changes.”

Scott Paton: Yes.

Martin Pytela: But here goes Al Gore and says, “The cause is the content of the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. I am absolutely sure of it. I have all the evidence I need and I am telling you it is the industry that’s doing it” and I am here to tell you that he is not right.

Scott Paton: Oh, so you are taking a very controversial position here Martin.

Martin Pytela: Oh, I am afraid so sir.

Scott Paton: [laughs] So, tell us why is he not right or what is the right answer.

Martin Pytela: Well, let me start with some evidence, right?

Scott Paton: Okay.

Martin Pytela: Al Gore has this long chart which shows that the levels of carbon dioxide go up and the temperature goes up, but what he is missing is that first the temperature goes up and then the carbon dioxide goes up.

Scott Paton: Oh.

Martin Pytela: He is switching those two things together or he is using a scale that doesn’t show the difference fast enough. Here is another piece of evidence. Currently, there is a global warming taking place on Mars, Jupiter, and Neptune. The astronomers are clearly seeing the evidence of that. Explain to me why it is possible to have global warming on Neptune and how does that relate to global warming on the Earth.

Scott Paton: It is interesting you brought that up because I was thinking about that, I had heard that, read that in a I think a page on NASA site and one of the things it was very, very interesting about that was they said there is no increase in energy output from the sun. So, you would think that one reason why there might be global warming on planets is because there is more energy coming from the Sun for some reason, right?

Martin Pytela: You know what’s strange there? There is definitely an increase in solar activity in the solar spots. I mean we are going through some pretty amazing solar spot issues and how is that not an increase in solar activity?

Scott Paton: Yeah. Yeah. Interesting.

Martin Pytela: I mean, you know, okay, the overall input as we measure it as far as the photons probably remains the same, but there is a lot of magnetic stuff going on that…

Scott Paton: Oh, maybe that’s part of it.

Martin Pytela: That’s very visible and I have actually been tracking that data for some time and yeah, you know earthquakes and weather patterns like storms and whatnot is all related to that.

Scott Paton: To the magnetics, you mean.

Martin Pytela: Yeah, to the magnetics on the Sun, to the what they call the solar spots or sun spots they call them and so… when you have those and these are CME, coronal mass ejection, which is some kind of a plasma that is just pushed out by storms on the surface of the sun and these are particles other than photons that are coming our way.

Scott Paton: And this is like the flares that we hear of coming from the sun.

Martin Pytela: Yep, those are them, yeah.

Scott Paton: So, the solar system what you are saying is going through a “global” warming.

Martin Pytela: Yeah, so that would be a solar warming, yeah.

Scott Paton: A solar warming, interesting. Well… okay.

Martin Pytela: Anyway, so that’s one and… anyway, so, there we are showing the evidence that possibly the source of this warming that we are clearly seeing, I mean we see climatic change is possibly other than the carbon dioxide and the other part of that statement was that the carbon dioxide is put out by plants and the plants are… burning plants especially, right? So, if you see more fires, you will be really seeing the carbon that’s been stored in the biomass and it is being released into the atmosphere and sure enough we see a lot of burning. We see forest fires from California to Borneo, from Australia to Canada.

Scott Paton: BC, yeah, we have had huge forest fires the last couple of years.

Martin Pytela: Oh, yeah, absolutely. Yeah and there is going to be more of that unfortunately.

Scott Paton: Yeah, actually that’s a big concern most of BC is under forest and we had the pine beetle come in and kill millions and millions of trees. So, they are of course drying out and we haven’t had… we have done such a good job of managing the forest fires in the past that there is all this twig and biomass that has dried out that… you know it is just waiting for a spark to set it off and it would be a massive fire.

Martin Pytela: Yeah, yeah. If and I should actually be calling it probably when, that happens, it is going to be one nasty inferno. So, anyway, going back to the holistic versus non-holistic, strategic versus tactical, so, Al Gore latches on on this idea that it is the carbon and that we have to stop the industrial pollution. Well, okay, I am not disagreeing with the fact that we should run our industries cleaner and I am not also… actually, there is one thing that was sorely and horribly missing from Al Gore’s presentation, which was it is the destruction of the environment that is a serious issue. The cities that are swallowing up prime, not industrial, but agricultural land.

