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Podcast 391: Mitopinol
How to prevent your body from unwanted mutated cell growth? Support your overall health with Mitopinol – a brand new wonderful product by RemedyLink!
Martin: Hello everybody! This is Martin Pytela for the Life Enthusiast online radio, internet, and television network! Well, mostly, it is on the internet. Today I am here with Spencer Feldman, the CEO and chief formulator at Remedy Link, and we are ready to talk to you today about the number two killer, the second most common way to end your life prematurely, at least in Western industrialized societies, but it is probably on the rise anywhere the industrial lifestyle reaches. Anyway, hello, Spencer Feldman!
Spencer: Hey Martin, it is nice to be back.
Martin: So what do you think? Are we able to explain to people why they should attend to their health in a preventive manner? Why should they actually do things that don’t seem to have a payoff, other than that they won’t check out prematurely in pain?
Spencer: Well, the way the body is designed is that it has huge reserve capacity. And what that means is most people won’t have symptoms until a situation becomes relatively dire. I think if somebody waits for something to feel bad, they are already behind the curve.
Martin: Right. Yeah, the definition of a tumor, if I remember it right, is that by the time a tumor can be palpated, it already has its own blood supply, and it already has a life of its own, right?
Spencer: We’ll get into it. The blood supply happens at around half a cubic centimeter.
Martin: Yeah, half a cubic centimeter is about the size of the eraser on my pencil, not very thick.
Spencer: This is why I like to do an ultrasound. When I work with female clients, there is a piece of equipment I have that they actually wear, that simulates their breasts with five tumors in them. And I have my clients go and put this on, it is like a giant silicon apron, it looks like a Halloween gag, and then they can go and practice manual testing for tumors. And I always say: out of all the tests you do in medical school, this is the one you want to pass. You pass when you find all of them, and I am not going to tell you how many there are, and you have to find them all.
Most breast cancers are found by women in the shower, so I would like to see high schools have this tool in health class, where all the girls are shown how to palpate breast cancer for themselves. Because I want to find these things as soon as humanly possible, and that means you have to be good at doing this, it is a manual skill. If you look at cancer statistics, the top three are lung, colon, and then breast for women and prostate for men. Now for lung cancer, you know, just don’t smoke cigarettes, okay? Colon cancer, I think a lot of that is being caused obviously by diet, but more specifically, when cooked meats have high temperatures, right?
Martin: Deep frying. I think the deep fryer is the most evil invention of kitchen appliances.
Spencer: I don’t mind a deep fryer if it is fresh oil every time. I fry my food all the time.
Martin: But who’s going to have that? Not in a restaurant for sure!
Spencer: Right, not in a restaurant, it is too expensive! You know what it costs to put in a whole batch of fresh olive oil every time to fry something? It is not going to happen. So there’s deep frying in damaged oil, but even beyond that, it is not just that, that’s the breakdown of the fat, right? Then there is the changing of the proteins that happens to meat at high temperatures. So my meat is typically cooked in a slow cooker, cooked with low temperatures.
Martin: Right, braised, and boiled, and stewed.
Spencer: Right, and then I’ll take it out and I’ll sear it for a few seconds for flavor, for the Maillard reaction. So, that’s the colon.
Martin: I would like to actually add more water, and more fiber.
Spencer: Sure, absolutely. We could spend a whole hour just talking about the crypts inside of the colon, and how they get clogged, and the stem cells, but let’s just say: don’t cook your food at very high temperatures, and if you are, if you add a little bit of lemon juice, it seems to slow that reaction down.
And then you’ve got the breast and the prostate. Now, this is a much more difficult one to avoid because I believe this is essentially common cancer because of plasticizers, and it is hard to avoid that in today’s society.
Martin: I would say that those two are possibly related to the deficiency of iodine and the endocrine system.
Spencer: I think that too, yeah.
Martin: Of course, that’s a rampant epidemic problem, because people are just not getting enough iodine. You can do it, for example, by eating enough seaweed.
