Reverse Arteriosclerosis
Vitamin K2 Removes Calcium From Arteries And Deposits It In Bone
Detecting calcium deposits in arteries by computer tomography scanning studies has become a valuable clue that an individual has arteriosclerotic heart disease and has significant risk for heart attack and sudden death. Detected calcium arterial deposits thus permit life style changes to be instituted before sudden death or acute myocardial infarction has occurred. This increased risk of calcium deposition into arteries has recently been confirmed to bring increased risk of heart attack and heart disease deaths to blacks, Hispanics and Chinese[1] even though their risks are less than Caucasians.
Western cultures (Northern Europe, Canada, USA,) eat a high protein, high dairy, high phosphorus acidifying diet. This type food causes large amounts of calcium to be wasted in the urine as it is removed from bone tissue to try to preserve an alkaline cellular environment in the face of a very acidic dietary protein intake. To make matters even worse the ratio of calcium to magnesium in milk is 9 to 1 which exaggerates the lack of magnesium found in food grown on magnesium depleted U.S. soil. Low magnesium stores in bone cells prevents magnesium from being of any value in attempts to preserve an alkaline body pH. Naturally the Western diet leads to profound loss of calcium and magnesium from bone thus ensuring osteoporosis and fractured bones in the elderly. The nation of Thailand which eats almost no dairy products and obtains calcium primarily from vegetables has much less osteoporosis than western nations on their high protein high dairy product diets.
Calcification in cellular tissues is a sign of tissue damage, cellular aging and impending cell death. When cells are unable to regulate calcium and keep the calcium content of cells down cellular function degenerates. Calcified arteries, calcium in soft tissues and high levels of calcium within cells are all signs of aging. At age 80 the average calcium content in the aorta is 140 times greater[2] than the levels of aortic calcification noted at age 40. This may relate to a long period of unrecognized Vitamin K2 deficiency. Vitamin K1 is found in plants and Vitamin K2 is found in animals and bacteria (healthy colon bacteria, Japanese natto, low fat Dutch gouda and edam cheese). Bacteria in the colon are able to produce and store about one month of Vitamin K. Antibiotics kill many of these good intestinal bacteria thus impairing production of Vitamin K. The non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have similar adverse effects on these valuable bacteria. Vitamin K absorption is improved by dietary fat which stimulates bile secretion.
Studies have shown that subclinical Vitamin K deficiency,[3] [4] is present in most healthy adults. The first symptoms of this deficiency can be heart attack or a fractured osteoporotic bone. In the Framingham study subjects in the highest quartile for Vitamin K intake had a significantly lower risk[5] of hip fracture. In 1984 scientists reported that patients with osteoporotic fractures had circulating Vitamin K1 levels that were 70%[6] lower than age and sex matched controls. These findings were confirmed and it was noted that low levels of Vitamin K were associated with loss of bone mineral density creating an independent risk factor for bone fracture. Further studies have disclosed that Vitamin K1 was less effective than Vitamin K2 in preventing bone loss.
The absorption of synthetic Vitamin K1 has recently been compared to the absorption of Vitamin K2(menaquinone-7) in healthy subjects. Vitamin K1 has been widely used in food supplements. Recently natural Vitamin K2 has become available for use in supplements. Both Vitamin K1 and Vitamin K2 were well absorbed with peak blood levels reached at 4 hours. Unlike Vitamin K1, Vitamin K2 was found to have a very long half life which results in stable higher blood levels. During prolonged intake the long half life permits accumulation Of K2 to levels 7-8 fold higher than that seen after one dose. Vitamin K2(MK-7) is 6 times more potent than Vitamin K1.
Use Of Vitamin K2 (Menaquinone-7) To Prevent Calcium Plaques From Appearing In Arteries
The commonly used anticoagulant drug coumadin interferes with the metabolism and function of Vitamin K by inhibiting the enzymes needed to produce Vitamin K This drug can produce excessive bleeding and does produce progressive widespread calcification of arteries and the aorta. A clinical study from Rotterdam, Holland revealed a correlation between long term adequate Vitamin K2 intake and a lower incidence of calcification of the wall of the aorta. Arteries with no plaques have a 20 to 50 fold increase in Vitamin K2 concentration when compared to arteries with arterial plaques. The high K2(menaquinone-7) content arteries were noted to be more flexible[7] and elastic than arteries lacking K2.
