Disease is Dis-Ease
I think of disease as the opposite of ease. Dis-ease is almost always the consequence of cellular terrain problems. Either it is the presence of toxins or absence of nutrients, stagnation or unresolved trauma. Many people call to talk to me about their health problems. I usually ask them what they have done so far to solve the problem. They usually can not answer, because either they have changed nothing or they are not aware that they could have changed their health by changing their behavior.
Identical input will yield the same output, especially in regards to your health. Meaning that if you want a different outcome, you must be prepared to change the inputs, your behavior. Dis-ease is almost always the consequence of cellular terrain problems. There is only one illness: cellular dysfunction. And only two causes: accumulation of toxins and deficiency of nutrients.
Try to see every discomfort or disease as a friend to learn from; who wants to show you that something needs to change in your life.
- I believe that health and vitality is your choice.
- Aspire to develop a sense of awareness.
- Better choices will bring better outcomes.
Take responsibility for your conditions and experiences in life. Treat your body like the temple it truly is: own it wholeheartedly.