Spencer: Let me say this. When I look at people’s thyroids, and I see an enlarged thyroid, the first thing I am thinking: is this person getting enough iodine? But a lot of times I see an autoimmune issue. I look at the thyroid as an autoimmune meter. When I see too much vascularity in the thyroid, I am thinking autoimmune, the body is going in and attacking too much. And if I don’t see any vascularity in it at all, I am thinking of a Th2 dominance, low immune system, because I want to see at least a little bit of circulation going in there and cleaning things up. So I use the thyroid to monitor Th1 and Th2 as my bellwether. If you give certain people thyroid support, you can make them worse because they are already in the middle of the thyroid storm. So, yes to iodine, but not for everybody.
Martin: Oh yes, of course. Always treat the patient.
Spencer: Yes, yes, exactly. Cancer is a great tragedy; if half of us get it, that means either we or someone we love is going to go through it. Cancer is a long, drawn-out, heart-wrenching experience for anyone who’s watched someone go through it. So I want to empower the audience with what I learned on my journey and understanding what cancer is, and my attempts to keep my friends, myself, my family, and my loved ones safe, doing the best that I can. I want to make those that I care about as cancer-proof as possible. And to do that, I have to understand it. So I’d like to take your listeners on the journey of discovery, where I talk about what I think cancer is.
There’s a number of triggers for cancer. Let’s say four main triggers. One is low oxygen levels. If the oxygen level gets to a certain point in the cells, they cannot enter the Krebs cycle, where they can burn sugar, fat, and protein. They go into glycolysis, which is burning sugar in the absence of oxygen. Why would someone be low on oxygen? Well, that takes us back to toxicity and circulation and those kinds of things. When the body makes that shift to glycolysis, sometimes that’s an irreversible shift, it won’t come back. So even if you manage to give someone a lot of oxygen, put them in a hyperbaric chamber, give them oxidative therapies, it may be too late if it is irreversibly shifted.
Another aspect is the acidity. The acidity can be caused by glycolysis, because of the lactic acid, but it can also be caused by diet and all sorts of lifestyle-related things. So another thing that happens is as the tissue becomes more acidic, that is the trigger for a tumor to grow from a small non-issue to an invasive issue. Let me explain this. When they do autopsies on people that die in car crashes in their forties, fifties – people that are ostensibly healthy – half the men and women have micro tumors in their breasts and prostate. Now that’s just those two areas, they are not even looking in the colon, in the lungs, and all the other places. So what they have is these little things, they are basically like little warts in the body on the inside. They don’t have a big blood supply, they don’t invade, they don’t cross tissue boundaries. Not a big deal.
Martin: So this would be like a flaw that is under control?
Spencer: Yeah, you know the body has ways of keeping those micro tumors at micro tumor size. It is about like we said, it is about half a cubic centimeter. Once it gets past that, in order to grow past that, it has to have a bigger blood supply, and that’s when you hear people doing antiangiogenic drugs. So, the body has the ability to deal with these things, and as long as it can keep them like small warts, it is not a big deal. But the acidity from the glycolysis and from bad diet and such is one of the triggers to make that micro tumor start becoming vascular and invasive. Mostly what the traditional establishment says is cancer is caused by mutation.
Martin: I just need to butt in. That’s not the cause, that’s the symptom. The mutation wasn’t caused by mutation, the mutation was caused by one of the preceding issues, either the presence of toxins or absence of oxygen or both.
Spencer: It is said that it takes six to seven mutations of a cell for it to become cancerous. We are exposed to radiation, we are exposed to mutations, but I think one of the big causes of mutations is chemical toxicity. Sure, a little bit of food coloring isn’t going to kill somebody. And sure, a little bit of new car smell isn’t going to kill someone, and that little bit of plasticizer on the chicken that was wrapped in something, it is not going to kill someone. And yes, a little bit of off-gassing formaldehyde from the new carpet, will not kill you. But these tests have never been done synergistically. They’ve all been taken one at a time. And when you add all these things together, it can have an additive or multiplicative effect. So we are exposed to an enormous amount of chemicals all the time. Here is the chart for cancer in the last century and you can see that it is starting in the 50s, and it is just going up from there. And here is the chart of chemical manufacturing in the last century, and you can see it starts in the 50s, and goes up from there. Now if you lay these two charts on top of each other, again, this is the same chart.
Martin: Now, when you say chemicals, do you mean like the petroleum industry growing?