Scott Paton: Yeah or wild land like there is a lot of wetlands that are being paved over and so where do the ducks go when they are traveling and doing their migrations and all that sort of thing, right?

Martin Pytela: Yeah, that sort of thing. I was watching a program on the growth in China. This particular report focused on Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan, where prime agricultural land all around the city of Chengdu is being swallowed up by industrial parks and these are the major corporations, Intel and other electronic giants are buying up thousands of acres and building massive factories and all of that and it is pushing out the small farmers that were farming the land there. So, they are #1 getting rid of prime agricultural land and now pushing industrial growth, so they have pollution issues and they have… soon will have food issues because the food that they used to produce won’t be produced.

Scott Paton: Wow.

Martin Pytela: So, anyway, thinking tactical, if you think tactical, you will see, “Okay, I have got some people that are able to work right here because they live in Chengdu. I am going to build a factory really close to where they are so that they can commute to it.” The strategic thinking would be, “How am I going to feed these people in the future?” I mean for now, yeah, we can feed them probably. Well, here was another one that really struck me. I was watching news and yet another roadside bomb killed a bunch of soldiers in Afghanistan and I am thinking, “Oh, okay, so, why are we there? What are we fighting for in Afghanistan? What is it that we want to accomplish? What is actually fueling this whole conflict?” and I am thinking, “So, the Afghanistan economy was for the largest part based on cash, which is generated by growing of poppies, which is grown to make heroin”

Scott Paton: Heroin, yeah.

Martin Pytela: Right?

Scott Paton: Yeah.

Martin Pytela: Opium and opiates and heroin. So, now the pharmaceutical industry is making artificial opioids. They are making codeines and things like that that are chemically made. They could be buying all of the opium from these poor Afghani farmers and it could be official and they could be doing just fine and it would be normal cash crop, but instead through our idiotic drug policies, we are pushing this underground and they are growing it for the black market and it is the Taliban that are taking the cash out of the farmers hands and causing all of this trouble. So, through our idiotic drug policy, we are actually financing the enemy that is killing our soldiers in Afghanistan. Interesting, eh?

Scott Paton: Yeah.

Martin Pytela: Or… so, we have killed what? Over 3000 US soldiers in Iraq, yeah?

Scott Paton: Yeah, so a lot of people have died there.

Martin Pytela: Yeah and another 30000 that have been significantly maimed. I mean we are creating physical injuries, broken limbs, cut off limbs, missing eyes, and the PTSD – the post traumatic stress disorders, the syndromes that follow that. These ticking time bombs that we bring back into the country just waiting to go off and go in some kind of a road rage or whatever else problems that these folks are going to go into when they finally go off because we are really unable to look after them. You know, we are not really giving them enough tools to heal themselves. So, what are we there for? What’s that in the name of? And please don’t tell me it is to give them freedom.

Scott Paton: Yeah, good question. Yeah. Well, I remember someone always told me you are never mad for the reason that you think you are mad and so I assume you are never at war for the reason you think you are at war.

Martin Pytela: Yeah, well, you know being American is such a wonderful thing. You are a member of this great nation, powerful as can be, but powerful… I mean the only powerful thing here is that the government has power behind them to extend its ideas to do whatever they want to do. Oh, boy, am I being political?

Scott Paton: Oh, just a little.

Martin Pytela: Oh, yes. Just a little. So, anyway, I would like to take it right back to why Life Enthusiast is doing what it is doing, which is trying to tell people that holistic is better than singular and that strategic is better than tactical and that cellular terrain management is a whole lot better than trying to change symptoms, individual symptoms of a particular problem. So, think about that. If you have a headache, why do you have a headache?

Scott Paton: Something is wrong in your head?

Martin Pytela: No. No. The cellular terrain of your entire body is causing the chemicals and all of that to cause your headache and it could be an emotional problem, it could be an emotional reaction to a particular input, it could also be that your migraines are often times triggered off by things like red wine or some other alkaloids or by cheese, which has molds or sugar, you know just a high sugar content of some sort like coffee and donuts, that’s a standard trigger for migraines.

