October 14, 2022 by
Life Enthusiast Staff

Podcast 444: Thyrodine

In this episode, Phil Thomas shares with us the fascinating story behind how ‘atomidine’ was discovered by Edgar Cayce, the father of holistic medicine. We also discuss the different types of Iodine, and the many uses and health benefits it provides.

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MARTIN: Hello, this is Martin Pytela with Life Enthusiast podcast. And today I have with me, Phil Thomas, he is the founder of Iodine source. And interestingly, Phil has gotten into this business probably thanks to his studies of Edgar. Cayce, is that so Phil?

PHIL: Oh yeah, that’s right.

MARTIN: Well maybe we should introduce the importance of Ed Cayce to the world. Why should people even care that Ed Cayce ever lived?

PHIL: Edgar Cayce was a sensitive, and during the course of his lifetime, he gave readings for people. Primarily that had health related issues and questions, health slash illness questions. And he’s known as the father of holistic medicine because when he was giving the readings back a hundred years ago, he started and they’d lasted for about 25 years. The body of information that he gave was recorded, and then today it makes up the largest information bank of psychically derived information on the planet. He’s the guy who really started the holistic movement.

MARTIN: Okay. So when you’re saying, when you’re saying scientifically derived, I mean, he himself was just hearing it from the ethers, right? Like he was in a trance when he was transmitting information.

PHIL: He would put himself into, he’d lay down on a couch and loosen up his clothes, his tie or whatever, and put himself into a self-induced trance. And then someone would be there, usually his secretary asking him questions. Most of the time they were questions that were written down on a piece of paper that somebody had sent to them as a letter in the mail. Cayce would need to be able to locate that person at that particular time, and know where they were, locate them. And then he would go ahead, proceed to make suggestions about the condition of the body and where the imbalances were, and then make suggestions for how to go about correcting it. So, during the course of his lifetime, there are over 14,000 documented readings. Each of them is a double space, maybe three pages long. And like I said, it’s the largest body of psychically derived information on the planet.

MARTIN: Have you read this stuff?

PHIL: Well I spent 10 years in Virginia Beach where the association for research and enlightenment is located and that’s where the library is. And they also have like a place where they, originally Edgar’s idea was to have a hospital there. So there’s a building there, which a rambling structure that’s near the beach. And the idea was that Edgar was going to give readings. People would come there, they would spend time there, learn how to utilize the suggestions and the readings and the various different aspects that were suggested. And then when they went home, they could take the equipment or the tonics or whatever information was given and then proceed with continuing the recovery process.

MARTIN: So what type of suggestions would he have for people?

PHIL: Most of the time he was talking about spinal manipulations, he was talking about colonics. He often referred to massage, body massage. And then there were diet corrections, which were integral to the process, and as well as tonics that he recommended. And it was a combination of different things that synced up together that would get the results that people were looking for.

MARTIN: So when you speak of the tonics at Iodine Research, you have been marketing some of these preparations to the wide public, right?

PHIL: There were approximately a hundred different herbal extracts that Cayce talked about. And actually they’re on my website. I have the whole list, and if people want to take a look at it. And out of those hundred, there were probably twenty that he used on a regular basis in combination, usually combinations one with the other. A tonic might have four or five different extracts. And sometimes there were other things in there, because a tonic isn’t limited to just herbal extracts. And these were unique to Cayce, and he knew how to put these things together to get the desired results because each case is different. Each individual is going to need suggestions that were going to address that specific problem that they had. So I mean, it covered a lot of ground but like I say, really a couple of dozen different extracts as far as the tonics go were used most of the time. And that’s what I stick with cause when you start to get too spread out, it’s hard to know what’s doing what.

MARTIN: Well, plus you don’t have access to Cayce, you can’t individualize it or can’t access…

PHIL: Yeah. Your best guess really is what you’re working with most of the time. Right. <Affirmative> So there were tonics that he recommended many times but he would individualize them for that person, even though they were basically the same tonic, he’d have different components or different amounts of the extracts in each of…

MARTIN: The proportions would change, yeah?

PHIL: You know like a massage oil for instance, he talks a lot about it. But out of a couple hundred different times where he talked about specific components in the basic massage, each one was different. So you have to gain sort of an appreciation for where he is coming from and then try and step back and look at it from above rather than micromanage it. Because there’s a lot of information and 14,000 documented readings and it’s really impossible to know like you say, for each individual what’s going to be applicable.