Spencer: I mean the entire chemical industry, but yes, petrochemicals – plastics, and petrochemicals specifically. So one way in which we develop cancer is exposure to chemicals, and this causes mutations. And then there’s a fourth way, which is kind of like the beginning, which I would call an adaptive mutation. What I mean by this is when the environment that the cell is in becomes dysfunctional, becomes not toxic from exogenous toxins, but toxic from the stuff that the body makes and can’t get rid of, the cell eventually mutates to or adapt to this new environment. And that adaptation is cancer. That’s a slow adaptation. So, it is a mutation, but it is an adaptive mutation, whereas chemical mutation is damaging mutation. Two different types of mutations. So in the same way that if you take a jump in a cold pool of water, epigenetically you train your body to change its genetic manifestation to deal with that by increasing testosterone and improving your immune system, the body responds to its environment. This is a negative epigenetic response of the cells. It is believed that cancer cells mostly come from progenitor cells, which are halfway between stem cells and normal cells. But these are what I think are the main drivers: the chemical mutation, pH, and the buildup of toxins, endogenous toxins.
Spencer: So let’s talk about why this happens. Why do toxins build up in a cell? The cells and their membranes have pumps, transporters, and channels. These are used to control homeostatically what is inside the cell. For instance, the cell wants lots of potassium and very little calcium. And so it is constantly pushing against the osmotic gradient to bring the potassium in, and push the calcium and sodium out. So the pump does this, but it takes energy, it takes ATP to run the pump. There are two types of transporters in the cell, there are antiporters and symporters. They are more like revolving doors. Let’s say there’s something outside of the cell that wants to get in, and something inside the cell that wants to get out, they will grab onto these transporters and use the energy of the one coming in to push the other one out. That is an antiporter. And a symporter is when there are two things coming into the cell, and it uses the osmotic force to pull them both in. And then there are channels, which are basically little holes, little funnels, that things just come in through it just shoots right through. This is a fantastic system, but there’s a flaw in it. The flaw is called molecular mimicry. Some metals that are toxic look like metals that are good for us.
Martin: We have the table of elements, and we humans are designed to operate mostly with the elements that are lower weight, those smaller weights of the table of the elements, like the calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, the first four levels, right?
Spencer: Yeah, that’s why they call the other ones heavy metals.
Martin: Yes, because they are further down on the table, with larger molecular weights. Anyway, go on to explaining the mimicry. It is the most fascinating topic.
Spencer: Sure. So as an example, let’s take mercury and sodium. They both have a size of 1.02 angstroms. They are tiny, but almost identical in size, even though they are different in weight. However, divalent mercury has a positive two charge, and sodium has a positive one charge. So what I think happens is the body is trying to maybe pull a little sodium in and grabs some mercury by mistake, but because the mercury has got the stronger charge, it gets into the transporter or the symporter, the antiporter, the channel, the pump, and won’t let go, and sticks there. And now it is just like some guy, jamming up the toilet, or sitting in the middle of a revolving door and everybody is trying to get in or out, but it is just not moving, and it causes problems. Barium is another example. Barium has an angstrom size of 1.35, and potassium has 1.38. Now that’s almost exactly the same. And just keep in mind that atoms aren’t billiard balls, they are a little squishy, you know, they have a little give and take. So indeed, barium lowers potassium, it lowers intracellular potassium in the body, just like mercury, and it gets jammed up in the sodium pumps. So as we are exposed to toxic metals, they get into these pumps, transporters, and channels, they lock them up, and it is like somebody pouring cement into your toilet at home. Cement into your toilet, and crazy glue into your door lock, and nailing all your windows shut, and maybe you get a little bit of water from your faucet if you are lucky.
When this happens, that house is going to stink pretty soon, because it is generating things that need to go out the toilet, and people are going to get upset, because they can’t get any food in, or at least not as much. So earlier when I talked about the kind of cancer that can form by adaptation, this is what I think is causing it: the metals are jamming up, gluing up some of the pumps, transporters, and channels, so that the nutrition can’t get in, and the toxins can’t get out. And eventually, the cell says: “well, what do I need to do to survive? Let me go back to my genetic library, let me see what I can do, oh look, here’s a book, called How to survive in a toxic environment, and the first page of the book says: you want to detoxify yourself.” One of the things that the cell will do is increase what’s called a p-glycoprotein. P-glycoproteins are sort of like the general detoxifiers at the cell. And it is non-specific, you can get rid of lots of stuff. And so the cell says: “okay, I’ll make some p-glycoprotein.” And it does, it helps, but it is still getting worse, so the cells make more and more, eventually, you’ve got a cell full of p-glycoproteins. And then at some point in time, the cell says: “well, this isn’t working, let’s see what chapter two says. Oh, there’s another way that I can survive in this low pH, low acid, poor fuel, toxic environment, known as cancer!” And reluctantly, it will then start reading off that code.
