October 6, 2018 by
Life Enthusiast Staff

Wilson’s Disease

Wilson’s Disease is a very rare inherited disorder causing an inability of the body to metabolize the mineral copper. It results is very high and toxic levels of copper building up in the liver and parts of the brain, leading to liver scarring (cirrhosis) and neurological disease. Children affected with Wilson’s disease develop liver problems, whereas young adults have more neurological problems, such as movement and speech disorders and eventually dementia.

How is Wilson’s Disease diagnosed?

Diagnosis and treatment of this severe disease is performed by a specialist and involves the use of drugs such as penicillamine, triethylene tetramine and/or zinc supplements. Effective treatment depends upon early diagnosis before permanent damage has set in. Wilson’s disease is one of the few inherited metabolic disorders for which there is effective treatment.

Treatment of Wilson’s Disease


Nutritional medicine can help patients with Wilson’s disease. Follow the general principles of eating outlined on p20-27 of “The Healthy Liver and Bowel Book” by Dr Cabot. Make these principles a way of life.

In addition the following recommendations also apply:

  • Avoidance of foods high in copper e.g.. organ meats, liver, shellfish, nuts, legumes, whole grains and their cereals and chocolates.
  • Eat plenty of cruciferous vegetables, garlic, onions and ginger.
  • Eat small regular meals.
  • Ensure a high fluid intake of 2 liters daily to reduce kidney stones.

Dr Cabot’s Recommended supplement program for Wilson’s Disease:

Livatone Plus Capsules.
Dose: 2 capsules twice a day before meals

Selenium Complete Tablets
Dose: 1 tablet morning and night

Natural Vitamin E
Dose: 1000iu daily Vitamin E and Selenium will reduce free radical damage caused by the excessive copper

Vitamin B6 and multi-mineral tablets (without copper)
must be taken to reduce the side effects of D-penicillamine. The multi-mineral tablet should contain the mineral molybdenum (30 mcg to 5mg daily may be required)

Zinc chelate
600 mg per day increases the excretion of copper.

such as vitamin C 2000 to 3000 mg daily

Author: Life Enthusiast Staff
Life Enthusiast Staff October 6, 2018
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