MARTIN: Right. But what was interesting to me is that there was a through line for several really important products or, or tools that he had. And I know that in our relations we have focused on three of them, and I’d like to actually highlight each one of them. And one of the most revolutionary in my mind was his iodine preparation.

PHIL: People don’t really understand what iodine is because there’s been so much misinformation about it. I started experimenting with this about 20 years ago, which was basically after I left the beach. Cayce calls it atomidine, which is short for atomic iodine mm-hmm <affirmative> and the name sometimes people have a visceral reaction to a name or a word or something. So I just call it detoxified iodine because what Cayce’s suggestion was to take a vial of the iodine, which is a crystal element and it’s reduced in alcohol. And you take a vial of that and you suspend it in a wet bath, which has a mild acid solution. And there’s poles on either side of the vial right down into the bath, mm-hmm <affirmative> and then you run electricity through the poles. Mm-hmm. And that generates an intense magnetic field around that vial, the electricity doesn’t actually penetrate the glass, but the magnetic field. Then what it does, is it drops an ion.

PHIL: Yeah and then from that point, the body can actually assimilate the iodine and what I called the detoxified form or the atomic form. Iodine in it’s raw form is actually a halogen or poison. So you need it, you got to be careful with it.

MARTIN: So is it quite stable after it’s been treated?

PHIL:  Yeah. Yeah. Once it’s electrified, it just stays in that state.

Okay. Now, is that similar or same as what people call nascent iodine?

PHIL: Nascent iodine was actually, somebody that I trained early on, they built a pretty substantial following. After Fukushima happened, they got so much interest that they decided that they needed to make it faster and cheaper. So what they did was they ended up using magnets on the outside of the iodine jugs, as opposed to actually using electricity, which Cayce never recommended. And of course, magnets aren’t actually going to induce an iodine element to atom to drop an ion.

MARTIN: Have you had a chance to compare the results in any way? Or..

PHIL: No, it’s impossible because there’s never been any studies on any of this stuff, it’s…

MARTIN: Well, I see all kinds of marketers coming up with different names there’s detoxadine on market, which is another play on the words. Right?

PHIL: Right.

MARTIN: And we have gone with our label. In fact, I have it right here over my shoulder. We have come up with calling it Thyrodine. Which I mean, it’s Phil’s product and our bottle with our label.

PHIL: That’s the best name anybody’s came up with so far.

MARTIN: We’ll see how clever I am. Huh? <Laugh>

PHIL: It really is. Because you know, the thyroid’s here, right? Yeah.<Affirmative> Right at the center of the whole glandular process and the glands control the chemistry of the body, right? Yes <Affirmative> So in Cayce’s wisdom he said, well let’s get to the center of the process, try and balance that. And then from there, then the rest of the glandular system will have the opportunity to balance. But until you get the thyroids up and running, the rest of the glandular system is never gonna be stable. So the problem goes back to, iodine’s the only thing that can stimulate and protect the thyroids, and the thyroids are hypersensitive to radiation. So as we’re sitting here in front of our computers and lights and stuff, we’re getting small amounts of radiation. Now, the rest of the body can handle pretty substantial amounts of radiation. And over the course of the last, let’s say 30 years, the amount of radiation in the environment has increased substantially, because we’re all utilizing technology and it all gives off a small amount of radiation. So what happened actually during the last 30 years was everybody’s thyroid started to sag or go down and because the thyroids are so sensitive. When you’re getting a steady, even a tiny dose of radiation on a daily basis, the thyroids never get a chance to get back up and running again.

MARTIN: Hmm. So you figure that just as the technology, especially the Wi-Fi and computers and all the radiation business is increasing that we’re going to see more and more of thyroid dysfunction then?

PHIL: Yeah. Yeah. We’re following a trend that really, there was a lot of thyroid dysfunction before the advent of the cell phone and the desktop computer. But now that we have that stuff, it’s epidemic, everybody’s got pretty much everybody has low thyroid.

MARTIN: Yeah. Well I’m one of them. <laugh>

PHIL: Yeah.

MARTIN: It’s interesting of course. There’s some genetics involved, right? Interestingly that you can breed for hypothyroidism by starvation. Because if you put a famine or if you run through a famine, the hypothyroid people are more likely to survive because they can live on less food cause their baseline metabolism is super low.