Lack of Vitamin K2 causes calcium to fail to be deposited in bones where it belongs and to be deposited instead in arteries, aorta, soft tissues including muscle, breast, kidneys and in heel spurs. A protein called osteocalcin transports calcium to bone. Vitamin K2(menaquinone-7) is used to solidify this calcium into the bone matrix. When Vitamin K2 is lacking the calcium remains in the blood and ends up getting deposited in the walls of arteries and other sites which is very undesirable. Thus Vitamin K2 becomes a critical nutrient for both bone and arteries. The primary therapy for osteoporosis in Japan has become Vitamin K2(Synergy K).
Dr. Leon Schurgers and Dr. Cees Vermeer of Maastricht University in Holland studied 4800 elderly Dutch men and women to ascertain whether Vitamin K2 could help prevent artery calcium deposits. They learned that persons with the highest dietary intake of K2 (primarily originating in low fat Dutch cheeses Gouda and Edam) had the least evidence of calcification of the aorta[8] when compared to persons with low Vitamin K2 intakes. The higher the intake of these cheeses the lower the mortality from cardiovascular disease. The fermented soy Japanese food natto contains Vitamin K2 in large amounts but Americans are likely to find its taste and smell objectionable unless it is covered by sauces. All of the Vitamin K2 produced in making the enzyme nattokinase has now become available to be sold for use in food supplements.
The drug coumadin is widely used by conventional medicine in cardiovascular disease to prevent clotting. Numerous natural health experts have been concerned for years that coumadin was not effective in preventing vascular deaths but also has problems with occasional serious internal bleeding episodes. German researchers[9] found out in 2005 that long term use of coumadin produced increased calcium in the aortic valve and coronary arteries when compared to patients not taking coumadin. Dr. Gary Gordon states that “every patient on coumadin is increasing the calcium content of all vascular tissues. The calcium[10] content of arteries is now proven to be more dangerous than diabetes, elevated cholesterol or hypertension, we must now try to educate patients.” Patients taking coumadin can be easily moved to safer anticoagulant therapy.
This information proves that Vitamin K2 is a critical nutrient for patients with arteriosclerosis as it has the potential to prevent and remove calcium from arteriosclerotic plaques thus making plaques easier to dissolve and less dangerous. Vitamin K2 is now available as Synergy K. One capsule of Synergy K contains 45 mcg of Vitamin K2(Menaquinone-7) and 1 mg of (Menaquinone-4 less well absorbed than K2). Natural Health Team 1-800-416-2806 can supply Synergy K. The dose should be one capsule daily(45 mcg.).
Arteriosclerosis Caused by Elevated Homocysteine, and its Correction
Methionine from red meat, milk, and milk products is converted in the body into homocysteine. When the bodys stores of B6 (pyridoxine), folic acid, and B12 fail to bring this homocysteine down to normal values, there is a three times greater risk of heart attack than in males with normal homocysteine values. Dr. Kilmer McCully gets credit for discovering the critical role that homocysteine plays in the genesis of arteriosclerosis. Homocysteine stops the production of the valuable vasodilating nitric acid, causes blood to thicken, and facilitates the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, thus setting the stage for an atherosclerotic plaque to form. As more patients are studied, it has become evident that elevated levels of homocysteine are a common cause for arteriosclerosis (at least 40% of patients).
If you have artery problems, measuring homocysteine in the blood will frequently provide clear evidence that homocysteine is causing the problem, not cholesterol. The homocysteine blood test should become part of annual laboratory tests and is particularly important for smokers, diabetics, hypertensives, patients with familial hypercholesterolemia and persons who have had stokes, heart attacks, angina and claudication( arteriosclerosis of aorta and leg arteries). A Norwegian[11] study discovered that in 587 patients with coronary heart disease, the risk of death within four years was proportional to total plasma homocysteine level. The risk rose from 3.8% with homocysteine below nine micromols per liter to 24.7% in patients with homocysteine levels above 15 micromols per liter.
The only way to be certain that you are getting the proper dosage of folic acid, vitamin B12, vitamin B6, and trimethylglycine to treat homocysteine excess is to have regular blood homocysteine HC tests. Each 3-unit increase in HC causes a 35% increase[12] in the risk of heart attack. Trimethylglycine (TMG) – also called Glycine Betaine – is the most effective[13] agent to lower homocysteine levels. The usual dose is 500 mg three times daily. If HC levels have not fallen adequately, up to 9000 mg of TMG may be needed daily.
