July 28, 2020 by
Life Enthusiast Staff

Toxicity 101

Suffering from unwanted weight gain, muscle weakness, brain fog, unexplained digestive issues, or hormonal imbalances? People may say that these are just symptoms of getting older… But don’t believe it! Getting older doesn’t have to mean getting sicker! You can age gracefully while building your health and vitality, you just need to follow some simple strategies. It’s important to first understand the sources of toxicity so you can learn how to prevent toxic overload in your body, then use a strategy for ridding yourself of these substances.

A body weakened by a heavy toxic load is the perfect environment in which chronic and autoimmune diseases can develop. You see, when you go for a checkup, you won’t be screened for toxicity. That’s a problem because toxins silently build up in your body over time and as you age they become more concentrated which is why “getting older” brings more illness and chronic diseases. But you don’t have to accept this as your reality!

It’s not about getting older, it’s about your health! We are here to help you! There are thousands of articles on the internet these days about toxicity. Each article approaches the topic from different points of view. The bottom line is that what you don’t know can kill you.

Why are Toxins So Harmful?

It is said that high blood pressure is the silent killer, but if the truth would be known, toxins really are that and much more. Because toxins circulate in the bloodstream and before they are stored in fat cells, they can negatively affect every part of the body. If you notice fatigue, brain fog, food cravings, nausea or loss of appetite, itching, mood swings, headaches, vertigo, or dizziness, toxicity could be to blame.

Common toxins are now everywhere and they can be absorbed through the skin (for example when you rub in a cream), ingested (when you eat or drink), or inhaled (when you breathe). And while some toxins are avoidable, some are not. Some of the toxins (Mercury for example) are actually neurotoxic, they damage your brain and also cause defects in brain development in unborn babies.

This toxic load doesn’t only affect us humans as we breathe in all of these compounds, but both the animals and plants that become our food also absorb the same air-borne toxins, thus multiplying our toxic load. And by further absorbing toxic ingredients from cosmetic products and medications we are putting ourselves in serious danger. Let’s expose the truth about toxicity and help you understand what you can do to stop absorbing new toxins while also ridding yourself of this dangerous burden.

What’s Causing So Many Toxins in the Environment?

We breathe, eat, and drink low concentration toxic cocktails every day without even realizing it. Over time these toxins accumulate and have a large impact on our overall health. Unfortunately, we are exposed to a significant amount of toxins even before birth, which is a very scary thought!  How did we come to this? The Industrial Revolution, and electrification that came with it, is a major turning point in human history. The industrial boom brought jobs to people and devices that make our lives easier in many ways, but with that came a price.

We slowly poisoned our environment with mining, exhalations, and effluents from chemical, cosmetic or pharmaceutical factories, from the burning of fossil fuels for energy and transportation. We invented fertilizers that help to grow our food faster, but at the same time strip the soil of nutrients. Herbicides and pesticides protect our crops but kill all kinds of microorganisms, including those that live in our guts and in the soil.

Scented candles provide a pleasant atmosphere in the room, but at the same time spread airborne toxins all over your home. The release of certain compounds during chemical processes deplete the ozone layer, increasing the amount of harmful solar radiation that reaches the surface of the Earth. High levels of CO2, SO2, and heavy metals are released to the air from power plants that burn coal. Check out this tool to see what the air pollution levels are in your city!

The bottom line is that we humans did this to ourselves, and for a very long time we ignored the consequences. Every one of us can do a lot to improve the quality of our lives! Prevention is easier and cheaper than damage control. Read more to learn what are the easiest things you can do for yourself and your family.

What are the Sources of Toxins and Where are they Found?

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– fish from polluted oceans
– produce sprayed with herbicides and pesticides
– GMO crops
– preservatives that are added to make food last longer

– made with plastic containing BPA and Phthalates
– colored with toxic paints
– made with metals including lead, cadmium, nickel

– make-up
– deodorants
– toothpaste
– shower gels, shampoos, soaps
– laundry detergents, fabric softeners
– cleansing products

– cigarette smoke
– car exhaust
– brake pad dust
– burned coal
– airborne volatile organic compounds

– cleaning products
– perfumes
– scented candles
– plug-in and aerosol air fresheners
– mold

– tap water
– ocean water
– bottled water
– groundwater

– Mercury fillings
– BPA containing composite fillings

What are the Most Common Toxins?

