Biography: Elijah Free
Master Medical Herbalist at Earth Friend Herbs
Intuitive Healing ~ Structural Healing ~ Rapid Pain Elimination
As of 2012, Elijah Free celebrates thirty-five years as a professional healer. He has been a medical associate at Pacific Naturopathic since January of 2000. Since the beginning of 2000, Elijah has been senior medical associate with Dr. Connie Hernandez ND at Pacific Naturopathic Clinic in Mt. View. CA, specializing in the elimination of all types of pain in the body-both mechanical and metabolic.
Elijah is a Master Medical Herbalist designing and producing his own formulas for his medical and structural healing practice. His private label, now public for the first time in thirty-five years is Earth Friend Herb Co.
He is the creator of Freeing-Rapid Pain Elimination, a form of non-intrusive bodywork that literally rebuilds painful conditions of the body by gently restoring space where it has been lost or compromised. His practice is worldwide and always very busy, exclusively from word of mouth of happy patients.
Along with these healing arts, Elijah is proficient in iridology, nutrition and hydrotherapy. He began as a wartime paramedic and later as a civilian paramedic, operating room technician and physician’s assistant before the official licensing program.
After a debilitating injury that left him in pain for over two years, Elijah healed himself. Soon thereafter, he found that he could heal others also.
Elijah was born with highly unusual abilities that he has used for the benefit of his patients over the decades. All of Elijah’s healing work is original and unique in nature. It is created through a deepening understanding of Truth and a commitment to helping others become free of suffering and pain.
At Pacific Naturopathic, Elijah specializes in healing chronic and acute cases of pain that heal nowhere else. He also specializes in many types of metabolic conditions. For these conditions, he has created the full line of Earth Friend Herb products. The specialty line that will be released as time goes on are the most unique of these herbal formulas.
Elijah received a patent from the US Patent Office for an extremely efficacious herbal cure for fibromyalgia that is on the market along with others of his unique and potent herbal formulations.
Elijah is a popular teacher and lecturer. He teaches his bodywork and herbal healing methods at various schools for a number of years.
Apprentice to Angels is Elijah’s first book, all about his life as a healer, and his sacred relationship to the Divine Principle of Love and Life.
The following is an excerpt about Elijah Free, (by Dr. Connie Hernandez ND) from the forward of his book “Apprentice to Angels”.
Over ten years ago, Elijah Free appeared at an open house at my clinic, Pacific Naturopathic, in Palo Alto, CA. He was accompanied by a friend and former patient, the two of them newly in love, and thrilled by the knowledge of the miracle of healing. Elijah suggested that he might be able to offer something of substance to the clinic and to our patients. We were not looking for an associate at the time, but I invited Elijah to discuss his work with me, and later, to treat me that I might better understand the way he heals.
For years I had been suffering from a kind of energetic kink or twist, from my left baby toe up through my back and neck. I would often experience lower back pain, occasionally severe as a result of this imbalance, which various chiropractors, acupuncturists, and massage therapists had been unable to perceive. Or, if they could perceive it, they couldn’t understand it, and could not correct it. I had no expectation whatsoever for Elijah’s work, but forty-five minutes later found that the problem had completely disappeared.
It has not returned to this day.
Although Elijah considers his healing abilities to be a birthright each one of us can develop within ourselves, those of us who have benefited from his healing find his abilities to be extraordinary. As a naturopathic physician, I have found his intuitive medical diagnoses enlightening, albeit unorthodox. I have also discovered that patients treated on the basis of his understandings tend to get well.
As a colleague, I have referred patients to Elijah for conditions as diverse as carpal tunnel syndrome, fibromyalgia, back pain and all forms of structural problems, migraine headaches, chronic fatigue syndrome, and much more. Time and again I have seen patients, suddenly free from pain, sobbing at the front desk after confiding their fears that they would never be free from pain in this lifetime.
As a chronically doubting patient, I have lain on his table thinking to myself that such a treatment couldn’t possibly transform my experience of bodily pain, only to sit up and find the pain vanquished.
One way that Elijah describes how he heals is by opening up space within the body. I imagine that what he does is more like envisioning the perfect pattern underlying a disordered form, then facilitating a realignment which creates a stress-free pattern from which discomfort or disease does not arise.
Though I am a person who does not easily visualize, in “Dreamtime” which Elijah describes in this book, I discovered myself in a living jungle landscape, a leopard loping along behind me, beside me, waiting, and watching me. Loosing myself from Dreamtime, and opening my eyes to this reality, I declined to share my experience, but asked Elijah what it was that he himself had experienced in this particular Dreamtime. “I was the leopard,” he replied. Enough said.
Beyond all of this is Elijah’s profound experience and understanding of the ineffable, and ability to express it. In the tradition of Edgar Cayce, he draws his knowledge from the ethers. In the tradition of Mary Baker Eddy, he derives understanding from deep study of scriptures.
Elijah is an unusual being. He is a compassionate, sensitive and sincere man who has overcome great obstacles. His journey has been neither easy nor common. He wrestles with demons and consorts with angels. Much of this journey is shared in this book.
Elijah’s words may generate reactivity in the minds of some, as do all powerful renditions of realities unknown and not experienced by many folks. There will also be those who will be intrigued, perhaps awed by Elijah’s words, and inspired to further explore for themselves the truths he shares of God and transformational healing.
I would like to invite you to enter with open mind into the consciousness of this healer/shaman/writer. There will be something in it especially for you.
Dr. Connie Hernandez ND, Pacific Naturopathic (Palo Alto, California) June 6, 2006