October 5, 2018 by
Life Enthusiast Staff

Books: General Healing

Depression-Free for Life

by Gabriel Cousens, MD

A Physician’s All-Natural, 5-Step Plan!

Anyone who has struggled with depression and found little relief with prescription drugs will find a lot to consider in this drug-free program that treats the underlying physiological imbalances that are major factors in the disease.

With a rapidly increasing number of people seeking relief from depression, this program incorporates the best of both conventional and holistic techniques. It aims to restore balance to disrupted biochemical processes by increasing the intake of mood-boosting amino acids, vitamin supplements & essential fatty acids, and by creating a diet & lifestyle that promote physical and mental well-being.

Holy Water, Sacred Oil

By C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D.

The Fountain of Youth

From the book:
“The search for Magic Water, or the Fountain of Youth is one of humanity’s oldest quests. When I first encountered this unusual material that in some cases looks and acts like oil and in others looks like and mixes with water, I was extremely impressed. I spent an afternoon talking with the discoverer of this unique product (Jim Carter), rubbing the material on my hands and face and feeling increasingly energized.”

Later, he added: “I have discussed this material with the three most outstanding intuitives I know. Independently, each of them agrees this material that looks like oil and acts like water is unique and has the power to significantly reverse the aging process, restore function to many parts of the body and reduce arthritic pain. This Sacred Water acts like a lubricant. It seems to detoxify the body… Super Water, Holy Water, Sacred Water. We may well be on the verge of discovering the Fountain of Youth.”

Your Body’s Many Cries For Water

By Dr. F. Batmanghelidj

  • You are not sick, you’re thirsty. Don’t treat thirst with medications.
  • Your body has many different thirst signals, and a dry mouth is not a reliable indicator of your water needs. There are more reliable ones for you to understand when your body is calling for water.
  • In this way, you can prevent, treat, and cure a variety of conditions of ill health, at no cost, with nature’s miracle medicine: Water.
  • The author (a medical doctor) believes that chronic dehydration is the cause of many conditions including asthma, allergies, arthritis, angina, migraine headaches, hypertension, raised cholesterol, chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple sclerosis, depression, and diabetes in the elderly.
  • This book explains how much water you need to drink daily to stay healthy, and why tea, coffee, and sodas are not good substitutes for water.
  • A preventative and self-educational manual, for those who prefer to adhere to the logic of the natural and simple in medicine.

10 Natural Treatments You Haven’t Heard Of Until Now

By Dr. William Wong

Learn about 10 natural treatments for the following conditions: Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Mid Back Pain, Lower Back Pain, Fibrosystic Breast Disease, Erectile Dysfunction, Systemic Yeast Infections, Osteoporosis, Longevity & Anti-Aging and Circulation Disorders.

Dr. Wong draws on his 20 year background as a classical naturopath, teacher, physiologist, certified sports medicine trainer, certified athletic trainer, and health consultant. His unique approach prepares the body through exercise to accept the nutritional and dietary supplementation necessary for recovery. This unique approach creates the 10 proven treatment plans. Dr. Wong has been a guest on over 200 radio and television program,s including the much acclaimed PBS Healthy Living Series with Jane Seymour.

The Key to Health and Rejuvenation

By Andreas Moritz

Breakthrough Medicine for the 21st Century

Contents include:

  • The Mind/Body Mystery
  • The Laws of Illness and Health
  • The Four Most Common Causes or Risk Factors of Disease
  • Most Diseases Start in the Digestive System
  • On the Road to Good Health
  • A Life of Balance
  • Useful Self-help Programs
  • Man’s Foremost Killer Diseases
  • Rethinking AIDS
  • Global Misinformation
  • What’s Supposed to be Good for Us
  • It May Be Useful to Know…

The basic theme running through this book is: it’s difficult to treat disease but it is easy to create health, the latter being entirely the choice and responsibility of the individual.

7-Day Detox Miracle

By Peter Nd Bennett, Stephen ND Barrie, Sara Faye

Restore Your Mind and Body’s Natural Vitality With This Safe and Effective Life-Enhancing Program

Author: Life Enthusiast Staff
Life Enthusiast Staff October 5, 2018
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