October 6, 2018 by
Life Enthusiast Staff

Toxin Elimination is Key to Intestinal Health

Doctor Bernard Jensen, DC, ND, Ph.D. stated:

“In the 50 years I’ve spent helping people to overcome illness, disability and disease, it has become crystal clear that poor bowel management lies at the root of most people’s health problems.”

Dr. Bernard Jensen studied with many very successful doctors throughout the United States and Europe. He then built his own sanitarium and practiced with an open mind for over 50 years. His fame has traveled all over the world. He was even nominated for the Nobel Prize.

On page 23 of his book, “Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management“, he describes mucoid plaque. “The heavy mucus coating in the colon thickens and becomes a host of putrefaction. The blood capillaries to the colon begin to pick up the toxins, poisons and noxious debris as it seeps through the bowel wall. All tissues and organs of the body are now taking on toxic substances. Here is the beginning of true autointoxication on a physiological level.” On page 27, he reveals his experience in this matter. “One autopsy revealed a colon to be 9 inches in diameter with a passage through it no larger than a pencil. The rest was caked up layer upon layer of encrusted fecal material. This accumulation can have the consistency of truck tire rubber. It’s that hard and black.

Another autopsy revealed a stagnant colon to weigh in at an incredible 40 pounds. Imagine carrying around all that morbid accumulated waste.” On page 42, Dr. Jensen talks about his old teacher Dr. John Harvey Kellogg at the Battle Creek Sanitarium, who “maintained that 90% of the diseases of civilization are due to improper functioning of the colon.” On page 43, Dr. Jensen explains that National College in Chicago performed over 300 autopsies. “According to the history of these persons, 285 had claimed they were not constipated and had normal movements and only 15 had admitted they were constipated. The autopsies showed the opposite to be the case, however, and only 15 were found not to have been constipated, while 285 were found to have been constipated.

Some of the histories of these 285 persons stated they had had as many as 5 or 6 bowel movements daily, yet autopsies revealed that in some of them the bowel was 12 inches in diameter. The bowel walls were encrusted with material (in one case peanuts which had been lodged there for a very long time).” On page 62, Dr. Jensen explains: “As we work with eliminating the encrusted mucus lining, we must also consider nourishing the new cells below it.” On page 67 Dr. Jensen suggests: “Bowel cleansing is an essential element in any lasting healing program. The toxic waste must be removed as quickly as possible to halt the downward spiral of failing health. This is best done by 1. Removing accumulated fecal material from the bowel; 2….

Doctors who have achieved fame for their exceptional cure rates always took care of the alimentary canal. Dr. William Koch, Dr. Eugene Blass, Dr. John Kellogg of the Battle Creek Sanitarium, Sir Arbuthnot Lane (surgeon for the King of England), Dr. Bernard Jensen, and Dr. J.H. Tilden are some of the exceptional individuals who used this knowledge. In the early 1900’s, Dr. J.H. Tilden of Denver, Colorado, specialized in healing pneumonia, which was at that time the number one killer. During that time almost every doctor lost hundreds of his patients to that deadly plague. Dr. Tilden had more pneumonia cases than any other doctor and he never lost a patient. He used no drugs at all. He simply cleaned out the colon (using enemas and colonics), used water therapy, and administered natural, live foods. Even in those days, his success was considered miraculous because other doctors were relying on drugs and continually meeting with failure.

Sir Arbuthnot Lane MS, FRCS, surgeon for the King of England, made the following statement: “There is but one disease and that is deficient drainage.” Dr. Lane spent many years specializing in bowel problems. He was an expert in removing sections of the bowel and stitching it back together. He taught this work to other doctors and gained an international reputation for his efficiency. During the years of this work, he began to notice a peculiar phenomenon. During the course of recovery from colonic surgery, some of his patients experienced remarkable cures of diseases that had no apparent connection with his surgery.

