pH Regulatory System Indepth
The pH balance of the human bloodstream is recognized by all medical physiology texts as one of the most important biochemical balances in all of human body chemistry. Our body pH is very important because pH controls the speed of our body’s biochemical reactions. It does this by controlling the speed of enzyme activity as well as the speed that electricity moves through our body. All biochemical reactions and electrical (life) energy are under pH control.
If we say something has an acid pH, we are saying it is hot and fast. As an example, look at the battery of your car. It’s an acid battery. On cold days you want it to be hot and ready, and you want your car to start fast. Alkaline pH on the other hand, biochemically speaking, is slow and cool. Compare it to an alkaline battery in a flashlight. You want that battery to be cool, and to burn out slowly.
Here is an example of how pH can control. Look around you at society in general. Do you see people getting exhausted, burned out, and quick to anger? Do you see a rise in violence? In part it could be due to the fact that people today lean to an acid pH. As a society we are running hot and fast. How did we get there? We guzzle coffee for breakfast (acid), burgers for lunch (acid), wash it down with king size colas (acid), and have a pizza (acid) for dinner. In fact, with this scenario, you could easily correlate the rise of violence in our society with the increasing number of fast food restaurants on every corner. But I digress. However, this does lead me to the second part of the pH and digestive metabolic equation. pH is under the direct control of what we put into our mouths. Kind of makes sense doesn’t it?
What we eat and drink will impact where our body’s pH level falls, and our body’s pH will control the activity of every metabolic function happening in our body. pH is behind the body’s electrical system and intracellular activity as well as the way our bodies utilize enzymes, minerals, and vitamins. That is why pH is one of the first things to be looked at if you are experiencing unbalance in your body in any way, shape, or form. And since our body’s pH level is a direct result of what we eat and drink, anytime we are experiencing imbalance, we need to look at what we have historically been eating and drinking because this impacts our pH. It’s a circle. You can’t look at one without looking at the other.
What we eat and drink is directly tied to the functioning of our digestive system. From our mouth through our small intestines and through our colon, that system plays the most important part in our physical well being. This system, what we feed it, and how it impacts our pH, is the essential core that determines whether we have perfect health or not. It is really so simple.
Now you may be thinking that all of this makes perfect sense. It is so simple that you would think that modern medicine could look at it, put two and two together and simply attempt to bring people back into balance through the food that they eat. Hippocrates said, “Let food be your medicine. Let medicine be your food.”
If only it were so simple. Modern medicine has gotten to where it is today in part through a scientific and philosophical debate that culminated in the 19th century. On one side of the debate was French microbiologist Antoine Bechamp. On the other side was French microbiologist Louis Pasteur. Bechamp and Pasteur strongly disagreed in their bacteriological theories. They argued heatedly about who was correct. It was…
The Argument that Changed the Course of Medicine.
Pasteur promoted a theory of disease that described non-changeable microbes as the primary cause of disease. This is the theory of monomorphism. This theory says that a microorganism is static and unchangeable. It is what it is. Disease is solely caused by microbes or bacteria that invade the body from the outside. (This is the germ theory.)
Bechamp held the view that microorganisms can go through different stages of development and they can evolve into various growth forms within their life cycle. This is the theory of pleomorphism. He discovered microbes in the blood which he called microzymas. These microbes would change shape as individuals became diseased, and for Bechamp, this was the cause of disease; hence disease comes from inside the body.
Another scientist of the day, Claude Bernard, entered into the argument and said that it was actually the “milieu” or the environment that is all important to the disease process. Microbes do change and evolve, but how they do so is a result of the environment (or terrain) to which they are exposed. Hence, for Bechamp, microbes, being pleomorphic, will change according to the environment to which they are exposed. Therefore, disease in the body, as a biological process, will develop and manifest dependent upon the state of the internal biological terrain. At the core of that terrain, is pH.
Both men acknowledged certain aspects of each other’s research, but Pasteur was the stronger, more flamboyant, and more vocal opponent when compared to the quiet Bechamp. Pasteur also came from wealth and had the right family connections. He went to great lengths to disprove Bechamp’s view. Pasteur eventually managed to convince the scientific community that his view alone was correct. Bechamp felt that this diverted science down a deplorable road – a road that held only half the truth.
On his deathbed, Pasteur finally acknowledged Bechamp’s work and said, “Bernard was correct: the microbe is nothing: the terrain is everything.” It was a 180 degree turnaround. With his death imminently at hand, he as much as admitted that his germ theory had flaws. But his admission fell on deaf ears. It was far too late. It could not reverse the inertia of ideas that had already been accepted by mainstream science at that time. Allopathic (drug based) medicine was firmly entrenched on the road that was paved by Pasteur. The result of that road is what you see today practiced as medicine. When a body is out of balance, doctors attempt to put it back into balance, first through drugs, then through surgery. The general effect is to remove the symptoms, not to deal with the ultimate cause of the ailment.
How You Rot & Rust
Fortunately there have been, and are today, scientists who have continued along the other road – the road ignored by Pasteur. They have continued the pleomorphic line of research with great veracity, though it is largely suppressed and unknown in the United States. The American medical establishment does not look at live blood. Their practice of staining blood with chemicals kills it. It also kills the ability to really “see” what is going on. But in looking at live blood, you can clearly “see” that there are bacteria, microorganisms and parasites that not only are in the blood, but that over time can grow and can change their shapes.
Research has proven that they can become pathogenic (disease producing). This ability of microorganisms to change is the concept of pleomorphism we’ve been discussing. Understanding this concept is essential to the understanding of cancer and its cure, and the cure of many other diseases. Looking at live blood under a microscope is an incredible learning tool and begins an incredible journey whereby we come to understand that there are living, creepy crawly organisms that live in the environment of our blood. These are the microorganisms and parasites that truly constitute “the fungus among us.”
