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Podcast 015: Thyroid and Iodine From Kelp
This Podcast starts with something all men love to do: complain about women. However, Martin and Scott use this only as a starting point to observe how hormonal imbalances can do a great deal of harm to our quality of life. Whether it manifests as road rage or menstrual pain, chances are it’s the same thing.
The most important controller of hormones in the body is unquestionably the thyroid gland. Martin informs us that though the gland is supported by Magnesium, it is really iodine which is the primary controlling element. In fact, most people are magnesium deficient without even realizing it. The thyroid uses up a great deal of iodine and will even go as far as to steal it from our organs if it needs to.
All it takes is a couple of milligrams of iodine a day to cure deficiency. These few milligrams can make all the difference too. If we are deficient over a long period of time, the thyroid will continue to take iodine from other organs and tissues. For example: the breast tissue in women. Certain studies have suggested that this could lead to breast cancer later in life.
Scott Paton: Hello everybody this is the Life Enthusiast Co-op, I am your co-host Scott Paton along with Martin Pytela. Hey Martin how is it going this week?
Martin Pytela: It is going good thanks Scott you?
Scott Paton: Great, great.
Martin Pytela: How is your girl friend? Is she good?
Scott Paton: She is great.
Martin Pytela: Last podcast I mentioned that you could get yourself in the dog house by criticizing your wife’s cooking?
Scott Paton: Well, that is right.
Martin Pytela: But you know there are days, when you are in a dog house regardless, remember that joke about trying to negotiate with the terrorist?
Scott Paton: No.
Martin Pytela: I guess I have to tell you. Do you know the difference between a woman with PMS and a terrorist?
Scott Paton: No.
Martin Pytela: You can negotiate with the terrorist. Actually this is how it comes about: There is a large percentage of females that suffer with horrible trouble during their periods. They are either to hard or too intense or too crampy and this is related to, believe it or not, the functioning of their thyroid.
Scott Paton: How interesting! So what you are saying is those things are not necessarily normal, even though we accept them because we don’t know what to do about them?
Martin Pytela: Yes, they are normal in the sense that many, many, many people have them, but they are not supposed to be like that.
Scott Paton: Well, that is good news for us.
Martin Pytela: Oh, gosh yes, there is absolutely help for anybody and you know females who suffer directly.
Scott Paton: I would be surprised if guys don’t have a similar problem with just a different symptom.
Martin Pytela: They do, they lose their testosterone level which makes them less interested in sex and very cranky and short tempered and depressed and all manners trouble.
Scott Paton: So that sounds a little bit like perhaps road rage?
Martin Pytela: Again, yes it is related. Then their magnesium supplement is related to the functioning of the adrenals which is part of the endocrine system. The thyroid is controlled by or supported by magnesium, but it’s primary controlling element is iodine.
Scott Paton: Oh!
Scott Paton: But here is interesting thing. The thyroid known to be the primary gland that uses the iodine up and it will steal it from others, at the peril of other organs. So if you are iodine deficient for a long while, the thyroid will keep on stealing it from other organs typically the breast tissue in women which leads to breast cancer later or at least I can’t link it directly but it is associated for sure.
Scott Paton: Is there relationship there of some sort?
Martin Pytela: Yeah, just to quote you know, couple of milligrams of iodine daily will cure iodine deficiency in the person with adequate gut absorption powers and iodine’s efficiency in tissues such as breast, uterus, prostate, skin, salivary glands, stomach, colon, choroid plexus, and the eye. So all of these things are directly related to the iodine sufficiency. Now in our society most people living inland not eating sufficient amount of sea plants as in kelp, they will suffer from iodine deficiency.
Scott Paton: So if you don’t live in Japan you are probably going to be suffering from iodine insufficiency.
Martin Pytela: Yeah because the common intake in North America is 100 times lower than what the Japanese people take.
Scott Paton: Wow, they have kelp in their sushi and I mean it’s part of their …?
Martin Pytela: Well, not only that. They use kelp on their gardens. They actually use it as a fertilizer. So the plants that they are growing in their gardens are grown in kelp fertilized soil.
Scott Paton: So that will have lots of iodine.
Martin Pytela: All right and then they eat fish which of course have that stuff in as well. What I want to say is this. The RDA, the recommended daily allowance, RDA, of iodine is set much too low, just enough to keep your symptoms sub-clinical. I mean it you will not have the enlarged thyroid which is called goiter that you will see in some people, so it good enough to hold hold it together, keep it from blowing up, but not enough for proper support and healthy function of all the other organs.
Scott Paton: It is kind of warned, this is enough to keep you from giving scurvy, but not really to protect you, to thrive.
Martin Pytela: Yeah so same goes for this. So we make available a great product, Sea Plant Minerals, made with kelp, laminaria digitata. Ours is harvested near Iceland, where there is not that much pollution.
Scott Paton: Right.
Martin Pytela: That is important to want to get the ingredients that are known to be effective and good quality and not polluted. So don’t just buy any kelp, you know, you can buy a bottle of kelp for $5 on a grocery store shelf, but that is going to be a cheap poor grade product. oh, well I am going to second-guess it, but you should be looking for product that is organic and toxin free. [inaudible].
Scott Paton: Right, I kind of interested in the impact that iodine has in our body and I was just noticing on the life enthusiast, life-enthusiast.com, looking the enthusiast coop website that iodine is the main natural disinfecting agent for our body and the other question I had of course is like how important really is the thyroid and the other thing that it states there is at every 15 minutes all of our blood goes through that small organ that is the thyroid.