For instance, a young boy who had had arthritis for many years was in a wheelchair at the time of surgery. Six months later, this boy had recovered entirely from arthritis. Another case involved a woman with a goiter. When a specific section of the bowel was removed in surgery, there ensued a definite remission of the goiter within six months. These and similar experiences impressed him deeply, as he saw the relationship between the toxic bowel and the functioning of various organs in the body. After much thought about this relationship, he became very interested in changing the bowel through dietetic methods and spent the last 25 years of his life teaching people how to care for the bowel through cleansing and nutrition, and not surgery.

Sir Lane said, “All maladies are due to the lack of certain food principles, such as mineral salts or vitamins, or to the absence of the normal defenses of the body, such as the natural protective flora. When this occurs, toxic bacteria invade the lower alimentary canal. The poisons thus generated pollute the bloodstream, causing every tissue, gland, and organ of the body to gradually deteriorate and be destroyed.

Here’s a few more great articles you might like to read:

Lane made the statement that arthritis could not develop in the absence of intestinal toxemia, that there is clinical and x-ray evidence of stasis in such patients, and that the symptoms disappear and patients recover sometimes with startling rapidity when the condition of stasis has been effectively dealt with. Sir Lane reports a connection between intestinal toxemia and “several changes in the thyroid” such as “adenomatous growths.” He also made this statement to the staff of John Hopkins Hospital and Medical College, “Gentlemen, I will never die of cancer. I am taking measures to prevent it. It is caused by poisons created in our bodies by the food we eat.” Dr. Harvey Kellogg, M.D. of the Kellogg Sanitarium said, “Of the 22,000 operations that I have personally performed, I have never found a single normal colon, and of the 100,000 that were performed under my jurisdiction, not over 6% were normal.”

Dr. Kellogg said that he knew of many cases in which operations were prevented by cleansing and revitalizing the bowel. He maintained that 90% of the diseases of civilization are due to improper functioning of the colon. Dr. George C. Crile, head of the Crile Clinic in Cleveland and one of the world’s greatest surgeons, said: “There is no natural death. All deaths that come from so-called natural causes are merely the end point of progressive acid saturation. Many people go so far as to consider that sickness and disease are just a `cross’ or an element that God gave them to bear here on this earth. However, if they would take care of their body and cleanse their colon and intestines, their problems would be pretty much eliminated, and they could eliminate their `cross’ by proper diet, proper exercise, and, in general, proper living.”4

Many doctors had proven that the bowel was the key to health or disease and the most important part of our physical anatomy to take care of in order to achieve successful healing. The following cases were obtained from medical journals.

  • Dr. H. J. Bartle found in a study of 50 cases of intestinal toxemia that 72% of those cases had constipation.
  • Dr. Satterlee found 84% of his patients had constipation when they had intestinal toxemia. This indicates that serious bowel disease is associated with having constipation.
  • Dr. William Lintz, MD, successfully treated 472 patients suffering from allergies by cleansing the bowel.
  • Dr. Allan Eustis, MD, Professor at Tulane University of Medicine in 1912, cured 121 cases of bronchial asthma by intestinal cleansing.
  • Dr. D. Rochester, MD, University of Buffalo School of Medicine in 1906, made the statement that after 23 years of observation, toxemia of gastrointestinal tract origin is the underlying cause of asthma.
  • Dr. Bassler reported that by reducing intestinal toxemia, he had 100% success eliminating cardiac arrhythmia.
  • Dr. Bainbridge, MD, stated that intestinal toxemia is common among the causative factors of so-called functional heart disease.
  • Dr. D.J. Barry stated, “There seems little doubt that substances having a deleterious action on the heart musculature and nerves are formed both in the small and large intestine, even under apparently normal circumstances.
  • Dr. Hovel stated that “toxemia due to intestinal sepsis is a common cause of increased blood pressure.” Dr. J.A. Stucky, MD: “In several hundreds of cases of diseases of the nasal accessory sinuses, middle and internal ear… I have found unmistakable and marked evidence of toxemia of intestinal origin as evidenced by excessive indican in the urine, and when the condition causing this was removed there was marked amelioration or entire relief of the disease.
  • Dr. C. W. Hawley, MD, treated many cases of eye strain and disease with success once again by relieving intestinal toxemia.
  • Dr. Herter, MD, in 1892, linked intestinal putrefaction to epilepsy in 31 patients. I had one doctor take the Cleanse who had epilepsy. During her cleanse she had her last seizure. Five years later she reported that she has had no more seizures and no other signs of epilepsy. Doctors should really consider the importance of this. What is really happening when we do the Cleanse? It is doing things that are really rather incredible, of which I only know a small portion.
  • Drs. Satterlee and Eldridge reported experience with 518 cases of “mental symptoms” including “mental sluggishness, dullness, and stupidity; loss of concentration and/or memory; mental incoordination, irritability, lack of confidence, excessive and useless worry, exaggerated introspection…Their success in eliminating these symptoms by surgically relieving intestinal toxemia is truly remarkable in the light of today’s commonly-held beliefs.
  • Dr. J.F. Burgess, Montreal General Hospital, reports the results of studying 109 cases of eczema. He states, “On the basis of clinical observations and sensitivity tests against various amino acids and ptomaine bases, eczema is probably caused by intestinal toxemia.