PHIL: Yeah.

MARTIN: And that’s what happened to me. My mom went through the concentration camp experience.

PHIL: Mhmmm.

MARTIN: And survived. Whereas most everyone else from her family did not.

PHIL: Yeah.

MARTIN: So of course I get the genetics of hypothyroid mom, so I’m passing it on to my kids. Right?

PHIL: Yeah, it is. That’s interesting. It’s a whole other component to look at, the physiological component, how the body adapts to a given situation.

MARTIN: Yes. Well that certainly, I talk to a lot of people who suffer greatly with, of course the thyroid being the main regulator, but I think iodine is involved in many other functions in the body. I see it involved in the mucosal barrier, resilience and immune function and not just the energy availability or thermal regulation.

PHIL: Yeah.

MARTIN: You need other things right.

PHIL: Well, the thyroid actually has several different functions. One of the primary ones that it has actually is the autoimmune response, it’s directly connected to it. And when the thyroids are down, so is the response that the immune system has. So when you kick the thyroids back up, then the body has an opportunity to do what it’s supposed to do. Now, if you’re struggling with a lot of other imbalances, the immune system might not be able to deal with let’s say a virus that’s attacking the body. Because the body’s already compromised by let’s say, obesity or some kind of imbalance or distress on the body. Right. <Affirmative> You know look at Biden, he’s back up after a couple of days of being down with the virus, it shows me that he’s actually pretty healthy. For his age, if he wasn’t healthy he might have been compromised.

MARTIN: All right. In general, how do you reconcile the dosing? The information from the RDA tables and RDA being 150 micrograms, which equals the content of single drop of this iodine. How do we reconcile it with what people actually need to function?

PHIL: Well once the iodine is detoxified, then it’s no longer a poison to the body. It’s still a powerful element. Iodine is a very powerful element. If you take too much of anything, it’s gonna have a detrimental effect, everything’s about balance. So how much do you need as opposed to how much somebody else needs? You’ve got to figure that out for yourself, there’s no doctor or medium or anybody else that’s going to be able to tell you that. You have to understand that you have to make decisions about your own body and your own health and wellbeing. It’s when..

MARTIN: Do you have some general guidance or guideline? Like what was Cayce recommending to people?

PHIL: Well what I used to tell people was to start on a Monday with a single drop, and a little bit of water. Increase it one drop each morning until Friday, you’re up to five drops, and leave it off for the weekend. So what you were doing is you’re gradually priming the thyroids up during the course of the week. And then as they get going, then you want to put the responsibility back on the body and say, okay I’m not gonna create another codependency here. What I’m going to do is assist the body and get to the point where it could take care of itself. And here’s the really interesting point, the thyroids are the will center. So when you get the thyroids back up and running, you take control of your own decision making process, and that’s what Cayce wanted to do. He wanted to help people get to a point where they didn’t have to have somebody else tell them what to do, how to think and decision making should be outside the body. No, it’s your responsibility to take care of yourself. If your thyroids are running, you don’t need somebody else to tell you what to do.

MARTIN: All right. Well one of the popular methods in the naturopathic books was to check your morning temperature, first thing, right?

PHIL: Basal temperature.

MARTIN: Basal temperature in the morning. If you’re below 98.6, you’re probably not getting enough.

PHIL: Yeah. You take a mercury thermometer, which you can still get in Mexico, but you can’t get them in the US anymore. I mean, you can get them from the mail from Mexico. Put it under your left arm pit right? When you wake up, they call it resting temperature, because you’re not supposed to really be moving around or doing anything. Because that changes the blood flow and the temperature along with it. So you put it under your left arm pit for a couple to three minutes and then you write that down, what it is. And then you do that like three days in a row. And it’ll give you sort of an average of where you are temperature wise, the basal temperature they call it. And as you get the thyroids back up and running again, then the temperature should come back to where it’s supposed to be.

PHIL: You know for some people actually they have, I got a call the other day. Well, what about hypothyroid? And that means it’s moving too fast, right? Mm-hmm. <Affirmative> Most, about 95% or more people have hypo. Which is low, but there’s a few people that it’s too much. Well really what you want to do is bring it back into the range of the norm. So they call it homeostasis, right? Where you’re in the middle. Mm-hmm <affirmative>. And that’s where you want to be with the glandular functions. You don’t want to be too far this way or that way.