Dark Field Microscopy
Today, researchers who look for organisms in live blood use standard laboratory microscopes with high magnification that are specially set up to view the blood under “darkfield” or “phase contrast” conditions. With darkfield this means that the blood sample being viewed is actually in front of a dark background and light is being angled onto the blood sample from the sides. Under phase contrast conditions, the light coming through the specimen is shifted into two beams, one slightly out of phase with the other. These techniques allow nearly invisible microorganisms within the blood to be “lit up” and seen. They also clearly delineate the blood cells. This method is in contrast to the standard microscope “brightfield” conditions where light shines directly through the viewed sample.
Using this kind of microscope technology, German bacteriologist Guenther Enderlein (a student of Bechamp) discovered tiny microorganisms which he called protits. These tiny microorganisms flourished in the blood cells, in the plasma body fluids, and in the tissues, living in harmony with the body in a symbiotic or mutually beneficial relationship. He considered the protit as one of the body’s smallest, organized, biological units. The most interesting thing about this microorganism is its ability to change and adapt to its environment. It was observed that when there was severe change or deterioration in the body’s internal environment (mostly noted by changes in pH), these microorganisms would pass through several different stages of cyclic development, advancing from harmless agents to disease producing (pathological) bacteria or fungi. His book ‘The Life Cycle of Bacteria’ (Bakterian Cyclogenie) presented his theory. From his research he was able to produce natural biological answers to many of the degenerative disease processes plaguing western civilization today.
Other researchers have continued along the path blazed by Enderlein and have come to similar findings. Gaston Naessens discovered the protit and watched its life cycle. He calls the protit a “somatid”. Naessens believes this protit/somatid predates DNA and carries on genetic activity. It is the first thing that condenses from light energy, and is the link between light and matter.
Virginia Livingston-Wheeler also researched the protit but called it “progenitor cryptocides.” Progenitor, meaning it existed through millennia, and cryptocides being a cellular killer – essentially the ancestral hidden killer, cancer. Like Naessens, Livingston did some excellent cancer research. Some of her best research was done along with two other women, Eleanor Alexander-Jackson and Irene Diller. They referred to this microbe as the cancer microbe. But in truth it is much more than that.
From all indications, Enderlein laid out some of the best and most original findings and others took his lead and furthered the research. Unfortunately, many scientists work in isolation and for one reason or another a lot of information known by one is unknown by the others. Because information is not shared, or given hierarchical credit, many who follow are left in the dark and without the full picture.
Remember that blood is under pH control. Ideally it has a pH in a narrow range around 7.3, which is slightly alkaline. pH around 7.3 is the perfect environment in which the protit lives in harmony with the body. But when blood pH is disturbed and is shifted out of that narrow range, these tiny microorganisms can no longer live. In order to survive, they will change to a form which can survive. It is these new forms that can become aggressive, parasitic and pathogenic agents within the blood. Dr. Enderlein contended there are thousands of forms and many of these are able to overcome the body’s defense mechanisms, causing multiple disease situations.
Some Call it the Kleptic Microbe
Darkfield microscopic studies conducted by Dr. Rudolph Alsleben and Dr. Kurt Donsbach of the Hospital Santa Monica clearly illustrated the proliferation of mutated microorganisms in the blood of their sick patients. What they observed was the dance of these microbes in their pathogenic rage. They called it the ‘kleptic microbe’. Examining their patients live blood revealed many of these microbes darting to and fro in the blood plasma. The more ill the patient, the more microbes observed. The sickest patients had swarming hordes of these parasitic mutated microorganisms within the blood, causing great stress to their immune systems. The doctors learned that cleaning the blood of these kleptic microbes allowed the rejuvenation of the immune system to progress in an orderly and rapid fashion.
Curious scientists who spend a lot of time in the laboratory looking at live blood under the microscope often start to wonder about the pleomorphic concept. When they see the changes in the blood taking place and correlate it with the progression of the disease process, many begin to see a pattern unfolding that prompts them to state that… The over-acidification of the body, caused by an inverted way of eating and living, causes a proliferation of the “fungus among us” which debilitates the body and, if not corrected, will ultimately cause our demise.
Looked at in this light it could be said that all illness is but this one constitutional disease, the result is mycotoxicoses – toxicity caused by mycotic infection, or in other words, by a yeast and fungus infection. These are the great decomposers of living and dead bodies. From ashes to ashes and dust to dust, this is nature’s decomposing mechanism at work. Fascinating isn’t it? If you begin to understand this concept, you will begin to understand a prime reason why we get sick and how we get sick, and you will realize that much of modern medicine is looking under the wrong stones for answers to many disease questions.
For years now, medicine has considered blood to be a sterile environment. But they’re wrong. Unfortunately, dead wrong for some of their patients. Blood is not a sterile environment, nor is it a static environment. That environment can change (most notably through diet) and microorganisms in the blood can evolve and change too. The fact is, we can see this type of evolution and change going on throughout all of nature. If you leave a bowl of milk out on the kitchen table for a few days without refrigeration, it will turn sour fairly quickly. Did it turn sour because there was an outside germ that got into the milk? No it did not. It turned sour because tiny microbes already in the milk changed their form to adapt to a changed environment.
The Disease Paradigm Shift
One school of thought (modern medicine and the monomorphic perspective) says most disease is caused by germs or some form of static, disease-causing microbe (the germ theory). In order to get well, you should KILL the germs. KILL the microbes. KILL whatever is making you sick. Drugs, antibiotics, chemotherapy, radiation, surgery.
The other school of thought (which encompasses most other forms of the healing arts unrelated to mainstream medicine) says most disease is caused by some unbalance in the body. The unbalance occurs in some nutritional, electrical, structural, toxicological or biological equation. In order to get well, you need to re- establish balance in your body by working with your body, not against it.