It is my own opinion that all cancer, AIDS, liver disorders, kidney, brain, and heart disorders receive their toxic malformations from the intestines. Sir W.A. Lane tried to make it clear when he wrote that he was “exceedingly impressed by the sequence of cancer and intestinal stasis.” We know that changes in the breast, caused by intestinal pollution, have been described by many doctors. Another author, Dr. Robert Gray, has described the mucoid plaque in a manner similar to Dr. Jensen and myself. “Another type of constipation is present when old, hardened feces stick to the walls of the colon and do not pass out with the regular bowel movements… And few people have any inkling as to how much old, hardened feces are chronically present with their bodies… As moisture is absorbed from a slimy medium in the colon, the medium becomes sticky. As the medium is further dehydrated, it becomes gluey and glues a coating of itself to the walls of the colon as it passes through. As layer after layer of gluey feces piles up in the colon, they often form into a tough, rubbery black substance.

Old feces may build up in pockets and they may coat the entire length of the colon and small intestines as well. They do not pass from the body with ordinary bowel movements but require special techniques to dissolve the glue that binds them in the body. Because nonmucoid material moves through the body quicker than mucoid material, the bowel tends to move two to three times per day when the intestines and colon are in non mucoid condition…” He also discusses parasites. “They lodge themselves in the old matter that encrusts the walls of the intestinal tract. Without the presence of stagnant material in which to embed themselves, intestinal parasites cannot maintain a foothold in the body. Remove this old, filthy, decaying mucoid matter and you will flush the parasites out as well.”49

He explains malabsorption in relation to mucoid plaque. “The accumulation of mucoid material along the walls of the small intestine can interfere with nutrient absorption even though nutritional intake may be adequate.” Dr. Jensen and Dr. Gray had different ideas as to how the “mucoid plaque” is formed. Both of these authors felt that it was the mucus-forming foods and highly processed foods that contributed towards the formation of mucoid plaque. I agree that they may contribute towards its composition, however, my studies indicated that excess intake of acid-forming foods forces mucin to develop because it produces levels of acid the body cannot buffer due to electrolyte deficiency. Dr. V.E. Irons, a pioneer in colon cleansing theory and activity, and a staunch advocate against modern medicine wrote a booklet called: “The Destruction OF YOUR OWN NATURAL PROTECTIVE MECHANISM”.