Folate (800 mcg with each meal) and 1000 mcg of B12 daily are also vital.
B6 (pyridoxine) reduces Homocysteine by a different method than folate. The dose of B6 should be 100 to 200 mg daily.
In a patient with previous bypass surgery, angina reappeared along with new areas of blockage of heart arteries. This man was taking 15,000 mcg of folic acid daily. His blood homocysteine (HC) level was very high risk at 18. On six grams daily of trimethylglycine, his HC fell to four in one month. Trimethylglycine functions in treating elevated HC levels by donating methyl groups, which convert HC to the harmless amino acid methionine. Trimethylglycine (Glycine Betaine) can be purchased in health food stores. A new organic form of Vitamin B Complex (Supreme B) is producing remarkable improvement in cardiac patients as well as healing a wide variety of neurologic disorders by promoting healing and growth of new nerve dells. Supreme B can be obtained from Lifeone Sales, 1-407-349-2241 [email protected] or from Ph 1-800-416-2806.
Vitamin C and Lysine
Research by Dr. Linus Pauling and Dr. Mattias Rath demonstrated that 2 grams of Vitamin C and 2 grams of the amino acid Lysine each taken three times daily was very effective in healing arteriosclerotic arteries. Traditionally Low Density Lipoprotein was blamed for causing the atherosclerotic plaque. However, the actual culprit is a very sticky substance known as lipoprotein (a). Lysine was added to Vitamin C therapy because it has a surface like Teflon which tends to repel the sticky lipoprotein(a). The Lysine and another amino acid proline surround particles of lipoprotein (a). This seals off the lipoprotein (a) so that it can not attach more lipoprotein (a) preventing the plaque from becoming larger. Additionally lipoprotein (a) previously deposited in the artery wall begin to be released into the blood stream. These lipoprotein deposits are transported to the liver where they are burned up. Thus the size of the plaque starts to decrease. This is a natural process which proceeds uneventfully until the plaque is gone.
Lipoprotein(a) is a 10 times more dangerous risk factor than Low Density Lipoprotein or cholesterol. Within 6 to 8 weeks of starting lysine and vitamin C many patients had experienced loss of anginal pain, disappearance of hypertension and the ability to pass an exercise treadmill test. These investigators proposed that arteriosclerosis was actually caused by deficiency of Vitamin C which the body needs to create the structural substances collagen and elastin which are used to form the framework of connective tissue and elastic tissue. Patients lacking Vitamin C use the sticky substance lipoprotein (a) to try to solidify the weak spots in arteries which lack collagen fibers. Lipoprotein (a) sticks to irregular areas on the lining of the arteries and proceeds to collect platelets, calcium, lipoproteins (LDL), lipoprotein (a) and fibrin from the arterial blood flow. Over time scar tissue appears and smooth muscle fibers may appear. This buildup of the plaque reduces the speed of blood flow and interferes with proper oxygenation of tissues. Anginal pain, transient ischemic attacks in the brain circulation as tiny and large fragments of plaque break off and get carried to more distal sites in the brain arteries, .and actual death of tissue(gangrene in extremities, stroke, heart attack) from extreme lack of oxygenation can result.
Pathologists have long observed that arterial plaques are commonly seen where the forceful arterial stream strikes an arterial wall. This location is frequently at the site where the coronary arteries branch off the aorta. The steady strong force of the arterial stream causes the weak artery wall lacking Vitamin C to seek the reinforcement of additional lipoprotein (a) making a buildup of large plaques at this site very common. If cholesterol was a dangerous toxic substance the occurrence of arterial plaques would be completely random rather than appearing at sites where the arterial wall is being steadily traumatized. This information creates a strong argument that cholesterol is not a primary cause for vascular disease. Additionally we know that more than 50% of patients having an acute myocardial infraction have perfectly normal cholesterol values. Dr. Matthias Rath[14] and colleagues did research which revealed that lipoptotein (a) is an LDL particle surrounded by a very adhesive protein. Their study disclosed that the plaque is largely composed of lipoprotein (a) rather than LDL molecules. The size of the plaque paralleled the amount of lipoprotein (a) particles deposited in the arterial plaque.