For the pleomorphic scientists like Enderlein, Naessens, Livingston, and others, disease is in large measure a function of biology. It is a biologically driven event that takes place in the body when metabolic processes are thrown off. These metabolic processes are thrown off largely by dietary, nutritional and environmental factors. Embracing the biological view gives new insights into the disease process and is truly another paradigm for understanding health. For some researchers, it all boils down to this…
How You Rot & Rust – The Biology Of Disease
We have, living within our blood, colloids of life. The colloids of life are what Enderlein called the protit. Colloids are particles that measure .01 to .0001 microns in diameter (that’s about 4 hundred thousandths to 4 millionths of an inch.) There is some point in space and time where the colloids of life (the smallest of biological living particles in the physical realm) were begotten from the colloids of light (the spiritual realm).
The first individual to actually catch a glimpse of this occurrence was Anton Leeuwenhoek, who lived in the 17th century. He had ground glass to create the first microscope. In observing some rainwater he collected, he made note that there were teeny creatures moving about. Wondering where they came from, he did an experiment. He collected clean fresh rainwater and sealed it in pipettes. At first, nothing was in the water. Hours and a few days later, still nothing was in the water. But on the fourth day, all of a sudden, little teeny creatures appeared. Where did they come from? It was spontaneous generation. Life out of light.
Leeuwenhoek took his research to Robert Boyle, the father of chemistry as we know it, and to Sir Isaac Newton who wrote many of the principles of physics. They did not believe that life could beget from light, or in their way of thinking, from nothing. This was a time when the church played a big role in every major decision that was made. To have life you must have procreation, a mother-father union. Since there was no mother or father that created Leeuwenhoek’s teeny creatures, his observations were surely flawed, and they were dismissed. What could not be dismissed, however, was the observation of a newly discovered microscopic world. It was a foundation for developing the beginning ideas of the germ theory.
But what the germ theory failed to explain then, and fails to explain to this day, is the answer to the question, from where exactly do germs come? Where is the mother-father microbe? In any textbook of science, medicine, or biology, there is no explanation. When the germ theory took hold in the early years of biological science, the religious dogma of the time shaped the scientists’ thoughts who formulated the theories. Since they had no concrete evidence to answer the question, they left it unanswered. And it remains unanswered today. And this is where a new paradigm unfolds. Germs and microbes are physical life forms. Life forms which have evolved from something. Since that something is not physically measurable, then it must be something that is on a higher vibrational or spiritual level. Hence, colloids of light, which beget the colloids of life. For an empirical scientist, speaking about colloids of light is akin to speaking mumbo-jumbo. How can there possibly be a spiritual or higher vibrational particle of existence (which for lack of better understanding I’ve called a colloid of light) which is unseen and unmeasurable? And how can a supposed colloid of light become a colloid of life?
In answer to the first question, the truth of the matter is, empirical science only goes as far as the current state of physical technology allows. To go beyond that, you have to turn to inner guidance, intuition, and quite frankly, to a quantum physical or spiritual perspective.
Regarding the second question, how can colloids of light become colloids of life, doing an experiment can help to find an answer. From the writings of Dr. Kurt Donsbach, he calls this experiment, “making protozoa”. The protozoa is among the most primitive and simplest of life forms. In any biology textbook, you’ll never find a description of where protozoa come from, but yet you can create them in a test tube. If you take sterile water, and put in some fresh hay or other grasses, then mix it up, you will have a solution that, upon microscopic examination, has nothing in it. You can scrape the blades of grass with a knife and observe the scrapings and you will still find nothing. But cork the tube, wait a few days and come back. Your mix will be teeming with bacteria, amoebas and protozoa. Where did they come from? Under time-lapse photography, you would observe an amazing transformation. The grass blades would lose their striations and become more vesicular (filled with little bubbles or vacuoles). The vacuoles would begin to merge and gradually form a common membrane.
After a few days the little mass begins to move with a rhythmic, pulsing motion. Eventually the pulsing motion becomes more pronounced and the glob appears to gather more energy. Soon it breaks away from the grassy shaft and is a living mass, classified in biology texts as protozoa. From this point it can differentiate itself and other microorganisms appear. Fascinating isn’t it? Just what was that pre- protozoan mass pulsing with? Is it the beginnings of life? Could it be what’s called the Life Force, or Prana, Chi, Eck, the Holy Spirit? The higher vibrational essence of spirit – the spark of God? Colloids of light – the spiritual, higher vibrational “stuff”, beget the colloids of life – the physical manifestation of animate material substance.
And just as in our protozoan experiment, so in the blood, we find that the colloids of life have an urge to merge. How they merge, what they turn into, their developmental function, all will be dependent upon the terrain or the environment to which they are exposed. Voila, we’ve just uncovered the pleomorphic theory. Microbes change based upon the environment in which they live. The human body strives to maintain the pH of the blood at around 7.3. Above or below this level, the colloids of life in your blood merge into forms that may not necessarily be to your advantage. They can become pathogenic microbes.
At one stage of development, the forms created by the colloids of life in the blood serve a useful function. Pleomorphic biologists have discovered that blood platelet formation is one example. Platelets are formed out of the colloids of life in the blood and serve us through the blood clotting mechanism – a mechanism without which we would bleed to death from even the smallest injury. But, just as the colloids of life that form platelets serve us well, if the terrain of our blood is shifted due to an inverted way of eating and living, even platelets themselves can change their shape, or clump together, or become pathogenic. (More on these concepts later.)
The colloids of life can take shape in trillions of ways, specifically how and to what form is dependent on their environment. From bacterial, to viral, to fungal – the microbial changes, when they begin happening in your body, are one mechanism through which you age, become diseased, die, and ultimately are returned to the colloids from which you were assembled – as “from dust you are and to dust you shall return.”