Scott Paton: Oh, okay.

Martin Pytela: [laughs] So, what do we do? Well, we… you know, in Life Enthusiast Co-Op we focus on telling people that the holistic solution is going to lead to long term positive change. Yes, we can address the immediate symptoms that we are dealing with. If you have arthritis, which is a problem in your joints, which is caused by the inflammation that’s currently in the cartilage of your joints, so, yes, we could get you the Recovery which is at least plant based instead of chemical based source of soothing and calming the inflammation, but first and foremost we need to focus on the pH balance in your lymphatic system and see about taking that to the right place. So, you need to detox and you need to nourish correctly. What do you say about that Scott?

Scott Paton: Well, I think that just sort of makes sense that you need to detox and you need to be having the right foods going in. I mean if you are eating sugar and pop and potato chips all the time, then sooner or later you are going to have a problem.

Martin Pytela: So, you are seeing the obvious, right?

Scott Paton: Yeah.

Martin Pytela: So, we are saying to people we are able to heal the degenerative disease that you got yourself into, but it is going to require a change in your behavior.

Scott Paton: A strategic change.

Martin Pytela: A strategic change, yes. You need to decide that if you want to live healthy, you are going to have to do the things that healthy people do.

Scott Paton: Which kind of makes sense.

Martin Pytela: Yeah. So, you start with #1, you stop polluting yourself. What are the major sources of pollution? #1, sugar in the form of sweets and soda pops and alcohol. Too many empty calories. #2, the fried oils. You need to start taking essential fatty acids and stop taking destroyed fatty acids. So, that’s in fried food, right? So, a poached fish instead of a breaded and fried fish; that will be good. What’s the next one? What’s the next most popular thing? Too many calories from carbohydrates, from refined carbohydrates; cakes and buns and spaghetti and all of the empty calories from too much wheat.

Scott Paton: We do depend on wheat for a lot don’t we?

Martin Pytela: Oh, yeah. Well, it is a popular grain and it is easily produced. Corn is the other one. Corn and wheat are the two most popular sources of calories and because the industry, the agricultural industry, is pumping so much of it out and it is advertising it so effectively and packaging it so beautifully and mashing it up with MSG, which actually is a neurostimulant that causes you to eat more than you should, you end up with too many calories in your body. Hence, the extreme explosion of obesity throughout the western world. I mean Americans are… two-thirds of Americans are overweight.

Scott Paton: That’s a lot.

Martin Pytela: Yeah. Germans are not too far behind actually, even though we have some illusion about our wonderful German health system, we have problems with overweight there as well. So, where is the solution. Oh, yeah, the superfoods. We do make these wonderful superfoods that you should be eating. We make this wonderful structured water tools that you should be getting. Drink structured water. It will carry out toxins and it will bring in nutrients. Eat good food. Start with the superfoods. You already know this as when you take the Exsula Superfoods, your body doesn’t call for all the junk food as much as it used to.

Scott Paton: That’s right. That’s right.

Martin Pytela: And the reason for that is this, your body is calling for food because it needs nutrients, not because it needs calories, but because it needs nutrients and when you eat nutrient deficient food, your body says “That was fine, but was not enough; give me more,” but if you eat nutrient dense food like Exsula Superfoods, you actually have those nutrients in and the satiation point is reached. If you try to do it with spaghetti and meatballs, you will never reach it.

Scott Paton: Right. Right.

Martin Pytela: Well… and so that’s enough for politics, isn’t it?

Scott Paton: [laughs] I think so. So, what could somebody do like right now that would start them on the road of changing from the tactical short term solution to more of a strategic long term solution?

Martin Pytela: Well, it really is simple. All health problems start with too many toxins and not enough nutrients. So, #1, reduce toxins. I ranted about that quite nicely and increase nutrients, start on the superfoods and get on some good mineral supplements. Magnesium is probably the most deficient mineral that people need to get their bodies. So, try like bath crystals. Our Magic Oil is a fantastic source of that. Get on it and start an exercise program of course and when you do have the energy in your body, you will feel like getting moving.