Martin: Yeah, we go to fermentation, we become very voracious users of glucose, and we go to the dark side, so to speak.
Spencer: Right. So, let’s talk about some interventions we can do with this. In terms of low oxygen, we can do oxygen therapies and ozone, but again, once the cell has made the transition, it is usually not going to go back. It is great for keeping other cells from making the transition. So if at any point in time a person has a million cells that are a little funky, some of them have three mutations, some have five, some six, some have seven and are cancerous. The role of oxygen is there to, I think, keep the ones that are at three, four and five, to prevent them from going to six and seven. Once they are cancerous I don’t think that oxygen therapy is enough. Same with a ketogenic diet. Cancer cells cannot eat fat. So if you are on a ketogenic diet, fantastic. But remember, the body makes its own sugar, so you are never going to starve the cancer of sugar completely because your liver will make it for you, or for cancer. So again, ketogenic diet, fantastic as prevention, sure, but again, once the tumor has gotten to a certain point, it is not necessarily going to be the game-changer. And just one thing about ketogenesis, you need a certain amount of sugar spiking in your bloodstream to have the insulin helping the amino acid tryptophan to get into your brain. So if you are experimenting with a ketogenic diet, and you find you are getting very depressed, have one day a week where you have some carbs, just to get the tryptophan in, and experiment with that.
Now, let’s talk about cell voltage. I think this is an important part of the whole concept. Cells are like little batteries, and they have to have a certain voltage to be able to operate. And the way the voltage happens is by the pumps pulling the potassium in and pushing the sodium out, it creates a differential, that is a part of what generates the voltage. Now, normal cells, healthy cells, are between 38 and 93 millivolts. Cancer cells are usually below 38. Prostate tissue is pretty much the only tissue in the body that tends to be really low, and that’s why I think it is so susceptible to cancer because it has already got a low voltage. Now if you take a cancerous cell and bring its voltage up to negative 70, it stops growing. If you take a healthy cell and drop its voltage, it becomes cancerous. That’s the big switch, right? That’s the dial you turn. And so you get things like multi-wave oscillators, and all the electrical therapies and these are great at raising voltage, but they do it temporarily because they are not addressing the toxins and metals in the pumps, transporters, and channels that are what’s causing the lack of voltage, right? So again, great protocol, but we need to get the toxins out so the body can manage its own voltage.
Martin: Do you happen to have one of those tables where the different elements substitutions are explained?
Spencer: I haven’t seen anything like that online, if you find one, please send it to me. What I do is I look at the table of ionic radiuses, and match the radius up. But as an example, I gave you two sets that were very close, but lead will displace calcium, and they are actually quite a bit different, so it doesn’t have to be as tight as mercury and sodium or, barium and potassium. If it is anywhere close, it can get stuck in there too. It has to do with the physics of things, the spin, and the charge, and the size of the molecule. It is enough just to say that molecular mimicry exists, and I want the bad metals out. That’s enough for me.
Martin: Yeah, I have my standard little chant, which says: yes, you need to get in the oxygen, but the oxygen, no matter how much you pump in, will not get carried to the cell, until the pH of the carriers, of the fluids, is corrected. But that still doesn’t deliver until the internal terrain of the cell itself is corrected, because the presence of toxins will block the function. And you just went ahead and explained it in great technical detail.
Spencer: So we know that ketosis, oxygen, voltage, these are all great things. But they are not necessarily strong enough, I think, once the tumor has really taken off. So the traditional model is the chemotherapy model, typically.
Martin: Kill everything, hope the body survives.