The microscope is an incredible tool to delve into this world and educate oneself on the disease process. By looking at live blood immediately after taking it out of a finger, the life forms in the blood become apparent. What forms you see depends on your state of health. Above are two views of live blood as seen with a video microscope. The picture on top shows 1) the red blood cells floating in plasma. 2) a microbial form known as a synascit that is often associated with a present or pending degenerative disease situation. 3) yeast type forms which should not be present in healthy blood. 4) L- form bacterial variant around a platelet; some biologists consider these forms to be dry protein organizations based on the direct fusion of living colloids (termed systatogeny). The patient with this blood had periods of fatigue and low energy, nothing specific diagnosed, though the presence of a synascit is suspicious. The picture on the bottom is from a patient diagnosed with inoperable cancer and given 30 days to live by her doctor. The plasma field and red blood cells (what’s left of them) are filled with pleomorphic microbes. Ashes to ashes and dust to dust, the microbes are starting to do their job and overtake the body.
An Interesting Case History
The picture of blood above of the cancer patient leads to a pertinent story. The story involves how this patient came about getting her cancer into remission. She was diagnosed as inoperable and her medical doctor told her because of her very poor state of health, there was nothing more they could do. They suspected she had maybe 30 days to live.
At the time her husband had been seeing an alternative care practitioner for a problem of his own. In his practice, this particular doctor happened to work with a microscope for patient education. As a last ditch effort the man brought his wife in, hoping that maybe something, anything, could be done. As they sat in the office, she had such low energy she could barely keep her head held up. Her face was completely white.
The blood was taken from her finger and put under the microscope, then the doctor peered into the eyepiece. What he saw, or more to the point, what he didn’t see, astonished him. The woman had practically no red blood cells, and what she did have didn’t look very good. There were microbial forms all over the place.
Given the situation, where here is a woman that is next to dead, what can you do? Well, the doctor said he didn’t know if it would help, but he pulled four key nutritional substances off his shelf and gave them to her. These were: a total vitamin and mineral complex, digestive enzymes, a proanthocyanadin (pycnogenol) antioxidant compound, and heavy duty metabolic body enzymes. After a little bit of talking about these substances and nutritional concepts, the couple left the office. When the doctor peered into the microscope after they left, which was about 30 to 40 minutes later, he couldn’t believe his eyes. The parasitic creatures were everywhere, consuming everything left in the blood. The picture on the previous page is some of what he saw.
One week after taking the nutritional supplements, the woman had renewed energy and was actually feeling better. She went back to her traditional doctor and wanted to have a blood test. The test was performed and her red blood cell count had shot up dramatically. The doctor was rubbing his hands together thinking that now they could re-start her on something like chemotherapy. She said something to the affect of “no thanks doc, I just wanted another opinion, adios.” Since the hospital had essentially given her up for dead, she didn’t want anything to do with them or with their killer medicines.
With her renewed energy and new hope, she started seriously looking at alternative treatment options. She settled on a course of action and found what she wanted south of the border in Mexico. 90 days later she was doing fantastically well, with her cancer in remission What got her to turn the corner? An alternative health care practitioner with a microscope who understood the importance of key nutritional elements to the body. The body is such an incredible thing that if you work with it correctly, instead of against it, it is capable of tremendous self healing. How You Rot & Rust THE pH EQUATION & HEALTH
According to the research of Dr. Enderlein, total healing of chronic illness takes place only when and if the blood is restored to a normal, slightly alkaline pH. In case you missed it, let me say it again… Total healing of chronic illness takes place only when and if the blood is restored to a normal, slightly alkaline pH. The magnitude of meaning behind this research is of incredible importance to someone who is fighting a disease, overcoming an illness, or just desiring to feel better. What it means is this…
Your Body pH Affects EVERYTHING.
- Human blood stays in a very narrow pH range right around 7.3. Below or above this range means symptoms and disease.
- When pH goes off, micro organisms in the blood can change shape, mutate, become pathogenic, and thrive.
- When pH goes off, ENZYMES that are constructive can become destructive.
- When pH goes off, OXYGEN delivery to cells suffers.
More and more research is showing that low oxygen delivery to cells is a major factor in most if not all degenerative conditions. Two time Nobel laureate, Dr. Otto Warburg of Germany, won his first Nobel Prize for his discovery of oxygen deficiency in the CANCER growth process. As stated above, when pH is off and our bodies are running more acidic, our cells are getting less oxygen. Cancer thrives under an acid tissue pH/oxygen deficient environment. Is it any wonder today that cancer rates are up? To recall how important oxygen is to your life, just stop breathing for a minute. Get the idea? Each cell in your body can breathe fully or not. Which it is depends upon having an optimum pH balance. Do you think keeping an eye on your body pH might be important in your life?
pH Controls the Things You Can’t Live Without…
Like your BRAIN. Your brain needs fuel to run, and the fuel it uses is glucose. But unlike other cells, your brain can’t store glucose. It depends on the second to second supply from the bloodstream – a bloodstream that is affected by pH, which controls the efficiency of INSULIN, which allows sugar to enter into cells which in turn controls blood sugar levels.
Your HEART. William Philpott M.D. in his ‘Biomagnetic Handbook’ made an important body pH/electrical connection. As the pH of the blood goes more acid, fatty acids which are normally electro-magnetically charged on the negative side switch to positive and automatically are attracted to and begin to stick to the walls of arteries which are electro-magnetically charged on the negative side. (And as science states, opposites attract.) It should start to make sense that a society which over-emphasizes food that could push blood to be more acid will have a high rate of heart disease. And so it goes.
pH control impacts every biochemical process in the body including… ENZYMES which are part of that biochemical process. There are hundreds if not thousands of enzyme processes which take place in the body. Many are so specific that they are like complex square pegs that need to “fit” into specific square holes in order to carry out their duty. If blood pH is off balance even a little, some important pegs are not “fitting” their respective slots. Enzyme function and thus life itself begins to suffer.
MINERAL ASSIMILATION is affected by pH. Minerals have different pH levels at which they can be assimilated into the body. Minerals on the lower end of the atomic scale can be assimilated in a wider pH range, and minerals higher up on the scale require a narrower and narrower pH range in order to be assimilated by the body. For example….