Lipoprotein (a) blood levels vary greatly from person to person. The levels are determined by heredity and are not lowered by special diets. Lipoprotein (a) values can be lowered by 36% in patients taking 2 to 4 grams of Vitamin B3 (nicotinic acid). Vitamin C alone or combined with nicotinic acid may have a lowering effect on the production of lipoproteins. resulting in lower lipoprotein values. When these therapies are combined with lysine and proline the cardiovascular risk of lipoprotein (a) can be reduced. Animals that easily produce Vitamin C have low levels of lipoprotein (a). Thus humans, guinea pigs and a few primates that fail to produce Vitamin C are able to inadequately repair arteries by virtue of having access to lipoprotein (a).
Very few Americans are consuming more than a gram of Vitamin C daily. Humans, primates, and guinea pigs lack the L-gulonolactone oxidase GAL enzyme. All other animals are able to manufacture ascorbate from glucose and thus become able to handle stress far better than humans who invariably fail hopelessly in producing the 30 to 100 grams of ascorbate daily that may be necessary to combat a stressful event.
Chelation Therapy
Many of the leaders in the natural health field have great confidence in chelation. In this therapy, EDTA (calcium disodium versenate) is intravenously infused into the body over three to four hours. The EDTA attaches to minerals (lead, iron, calcium, and cadmium) and causes them to be excreted by the kidney. Studies have shown that this form of therapy appears to act as a powerful antioxidant. More than 500,000 patients have received this treatment worldwide. Among the conditions that have benefited from this therapy are heart pain (angina pectoris), impaired circulation to the legs (claudication), high cholesterol, mental confusion, and arteriosclerosis of the arteries to the brain. Certainly, the antioxidant effect of this therapy should permit slow improvement in the arterial circulation. Additionally, removal of excess iron could decrease the risk of subsequent heart attacks.[15]
An important new concept about chelation relates to the inner lining of blood vessels (endothelium). This lining tissue generates the powerful arterial vessel dilator nitric oxide. The endothelium also produces prostacyclin, which slows the clotting of blood and causes dilating of arteries. A third important endothelial product is heparin, a potent substance that helps prevent clots from forming. Excessive deposition of heavy metals in the endothelium diminishes the endotheliums ability to produce nitric oxide, prostacyclin, and heparin.[16] Chelation may restore the bodys ability to create these important substances by removing these metals from the endothelial lining. The latest improvement in chelation permits this therapy to be administered orally. Oral chelation obviously will not be as fast as intravenous chelation but this is not an important issue for most patients.
Lead poisons the body’s enzyme systems. The bones of modern man contain 1000 times more lead[17] than the bones of men living 400 years ago. It takes seven to twenty years for the body to completely replace lead from bone tissue. Since bone is the primary storage area for lead, there is clearly no necessity for rapid chelation by intravenous therapy for most patients. Many health problems (learning disorders, cancer, heart disease, infections, ADHD, autism, hypertension, cataracts, etc.) are made worse by the high levels of lead found in our bodies. Doing chelation orally is simpler and less expensive than the intravenous approach.
One of the leading authorities in chelation therapy, Dr. Garry Gordon, has developed an oral chelation product Essential Daily Defense (EDD). EDD contains niacin, garlic powder, calcium EDTA, MSM (methyl sulfanyl methane), malic acid, betaine HCL, carrageenan, papain, silica, dl-methionine, beta-sitosterol, crataegus 6x (Hawthorn berry), modified cellulose gum, cholesterol free stearic acid, and gelatin. Iron is now being recognized as a health hazard. The malic acid in EDD derived from apples binds iron and decreases iron stores in the body. This does not proceed to a state where iron deficiency anemia appears, but it does lead to decreased production of free radicals which is, of course, desirable.
One of the most important components in EDD is the sulfated polysaccharide derived from red algae. This polysaccharide interacts with EDTA to produce a definite decrease in the clotting tendency of blood (lower viscosity due to heparin). This decrease in viscosity permits blood to flow more freely, which requires less work by the heart. Additionally, this heparin like anticlotting effect acquired with EDD therapy makes it nearly impossible for a patient to have a heart attack, stroke or gangrene. In this state of absent clotting and high antioxidant activity atherosclerotic plaques are slowly and steadily dissolved. There is no problem with bleeding. The garlic contained in EDD binds mercury, facilitating its removal from the body. Anyone taking EDD needs to be taking a good vitamin mineral supplement because EDD over time can deplete the body of minerals.
