Secrets of Metabolism
There are seven secrets of metabolism, which, if known and followed, will lead to greater body wisdom and health.
The first secret of metabolism is that the largest organ in the body has yet to be “discovered” by the medical profession. Its presence is known, but its importance is significantly overlooked. It is called the “interstitial space” and exists everywhere as microscopic areas in between every two cells. This separation of cells is absolutely essential to provide a common pathway for the movement of oxygen, nutrients, and electrical impulses, none of which can feasibly traverse through one cell to reach into another. Collectively, the interstitial space weighs about one-sixth of the total body mass. Waste materials egress through the interstitial space to reach the lymphatic system, and the white-cell defenders move freely within it. All diseases have their origins as an imbalance in the interstitial space. In its function as a final common pathway, the interstitial space is acting as a tissue; but its principal function as an organ is to maintain a “reserve” of water for balancing the body’s needs.
The second secret of metabolism concerns the “myth” about high-protein dieting. Because of a quirky biochemical observation (that it is impossible on a “molecular basis” to convert protein into fat), the medical profession advises that a high-protein diet is good. However, this conclusion is false and is not derived from “biochemical” understandings. More truthful is the realization that the body requires only a certain amount of protein to sustain the building and repair of its tissues. There is no natural mechanism for storing surplus dietary protein; and, therefore, all protein eaten in excess of this basic amount must be burned up to produce heat for the body. When body enzymes are burning protein to produce heat, they are not burning carbohydrates to produce heat at the same time. Thus, dietary carbohydrates are diverted into fat storage, except for what is immediately required to meet the demands of the brain and during exercise. Furthermore, protein is not a clean-burning fuel; it produces a lot of stress upon both the liver and the kidneys to eliminate nitrogen and sulfur wastes. By comparison, carbohydrates “combust” to produce carbon dioxide and water as waste; and both of these are easily eliminated through the lungs.
The third secret is why digestion of a high-protein diet creates a need for cellulite, obesity, and wrinkles. Proteins and complex carbohydrates are both progressively broken down by “inserting” molecules of water wherever a cleavage is effectuated. After continuous digestion, the resulting amino acids and sugar molecules must then be diluted so they will not be too concentrated in the blood. The water needed for digestion, combined with the water for dilution, is “six times” more for a hundred calories of protein compared to a hundred calories of carbohydrate. Thus, a body maintained on a high-protein diet must store “tremendous reserves” of water in order to be prepared to digest and dilute the next meal. This amounts to approximately three pounds of surplus water or bloat, which is sequestered within the interstitial space. Movement of this volume of water back and forth, first into the stomach, then into the intestines, next into the blood, and finally back into the interstitial space again, creates a lot of undue stress on the heart and endocrine system because of the required changes in blood pressure and preservation of surplus salts and water. Moreover, since fat is so easily displaceable, all the tissues that have a small amount of fat in their composition are preferred locations for the “sequestration” of water reserves; and the body wants to increase the thickness of the fat layers in these tissues. When a lot of water is hidden within skin areas that do not receive the benefits of exercise, cellulite results. Wrinkles make it twice as easy to hide a little more water in skin that has lower amounts of fat. General obesity is the overall result.
The fourth secret of metabolism concerns the “molecular nature” and “pathophysiology” of food allergies. In general, the allergenicity of a food substance comes from the “protein molecules” within it; and, therefore, concentrated animal proteins pose a more significant and unacceptable risk of allergy formation. Amongst fruits and vegetables, tomatoes are statistically a high-risk food because they are eaten so often. The antigen itself is composed of only three amino acids, a precise sequence that is not made by the human body. An antigen is neutralized by an antibody molecule that consists of three thousand amino acids, but the antigen is capable of producing a wide variety of adverse effects before it reacts with an antibody. After the antibody reacts twice, it is totally used up and becomes floating debris in the blood, which debris must be promptly removed. Antibody removal by the liver, spleen, and lymph nodes is a continuous process; but, nevertheless, some used-up antibody molecules are inadvertently trapped instead by small capillary loops, and this gives rise to acne, arthritis, psoriasis, ulcers, kidney failure, and the like.