Scott Paton: Right and that’s part of the key too is often times we think, “Oh, man, you know I just… I got no energy,” but it is because we are putting the wrong things in our body that we have that problem.

Martin Pytela: And because we don’t move and the less you move, the more sluggish you are. So…

Scott Paton: So, start with a walk around the block.

Martin Pytela: Yes, start with… it needs to be about… well, it should be 30 minutes a day at least and ideally an hour that you spend in an activity. You don’t have to be sweating, just moving.

Scott Paton: Right and that’s the start, right? That’s what gets you kind of going and then after that you are… I know that’s what I have always found is, take the small steps first, the baby steps and then you could take bigger steps, then you can walk, then you can run, and you can do whatever it is that you want to do, right?

Martin Pytela: That’s right. You know Scott, I like to talk about the movie that I just watched by Michael Moore, Sicko.

Scott Paton: Sicko.

Martin Pytela: Sicko.

Scott Paton: All right.

Martin Pytela: It has been released to general circulation June 29th. It has quite a buzz about it, so, he even made it to Larry King on CNN. I think this podcast needs to close and I would like to talk about that in our next one.

Scott Paton: Okay. I will make a note about that. Sicko.

Martin Pytela: Yeah.

Scott Paton: So, next time folks, when you are listening, you are going to hear all about Martin’s review of Mr. Moore’s latest documentary.

Martin Pytela: So, I hope that people got the message. Make changes. The summer is the perfect time to do it because the produce in the stores is so abundant, it is so affordable. You know, I was in the grocery store just yesterday. The display of radishes and broccoli and cucumbers and cherries and all of that is just astounding.

Scott Paton: Yeah, yeah and blueberries. I love…

Martin Pytela: Blueberries are coming into season, yeah.

Scott Paton: I love blueberries, my favorite.

Martin Pytela: Yeah. I probably told you that my wife and I buy 300 pounds of blueberries and put them in the freezer for the year, right?

Scott Paton: No. [laughs] You never told me that.

Martin Pytela: Yeah, that’s what we do.

Scott Paton: Holy smokes.

Martin Pytela: I have half a cup of blueberry everyday in my smoothie in the morning.

Scott Paton: Wow. So, there you go. So, there is one thing you could do just like right now is head out to the local farmers market or to the local fruit stand or grocery store and get some local fruit and…

Martin Pytela: Organic if you can manage…

Scott Paton: Organic if you can manage, but stuff that’s coming right off the farms right now and…

Martin Pytela: That’s the best thing you can.

Scott Paton: Yeah and if you live where you can actually go out to the farms, that’s even better.

Martin Pytela: Yeah, well, in my community, there is a farmers market three times a week. So, I go there at least once a week and buy stuff, fill my fridge.

Scott Paton: Cool. All right. Well, Martin thank you very much. I am sure you have given everybody a lot to think of. If you have got some comments or questions and you would like Martin to hear them or answer them in a future podcast, head over to lifeenthusiast.podomatic.com and you will be able to leave all the comments there plus you will be able to listen to our previous podcasts. They are all very fascinating, lots of great information and if you are interested in learning more about how to go from a tactical to a strategic lifestyle, head over to Life Enthusiast Co-Op’s website, which is www.life-enthusiast.com and there are hundreds, if not thousands, of pages of information on all the different sort of health and wellness topics that you could imagine. Right Martin?

Martin Pytela: Yes, there are. There is the disease information for people who want to find out just what they can do for stuff that’s happened already and there is health education for people who want to get better.

Scott Paton: Excellent.

Martin Pytela: Yeah.

Scott Paton: All right. Well, thank you very much Martin for taking time out of your busy day to share all this great information and I think hopefully everyone has had their eyes opened a little bit and thinks about things maybe a little bit differently than they did before and….

Martin Pytela: Please leave us a comment.

Scott Paton: Yes and the last comment is going to be yours.

Martin Pytela: Okay. Life Enthusiast Co-Op, restoring vitality to you and to the planet.

Scott Paton: Good bye everybody.

Martin Pytela: Good bye.

Author: Life Enthusiast Staff
Life Enthusiast Staff July 4, 2007
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