EDD is proving so effective that many practitioners have switched from intravenous to oral use of EDD. This is simpler and less expensive for patients. Oral and intravenous chelation are complex, so therapy ideally should be guided by a practitioner experienced in chelation. At times, the metals simply move from one site in the body to another instead of leaving the body. There is no doubt that removing metals from the endothelial membranes improves oxygenation and nutrient entry into cells resulting in improved health. Because of the toxic metal, chemical, herbicide and pesticide exposure we all are exposed to, I think everyone should start EDD or a similar product and remain on it permanently. Many leaders in the natural health field are already doing so.
Essential Daily Defense can be obtained from Longevity Plus (800-580-7567), and from the Natural Health Team (800-416-2806,
Gingivitis (Gum Disease) And Arteriosclerosis
Diseased gums account for 70% of lost teeth. Approximately thirty million Americans have lost all their natural teeth. The spread of bacteria from diseased gums via the blood stream has long been known to account for a high percentage of heart valve infections (bacterial endocarditis). Recent advances in cardiology have revealed that blood tests indicative of an inflammatory reaction in the body (elevated sedimentation rate, elevation of the C reactive protein, etc.) are a valuable predictor of impending heart attack. Dr. Robert Genko, editor of the American Academy of Periodontal Journal, claims that persons with gingival disease are 27 times more likely to suffer a heart attack than are persons with healthy gums. An American Heart Association paper disclosed that 85% of heart attack victims had gum disease compared to 29% of healthy similar patients.
Narrowing of the carotid arteries in the neck was 50% greater in elderly patients with gum disease when compared to similar patients without gum disease. The cause for this narrowing of arteries in the heart and neck has not been defined, but may relate to the adverse effects infectious inflammatory conditions have in producing arteriosclerosis. There are many causes for inflammatory reactions in the body, but when gingivitis is found, it can be reversed. The propensity of gingivitis to produce artery narrowing makes a strong case for treating all patients with gingivitis with an effective therapy(Oral Guard).
An interesting study in pregnant women revealed that mothers with severe gum disease were eight times more likely to have an underweight premature baby than mothers with healthy gums. We think Oral Guard OG is very effective in treating gingivitis. OG contains 35% food-grade hydrogen peroxide, which has long been recognized as an effective therapy for gingivitis. Another component of Oral Guard is green tea, which inhibits the growth and adherence of bacteria to teeth and gums, as well as acting against the development of malignant tissue in the oral cavity. The folic acid in OG helps promote proper reproduction of oral cavity cells and thus acts to help prevent oral cancers from developing. Co Q10 is a powerful antioxidant, which negates free radical injury. OG also contains aloe vera extract, comfrey root, eucalyptus oil, propolis extract, menthol, St. Johns wort, vitamin K, and alpha lipoic acid – all of which fight infection and promote healing.
OG is supplied in a nebulizer. Shake well before using. Spray several times along the teeth and gum lines. Swish OG around in the mouth for several minutes before spitting out. Persons with severe gingivitis should use OG before every meal. The dosage frequency can be reduced as improvement occurs. Oral Guard has a pleasant taste and leaves the mouth feeling refreshed. We feel confident that persons using this product will heal gingivitis and thus be able to preserve their teeth. Additionally, the resolution of gingival infections should cause a decrease in heart attacks, strokes, and heart valve infections. Routine tooth brushing and flossing with regular dental office tooth cleaning does not appear to be as effective in preventing plaque buildup, receding gums, and the development of gingival disease as does regular use of Oral Guard. My wifes dental pain, receding gums, and loose teeth began to disappear after a few weeks of Oral Guard. Elevated CRP and sedimentation values that are not obviously coming from gingivitis frequently respond to cucurmin(tumeric) therapy taken 500 mg tree times daily. Oral Guard can be obtained from Life-Tech (888-634-3810) and from the Natural Health Team (1-800-416-2806,
What Role Should Statin Drugs Play In Managing Arteriosclerosis?
The statin drugs (Mevacor, Xocor, Lipitor, Pravacol, Crestor, Lescol etc.) are heavily promoted on television. Each year the indications that would encourage practitioners to place more patients on statin drugs become expanded to increase pharmaceutical earnings.
These drugs are clearly capable of lowering the blood levels of cholesterol. Cholesterol is a major component in cell membranes of brain, skin, nerves , muscle, liver, intestines and heart. Cholesterol is vital in producing important hormones, Vitamin D, the bile acids needed to digest fat, and maintaining the function of the immune system. Obviously a drug capable of decreasing access to cholesterol could cause profound change in many important body functions.