The fifth secret contains proof that the heart can live for two hundred years. Every time one eats an allergic food, steroids and other hormones are released that stimulate the pulse, elevate the blood pressure, and result in a feeling of euphoria. Secondarily, the body gets addicted to the euphoria; and, consequently, one craves exactly those foods that cause allergic effects, adversely influencing the body’s inherent sense of balance. Wheat is a most insidious cause of this vicious cycle of allergy, steroid release, and addiction. Furthermore, most refined wheat products are horribly deficient in water content, and this adds to the stress on the heart by forcing it to push an extra gallon of water into the interstitial spaces everywhere. Multiply the pulse times the blood pressure to determine the work of the heart. Using the actuarial statistic that a thirty-five-year-old person will live to age seventy-five, multiply the heart’s work times forty years to formulate a new term called “heart beat potential.” This is equivalent to three and a half trillion horsepower! Dividing this heart beat potential by a slower pulse and a lower blood pressure, the natural result of a low-protein, low-allergy diet, we determine mathematically that it will take nearly forty additional years for the heart to live out its heart-beat potential. Next, we consider empirically the axiom of kinesiology that periodic rest improves performance; we include the fact that a slower pulse gives the heart more rest between every two beats; and we factor in the actuarial determination that a lower blood pressure increases longevity. All this together is mathematically translated into the conclusion that the heart has the potential to last for two hundred years.
The sixth secret of metabolism is about the promotion of optimal health and longevity without morbidity. A good basic diet should eliminate allergic foods. Once a year, at the time of a special occasion, try to eliminate another offending food. Fruits, vegetables, rice, and potatoes are the best staples. Rice and potatoes are better than the other traditional grains because they contain more inherent water. The alkaline grains: amaranth, quinoa, millet, and teff are also very good; and a totally alkaline diet is one of the best so long as individual food allergies are also eliminated. Twenty grams a day is a sufficient amount of protein, about half of the “minimum daily requirement.” This can easily be obtained exclusively from fruits and vegetables. Ideally animal proteins are permissible if the same animal is not eaten more than once a month. A five-day interval is fine for fruits, vegetables, and grains. Shorter intervals are quite tolerable for all foods provided that the same meat or grain is not eaten more than once a day. This latter advice is ancient, given by Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine; and more modern advice shows us how to determine individual food allergies by using a pulse-counting method, muscle testing, or observation of a pendulum. These techniques are easily learned and require further elaboration. The elimination of food allergies will preserve the integrity of all of the body’s organ systems, and its introduction is never too late to reduce symptoms and improve one’s overall level of wellness.
The seventh and final secret describes the compassion of cancer. If a person continues the bad habits of eating a high-protein diet and, at the same time, there are a lot of animal-protein allergies, then large antibody molecules get produced and used up at a tremendously fast rate. Since 25% of the blood flow goes through the kidneys, many used-up antibody molecules are trapped by the kidney filters, which get progressively plugged up, leading to higher and higher blood pressures and eventual kidney failure or heart failure. However, the body has a wisdom that senses the condition of impending kidney failure and initiates a physiological process that diverts sedimentary protein towards a functional purpose. This process is the formation of a tumor growth. All tumors represent a mechanism for the sequestration and storage of waste protein. After ten years of tumor growth, the basically asymptomatic years, the kidneys are still functioning well. In the absence of the tumor, the kidneys would have failed; and the body would have surrendered itself much earlier to the effects of seriously elevated blood pressures required to cleanse the blood by constantly forcing it through partially occluded kidney filters. An early morbidity from stroke and heart attack is prevented by the formation of a cancer! Thus, the conclusion is obvious; to prevent cancer, one should eat a low-protein, low-allergy diet.
Dr. Narayan deVera is a medical doctor who has been an accomplished artist for almost 30 years. He has specialized in the prevention of disease since 1976. Extensive cardio-pulmonary stress testing at age 50 showed that his body did not age appreciably after 18 years on a low-allergy diet. His most recent health book is “You Be The Judge.” He has also written “Discovered Defense,” a book about the game of chess and one about particle physics and religion, called “Einstein’s Dream.” Currently, he is very active in the Civil Society Movement and has made two trips to Africa to help solve the problems of chronic hunger there and other conditions due to Vitamin-A deficiency.