Sodium and magnesium have wide pH assimilation ranges. It narrows somewhat for calcium and potassium. Narrows more for manganese and iron. More for zinc and copper. More for iodine. Iodine, which is high up on the atomic scale, requires near perfect pH for its assimilation into the body. Iodine you may know, is one of the most important minerals for proper functioning of the THYROID. But, the thyroid doesn’t get access to iodine unless the body pH is near perfect.
With a society in a largely pH unbalanced state, one would suspect a lot of thyroid problems. Malfunctioning thyroids have been connected to arthritis, heart attacks, diabetes, cancer, depression, overweight, fatigue and more. Are you starting to see the basic metabolic picture evolving here? Due primarily to agricultural soil depletion and over-acidic food consumption, mineral deficiency is a large problem facing most people today. And mineral deficiency relates to the quantity of life energy or, more specifically, electricity, in our bodies. Body mineral content and balances control the quantity of electricity in our bodies. The speed at which the electricity flows is controlled by the body’s pH balance.
pH Balance and the Mineral Connection
There are complex biochemical processes taking place in the body constantly in an attempt to keep blood pH as near perfect as possible. These are known as the pH buffering systems. These buffering systems need a good balance of minerals to work effectively. If we are getting inadequate mineral intake from the food we eat, we are going to start having problems with our pH balancing systems.
And if our pH is unbalanced what is the result? Well by now you should start having a good idea. Pick your disease choose your unbalance. Cancer arthritis diabetes heart disease chronic fatigue allergies obesity just name it. If you don’t feel good one of the basic things that stands between you and perfect health is your body’s pH. Your basic metabolic body balance.
While We’re on the Subject of Minerals did you know that….. Minerals are as important as if not more important than vitamins. Minerals are co- enzymes which help vitamins function. In the absence of minerals vitamins can’t do their job. Many minerals are referred to as trace minerals which might make it seem as though they are of little importance but nothing could be further from the truth. Minerals and their deficiencies have been implicated in a wide range of off- balance health conditions. Here are some examples:
Supplementing a diet with sufficient chromium and vanadium can help prevent diabetes and has been seen to reverse diabetes in those already diabetic as vanadium is reportedly able to replace insulin in some cases. Copper deficiency is implicated in aneurysms (brain aortic etc.) Magnesium is quite possibly the most important mineral for the reduction of coronary heart disease. (The latest “”cutting edge”” research shows that heart disease is really a function of heart muscle acidosis.) Boron helps keep calcium in the bones helps women preserve and make estrogen and helps men keep testosterone. Boron affects alertness. Boron can help eliminate arthritis. Potassium and magnesium (along with organic sodium) are some of the most important minerals for rebalancing the electrical properties of the cell for eliminating excess acidity and for helping to balance calcium. Magnesium helps conduct electrical messages between all the neurons of the body.
People get irrational when potassium levels are low. Zinc is involved in over 200 brain enzyme interactions. Drinking zinc mixed with distilled water can stop anorexia nervosa in a day. Zinc deficiency symptoms include loss of taste and smell. Zinc deficiency in children results in moodiness depression irritability photo phobia (light sensitivity) antagonism temper tantrums & learning problems.
Children who do poorly on achievement tests tend to have low iron levels. These children also display disruptive impulsive and irritable behavior in the classroom. Children who have high lead levels do more poorly overall. Most of these children’s mineral imbalances go undiagnosed and instead are medicated with drugs.
Likewise ADD – Attention Deficit Disorder can often be eliminated by balancing nutritional trace minerals. There is no need to drug our children. Cigarette smoke is rich in cadmium (the blue color in the smoke). Cadmium is the most neurotoxic substance known to human beings. A low zinc/high cadmium ratio is implicated in learning disabilities. Zinc is needed to balance cadmium. Too much copper is an irritant to the brain.
A story is told by Dr. Alex Schauss a noted author researcher and nutritional mineral expert. It is about his experience with a 9 year old boy brought into his clinic some years ago. The boy had been charged with attempted murder. His criminal record began at age 6. He burned animals shot at people’s houses and beat up mothers pushing baby strollers. The police all said he would be a lifetime criminal a Charles Manson type of psychotic. He was on six psychiatric drugs and was kicked out of school after he tried to kill a 10 year old girl. Dr. Schauss did a hair mineral analysis and discovered his copper levels were off the charts. He added supplemental zinc to the boy’s diet to chelate out the excess copper and within two weeks the boys urinalysis showed all the excess copper had been eliminated. He went off all medication returned to school and became a model student. Years later the boy returned to see Dr. Schauss. He was a junior in college an A student on the varsity basketball team and had a heart of gold.
High manganese levels show statistically high correlation with violent behavior. while lithium balances and helps control manganese. The cities of the world with the highest lithium concentration in their water show the lowest homicide rates. The trace element rubidium cures manic depression. The right ratio of copper to zinc in the cell acts as an antioxidant.
This information shows just a teeny fraction of how minerals and mineral imbalances can affect your health. Much of this information is buried in professional journals there for the taking. It appears that due to politics and the influence and strength that the medical/drug industrial complex has over the suppression of information these things stay buried.
If this type of information along with the other things we know could be assimilated into our society whether through the efforts of individuals or that of our government and if people like doctors psychiatrists and dietitians were to act on it we could lessen violence in our society close jails raise academic achievement and greatly reduce outlays of public money for Medicare and Medicaid. We could see our health insurance premiums drop to about $50 dollars a month for a family of four because we could eliminate our need for expensive hospital visits and treatments excepting emergency care for accidents. Without a doubt the single most important thing you can do for your health is to supplement your diet with broad spectrum trace minerals. They are that important.
Your Disease is in Perfect Harmony With Your Body
From what you’ve learned so far you should begin to understand the truth of this statement. When your body’s mineral balances are off your health is off. When your body’s pH and basic metabolic processes are off it sets up the internal environment that becomes a new playground for the opportunistic “bugs” – bacteria viruses fungi etc.