In my opinion statins are dangerous drugs for the following reasons:
1- Statin Drugs Lower The Level Of CoQ 10 In The Body.
The FDA has refused to add to the package insert that all patients on statin drugs should be taking CoQ 10 because it might decrease the sales of statins. CoQ 10 is an effective therapy for cancer so lack of CoQ 10. may be playing a role in causing cancer. All patienst on stain drugs should be taking 100 to 200 mg of CoQ 10 daily. Considerable medical research points to Co Q10 as an essential nutrient that promotes longevity[18] and has other desirable effects. No harmful side effects have been detected in patients taking Co Q10. We like it as a basic therapy for hypertension because of this safety.
2- Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) attacks tumor cells and stimulates inflammation. This activity to kill tumor cells is quite important and usually cancer patients have low levels of TNF. The statin drugs are known to inhibit the action of TNF. Recent studies have revealed that patients taking statin drugs have higher rates of lymphomas[19] than normal persons do.
3- Transient Global Amnesia
Transient Global Amnesia is an interesting neurological disorder in which the patient has total loss of memory for varying periods of time, often several hours. During these episodes, the patient does not know who he or she is, does not know what they are doing and often has complete loss of memory about their history. Fortunately, the memory loss episodes are completely resolved after some period of hours (up to twelve hours is not unusual).Recently numerous persons taking statin drugs (Mevacor, Xocor, Lipitor etc.) to lower cholesterol have been discovered to have Transient Global Amnesia Thousands of persons with memory dysfunction have the common finding of use of statin drugs.
It appears that for every person experiencing Transient Global Amnesia while taking statins, there are thousands of individuals who have had extreme forgetfulness, incapacitating confusion and profound disorientation during statin therapy. This adverse relationship is nearly completely unknown in the medical community. The memory lapses may continue to occur for from several weeks to as long as three months after stopping the statin therapy. Millions of senior citizens are living out their lives in a blur of mental confusion because they are taking statin drugs. Peripheral neuritis is also seen in persoms taking statin drugs.
4- Liver Damage
Liver cell damage occurs with statin drugs. At times the values become so abnormal the therapy must be stopped.
5- Cancer
I expect a large number of lawsuits against pharmaceutical firms when cancer becomes linked to use of statin drugs. Research performed by Dr. Thomas Newman[20] and Dr. Stephen Hulley at U.C. Medical School in San Francisco revealed that most cholesterol lowering statin drugs when given to animals in doses comparable to human dosage caused cancer in test animals. Since lymphomas have already been proven to be caused by statin drugs cancer will probably follow suit if any careful statistical studies are ever done. The authors of this study were alarmed that statin drugs were released for use by the public but observed “The pharmaceutical companies manufacturing these drugs downplayed the importance of these side effects and, thereby, removed any obstacles for their approval.
Review Of Therapy For Arteriosclerosis
Arteriosclerosis is primarily a nutritional disorder which should not be expected to respond to surgical therapy with bypass surgery, angioplasties and stent placement as these operations do nothing to repair the deficiencies of Vitamin K2 (Synergy K), Vitamin C, homocysteine excess which produces plaque formation, sluggish blood flow and a dangerous clotting tendency, infections and toxic metals in the lining of arteries, excess quantities of Lipoprotein (a), excessive intake of sugar and gingival infectious disease which trigger the development of arterial disease. Excess dietary sugar is the prime cause for arteriosclerotic heart disease in women and the second most important cause for this disease in men. No effort has ever been made in the public health arena to curb sugar intake in the USA despite rapidly escalating numbers of patients with Type 2 diabetes. Business profits are far more important than the health of the American populace.
Patients with arteriosclerosis can expect to recover from their disease using a combination of Vitamin K2(Synergy K), L-lysine and Vitamin C, oral chelation with Essential Daily Defense, correction of excess homocysteine(trimethyl glycine, B6, Folic Acid), restriction of sugar intake, and healing of gingivitis, when present, with Oral Guard, B complex, Minerals including Trace Minerals and Key Nutrients. Curcumin (turmeric) can prove worthwhile for persons with evidence of inflammation (elevated sedimentation rates and positive tests for C-reactive Protein). We think Vitamin K2 (Synergy K) is a vital therapy as it corrects arteriosclerosis and is an effective therapy for osteoporosis as well.
The use of expensive, dangerous surgical therapies which do nothing to correct the degenerative nutritional problems causing arteriosclerosis is a gigantic albatross hanging around the neck of the U.S. health care system.