MARTIN: Right. Well, so how does this detoxified iodine relate to that?

PHIL: Well, cause the thyroids.

MARTIN:  Sorry.

PHIL: Yeah. The thyroids are at the center of the whole endocrine process. Right? So as they come back to the norm where they’re supposed to be in the center and they’re working again, because the thyroid are stimulated by the iodine. Right. And the iodine also protects the thyroids from radiation. Which is why everybody has low thyroid, because there’s too much radiation.

MARTIN: Mm-hmm <affirmative> So this question then, the Hashimotos and the Graves disease people with autoimmune disease of the thyroid itself. Right. <Affirmative> There’s a lot of talk about don’t be taking iodine, because you’re going to in fact force your iodine to destroy itself in the process. Do you know much about that?

PHIL: Yeah. Both of those are thyroid deficiency disorders, directly related to the thyroids.

MARTIN: So you would suggest that they take this detoxified iodine anyway, without fear of causing further damage?

PHIL: Yeah. Yeah. Once it’s detoxified, you don’t have to worry about the poisonous effects of iodine. Because iodine’s a halogen, right? There’s four of them in the periodic chart, Iodine Bromine, Chlorine, Fluorine. The higher you go on the chart, the more toxic they are.

MARTIN: Mm-hmm. <Affirmative>

PHIL: They’re all poisons, but iodine the least poisonous, but it’s also the only one out of the four that the body absolutely needs. Mm-hmm <affirmative> every cell of the body actually needs a tiny amount of iodine in order to be able to function normal.

MARTIN: Mm-hmm <affirmative>

PHIL: So if you look at, speaking of Hashimotos. If you look at the Japanese, they had a nuclear power plant melt down, right? 80 miles from Tokyo. Now the prevailing winds are going out to the ocean. So thank goodness for that!

PHIL: But the Japanese eat seafood three times a day, that’s just part of their diet. It’s a big part of their diet and iodine bonds with living things in the ocean. So they were actually pretty well protected from radiation because they have so much naturally occurring iodine in their diet, and that’s why they up until once again, maybe a few decades ago, it was like the healthiest culture on the planet. And then they started eating Western diet and doing all this nuclear crap and stuff. So you know, now they’re sort of like, they’re headed back down to where we are.

MARTIN: Hmm. So if you..

PHIL: Cause they ate so much seafood, they got the iodine, the thyroids function, the rest of the glandular system was balanced. And if you’re looking at the Japanese culture, it’s very productive.

MARTIN: Mm-hmm. <Affirmative> Well I guess, I read some studies where the Japanese were evaluated for how much iodine they’re getting with all the seaweed that they consume on average. And it was somewhere around 10,000 micrograms a day compared to the 150 micrograms of recommended dosage in America.

PHIL: Yeah. So I mean, you can live next to a nuclear power plant when it melts down, you better be eating that much seaweed every day.

MARTIN: <laugh> Alright. Fine advice.

PHIL: <Laugh>

MARTIN: Okay. So, some products are recommending potassium iodine, right?

PHIL: Yeah.

MARTIN: The Lugol’s is the regular iodine. The I2 mixed with the KI, which is totally different from the atomic iodine. Right?

PHIL: Iodine is iodine. Potassium is another element, and when you bond iodine and potassium, which they call salt, right. Then it becomes water soluble. Right. <Affirmative> On the premise, and Lugol’s has been the standard for the last century, right? And everybody once they, you know, a century ago when they started looking at this stuff, they realized that everybody that was dealing with goiter and stuff like that, they needed iodine in their diet. Well, that’s true, and so they started idolizing salt actually during the great depression.


PHIL: And then they sort of said, well we fixed that. Let’s move on to what’s next. Well actually there’s a lot more to it than goiter.


PHIL: But <laugh> I mean, we get to a point where we realize partially what’s going on and then we think we’ve got it all figured out. There’s a lot more to understanding well, and getting back to the potassium thing, Cayce mentions potassium, but he doesn’t say you have to have potassium and iodine together. In fact, he says you don’t need anything else with iodine. You know, a lot of people are saying, well you need silica or some other something or other, so it does this or that. None of that is true. According to Cayce anyway, and I’m a Cayce person. So that’s what I believe. Mm-hmm, <affirmative> Potassium’s an important element, and if you bond it with iodine it’s water soluble. So the premise was, well the body’s three quarters water. Right. So in order to get the iodine into the body, and a way that the body can utilize it, will make it water soluble and then the body will be able to uptake it.