Spencer: I don’t have a problem with surgery for cancer if it is done well. I think it is great to take that load off the body, but understand that that did not really cure the cancer, you bought yourself some time, but the problem, the causative. The sparks are still being added into the fuel, you put out the fire, but the sparks are still going, it will not stop now. What I do have a huge issue with are biopsies. I have an enormous issue with biopsies, and my issue is, when you put the needle in, to get a sample of a tumor, and then you pull the needle out, little bits of tumor are going to get seeded. So let’s say you were right, let’s say your suspicion was correct, and it was a tumor in your biopsy. You pulled it out and you are now seeding that tumor in a line all the way out as the needle was leaving the body, and that’s the seed for future cancers. It is my opinion that when cancer gets to a certain size when it has its own blood vessels, and it has its own evolution, removing the causes is not enough.
Martin: There’s more to it. One of the standard big points that I want to make is that there are vibrational aspects to every illness, and cancer happens to travel on the emotion of unforgiveness. That thing alone plays a huge role. I don’t know how to even touch it, but the person who’s involved, if they have a grudge and hold it against whatever that may be, the creator, the brother, sister, father, mother, whatever, if they stick with that vibration, they have a much greater chance of not healing.
Spencer: I couldn’t agree more, Martin. So I am not a fan of biopsies, because I believe that they can spread the tumor. The rationale for a biopsy, and I understand it, is that we don’t want to do something as invasive as radiation or surgery, or as toxic as chemotherapy, unless we are sure you have cancer. So that’s noble, right? That’s first do no harm. I get it, I understand it. But if you take into consideration you may be spreading the tumor, what I would prefer to do, if I had a suspicion that it was cancer, is that I would start working with it as if it is. I would say I am not even interested in the biopsy, because one, if it is, it might spread it, and number two, even if it isn’t cancer now if I got suspicious enough to take a biopsy, then maybe it is precancerous. Maybe it has four mutations, five mutations, right? The medical establishment, Western medicine, has these big guns that they only bring out when they really have to, but if we can work at this window of opportunity before… If someone has something, but it is not too bad, it is not out of control yet, that’s where I want to work on it.
Part of this model came because chemotherapy came around the same time as penicillin. It was the wonder drug at the time, it did the work in a day or two or three, right? You put a little penicillin on a petri dish, come back 24 hours later, and wow, what an amazing improvement. So when researchers were looking at how to deal with cancer, they had the same mindset as when they were looking at penicillin, they were like: okay, let’s test things against cancer, if it doesn’t kill it in a day or two, we are not interested. I think that’s the wrong approach. That’s an acute infection approach, but cancer is not an acute infection, it is a chronic situation. Let’s say there was something that started working maybe after 5 or 10 days. They are not going to see those, they are filtering those kinds of things out. But that’s the kind of change we want to make in the tissue, we want to gradually coax this tissue.
Martin: Yeah, I hear you. And it is correct, I mean, I want to support the standard life rhythms. Some cells divide faster, some cells divide slower, some want to replace much quicker, and those should have the fast change, but other tissues are moving slower.
Spencer: So, natural medicine, the things that are slow and gradual, things that work at the milieu and the environment, there’s been a selection bias against these things in the chemotherapy mindset. So they are right to do a biopsy first, in their mind, because they think it is harmless, and they don’t want to do something nasty or toxic or invasive. From another perspective, we could say: but wait, there is alternative medicine. Natural medicine has all of these things that you are so selectively biased against, based on your model for testing, that are not toxic. And you can use them additively, you would never do 10 different chemotherapy agents at once, the person wouldn’t survive a day, but you can take 10 different supplements at one time, and have that additive effect. I talked about the p-glycoprotein before, about how the cell, as it is evolving on its way to cancer, becomes better and better at removing toxins. By the time cells become cancerous, it is so good at removing toxins, that it is the most toxic-proof cell in the human body. And the idea of using poison to kill it is not tactical. You don’t attack an enemy where it is strong, you attack it where it is weak. It is now strong at dealing with toxins, it has been practicing dealing with toxins for five to seven years. It has so many p-glycoprotein molecules on it! This is what creates the multidrug-resistant cancers. Doctors are like: why is cancer dumping out the chemo as soon as I give it to it? Well, because that’s what it has been trained to do for five to seven years, which is normally how long it takes for cancer to grow, right?