Earlier we talked of the colloids of life in your blood (i.e. protits). How they form and what they evolve into is a function of pH – the terrain of the blood. What else is a constituent of the blood? How about the mineral balances we’ve been speaking about. Research has shown that the microbes of the blood can evolve into different forms when exposed to and combined with elements like heavy metals. For example patients with high levels of mercury in their mouths often exhibit specific pleomorphic microbes in their blood.
Is it possible that something like high levels of copper as referenced in the story above are more than just an irritant to the brain? Might they set up the internal environment in the body whereby the colloids of life form into specific “bugs” that with some level of microbial consciousness are actually behind aggressive violent or psychotic behavior? Some researchers would say that is exactly correct. And in so saying your blood becomes much more than what you think it is. How You Rot & Rust Peering into the microscope and looking at live blood we see cause and effect. When you’re not feeling well your blood doesn’t look good. Often the worse you feel the worse it looks. When you get better the blood also gets looking better. Simple correlation. Make the blood look better you’ll feel better. Clean the blood clean your health.
But something else is going on. When you feel better often your attitude is also better. Your state of mental health is closely aligned with your state of physical health. Change physical health and you’ll often impact mental health. The reverse also holds; change the mental and you’ll change the physical. Where is it often reflected? In the blood.
Change your blood and you’ll change your consciousness. Change your consciousness and you’ll change your blood. Our blood holds elements – the vibrational imprint – of who we are. It contains the signature of our soul. As the bible says “The Life is in the Blood”. Stories abound that correlate these truths.
I recall someone asking at a seminar if anyone had ever had a blood transfusion and then felt different afterwards. One gentleman said he had had a few transfusions and he definitely knew it when he had received his sister’s blood because while in the hospital he had the urge to get up and start cleaning. He also knew it when he got his brother-in-law’s blood because all he felt like doing was sitting around and watching TV.
A humorous story maybe but it holds some truth. In Australia stories are told of the aboriginal people donating blood as urban life encroaches upon their existence. When normal white folk would get this blood during a transfusion some have been known to wake up in the middle of the night sweating and grabbing the sides of their beds as they experienced night dreams beyond any they’ve ever had before.
Similar stories are told of individuals who have had organ transplants. Having never liked certain foods or doing certain things or being proficient at specific tasks they would suddenly find themselves after the transplant with cravings for food they hate and abilities they never before possessed.
Why? The tissues of the body are fed by blood which contains the vibrational imprint of who we are. Get someone else’s blood or other organ tissue and you have to assimilate their imprint and remake it your own. Like a giant human organic tape recorder over time you erase their message with your own. When people have problems with transfusions and organ transplants part of the problem lies in the vibrational makeup of both the donor and donee.
In time modern medicine may get around to understanding this and they will discover how to electromagnetically and/or in other ways erase the donor’s imprint on blood and organ tissue. About that time maybe they’ll also understand more about the microbial forms in the blood and how blood may need to be assessed and treated at our blood banks.
As you get deeper into this work and research its topics a new way of looking at health will undoubtedly begin to unfold for you. Along the way as you hear anecdotal stories of seemingly miracle cures using these ideas you may begin to think of the placebo effect. Scientists have studied the power of the placebo and have seen explicitly that you can make it so if you think it so. And what has been said of thoughts?
Thoughts are things thoughts have power.
You are what you think. And what is a thought? It’s a vibration of your mental self behind which lies who you really are; soul. And that is where the state of your health really begins. And it pushes down from there. It is a process that unfolds very simply very beautifully. The State of Your Individual Health is Spiritually/Vibrationally Induced Chemically/Electrically Driven & Biologically Carried Out.
The biological aspect is the pleomorphic behavior of “the wiggly things” in the blood. These are the microbial elemental forms that exist in your blood and will shape themselves according to your metabolic balance. Their forms and ultimately their function are going to be driven and decided by the environment in which they live and which you have provided through your eating thinking and living.
Whatever your current metabolic condition the internal microbes or “bugs” will co-exist with you and will be in perfect balance (for them) whatever the environment you provide. Unfortunately that can be very UNbalancing for you. To get healthy you must balance your internal environment and UNbalance the bugs. How You Rot & Rust Differentiation Between the Internal and External “Parasites”
The colloids of life in your blood (i.e. protits) develop according to the terrain of the blood. At some stages of their development they are outright pathogenic and parasitic. They constitute the true fungus among us. These are our internal parasites.
Professor Enderlein called these parasites ENDOBIONTS (from the Greek “endon” = internal and “”bios”” = life). We can never separate ourselves from them. We co- exist in a mutually symbiotic relationship. We give them a vehicle for life they give us blood forms like platelets without which we couldn’t exist. The endobiont appears in all mammalian species and has shown evidence through some of its developmental forms to be of a plant nature. Our symbiotic union with them evidently occurred millions of years ago as our species grew into existence. Without some blood clotting mechanism in place mammals could have never evolved.
From my own perspective this in no way counters the idea of creationism as God simply created this incredible plan with astounding brilliance. It even throws a new wrinkle on the story of Adam and Eve. When Adam (the beginning of man) first partook of the apple (plant) his form on earth was forever altered and he would hence experience physical death. The internal parasite (which actually looks like a snake or serpent in the blood when you’re dying) would one day see to it.
Now you can draw your own inferences however they suit you. The most important thing is that the internal parasite the endobiont is a concrete indisputable and absolute element of human anatomy and physiology. It just happens to be unknown (or ignored) by traditional western medicine.
The External Parasites
The internal parasite which exists in us always is in contrast to external parasites with which we occasionally come in contact. This is where the germ theory actually holds relevance. This is the area of external microbes and parasites that when taken to extremes intensifies into infectious diseases and epidemics. Surprisingly without having even the slightest idea of pleomorphic biology medicine through hygiene has accomplished much in this area. The fact is opportunistic bugs bacteria and viruses are all over the place including inside you me and others. Some of us get sick and some of us don’t. As far back as the plagues of the dark ages some lived and some died. Nobody knew why.