Martin Pytela: That is correct.
Scott Paton: So that is an amazing like that is like the heart.
Martin Pytela: As you are thinking doesn’t it?
Scott Paton: I had no idea, so it basically I guess one of the things it can do is clean the blood as it goes through the thyroid.
Martin Pytela: No, it’s function is not cleaning, it’s function is to monitor and to add do it so that the entire endocrine system communicates with the entire body and blood is the medium of communication. The blood circulation is like the internet of the body as it moves through it all the time and you simply add to it or subtract from it. You know you have glands that are filtering it like liver and kidneys (I should call it organs) and you have glands that monitor it and add to it, that’s just the thyroid for instance, adrenals are another one, that is contributing to the blood stream, so that the body is functioning correctly.
Scott Paton: It was really important that you have a good thyroid.
Martin Pytela: Oh, it is critical. A lot of obesity is caused by sub-clinically under-functioning thyroid and some time you will see it on people you will see this incredibly enlarged base of their neck in the front that is a thyroid that just that hypo-thyroid that is under functioning will become large, it is called the goiter and it is same sort of thing that happens to your heart, if it has to work too hard it becomes enlarged. What happens to thyroid? It has to function too hard with not enough material to support itself in it’s efforts to try and keep up.
Scott Paton: Wow, so tell me a little more of life-enthusiast products for kelp?
Martin Pytela: Well we all need iodine and one of the easiest ways to get it is through supplementing with kelp. So a bottle of decent organic kelp costs $15 that should be enough for anyone to supply good level of iodine. We also put the kelp in all Exsula Superfoods products. So all of the Exsula superfoods contain at least a meaningful amount of kelp to maintain health.
Scott Paton: There has been some talk too about heavy metals. With does iodine help or does the thyroid process help with removing that from, from the blood?
Martin Pytela: I think it is the other way around when … when you become toxic with mercury or other heavy metals it affects your body functioning inhibits all kinds of activities in your body. So it is more like avoid it like a plague you know.
Scott Paton: Right.
Martin Pytela: So if you do have mercury toxicity, you need to find a way to detoxify. We use the platinum plus amino acids as a very effective detoxifier. I am not even sure if we talked about this earlier or not in our …
Scott Paton: No, I don’t think we have.
Martin Pytela: Well this would be a useful topic for one of our future podcasts we have had lots of success in detoxifying people from high metal toxicity. Dr.Vickery has developed that effective system, has documented it. We have graphs on the site that show people very clearly, how effectively this works and yes, we can actually get the heavy metals out of people’s body.
I mean this is not even funny, you know mercury toxicity affects just about every thing and mercury causes hypothyroidism, then it is just thyroid RNA, auto-immune thyroiditis, and impairment of conversion of thyroid T4 to T3. There is oh gosh I don’t know, I don’t know how technical I want to get in these little talks we are having.
Scott Paton: Right, so it is bad.
Martin Pytela: Yeah, okay mercury toxicity is bad news. #1 sorts of mercury toxicity is dental amalgams if you have those beautiful silver shiny silver fillings you definitely need to try to supplement with well kelp for sure or some other ways of supplementing with the iodine and we do have a way of detoxifying the mercury out of your body that would be with the amino acid protocols that we have described on our website.
Scott Paton: We should maybe get in to that in lot more detail in one of our upcoming podcasts. That sounds fascinating to me and important part of being healthy I would think.
Martin Pytela: Well you know heavy metal toxicity will affect people in such horrible ways, light headedness, fogginess, sense of unreality, unable to think, tiredness. I mean it is so common that people just don’t even realize just how common it is.
Scott Paton: I guess that is becoming a theme of a lot of our podcasts that if you are not feeling really energetic and bright and alive and awake and enthusiastic, is may not just be you it may be some of the stuff that is running around your body that shouldn’t be running around your body like heavy metals or the organs not working at their peak potential and it is un-excited life or needing to spend $10 or $15 on a little bit of kelp …
Martin Pytela: I don’t want to trivialize them to a $15 bottle of kelp, but it sure will help.
Scott Paton: I mean we spend a lot of money on Starbucks coffee right, so it is not about there isn’t any money to spend on it. It is just how we choose to spend our money right
Martin Pytela: That is correct, yes you can send your money on time to whip your horse or to make it run better, you can spend money on feeding your house better and make it healthier and wanting to run better.
Scott Paton: That sounds like a good place to kind of end this podcast because that is a great analogy Martin.
Martin Pytela: Absolutely, I like it myself.
Scott Paton: All right, thanks to our listeners taking time out of busy days to join us today and thank you Martin for taking I know you are extremely busy in to share all this information. I found it just fascinating and getting a lot of hope and if you are interested in learning more about products you can head over to www.life-enthusiast.com and also if you are interested in hearing some of your previous podcasts or you want to leave a comment or question for Martin, and myself head over to lot our podcast page which is lifeenthusiast.podomatic.com and you will be able to listen to all of our previous podcast, leave a comment, ask a question, from their [inaudible] talked about on the life enthusiast website, so that you can go directly to that and Martin any last words before we go?
Martin Pytela: Life Enthusiast Co-op. “Restoring vitality to you and to the planet”, thank you folks.
Scott Paton: Bye, bye.