Endocrine (hormonal) Disruptors

These toxins mimic the female reproductive hormone estradiol, which causes disruption of normal hormonal production in women and also cause issues for boys and men. Fertility issues, low sperm count, early puberty, genital abnormalities can be caused by chronic exposure to these toxins.

These compounds are present in plastic products like toys, kitchen utensils, water bottles and plastic food containers, and also cosmetic products and pesticides. One of the biggest and most common sources are actually store receipts, seemingly innocent pieces of paper you most likely get your hands on multiple times a day!

BPA and Phthalates are the most commonly known endocrine disruptors. They are released with heat and can contaminate your food, water, and air. They can also be absorbed through the skin.

VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds)

VOCs are present in many products and household items you probably keep in your home. They can be found in cleaning products, paints, vinyl flooring, furniture, plastics, craft supplies, adhesives, glues, and air fresheners.

The most common VOCs are formaldehyde, methylene, chlorine, and benzene. Acute exposure to these compounds can cause skin and eye irritation, rashes, headaches, or nausea. Chronic exposure is linked to certain types of cancer, including skin and lung cancer.


Mold is actually a living thing. It produces mycotoxins that damage the brain. Brain fog, blurred vision, memory problems, chronic fatigue, or numbness can be all signs of mold exposure.

Mold is often invisible, hiding behind the walls, under the carpet or the floor. It likes to spread in more humid areas, like bathrooms or kitchens. Mold contaminates everything. It is very hard to get rid of, and very often very complicated and expensive construction interventions are necessary. In the most serious cases, finding a new home is the only option.

Check out the amazing Moldy documentary, if you want to learn more!

Heavy Metals

Heavy metals gradually accumulate in certain parts of the body, including your brain, bones, and thyroid gland. It requires some effort to remove heavy metals, once they are in the system, but with the right approach, it can be done.

Heavy metals are present in paints, in fish from polluted oceans, in some cosmetic products like lipsticks or deodorants, and in dental fillings. The most common dangerous heavy metals include arsenic, lead, cadmium, aluminum, hexavalent chromium, and mercury.

Mercury is the second most toxic compound on the planet. It is a neurotoxin, it attacks your brain and can cause psychological issues, including depression, mood swings, memory loss, anxiety, and anger. Chronic mercury poisoning is linked to chronic and autoimmune diseases like Alzheimer’s, Autism, diabetes, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, and thyroid disease.


Glyphosate, a commonly used herbicide, is widely used on crops that are later ingested by animals and us humans. This toxic product is water-soluble, and as it is sprayed on the fields, it is not only ingested by us but also leaks into the water supply, from which it literally gets everywhere. Even organically grown produce might be watered with contaminated water.

Glyphosate is the main ingredient of the well-known herbicide RoundUp. It is designed to kill unwanted plants and microbes. It might not be dangerous to humans and animals per se, but it does negatively affect your gut bacteria, which are essential to your overall health.

Glyphosate exposure is linked to conditions like ADHD, Alzheimer’s, autism, celiac disease, colitis, depression, multiple sclerosis, fertility issues, and certain types of cancer. You may have inherited some of your toxic load from your mother (and you may pass it on to your child).

A heavy toxic load can be passed on from parent to child. The body of a baby is literally built using the raw materials provided by the mother. And this includes toxins! Toxins and heavy metals are not filtered out by the placenta, so they may get passed directly from mother to child. Mothers should go through a detoxification regimen before becoming pregnant. If you are already expecting a baby, take heart, it’s never too late to begin.

What You Can Do (at any age)

STOP adding to the already existing toxic load by removing as many sources of toxicity as you possibly can. START supporting your natural detox mechanisms by revitalizing your body at the cellular level with high-quality nutrition and some simple lifestyle changes.

Simply put, you can’t put out a fire if you keep adding fuel to it. Here are some steps to help you remove the present toxic load from your body and prevent a future load from occurring. Once you remove the toxic burden from your life, you may feel a difference soon after beginning. But in some cases, it will take a bit more time. The key is to be consistent. After all, health is a journey! With our help and your effort, you can make a huge impact on your own health, and the health of your family!

Author: Life Enthusiast Staff
Life Enthusiast Staff July 28, 2020
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