In this booklet he made the following statements: “I challenge the world that you couldn’t find in the USA, 1000 people who don’t have a clogged colon. Just let me get them on a Cleansing Program and we will show any challengers WHAT WE MEAN. We will let them see, feel and even hold in their hands exactly what has been thickening, hardening, and decaying in their colon for years, causing all types of dis-ease. The condition of the colons in this entire country are FAR WORSE than either the doctors, the AMA, the Drug houses, or even the Natural Health industry have any conception, and believe in our theory that the CAUSE OF MOST CONDITIONS OF ILL HEALTH IS AUTOINTOXICATION and that 95% of their troubles start in the colon. We can prove that we can find hardened mucous with its foul smelling curd in the colons of 95% of the entire nation. HOW DO WE KNOW THIS? Because possibly 99% of all ages and sexes have violated two of the major Natural Laws from one to three times every day since they were 2 years old. What are the two laws?

1. The WRONG combination of foods.

2. The constant daily use of tremendous amounts of DEAD FOODS.

The wrong application of both of these laws has caused the body’s natural protective mechanism to secrete mucous into the colon to protect the body from absorbing the many poisons that those counterfeit foods create. But we have simply OVERWORKED Nature’s protective mechanism to the point that the mechanism instead of protecting us from poisons now itself poisons us… This protective mechanism was never designed to continue secreting mucous one layer on top of another layer for years with no time out or chance for its elimination. The result is that layer on top of layer is secreted until its accumulation thickens to 1/8″ to 1/4″ thick. Sometimes this layer or layers gets to 3/8″ to 1/2″ in thickness, becoming as hard and black as a piece of old hardened rubber you see on a highway from a truck tire.

It cannot be cut with a knife but you can cut it with a razor blade. Usually it breaks into innumerable small pieces. But we have had specimens saved in alcohol from several inches to a few feet in length while the longest we have had was 27 ft. (In one piece). Sometimes it will come out as a pile weighing as much as 11 lbs… and continue to come out for several days to a week… before the old hardened accumulated mucous, so tightly imbedded in the colon for months or years, comes out. It has probably been slowly emitting poisons into your blood stream, causing all types of distorted symptoms. Anyone who disagrees with any of the above – REMEMBER, you CAN PROVE it to your own satisfaction by what comes from your own body while doing a cleanse.

There is no substitute for experience, and we challenge everyone to experience this for themselves… You (meaning the reader and 95% of the USA) DO HAVE THIS HARDENED MUCOUS IN YOUR COLON AND YOU WILL BE AMAZED AT WHAT COMES OUT OF YOU.” My experience has undoubtedly verified Dr. Irons’s descriptive explanations. Francisco Izundergui MacDonnell, MD, Ph.D., ND, PP. Gen. Adm., sent the following letter. Here is his testimony. “Dear Sirs: … Many times when practicing autopsies on people who died from chronic illnesses, I have always found a thick layer of organized mucus-like hardened material all over from the tongue down to the stomach, small, large and recto-sigmoid colon. Usually it is more common among milk drinkers and meat eaters.

If for some reason your products has the ability to detach this layer of morbus material, then a great deal of accomplishment will be achieved for these persons. This layer is composed of coagulated and racemized glyco-proteins, which really impair the GI tract function and also constitute a reservoir of bacteria and viruses that invade the lymphatic and blood stream causing a wearing down of the bodily defenses and a lot of burden on the liver detoxification function. For that reason, Gerson, Kelly and Beard enfancied always on GI tract cleansing to obtain better results with their cancer treatments. In the past we have even removed the entire colon to obtain an effective relief from autointoxication specially with colon polyposis and diverticulosis and chronic ulcerative colitis…”51

Unfortunately, there has been little interest on this subject by the medical profession, and theories vary from one end of the spectrum to the other. Medical science seems to be in denial of the experiences of tens of thousands people. Medical science basically avoids admitting the mucoid theory, and yet many thousands of people who first sought help from medical science ended up finding help from the natural procedures that modern medicine resists and denies. As modern medicine denied that Candidiasis was a cause to many illnesses for several decades after the alternative practitioners announced the problem, so does modern medicine deny the bowel problems in association with many diseases.

Author: Life Enthusiast Staff
Life Enthusiast Staff October 6, 2018
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