Spencer: So I wanted to have some way of putting my body in a state of being healthier and more resistant. And so what I did was I did a little bit of research, and I found out that humans are not the only animals that get cancer. We are one of the few ones that get heart attacks, but we are not one of the few ones who get cancer. Lots of animals get cancer. And the genius of evolution came up with a solution for dealing with cancer. I identified three animals, the elephants, the ants, and then naked mole-rat. So let’s talk about these. There is a protein called TP53, and we have one gene for TP53. It causes cellular rest, repair, and apoptosis. If the cell is getting a little funky, it’ll stop its growth, it’ll fix it if it can, and it will kill it if it can’t fix it. So it is one of the body’s innate cancer surveillance systems. We have one of these genes, elephants have 20. Elephants have far less cancer than we do, even though they are much bigger. Half of all cancers in humans are associated with the TP53 gene, which means if that one gene in us goes off, there goes our main cancer protection. So what can we do to be more like elephants? Well, ellagic acid does the same thing.
Martin: Upregulates the TP53 function.
Spencer: Yeah! Ellagic acid can cause cellular rest, repair, and apoptosis. So I believe that ellagic acid acts as an external supplemental TP53 gene. And I think that by taking ellagic acid, I am becoming more like the elephant.
Next are ants. I don’t think there was ever found cancer in an ant, granted they don’t live that long. But here is an interesting thing about ants. They don’t really have an immune system. What they have is an impeccable genetic repair system. They say: I don’t care what kind of a bug comes my way, I am going to repair the damage so fast, it doesn’t even matter. There are different perspectives, the elephant says: I want lots of TP53 genes, the ant says: give me a great defense. One of the elements, one of the aldehydes, that was identified in ants by Hans Nieper, the great German physician, that was giving them this amazing gene repair capacity, was iridodial. And what I like to do is I like to take iridodial!
Martin: There is a product on the market right now, kind of like a black ant powder, used in Chinese medicine, right?
Spencer: Yes, there is! And what I do to be more like the ant is that I eat ants. It is a black powder. It may be a little bit like coffee, you know, it doesn’t bother me. It is ground up.
Martin: I remember in the Chinese medicine book it says this is the most yang element in nature.
Spencer: Yes, because the ant is the strongest pound for pound creature on the planet. The most male is what I am thinking. Yang. So people have been taking ant extract as kind of like an anti-aging elixir, or some people would use it before races, it does give a lot of energy, stamina. I am taking it because I want the iridodial, I want the gene repair substance.
And then that takes us to the naked mole-rat. These are underground, hairless rats. Interesting creatures. Compared to a mouse of the same size, the naked mole-rat lives seven times longer, and they are immune to cancer. What I mean by immune to cancer, from what I understand, is that you cannot give them cancer in a lab. They can’t get it. The tumors will just not form. I suspect that what they will do is they’ll get micro tumors and they just won’t grow. I think that’s what that means. They’ll just never get past that wart stage. Alright, naked mole-rat, give it up, what’s your secret? And the naked mole-rat makes a lot of hyaluronic acid, and that’s the connective tissue that holds us all together.
Not only does it make a lot of it, but the kind that it makes is also bigger and kind of denser. Naked mole-rats make an enormous amount of large molecules of hyaluronic acid, and they have a very little hyaluronidase, the enzyme that would break it down, they hardly make any. That’s the same enzyme you find in spider venoms and snake venoms and such because it has to break down the tissue, right? Hyaluronidase has a place in tissue remodeling, but we really want to keep it at bay. So what I do personally, to be more like the naked mole-rat, I eat hyaluronic acid, and I also take hyaluronidase inhibitors. I take things that suppress that particular enzyme in my body.
Martin: So there probably is a product that you put all of this in, isn’t there?
Spencer: Well, I don’t want to be selfish, you know, if I am going to make it for myself, I’ll make it available. So what I did is I took all the things I learned from these three animals, I took the ellagic acid for the TP53 gene from elephants, ant extract for the iridodial, and the hyaluronic acid, and the hyaluronic acid enzyme inhibitors. And then a couple of other things that I put into the mix that helped each of them work better. For instance, cat’s claw, curcumin, and other things, I put all those things together. I wanted for myself something that I could do, you know what, I am not going to live forever, but I certainly can do this thing to help support my body to be more like these resistant animals. The product is called Mitopinol, and it is a powder, you take a spoonful a day, there you go.