Could it be that pH balance mineral balance nutritional balance all have something to do with which bugs thrive inside us and which don’t? Absolutely. Disease producing organisms love off balance metabolic conditions. It’s just like Pasteur had finally admitted but nobody was around to hear. Until somebody listens and metabolic balancing catches on the “experts” will be left confused and scratching their heads wondering why some people exposed to certain bacteria and viruses get sick and die and some don’t. How You Rot & Rust pH BUGS & ROT.
Understanding Biological Terrain
When your body’s blood pH changes away from the ideal it can become an environment for opportunistic microorganisms to grow and flourish. “”Bugs in the blood”” tell us the story of how we age and how we ROT. That’s right; as we age we rot. It is part of the disease process. It is the biological aspect of aging and disease. It is this rotting mechanism that helps to do us in and turn us back into the dust from which we came.
There is a pH biochemical process which lies behind this rotting mechanism which I’ll discuss in a moment. But you should also be aware as we talk that this is not the whole story on aging and disease for there is also an electrical/oxidative aspect. This is how we RUST. On the physical level the aging and disease process is one of ROTTING AND RUSTING. Right now I’m going to talk about the rot and I’ll discuss the rust later.
The Biochemical Processes Behind pH Levels in Your Body.
Let me talk very simplistically about the biochemical processes which lay the groundwork for the rotting processes in your body. This is the process of pH change and alteration down at the blood and tissue level. In order to do this in a simple fashion let’s look at the process of food metabolism and how your body handles metabolic by-products from food intake.
One of the by-products of food metabolism is CO2 carbon dioxide. As you know lung respiration is one way in which your body eliminates carbon dioxide – it happens every time you exhale. However in order to eliminate all of the carbon dioxide that is generated from normal metabolism the lungs would need a respiration rate far above normal breathing. Holding this constantly accelerated rate would indeed be very difficult. Therefore other mechanisms comes into play for handling the excess. 1) The CO2 combines with ammonia (produced from the oxidation of glutamine) and converts to urea in the liver and is excreted by the kidneys. 2) The carbon dioxide combines with water through a process utilizing the enzyme carbonic anhydrase and the co-enzyme mineral ZINC. Through this process carbonic acid is formed which breaks down into hydrogen and bicarbonate atoms/molecules.
Aha – notice we just mentioned hydrogen. What does pH stand for??? Potential Hydrogen. When we talk about hydrogen we are talking about potential ACIDS. When we talk of bicarbs we are talking bases (alkaline substances). ACIDS are a normal by-product of metabolism. The body has the mechanisms in place to eliminate these acids. BUT through poor dietary habits shallow breathing lack of exercise toxicity exposures etc. which can lead to liver stress and kidney malfunction the ACIDS in the body do not always get eliminated as they should. In this case what’s a body to do? Well if it can’t eliminate them then it has to store them. And store them it does.
When the body has an excess of acid it can’t get rid of the acid gets stored for later removal. Where? In the interstitial spaces also called the extracellular matrix – the spaces around the cells; the mesenchyme. When the body stores a hydrogen molecule/atom/proton (the acid) in the extracellular matrix it believes that one day the acid is going to be removed. Therefore in order to be in balance it knows that for every molecule of acid that gets stored in the tissues an equal molecule of bicarb or base needs to be put into the blood because one day it will be needed to escort the acid out of the body. This is the body’s amazing compensatory mechanism at work. What we see here is the pH interplay between the blood and the tissues. If the body has an acid overload it stores the acid in the tissues (the tissue pH decreases) and the blood compensates and becomes alkaline (the blood pH increases).
Is this important? You bet it is. We are starting to scratch the surface for the rotting mechanism in our body. But before we get there let’s push on and see what happens when the acids don’t get an opportunity to leave and more acid accumulates. The Acidic/Mineral Bugaboo As more acid accumulates in our body it gets stored and pushed further and ultimately it gets pushed into the cell. When it gets pushed into the cell the first thing it does is displace POTASSIUM and then MAGNESIUM and then SODIUM.
Wow. Those are three critical minerals in our body. The potassium and magnesium will leave the body but as a preservation mechanism the sodium will be retained. Remember the body knows it must place an alkaline molecule in the blood to escort out this increasing acid that is being stored in the tissues and cells. What it will often do (when mineral reserves are low which is often the case when eating a modern American diet) is draw CALCIUM (the most alkaline mineral known) from the bones and put it into the blood. This leads to something called free calcium excess. This is something you don’t want and it is what’s behind osteoporosis arthritic pain etc. It is brought about by the body compensating for an ever increasing tissue acidosis somewhere in the body. In these situations what the body often needs is more potassium and magnesium perhaps organic sodium and possibly zinc which lends help to the whole proper acid breakdown process which we started five paragraphs ago. Calcium needs to be given judiciously.
A word on Calcium
You never get calcium into the body elementally it is always attached to something else. It is the something else which can cause a shift in the underlying pH of urine and saliva and if shifted the wrong way can lead to imbalance. The calciums that are neutral would be calcium gluconate and orotate (a good bone builder). These are calciums for use by anybody at any time. Calcium lactate on the other hand can push a person too acid. But it is ok to use if a person has a high average alkaline urine and saliva pH (7.0 or above) and you are wanting to push it down. Calcium citrate hydroxide and carbonate (coral calcium) can push a person too alkaline. But it is ok to use if a person has low average acid urine and saliva pH (5.8 or below) and you are working to push it up. In all cases you should return to a neutral calcium when the proper pH zone is reached. Continued use of the wrong calcium in the wrong pH can lead to unbalanced conditions and potential problems.
