Positive and Negative Ions Affect You
Have you ever wondered why you feel irritable, jumpy, have aching corns, headaches, and seem overly anxious during that time just before a storm? A lack of negative ions and an excess of positive ions are the culprits. The storm’s onset produces an ion imbalance in the air before rain falls or snow settles down.
When relatively too many positive ions are present in the air before a storm, the positive charge is transferred in the air you breathe from your lungs to the blood, causing the blood platelets to release a hormone that quite strongly affects your moods, your joints and other physiological functions in your body. Some people exhibit arthritic symptoms. The weather really does affect your routine. The following is a description of how air ions act on the whole person; you being that person.
During fair weather the atmosphere field causes charged air ions to migrate, producing a flow of current. Humans have evolved outdoors immersed in this electric current, and scientists now believe that the current flow enhances various processes within our body, even to the cellular level. The same appears to be true even on the level of plants. People who work out-of-doors are at a distinct health advantage over those who are deskbound or labor inside factories.
The human body possesses a positive field, and a coupling or resonance between it and the Earth’s field takes place. Such a resonance between systems brings about a transference of energy and perhaps accounts for some of the “charging” effects of being outdoors during fair weather. Studies have shown that the natural oscillation frequency of the atmosphere field of seven to ten hertz ( cycles per second) is the same as our brain’s alpha state, our most relaxed yet alert state of being. This natural field oscillation, coupling with your own brain waves, enhances your alertness and improves your reaction time.
On the other hand, the three to five hertz wave produced by weather activity were shown to cause an increased reaction time. Slow reaction time may be dangerous under certain circumstances. This lengthened time that it takes for a driver to respond to an emergency situation, for example, produces a 31 – 41 percent increase in traffic accidents, quite measurable by the National Safely Council. Much of the waste products of cell renewal are expelled through the skin. A positive electrostatic field around us draws these surplus waste ions away from the body, permitting rapid and unhampered renewal of all cells. This effect contributes to your general well-being.
When oxygen is resorbed via the lung alveoli, the ionized molecules are taken up like the normal oxygen molecules and pass into the blood corpuscles. The red blood corpuscles, whose hemoglobin is oxygenated by the air during inspiration, receives also the ionized oxygen. The negative charge is carried throughout the body, whereas the positive charge may attack the blood platelets (thrombocytes) which in sensitive patients release their irritating hormone, serotonin.
Serotonin release produces dryness, burning and itching of the nose, nasal obstruction, headaches, dry, scratchy throat, difficulty in swallowing, dry lips, dizziness, difficulty in breathing, and itching of the eyes. Negative ions do not produce this unpleasant serotonin syndrome; they act directly on the respiratory enzyme, cytochrome oxidase and promote cell respiration.
All the tracheal changes attributed to positive air ions can be duplicated by the intravenous injection of serotonin. These effects can be reversed by treatment with negative air ions. On the basis of these facts, it seems reasonable to postulate that positive air ions are ‘serotonin releasers’ and that a local accumulation of serotonin in the trachea is the immediate cause of positive ion effect. Negative air ions reverse positive ion effects by speeding up the rate at which serotonin oxidase is oxidized. Like other oxidase systems, monoamine oxidase is thought to consist of dehydrogenase linked to a respiratory chain which may include cytochromes of flavins. Positive ionization of blood increased its serotonin release significantly.
With every breath, air ions are carried into your respiratory tract to be transferred across the lungs into the bloodstream where they are taken up by the thrombocytes. If they enter as part of molecules of oxygen, the negative ions or positive ions are transported by your red blood cells. Positive ions cause thrombocytes to release the allergy producing hormone serotonin (5-HT). Serotonin acts as a bronchial constrictor and slows the clearing action of the cilia thus allowing the mucus to thicken. If you are one of those many hay fever sufferers or have some other respiratory problem you’ll find that serotonin greatly aggravates your condition. There is less clearing of allergens and pollutants from your respiratory tract than from the lungs of others.
It is this powerful and versatile neurohormone, serotonin which is responsible for many of the unpleasant symptoms exhibited by persons breathing positively ionized, air. Some particularly elderly people may experience difficulty in breathing; asthmatics wheeze, rheumatic people feel their joints, and in general, sleeplessness or insomnia, irritability and tension are there for the asking. Hair and skin have an ‘electric charge.’ Migraine patients suffer with nausea and vomiting, and optical disturbances. Heart cases complain of palpitations, heart pain and oppression. Women before the age of menopause complain of hot flashes with sweats or chills. Hay fever patients get bad attacks of rhinitis with conjunctivitis, though this may not be the real hay fever season. Giddiness, tremor, and balance disturbances may appear, as well as diarrhea and a constant desire to urinate.
All this happens from stimulation of serotonin secretion by your being exposed to air containing high densities of positive ions. Since negative ions are able to reverse the effects of positive ions by speeding up the rate at which serotonin is oxidized by stimulating the action of monamine oxidase, it makes sense to stay in touch with quantities of negative ions whenever possible. As you will soon learn, this is done by employing negative ion generators and/or the application of negative hydrogen ions in liquid.
In general, exposure to negatively ionized air has been shown to increase oxygenation of the lungs, vital capacity, and ciliary activity. All types of beneficial responses take place as a result of friendly negative ions. With negative ions you will experience a normalization of the activities of the endocrine glands, which plays an important role in reducing the effects of stress. A shift occurs in your body’s indicators of the blood acid-base balance toward alkalinity. Your pH (power of hydrogen) should be 7.35 on the 1 to 14 pH scale. Health resides there.
A sedating and pain relieving effect is experienced if you have undergone surgery or suffered burns. Brain wave studies show an increase in brain amplitude with better thinking ability, a shift of alpha activity to the frontal area of the brain for better conceptual ability, and a higher synchronization of the right and left brain hemispheres for a more even balance of the personality. Your body undertakes a normalizing of metabolism of vitamins and an increase in both static and dynamic work capacity and endurance. If you are a lactating mother you find yourself able to produce more milk of higher quality for your infant.
In recent past years you were able to go to a natural area of high negative ionization such as forests, mountains, beaches, and waterfalls. The government and military aerosol (chemtrail) activity in the atmosphere, over our cities has affected the ability of natural resources to produce healthy negative ions. The total effect is a great increase in positive ions on and around your body and in your total living environment.
Ions and Your Health
Lack of negative ions and excess of positive ions cause illness. Negative ions can be used to treat illness and improve health. The problems and symptoms below are worsened by positive ions, and lessened by higher negative ion levels.
1. Arthritis symptoms, hands, feet, knees, neck.
2. Joint disease.
3. High blood pressure.
4. Cancer, conditions set up by positive ions.
5. Sinusitis.
6. Pulmonary tuberculosis.
7. Peripheral neuritis, diseases of the peripheral nervous system.
8. Stress symptoms.
9. Negative ions can help kill bacteria and viruses. Positive ions encourage.
10. Mental instability, psychosis, mania, rage, clouded thinking with positive ions.
11. Pulmonary emphysema.
12. Pneumonia, laryngitis.
13. Dry hacking cough.
14. Respiratory illness.
15. Allergies / hay fever.
16. Depression, suicidal thoughts, psychosis, mania.
17. Nausea, general malaise.
18. Road rage, anger, shooting rage.
19. Asthma.
20. Negative ions are as necessary as water and air to humans, animals and soil.
Our body systems will not adequately function without negative ions. Negative ions promote healing and good health to the whole body and are utilized by all body systems.