December 7, 2006 by
Podcast 001: Environmental Disasters in Your Body
Scott Paton

Podcast 001: Environmental Disasters in Your Body

Why are so many children and adults so sick? Martin Pytela and Scott Paton discuss this important topic and possible solutions.

Our intensive industrial agricultural practices – narrow spectrum fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides, large scale monoculture planting, tilling and more – the opposite of bio-dynamic farming – lead to decreasing mineralization, lowering of humus levels. Top soil is being washed away by rain and irrigation and blown away by wind.

Produce grown on these soils still looks normal, but is hollow – the mineral content has been steadily declining.

In 1936, the US Senate was presented with the results of a scientific study it had commissioned on minerals in our food by a Mr. Fletcher. The nutritional pioneers and geniuses of nutrition in this era demonstrated that countless human ills stem from the fact that impoverished soil in America no longer provided plant foods with the mineral elements essential to human nourishment and health! What follows are pertinent excerpts from this report.

Author: Scott Paton
Podcast 001: Environmental Disasters in Your Body
Scott Paton December 7, 2006
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