Martin: I like how you named it, it makes me think of mitosis, protecting the cell division.
Spencer: Yeah. I think what we really need is to think about cancer from a couple of perspectives. I want to keep my body toxin free as much as possible, so the causes that I can control, the metals, jamming up the pumps and everything, those are kept to a minimum. I want a really powerful surveillance system, that’s the TP53 and the gene repair. If I do get a tumor, I don’t want it to grow past the tiny wart stage, so there’s the hyaluronic acid. Cancer has a voracious appetite for ammonia. So just like for plants, if you fertilize plants with nitrogen, they grow really fast, cancer will eat ammonia, it has learned how to eat toxins, that’s part of what defines it. So let’s just say that I think there’s a lot of potential for research in attaching ammonia to things like zinc, that would get preferentially sucked into cancer by virtue of its voracious appetite for ammonia. Yet cancer might not be able to get rid of the zinc, because it has its mineral transport all jammed up, and it might not be able to survive the high level of zinc that it is pulling in, but can’t get out.
Martin: Poison cancer with goodness. Love it to death. So to say it here, this is a standard disclaimer I want to put out, just understand that in this conversation we have gone through, we are explaining physiologically how cancer expresses itself in the body, we are not trying to tell you that there is a new drug that will cure cancer. The only thing we are doing here is we are supporting your body in expressing itself to its original design. We are not planning to fight cancer. We are not planning to create a drug. All we are doing is enabling, nutritionally, the healthy expression of normal function at the cellular level.
Spencer: All the products I make are for research purposes only. If you think that the ingredients in any of our products are something that you’d like to research in its effect on your own body, you can. It is becoming more and more prevalent and I think it is important that we have these conversations where we bring Western medicine and functional medicine or alternative medicine together. I think that we need all of it. This is why I am such a fan of using ultrasound with my clients. I want to go and take a look at places that might look a little funny. The window of opportunity that exists for alternative medicine is much larger because you are not going to hurt anybody with most of it. There are some alternative medical things that can hurt someone, and I’ve seen some very dangerous and very stupid alternative medical protocols for cancer. But there are plenty of things one can do that are nontoxic, that are supportive.
I’ll end with this: there are two doctors, Phil and Gail Hammond, I have great respect for them, and they do a lot of work with herbs. And what they taught me is they said: keep switching it up, Spencer, don’t just stick on one or two things, because cancer seems to have an intelligence that adapts, and you want to keep it off balance. What I came away with is always have like eight to twelve things that you take, and maybe every two weeks take four of them, but every week I would shift one out, so I am continually forcing cancer to adapt. And the reason I want to do that is because cancers are great at adapting, but adaptation takes energy. And the cancer cell, like all cells, has a budget, and I want to exhaust it through adaptation. I am not changing over and over and over again because I think: oh, this new thing will work. I am switching things because I am now forcing cancer to use more metabolic reserves to now adapt to this new thing. It is like a combination punch. You know, I am setting my opponent up. First, I am going to keep it on the defensive. And my idea is that if I can force a tumor to use up enough of this metabolic reserve, dealing with one adaptation after another, the same way I work at a biofilm, it becomes easier, I think, uh, to win the war.
Martin: Yeah, you cause the energetic deficit, and it will diminish rather than grow.
Spencer: Yeah, and of course, the ketosis, and the oxygen, and the pH levels, all the other things. That’s the nice thing about alternative medicine, you really can do a shotgun approach, you can come at it from a lot of angles. And in most cases, they are all complimentary. Not always, of course, there are some protocols directly counter to another, but most of them are very complimentary.
Martin: Great. We support the normal function of cells.
Spencer: And we are not making any claims other than it has some ingredients.
Martin: All right, we will stick with that. Thank you very much, Spencer! This is Martin Pytela for Life Enthusiast, reach me at www.Life-Enthusiast.com, by phone at (866) 543 3388. We restore vitality to you, and to the planet. Thank you!
Spencer: Thanks, Martin.
Note: this interview and the information provided is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult with your medical professional(s) if you are dealing with a specific medical issue.