You can get your average pH as follows: ( (saliva pH x 2) + urine pH ) / 3
Let’s push a little further. We have discussed four critical minerals:
Well wouldn’t you know these four minerals are the controlling minerals for our body’s sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. Simply put the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) controls our fight or flight response mechanism. The parasympathetic system (PSNS) controls our rest and digest response mechanism. It works like this:
- CALCIUM Stimulatory mineral for the Sympathetic Nervous System MAGNESIUM Inhibitory mineral for the Sympathetic Nervous System
- POTASSIUM Stimulatory mineral for the Parasympathetic Nervous System SODIUM Inhibitory mineral for the Parasympathetic Nervous System
When you run an acidic condition in the body excessive free calcium stimulates the SNS. Magnesium isn’t around to offer a balance. Potassium is depleted so the PSNS is not getting stimulated to offset the SNS and it is actually being further inhibited by sodium which the body is hanging onto because of the loss of potassium and magnesium.
What does this give you? A person that is acidic possibly prone to ranting and raving hyperactive quick to anger moving too fast burning out. Just what you’d expect from somebody running too acidic. And what does it give you when pushed to the extreme? You get a person that may appear as extreme PSNS dominant: i.e. lazy lethargic fatigued. But what you usually have is a person pushed beyond SNS dominance to outright exhaustion. According to some health care practitioners it is rare to see a true PSNS dominant individual. Metabolic reality compensatory mechanisms and today’s modern diet rarely allows for PSNS dominance. What we’ve just covered is a bit of the biochemistry that gets us to where we’re going and as you can see it’s one of the many fascinating inter-related pieces to this puzzle we call health. Now let’s go further to build the picture.
Acid/Base – Tissue/Blood – Biochemistry
As acids accumulate in our body they get stored and pushed into the tissues. The area they get pushed to on a local level is going to be in large measure where in your body or with what organ you experience problems. When the body stores a molecule of excess acid it will compensate by placing an extra alkaline atom/molecule in the blood. The blood will therefore become increasingly alkaline.
Now something interesting happens with the uptake of oxygen when the blood is overly alkaline. With rising alkalinity blood can increase its oxygen uptake; therefore the blood cells can hold more oxygen. Pretty good don’t you think? Well if you think so you’re wrong. The reason is a little bit of biochemical reality known as the Bohr effect.
The Bohr effect states that with rising blood alkalinity the red blood cells can saturate themselves with ever more oxygen. The problem is they can’t let go of it! If the blood cells can’t let go of oxygen then the oxygen isn’t getting down to the other cells of the body. And do you recall what Otto Warburg discovered about cancer? It grows in an oxygen deficient environment. Now let’s go further. We have alkaline blood due to the fact we have increasingly acidic tissue and/or cells occurring somewhere in our body. We have an alkaline blood which can’t let go of its oxygen to aerate an increasingly acidic environment.
So get this – – Here we have an Acidic environment with no oxygen. How can anything survive in this environment? Through anaerobic fermentation. What ferments anaerobically (i.e. without oxygen)? Yeast mold and fungus. If that’s the case then this should bring up a most logical question; Since cancer thrives in an anaerobic environment what is cancer? If you answered fermenting mold and fungus you get a gold star. That is exactly what cancer is. Want proof? In 1903 Enderlein and Schmitt (Munich) cultured the fungus Mucor Racemosus Fresen from tumor cells. Other biologists (some of those mentioned earlier) have done the same. With access to a biology lab you or any other scientist not beholden to political agendas can duplicate this experiment at any time. Why is this important? Because it is part of the story behind aging disease and the rotting process which confirms what pleomorphic scientists have known all along about MICROBES i.e. ALL microbes will change dependent upon their environment.
When you age get cancer and/or experience other diseases part of the process is that YOU ARE ROTTING ON THE INSIDE. This is a biological anaerobic fermentative process pushed into operation through the biochemical principles explained here. Most of these principles have been taught in one way or another to every medical student alive today. They just weren’t shown how it works in practice. (By golly if they were shown that with a little cognitive brain power they could figure out how to cure cancer. And that definitely is not good for the natural order of political academic hierarchy or long term industrial health care profits.) Be that as it is let’s talk about the ROT. And the rot as it biologically culminates in the human body begins with the microbe that at its beginning stages we have identified as the protit.
Evolution of Microbes
Before we look at the life cycle of the microbes in the blood let’s look at the evolution of microbes in general. I’ve already explained how a microbe begins its life as a colloid; a near speck of almost nothingness. Light into life. This will then evolve into a visible microbial particle that can be seen under the microscope (Anton Leuwenhoek’s first experiment). These colloids are the building blocks of life. How they evolve is specifically a function of the terrain the environment or the medium in which they live or are cultured.
As a microbe evolves if you change its terrain or cultured environment you’ll see it going through various bacterial stages; i.e. round forms rod shaped forms even going into viral forms. Ultimately though ALL microbes will see a FUNGAL CULMINATION. This fungal culmination can also be replaced by a YEAST CULMINATION. Biologists see microbes changing in the laboratory often but for the most part dismiss it as contamination of their medium. The textbooks they learned from all held Pasteur’s static ideas of “germs” and if something observed falls outside the standard textbook ideology it is more often than not dismissed as laboratory contamination or aberration. Truth be told it’s usually the pleomorphic behavior that ALL microbial forms will exhibit if they are observed long enough and under the properly varying conditions.
Which brings us to the blood. Microbes exist in the blood. If the blood terrain changes (i.e. pH etc.) the microbes will change their shape: bacterial – viral – yeast – fungus. Yep. There is a fungus among us and it’s in our blood. Give it the proper terrain (or more to the point the improper terrain) and we get ROT. Part of the biological aging and disease process.
This is why if you take a cancer tumor and culture it you will get the fungus mucor racemosus fresen. Why that particular fungus? Because that is the species of plant based fungus that Professor Guenther Enderlein discovered has infected man and all mammalian species millennia ago! This is the Endobiont the internal parasitic life with which we live. If health care biologists want a new road to explore for finding.