PHIL: It sounds perfectly reasonable.

MARTIN: OK. Would you say there’s…

PHIL: The medical community still believes that to this day, but it’s not true.

MARTIN: Well, would you say that there’s an advantage to using the atomic or detoxified iodine over the potassium iodide?

PHIL: Oh yeah. Yeah. Because once it’s in that form, it’s not a poison anymore.

MARTIN: All right.

PHIL: <laugh> Yeah.

MARTIN: Well, let’s call it advantage.

PHIL: If you wanna take potassium, there’s nothing wrong with that. You wanna take Iodine. But don’t buy into this, oh, you need both. Because the body doesn’t utilize it because it’s in a water soluble. The body utilizes it because it’s detoxified.

MARTIN: Mm-hmm <affirmative>. And so your manufacturing process, you do that yourself?

PHIL: Yeah.

MARTIN: Okay. So anything you care to share brag about or..?

PHIL: It’s not really that complicated. For about a half century, the people on Virginia Beach were putting potassium iodine in a bottle and calling it Atomidine. And there were other people that were, actually the people that really screwed it up were selling iodine trichloride, which they sell at Virginia Beach. I mean I tried to talk to everybody and I said look, iodine trichloride is one iodine molecule bonded with three chlorine molecules. Right? Well, chlorine is like way high the caustic scale <laugh> Yeah. You know, that’s how you kill people is with chlorine. And so if you bond chlorine and iodine together, iodine trichloride. Right. Then you get a pretty deadly poison, but it’s water soluble. It’s another one of those things where it breaks it down.

PHIL: So in order to save the expense of the alcohol, which is way more expensive than water. They sold iodine hydrochloride to the Cayce membership for like 50 years. And they still do it to this day, as far as I know, and they poisoned them all. They poisoned everybody, everybody eventually got around to think they needed to try this stuff because Cayce talks about it. There’s more than 4,400 occurrences of the term atomidine in the Cayce readings. I mean, he just didn’t stop talking. He talked about it continuously for years and years. And so everybody thinks, well, I better do that, and then they buy this iodine trichloride and they poison themselves. And then they, because that’s not what Cayce was talking about, the money just poisoned everybody. And now the Cayce organization is pretty much defunct, and it largely due to the fact that they poisoned everybody!

MARTIN: Well, okay. Let’s not be recommending things that are not worth doing. So Phil, as far as this detoxified iodine goes, would you say that people should be taking it every day all the time, or just Monday through Friday as you outlined in the first dose or what’s your take on that?

PHIL: What I tell people is put four or five drops and a half ounce of water and use it as a rinse in a gargle for like 10 seconds.

MARTIN: Every day.

PHIL: What it does is it kills a lot of bacteria down below the gum line, which is one of the healthiest things you can do for yourself because the teeth are the grand central station for the whole energy body. Right. Everything’s connected to the teeth, but when you kill the bacteria, not only do you stop going to the dentist anymore, cause that’s where most of the problems come from this bacteria. Right. But, then you’ve got a clear channel, a connection with the energy body coming back to the teeth. And you know, it’s still important to brush your teeth and floss and do all that stuff. But you get a small amount into the system when you do that. And if the thyroids are already up and running, which might take a while, it depends on the situation. Then a small amount in the system is enough to keep the body running because the thyroids are, don’t need large amounts of iodine.

PHIL: They just need enough in a form of the body can recognize so that we can deal on a daily basis with the amount of radiation exposure. All right <affirmative> So four or five drops and a half ounce of water rinse and gargle. You can do that a couple times a day. You know what else it does? It knocks down any virus that you might happen to be picking up. If you go out and you’re in society, which most of us are pretty much every day, right? Mm-hmm, <affirmative> How are you gonna avoid the virus? You cannot. It’s everywhere, and there’s gonna be other viruses that come too. This stuff might be mild compared to what the future holds, we don’t know. So protect yourself and be ready, because you’re not gonna be able to change the world. The only thing we can really do is get the body to the point where it can deal with what’s coming at it.

MARTIN: Great. Thank you, Phil. This is Martin at Life Enthusiast, and you can reach [email protected] or on the phone at (866) 543-3388. Thank you.

Author: Life Enthusiast Staff
Life Enthusiast Staff October 14, 2022
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